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I personally watch most of these so called "TV Shows" on the computer. However, they are still called TV Shows.

Yeah, there's a huge amount of shows on the actual TV that I'd blatantly call trash. Then again, TV industries haven't gone bankrupt, which means that people still watch them. Even the shows I dislike and call trash, must have probably met with a minimum audience amount in order to survive. Also, maybe it's just me and some of the shows I dislike are entirely out of my judgment on my personal tastes and opinions, so I can't grasp why someone would watch them... not on my own at least.
There is also that there actually are some good shows running around. *coughcoughMyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagiccoughcough*

Oh the wonders and mysteries of TV~
Didn't we learn stuff now kids? That's right. We did.

I can imagine if this section was suddenly called "Computer Shows" instead of "TV Shows", or "DVD Shows" or "VHS Shows", but this last one would be outdated, and we'd have to change the name. =P

Oh by the way, I forgot to ask but, is this even a legit topic?

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