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Starbound [ IC / Started / Not Accepting ]


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Needless to say, Dorado's attempts were, if anything, absolutely hopeless in relation to waking up Celio, because the many maids of the Sol Guild knew Celio's rather peculiar sleeping pattern: he was a very heavy sleeping; didn't make a sound, the blissful angel, however even though he never, ever, partied on out into the hours of the nights, and yet for some reason he'd sleep so blissfully, so peacefully, and consequentially so long, it was as if he had been awake for an entire week. Celio was in a lovely dormant state, defined as unconsciousness, which by definition meant he was not cognitively capable to dream; despite this, due to the fact of this rather cosmological nightmare of a world, nightmare certainly being the most apt word for the occasion, it went without saying one could easily imagine Celio's reaction to waking up in a world of colors.

Then again, he heard a voice, a very deep voice, which logically would beckon whether the term of unconsciousness was used correctly. However, in response to this, Celio could very well have began to wake, and this voice was the first acoustic stimulation he had became in contact with; regardless, Celio's waking point was during Dorado's drastic and anxious shouting during the discovery of finding his powers to, possibly, be null and void in this strange plane of existence, having finally broken through to the green haired youth, having caused his peaceful daze to cease, only to be greeted to what, genuinely, seemed to be a dream, and how could anyone tell him otherwise, in a world filled with a spectrum of colours and wolf-like creatures textured like the very night sky?

Rubbing his eyes, stretching his arms, and patting his mouth as he let out a sound and soft yawn, Celio looked around with eyes screaming to the world obvious confusion, slight echoes of despair having awaken from such a lovely daze to be waken by such a horrid voice, and evident curiosity about his surroundings. Eventually, after his yawn had died down, he turned his head to the owner of the distressed voice, Dorado, who seemed not to have been obliterated by Grengnarl's lightning. Needless to say he felt slightly bad about the fact he was disappointed it didn't work, but regardless of that matter, Celio rubbed his eyes a second time as he said [color=#008000]"Hmm...you seem stressed."[/color]

Eventually, he stood up and examined the area in detail, to which he was quite impressed, describing it as [color=#008000]"A very ethereal world, strange and filled with mystery: we are but children in this world, our instinct our parents, and we're working to strive to become one with this world, or at least, and probably most likely in this situation, a new place to which we are more familiar with: we can never commit the sin to not admire the beautiful craftsmanship of this peculiar phenomena, certainly with it's unique nature. Rarely have I seen a sight so exotic, and yet so beautiful, as this aurora of luminescent lights which glitter and shimmer with brilliance and at broad lengths."[/color]

So, after a good ol' rant, Celio drew his sword and pointed it towards the wolf, if it could so be called, as he tapped it on the nose, if it could so be called, thrice, to which he made light of the scenario as he said[color=#008000] "I wonder if you're a good doggy: sit?"[/color] before slicing the sword backwards, partially for a quick strike, also for making space from an assumed recoiling enemy, however by forcing his flattened open palm towards the wolf-esque entity, a flame spawned in his palm to which he lobbed it towards the wolves, not at them, at their direction, in hopes they'd kick about in the flames and cause themselves some quick and easy pain, as well as the concept of, if they were to a degree demonic, maybe they'd fall victim to it's Anti-Holy buffs, with greater effects, for example pain and heat, being and obvious effect.

In the instance this hadn't worked, Celio leaped back as he crouched, coming closer to the floor, if it could so be called, holding his sword like a rifle again as he smirked, firing lightning bolts from his sword at a rapid rate, soon followed by a charged Divine Paralysis; finally, if the wolves hadn't caught him by then, Celio gazed around and decided to, after imbuing his sword with fire, to try a new theory out; slicing the air, he tried to perform an Razor Wind imbued with his flames, but unfortunately it was a misplaced slice, and so he decided instead, after realizing this needed training, to charge at the wolves head on and go in for the kill, sword ready to slice, as he charged towards the wolf upon the left, aiming his slice for a decapitating blow.

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Syfa only nodded before Fayte jumped into action, activating his Starbound ability and firing his cards at both enemies. Sice was quick to avoid the cards, leaving his brother to deal with them. Pictor used his earth abilities to fire a pillar of earth toward the cards, which then embedded themselves into the pillar. That, however, didn't stop the pillar and it continued towards Syfa and Fayte. Fayte was able to dodge out of the way, just as Syfa expected, and she too jumped out of the way before being hit by the earth pillar. She landed safely away from the attack, and faced the two brothers who were currently busy with Fayte. She knew he would be fine for the few second it would take her to change her spells. [i]"Impleat animam meam flammam ignis et potestatis. Precipio tibi obsequor Vulcani voluntatis. Adolebit et Date[/i]." The darkness surrounding her spellbook gradually vanished, and almost immediately afterwards the book began giving off smoke. The smoke then soon brought froth flames which completely engulfed the spellbook.

It was just in time too, because she felt a rather powerful shock wave head in her direction. Finding the source, it was Pictor who just sent an attack of giant earth spikes heading towards her. She wasn't worried. All she had to do was summon her staff and take to the air. Unfortunately, Pictor was one step ahead of her, and trapped her in a dome of earth. Now she was in trouble. Those spikes were still coming but she was trapped. "Fine. [i]Adolebit et Date: Super [/i][i]calor." [/i]All around her glowing yellowish-orange orbs appeared, connecting themselves onto the earth dome. Syfa closed her eyes and waited, knowing that her timing needed to be perfect. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and the orbs exploded right when the spikes were about to pierce the dome and turn her into Swiss cheese. There was a lot of smoke which made it hard to see anything.

[i]"Adolebit et Date: Vulcani Sagittae." [/i]Suddenly fire arrows came shooting out of the smoke, the count easily reaching 2 dozen. She then fired the attack at Pictor and Sice dividing the arrows among the two.

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Celio was lucky to have the reason for his deep sleep to be natural. For Kirei, the reason why she was so out cold was because the club had more of an effect on her since her body wasn't really used to taking hits, big or tiny. It wasn't until the flashes of lights and sounds of Celio's lightning bolts when her body started to stir. Slowly, she rolled to her back and sat, rubbing the back of her head where the club had hit.[color=#008080] "Ugh... What a goose egg.. Bloody hell.. It might was well be a dragon eg-"[/color] Kirei stopped mid-sentence when she finally noticed the scenery around them. [color=#008080]"Uhm... C-Celio, where are we?"[/color] She looked around a bit to find him, a pair of wolf-like creatures AND Dorado all behind her.[color=#008080] "Just great.. Out of the frying pan and INTOTHEFREAKINGLAVA!"[/color] Kirei wasn't too happy about all of this. Standing up, Kirei searched her person, but couldn't find her baton (that happened to be behind her a few meters) as she groaned out, [color=#008080]"I'll look for it after this fight.. Celio could use a boost."[/color]

With that, Kirei took a breath and began to sing her [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05ihv_mQyrw"]song of defense[/url]. Now since Kirei didn't have her baton to help channel her spell, small mana-created music notes of various measures, about the size of a hand, began to dance around her as they had a purple glow to them. Besides the notes appearing, nothing else seemed to have happen, but little did everyone know, the spell's effect only appeared in the form of shields made-up of blue mana, similar to the notes, when an attack was blocked. Watching Celio lung into battle with the two wolves, she hoped her spell would help protect him from any back attacks the wolves might sneak in. The spell also protected her and Dorado (as much as she didn't want to) as well, just in case one of the wolves branched off to attack them.

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