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My Laval Deck


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My laval deck has been unchanged for many months. It's not very good, either.

x1 laval judgement lord
x3 laval magma cannoneer
x2 laval miller
x2 laval warrior
x2 soaring eagle above the searing land
x1 genesis dragon
x1 white horned dragon
x1 light and darkness dragon
x1 prominence, molten swordsman
x1 clock resonator
x2 laval burner
x1 achacha archer

x1 full force strike
x2 mst
x2 fissure
x1 star changer
x1 rain of mercy
x1 heavy storm
x1 peeking goblin
(I wish I could use my old change of heart:( )

x2 trap hole
x1 dust tornado
x2 mirror force
x2 tiki curse
x2 tiki soul
x1 united front
x seven tools of the bandit
x1 dark bribe
x1 solemn warning

Extra Deck:
x1 black rose dragon
x1 power tool dragon
x1 black-winged dragon
x1 laval dual slasher
x1 lavalval dragon

Should I change anything?

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[quote name='thng13' timestamp='1333090804' post='5894776']
My laval deck has been unchanged for many months. It's not very good, either.
Should I change anything?

Use this:

And Lavals that work with it.
Not just a random assortment of Lavals that don't work together.

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Not one.... Three.
Essentially, Rekindling IS the Laval Deck.... That's what you aim to use...

2-3 Laval Cannon
3 Laval Magma Canoneer
3 Laval Volcano Handmaiden

3 Rekindling
3 Gold Sarc
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm

2 Solemn W.
1 Solemn J.
1-2 Torrential Tribute

These cards are the musts of a Laval Deck.

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[quote name='Thunder End Dragon' timestamp='1333261063' post='5897182']
Not one.... Three.
Essentially, Rekindling IS the Laval Deck.... That's what you aim to use...

2-3 Laval Cannon
2-3 Laval Magma Canoneer
3 Laval Volcano Handmaiden
[b]2 Laval Lady of the Burning Lake[/b]

3 Rekindling
3 Gold Sarc
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm

2 Solemn W.
1 Solemn J.
1-2 Torrential Tribute

These cards are the musts of a Laval Deck.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 信仰' timestamp='1333304945' post='5897776']
Level 3 Tuners help a lot.
If you don't have a Level 1, you can go 5 - 5 - 8 with Rekindling and, let's face it. Stardust and Scrap are amazing.
Not to mention that Cannon is basically useless without a way to remove cards.
True, but you don't necessarily need 2. Either way, valid point.
3 Gold Sarc ._.

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[quote name='Thunder End Dragon' timestamp='1333305109' post='5897780']
True, but you don't necessarily need 2. Either way, valid point.
3 Gold Sarc ._.
Gold Sarc for Cannon is an emergency use.
You always want to go for Rekindling (or in the OCG, Heat Field) first.

But let's not argue. We're both telling this guy to play 200 DEF Lavals.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 信仰' timestamp='1333310381' post='5897916']
Gold Sarc for Cannon is an emergency use.
You always want to go for Rekindling (or in the OCG, Heat Field) first.

But let's not argue. We're both telling this guy to play 200 DEF Lavals.
Nah, not arguing. Discussing uses.
And yeah, but before 200 DEF monsters... rekindling....

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[quote name='peppertrooper' timestamp='1333336551' post='5898472']
MORE BURN NG(Do you want to trade for my Giant Germs?). Element Dragon should also help in a fire deck; it gains 500 ATK if a Fire-Type monster is on the field, giving it 2000 ATK.
Ignore this.
Pepper, that is NOT how you play Lavals. It is NOT a burn deck, nor does it need Element Dragon.
I know sword would say the same, and one can trust us when it comes to Lsvals, because both of us main them...

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[quote name='Thunder End Dragon' timestamp='1333345140' post='5898643']
Ignore this.
Pepper, that is NOT how you play Lavals. It is NOT a burn deck, nor does it need Element Dragon.
I know sword would say the same, and one can trust us when it comes to Lsvals, because both of us main them...
That's Expel to you.

You [i]could[/i] argue for Molten Destruction, but if you are good, your Synchros will do the job for you. Your main deck is not how you win with Lavals.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 信仰' timestamp='1333394628' post='5899108']
That's Expel to you.

You [i]could[/i] argue for Molten Destruction, but if you are good, your Synchros will do the job for you. Your main deck is not how you win with Lavals.
Aye sir :P
Also, you're in need of staples.

1 Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole

2 Solemn W
1 Solemn J
1-2 Torrential Tribute

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[quote name='Thunder End Dragon' timestamp='1333395294' post='5899123']
Aye sir :P
Also, you're in need of staples.

1 Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole

2 Solemn W
1 Solemn J
1-2 Torrential Tribute
All my staples are somewhere else :P I think they are in my crystal beast or something. Also do I really need monster reborn? I thought that the point of lavals was to get them in the grave.

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