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Artist Contest


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Okay, here we go...



1.You must make at least three cards, can be anything you want.

2.No more then ten cards.

3.The image on the card MUST be hand drawn by yourself. (May be enhanced by image editting programs.)

4.Multi-rares do not count and won't be acknowlaged.



1st: 3 rep and 20 points

2nd: 2 rep and 10 points

3rd: 1 rep and 5 points


All other entries will recieve 1 rep.

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If I'm right than this is being judged on the art on the card and not on the card it self. If it will be judged on the card than I will re-enter.


All these cards are from the very beginnings of my card making, They are from the old Birdian set wich you won't remember. So there Grammar and OCG is kind of bad.

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entry reserved

and also' date=' i hand hand drew my pictures, and i dislike coloring them, do the images have to be colored?


EDIT: o I forgot to ask, wen are the cards due?



reserved entries expire in a week. Conteswt ends when enough people have entered.


Yes, color is required, can be done in the computer if you wish.

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