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Duel Monsters: A New Era #1-To the Different Dimension

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Sorry about the shortness last time but Here's the second attempt at Chapter 1
Also Chapter 2 is coming soon:

Duel Monsters: A New Era #1
To the Different Dimesion

By:Yurik the Red Mage

This was a story designed slowly over about a year so I hope you enjoy!

Yurik enters the portal only to have the enemy to destroy it as he steps through. His father is left behind an stares at the enemy.

[i]Yurik! You cannot fail us now. Please make it safely[/i],he thought

“Now down to business!” he said to the oncoming enemy.

Chapter 1:

“NO MORE DUELS! NO MORE DUELS!” The crowd raged.

“As you can see from this video, the card game, Duel Monsters is becoming less and less popular. The people claim that they cause too much trouble as in the case of Yugi Muto where the world depended more than once on the skills of a short high school aged kid.” Said the reporter on the television with intentional disgust towards Duel Monsters. “And in other news we ha-”

Kyra turned the television off there. Kyra was a ffteen year old girl with flowing red hair and innocent brown eyes. She was about 84 lb. and was roughly 5’ 9”. Everything she did was done with careful grace. She was nowhere near shy, but preferred keeping to herself.

She pulled out her cellphone and dialed her friend’s number. “Thacia, you there?”

“Yeah. What’s up? Did you just see the news channel?” came the reply.

“Yeah I did. I was wondering if you’d c meet me at the hide-out for a little duel before it ends up banned.” Kyra said with a down spirit. “It might even cheer us up.”

“Okay. See you there.” Thacia said enthusiastically.

“Kuriboh Dreadknight in Attack position.” Thacia cried triumphantly. As she did a little furball in black armour rose to the field. (4000/200)

[b] Kuriboh Dreadknight[/b]

[b] DARK[/b]

[b]This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 3 “Kuriboh” monsters[/b]. [b]When this card is Normal Summoned this way it gains Attack equal to the combined Attack of all[/b] [b]monsters your opponent controls. You take no damge while you control this monster. This monster is a piercer.[/b]

“Now I’ll finish this by attacking your Gagaga Girl.” Thacia cried. (Kyra LP: 3200à0) “I win.”

“Wrong! I activate Potential Comeback.”cried Kyra almost evilly.

[b] Potential Comeback[/b]

[b]Normal Trap[/b]
[b]Activate only when your Life Points hit zero. You do not lose the duel until your next End Phase.[/b]

“With this I wont lose the duel until my next End Phase.” She said triumphantly. “Which means I win. I draw and activate Number 11: Big-Eye’s effect to take control of Kuriboh Dreadknight.”

“No! This can’t be happening!” Thacia yelled.

“Attack her directly to finish this.” Kyra said excitedly. (Thacia LP-2200à0) “Good job, though, Thace.”

“Awww, c’mon. Oh well.” Thacia said pulling her long blonde hair out of her pony tail. Her stormy blue eyes gazing blankly. “Maybe next time then.”

[i]Kyra…[/i]said a voice. [i]Can you hear me?[/i]

“Yeah! Who is it?” she replied dazed realizing, slowly, that she was dreaming. “What do you want?

[i]Finally! After two years I’ve made contact with you. Hello. My name is Yurik. And though this’ll sound strange, I am from another dimension, and am currently trapped in your necklace that your grandmother gave you two years ago at the exact moment I stepped through the shattered portal.[/i] Yurik told her in a voice which sounded far away yet near as people usually sound in dreams and/or illusions.

The morning rays shone on Kyra’s face, waking her from her sleep. She slowly sat up to find a figure standing at the foot of her bed facing opposite her.

Without turning to face her he said, “Surprised? Thought you might be. I have already introduced myself if you remember.”

“Yurik?” she said with shock, “But how?”

“Easy. I simply worked a little magic to first enter your dream and then to make an illusion of myself.” He said turning to face her. Kyra’s heart skipped about four or five beats as he did so. She felt like fainting or melting into her sheets upon looking at his face.

“So your saying, you were visited by a spirit from a different dimension?” Seth said almost bursting with laughter.

“I find that hard to believe, too.” Spoke another of Kyra’s friends, Mark.

Seth and Mark were both fifteen. Seth had black hair that trailed to the bottom of his neck and bangs that came to the bridge of his nose. His eyes were a dark brown and he was very outgoing and “cool”. Mark was very different. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very childish and kept to himself and his books.

“It’s true. It did happen. He had silver hair and red eyes. He looked just like a Red Mage off those Final Fnatasy games you play.” Said Kyra desperately.

“So not only is he a spirit from another dimension, but he’s a Red Mage spirit from another dimension. Man, you have an overactive imagination. And I thought Mark was the childish one here.”

“Hey! I’m offended by that.” Mark stated indignantly.

“Whatcha gonna do about it?”

“Arrgh! I’ll let ya go this time, but next time your in for it.”

“And pigs’ll fly, too.”

Mark was about to retort when Thacia ran in panting heavilly. “We’ve got a problem!

End of Chapter 1

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Chapter 2 is here:

Chapter 2
The Vision Society!

“Turn the television to channel nine.” She said hastily.

Kyra turned the hideouts television to the stated channel. “…is now prohibited everywhere. If anyone is found playing duel monsters in any way, they will be placed I prison and sentence to death. If anyone has knowledge of someone playing this[i] game[/i] and does not come forward will be placed in prison and will not be let out under any circumstances. We will let murderers go free before we let [i]duelists[/i] go free.”

Kyra’s blood turned to ice when she heard this come from the president’s mouth. “No way! They can’t do this.”

[i]Uhhh…I think they just did. It’s worse here than it is where I lived. [/i]Yurik said.

“Nobody asked you.” Kyra retorted.

“Who are you talking to, Kyra?” Thacia asked Kyra.

“Probably her invisible friend.” Seth said chuckling.

“Her what?”

“We have a more pressing matter, Thace. If you haven’t noticed Duel Monsters just got banned.” Kyra said aggrivated.

“Yes I noticed. I also noticed that there is an academy that has a final boat going across the ocean, tomorrow at noon. After that there are no more safe havens.”

“NOON?” Mark said astounded. “We’d better pack now then.I don’t know about you guys but I would like to escape this mess before it gets ugly.”

“How do we know its not a trap set up by the government to kill all the people who want to disobey them.” Seth proclaimed.

[i]This is your chance. If it’s the Vision Society then you should go, Kyra. Otherwise it’s dangerous.[/i]

“Is it the Vision Society?” Kyra asked.

“How’d you know?”

“Okay, pack your bags ‘cause we’re goin’.”

Before anyone could object, there came a loud crack from outside and the lights went out. “Police! We know you runts are in there. Now get out here or we’re gonna come in for you.” Said a gruff voice.

“What do we do?” Mark said nervously

“You’ll come out with your hands where we can see ‘em” said the voice again.

“We’ll give you to the count of three. One.”

[i]Pick up the top card of your deck, Kyra.[/i]


She picked it up.


Suddenly as she did so, the police burst in and then the card shone with such radiance that it blinded all of them.

“I activate Emergency Teleport!” a loud voice cried.

All went black.


Kyra was the first to come to. Seth stirred as she rose up.

“What the bloody hell was that?” He said trying to stand.

“Emergency Teleport, I think.” She replied. “My invisible friend was somehow able to make the card’s effect come to life, I think.”
Kyra examined her surroundings and realised they were in a large room. At that moment they heard a fog horn sound which was so loud, it made Thacia and Mark jumped so high, Kyra and Seth nearly died of laughter.

[i] Your on the ship headed for the academy. That was as far as I could get you four. You three take a lot of energy to teleport.[/i]

“Thankyou.” She replied aloud.

“Thankyou, Kyra’s invisible friend” Mark said still sprawled out on the floor.

“So we’re on our way to a new adventure.” Kyra said

[i]Yup. Oh and I need one small favor to ask of you…[/i]


“No way! We are not travelling to another dimension to save it from something that wont even affect us.” Seth said firmly. The boat was almost to its destination and they had made friends with three people: Michael Serverus, Kellyn Nives, and Red Terran. Michael was about 6’ 2” with scruffy brown hair and hazel blue eyes. Kellyn was about 6’ even with long (for a guy) blonde hair and stormy grey eyes. Red was 5’ 8” with spiked up dyed red hair and dark brown eyes.

It seemed that their parents had sent their belonings to the ship in hopes that their children had escaped “The Capture” as it was now called.

“Lighten up will ya. We don’t even know if we can get the portal to open. After all we need to defeat the Seven Conspirators.” Mark said.

“Hey why don’t we forget about this for a moment and have a four way exhibition match like I asked earlier.” Michael said excited to test his deck on these strange people he had just met.

“Fine, but who all will be competing?” Seth asked in an almost monotone voice.

“How ‘bout me, Kellyn, you and…”

“Me! I may be a girl but that doesn’t make me weak.” Thacia said before Michael could decide between Red and Mark.

“Okay, whatever.”

“Duel!” said the four of them as they activated their duel disks.

“Ladies first.” Thacia said drawing her first card. She smiled wickedly. “I summon Kuriboh, and activate Multiply.Now for my second most powerful Kuriboh. The most horrible dream you’ll ever face. Kuriboh Knightmare!

[b] Kuriboh Knightmare[/b]

[b]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This must first be Special Summoned by sending 5 “Kuriboh” monsters and/or tokens to the graveyard. You cannot Special Summon other monsters other than “Kuriboh” monsters during the turn you summon this card. This card is unaffected by card effects. Once per turn, by removing a “Kuriboh” monster in your graveyard. you can destroy 1 monster on the field.[/b]

A Giant furball looking similar to its brother, Dreadknight, appeared. “You guys have no chance against this guy. I’ll play a face-down and end my turn.” She finished.

“My move.” Kellyn said excitedly. “I’ll start off with Celtic Knight, Dharc. He allows me to search my deck for a Celtic Guardian and special summon it. Then I’ll activate Celtic Reinforcements. This allows me to Special Summon one Celtic monster from my hand if I already control one. So come on, Celtic Knight, Brite. By his effect I gain one thousand life points for every Celtic monster I control.” (Kellyn LP-4000à7000)

[b] Celtic Knight, Dharc[/b]

[b]When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 “Celtic Guardian” from your deck.[/b]

[b]Celtic Reinforcements[/b]
[b]Normal Spell[/b]
[b]If you control a “Celtic” monster(s), special summon 1 level 6 or lower Warrior-Type “Celtic” monster from your hand.[/b]

[b]Celtic Knight, Brite[/b]
When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a “Celtic” card effect, gain life points equal to the number of “Celtic” monsters you control x1000.

“Now I’ll activate the Ritual Spell card Sword in the Stone. And by tributing my three Celts I can Summon, the most powerful monster in my deck, King Arthur himself, Arthur the Celtic King.”

[b] Sword in the Stone[/b]

[b]Ritual Spell[/b]
[b]This card is used to Ritual Summon “Arthur the Celtic King”. You must tribute “Celtic” monster(s) whose combined level(s) equal exactly 12 from your side of the field.[/b]

[b]Arthur the Celtic King[/b]
[b]This card can only be summoned by the effect of “Sword in the Stone” or “Celtic Reborn”. This card is unaffected by non-“Celtic” card effects. Once per turn, you can banish a “Celtic” monster in your Graveyard to have this card gain 1000 ATK.[/b]
A knight of considerable confidense and kingliness rose to the field looking as if he could take the whole earth with one fell swoop. “Luckily for you Thacia I can’t attack yet so I’ll end my turn with a face-down.” He said grinning.

“I’ll go next, Michael.” Seth said grinning evilly. First I’ll summon Giant Arachnid. Then I’ll place a face-down and end my turn.”

[b] Giant Arachnid[/b]


A giant Tarantula confidently rose to the field making Thacia squeal. “O-okay. My turn and I draw.” Michael said nervously. [i]Two four thousand attack monsters on the first turn. [/i]“I’ll summon Guardian Serpent in Defense. Next I’ll activate my field spell, Dense Jungle. And since its on the field I can Special Summon both of the Vine Serpents in my hand.”

[b] Guardian Serpent[/b]

[b]You can Normal Summon this card in face-up Defense position. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select another “Serpent” monster you control as an attack target.[/b]

[b]Dense Jungle[/b]
[b]Field Spell[/b]
[b]The controller of this card can Fusion summon “Serpent” monsters by banishing the face-up fusion materials. All Reptile and Beast-Type monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF.[/b]

[b]Vine Serpent[/b]
[b]If you control a face-up “Serpent” monster other than “Vine Serpent”, you can Special Summon this card from you hand.[/b]

Three evil looking snakes entered the field while their surroundings turned to a thick forest. “And now for the grand finale, the [i]true[/i] king of the forest. By banishing my three monsters I can Fusion Summon, Serpent King of the Jungle, Serverus.” (ATK/DEF-3000/3000)

[b]Serpent King of the Jungle, Serverus[/b]
[b]3 “Serpent” monsters[/b]
[b]This card can only be Fusion Summoned by the effect of “Dense Jungle”. While “Dense Jungle” is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by card effects. This card’s ATK and DEF are equal to the number of banished “Serpent” monsters x1000.[/b]

I will then set two cards and end my turn.” He said eyeing Seth suspiciously.

“I draw.Then I’ll activate Kuriboh Knightmare’s effect; by banishing Kuriboh in my Graveyard I destroy Giant Arachnid.”

Kuriboh Knightmare raised its sword and sent a blast of black electricity at the oversized Tarantula obliterating completely. “Hahahaha! You fell right into my web of destruction. I activate my trap Arachnid’s Lair. This allows me to summon a monster with exactly twice the original attack of my Giant Arachnid.”

“Well I’ll counter it with my Serpentine Counter. Looks like your out, Seth.” Michael said overconfidently.”

Ignoring him Seth cotinued. “Come forth mighty King Arachnid, Spydarus!”

[b] Arachnid’s Lair[/b]

[b]Normal Trap[/b]
[b]Activate only when an “Arachnid” monster you control is destroyed by a monster with at least twice the ATK of your monster. Special Summon 1 “Arachnid” monster with exactly twice the original ATK of the monster destroyed from your hand or deck. This card’s activation and effects cannot be negated by trap’s.[/b]

[b]Serpentine Counter[/b]
[b]Counter Trap[/b]
[b]If you control a “Serpent” monster, negate the activation of 1 Spell/Trap or Effect monster’s effect and destroy it.[/b]

[b]King Arachnid, Spydarus[/b]
[b]This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of an “Arachnid” card. Tis card can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 3 “Arachnid” monsters. “Arachnid” monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. Once per turn, you can negate the attack of one monster that targets an “Arachnid” monster ignoring its effect(s) and destroy it.[/b]

A spider the size of a building appeared ready to devour anything that gt in its way. “Hey! I negated that card! How did you summon that monster?” Michael said angrily.

“Because Arachnid’s Lair cant be negated by traps, you dope.” Seth said cooly causing Michael to almost explode. “Continue, Thace.”

Thacia was close to fainting from seeing the spider that could easily eat her alive. “O-o-ok-kay” she said nearly throwing up. “Ummm…I end with two face-downs.”

“My turn and draw.” Kellyn said unfazed by the giant spider guarding Seth. “Hmmm. I know! I’ll banish Celtic Guardian to increase King Arthur’s ATK to five thousand! Now attack Spydarus. There is nothing left to protect your monster, Seth!”

Smiling evilly Seth gave him the fact of the matter as Spydarus covered Kellyn’s monster in an enormous web. “What?! How?! My monster is unaffected by card effects!” Kellyn said with a horrified expression.

“Spydarus can negate the attack of any monster that declares an attack on an Arachnid monster and destroy it regardless of its effects. So basically what I’m saying is, Athur, meet Spydarus. Spydarus, meet your dinner.” Seth said while Spydarus devoured its prey.

“Arrgh! You’ll pay for that! I’ll place one card in my backrow and end my turn.” Kellyn said defeated.

[i]Man! Their dueling as if their very lives depended on this duel. [/i]Yurik said.

“I know. I just can’t look away. It’s like none of them will lose.” Kyra said only just too soon.

“I’ll start off my turn with Heavy Storm. This my friends is the end of the duel.” Seth said as all the others could do was watch their backrow be eliminated. “Next I’ll activate Arachnid Venom which mens when I deal battle damage to a player, all player’s receive a dose of the poison, while the player who originally received the damage will receive another dose of my monsters attack points.” This he said looking at Kellyn square in the eye.

[b] Arachnid Venom[/b]

[b]Normal Spell[/b]
[b]When you deal battle damage to a player(s) this turn using an “Arachnid” monster(s), deal that same amount of damage as effect damage to every player in the duel (including the player who received the damage originally).[/b]

The other three could see exactly what he was going at. “But wouldn’t that end the duel in a draw? I mean you’ll receive the damage, too which will cause you to lose, too.”

“It would…IF I didn’t have this card.” Seth said revealing the key card in his hand. “I’ll activate Venom Vaccine and by banishing my Arachnid Warrior in my hand I take no effect damage this turn.

[b] Venom Vaccine[/b]

[b]Quickplay Spell[/b]
Banish 1 “Arachnid” monster in your hand. Any effect damage you take this turn becomes zero.

“This duel ends here. Mighty Spydarus, attsck Kellyn directly!” He commanded.

Spydarus quickly obliged by voraciously tearing through Kellyn’s life points knocking Kellyn and the other two to the ground. (Kellyn’s LP-7000à3000à0;Michael and Kyra’s LP-4000à0) Suddenly a large number of hoots and hollers accompanied by cheers surrounded them. The four suddenly noticed that they had had a large crowd watching them throughout the duel.

“We are about to dock the ship. Would all passengers please be ready to leave the ship and do so in an orderly fasion. Thankyou for using Air Tight boating service for your transportation needs.” The ship’s captain said over the intercom.

“We’re finally escaping!” cried one of the passengers.

End of Chapter 2

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[quote name='Pokemon Trainer Red' timestamp='1332986438' post='5893210']
Yeah well she is not actually the main character. Yurik is.
[/quote] Ah, that makes sence.
As for the second chapter, it's a bit... harsh, just because a few teenagers are playing some card game, they get sent to the slammer. That really big duel in the middle was a bit confusing, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 3
The Shooting Star
The assembly patiently waited for the President of the Vision Society to speak. He was an old man of about eighty-five years who had dark grey hair that ran down his back about three inches and a beard that fell down to his waist. He had misty blue eyes that would fool anyone into thinking he was a completely harmless old man. His long dark cloak swayed as he turned to look at his audience.
"[i]Ahem[/i]. Many of you are probably wondering why I would risk my life trying to protect you little runts. Well, my time is almost up and so I decided to create a safe environment for you younguns to play this card game that you all love seeein as even if you stopped playin, you would be hunted down and killed on the spot. Also if there are any questions, please feel free to ask."
A boy in the back of the assembly asked, "What will we eat?"
"Ahh, yes. Well, we actually have a large farm/ranch, etcetera, etcetera on the island about two miles from the East coastline, so food will not be a concern seeing as there are only about two hundred and fifteen of you younguns. Any moe questions?"
Noone asked the question even though it was the most obvious to ask, but he answered it none the less. "Well the guys will be sleeping in the East Tower, whilst the young ladies will be sleeping in the North Tower. Anyone caught up and out of their tower after nine p.m. and before six a.m. without special permission will be severly punished. Understood?"
"Yes, sir." The multitude said unenthusiastically.
"Now off to bed, I’ll expect you all bright eyed and bushy tailed by eight."
"But its only seven." Said a girl at the front said aloud.
Other than that their was no argument. All the students headed for bed immediately so as not to chance punishment.
The night air was cool against the skin. Kyra sat at her first story window stairing out at the night sky. She made sure Thacia was asleep and jumped out. [i]What are you up to? He specifically said no going outdoors after nine.[/i] Yurik said smiling maliciously.
"I thought you could see everything I did. After all you were in the Girl’s shower room; what kept you from seeing the note that one of the teachers passed me?" she said almost threateningly.
Yurik’s face turned red at the mention of the girl’s shower room. [i]Uhh…what note?[/i]
"It said to meet him by the giant oak that stands near the South Entrance. What were you doing when he gave it to me?" She said, voice raised. [i]Swoosh [/i]came a sound from a nearby tree.
Yurik laughed to himself. "What’s so funny?" Kyra asked, a little unnerved.
After a few more minutes of walking through the grass, they came upon the oak, and great it was for it stood twenty-seven feet high and had a radius of sevent-six inches. A figure in white stood at its base which was holding a small white lute and was softly plucking its strings so as to where it was making hardly a sound. As she got within fifteen feet of him, he stopped playing and pulled out a pure white duel disk which shone in the moonlight.
"My name is Astrum and in order for me to share the information I have, you must defeat me in a duel."
Yurik gasped as the [i]boy[/i] pulled off his hood. He was barely sixteen and stood about six feet high. He had dark hair and spoke with a voice of one that is far off in thought. His eyes seemed to be small moons in the darkness of night.
"Okay…whatever." She said pulling out her duel disk.
"I’ll start this duel by sending Dandylion to the graveyard to Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron in defense. I get two fluff tokens with Dandylions effect." He said as a short robot cowboy and two dandylion spores appeared. "Now I’ll summon Tuningware in attack position. I’ll Synchro Summon by sending Quickdraw, Tuningware, and a Fluff Token and bring forth Road Warrior. With Tuningwares effect I draw a card, and I’ll Special Summon Changer Synchron with Road Warrior’s effect. Now I’ll Synchro Summon Formula Synchron by sending my remaining Fluff Token and Changer Synchron to the Graveyard. With Formula’s effect I draw another card. I’ll activate One for One and send another Dandylion to Summon another Changer Synchron. Now I’ll use Changer and a fluff to summon Little Shooting Star."
[b]Little Shooting Star[/b]
[b]1 "Synchron" Tuner monster + 1 non-Tuner monster[/b]
[b]When this card is Synchro Summoned both players draw until they have six card in their hand. The effect of "Little Shooting Star" can only be used once per duel. Send this card to the Graveyard if either player activates a Spell Card or during the End Phase of the turn this card is summoned (whichever comes first).[/b]
"First off Little Shooting Star allows each of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand, so you draw one, while I draw four." Both players drew their card(s). "Now I’ll send all but my Token to the graveyard to summon Shooting Quasar Draon!"
A dragon that appeared to have moonlight emnating from its body appeared on the field majestically as Kyra stared in awe. "Now you must face my most powerful creature first thing. On top of that I send Tuningware to the grave to summon another Quickdraw and synchro summon Junk Gardna in defense with Quickdraw and my spare Fluff Token. Also I’ll activate Moon’s Light and set two cards to end my turn."
"Where could he be?" Mark said standing in the boy’s restroom. "He said he was going for a short walk. He couldn’t have gone outside. It’s not like Seth to just disobey orders without a good reason."
He started pacing around. "Well, he went without taking anything that he would need for travelling, so he’s apparently coming back so maybe I should stop worrying. Maybe I should just get back to bed and worry about it in the morning." And with that, he was off to bed.
Seth’s eyes went wide as the moonlit dragon appeared on the field. "She’ll stand no chance against him. I sure hope she has a backup strategy."
[b]Moon’s Light[/b]
[b]Continuous Spell[/b]
[b]All monster’s with "Shooting" and/or "Stardust" in their name are treated as Light monsters as well as their current attrbute.[/b]
Kyra draws her card. [i]Well at least this is my Synchro deck and not my Xyz deck. [/i]"Okay, I’ll activate De-Synchro and Target your Shooting Quasar-"
"I’ll negate that thankyou."
"Hmph. Next I activate Fissure to get rid of Junk Gardna. And now to rid you of your beast." She said with a devious smile.
"How would you do that? You can’t have a monster with more than four thousand attack already, can you?"
"No, I’ll go with Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Krebons. Then I’ll Normal Summon Marauding Captain. By his effect I’ll bring a Gene-Warped Warwolf to the field."
"Interesting." Astrum said with a smile.
Now I’ll Synchro Summon…"
[i]Heh. She might stand a chance. Now, all that stands is whether or not he’ll negate the summon. If he does she’ll lose. If not, she may have him beat.[/i] Seth thought sitting in his tree.
"NO! I’ve got to find her. If she gets caught, I may get thrown out too. Then where would we be. We’d be running from the law without any sort of Sanctuary." Thacia said, trying (and failng) to keep calm. "Where should I start, though?"
Then a thought hit her that almost made her double over in fright."What if she’s been kidnapped and maybe even…NO! I must put that out of my thoughts. But what if its true and th-they come back for me…Okay Thacia. Get ahold of yourself. Nothing has been proven yet."
She scurried out of the room and tried the doors down the hallway. They didn’t move and what’s worse is an alarm started going off. Quick as lightning she was in her room, door closed and under her covers.
[i]Maybe that wasn’t the best idea I’ve had…[/i]And then she noticed the window was open.[i] Aha! That’s how she got out.[/i]
"What’s going on out here?" the cranky old janitor in charge of the girls dormitory hollered as Thacia slipped out the window.
"Okay that is it! I’m gonna go after him. Now where would I go if-" Mark paused as he saw the window slightly ajar. [i]So that’s how he got out. No wonder noone noticed him. So if I just follow his footprints, I should find where he went.[/i]
"Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!!!" Kyra cried out proudly as a white dragon with three heads appeared. "With her effect I will banish Shooting Quasar, Formula Synchron, and the card left in your hand." She was almost overcome with excitement. Them after dissappearing another dragon appeared very much like unto the one that stood there only moments before (3300/2800). "Wh-what?!"
"Oh did I forget to mention that Shooting Quasar allows me to summon Shooting Star when its removed from the field?" the boy said evilly.
"Yeah, you kinda did…" Kyra said downhearted. "But I wont be taken that easily. I’ll go with Recount the Dead. This allows me to Special Summon all monsters that were sent to my graveyard this turn. Now-"
"I think not I activate my face-down Tomb Seal. This will keep both of us from Special Summoning Monsters from the Grave."
[b]Recount the Dead[/b]
[b]Quickplay Spell[/b]
[b]Special Summon as many of your monsters that were sent from the field to your Graveyard this turn. Each player can only activate "Recount the Dead" twice per duel and once per turn.[/b]
[b]Tomb Seal[/b]
[b]Counter Trap[/b]
[b]Activate only if you or your opponent would Special Summon a monster(s) from the Graveyard. Negate the activation of the effect that would Special Summon that monster(s) and destroy it. Until the End Phase of your next turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard.[/b]
"Fine. I will set one card face-down and end my turn." Kyra said defeated.
"Hehe. I’ll start with Reckless greed which allows me to draw two cards at the cost of my next two draw phases. Now I’ll activate Burial from the Different Dimension. Then Pot of Avarice. By returning Quasar, Road Warrior, Formula, Honest, and Little Shooting back to my decks, I draw two cards. Next I’ll set two cards and Shooting Star attack Trish."
"I activate my face-down, Synchro Wall. With this, one Synchro monster I control is protected from damage by banishing a Synchro monster from my extra deck." (Kyra LP:8000-7400)
"Hehe. Fine I end my turn." He said laughing to himself.
"My draw, and I’ll-"
"Dual Reckless Greeds." He said cutting her off.
"Okay, fine. I’ll activate Blustering Winds to increase Trishula’s attack to thirty-seven hundred. Attack Shooting Star."
"Ah ah ah. Can’t have you doing that. I’ll activate Honest in my hand."
"What?! No!" Kyra said falling to her knees. "This can’t be happening!"
"It can and it will. My move." He said haughtilly. (Kyra’s LP:7600-4300) "I’ll start off with Shooting Star’s first effect." (Revealed: Tuningware, Dandylion, Honest, Synchro Barrier, and Monster Reborn) "Hmph your saved this turn but I’ll end with a set."
"I-I can’t believe it! I set one card and end my turn." She said smirking.
"You lose. I activate Monster Reborn to bring Trishula to my side of the field, and have my monsters attack you directly with Trish to finish it." Kyra LP:4300-1000)
"I’ll activate Last Stand. When you would deplete my Life Points with a direct attack, we both draw five cards and the turn ends." Kyra said with hope rising steadily.
"Well then I will discard Dandylion during my End Phase since I have seven cards in my hand."
Kyra drew her card as two fluff tokens appeared on his side of the field.
[b]Last Stand[/b]
[b]Normal Trap[/b]
[b]Activate only when your opponent activates a card effect or declares an attack that would drop your Life Points to 0. Negate the effect or attack, each player draws 5 cards, and it is now the End Phase.[/b]
"I activate Monster Reborn to Summon Krebons to the field. Then I’ll Normal Summon Gagaga Girl to the Field. Now I’ll use them to summon Gagaga Sniper."
[b]Gagaga Sniper[/b]
[b]1 DARK Tuner + 1 "Gagaga" non-Tuner monster[/b]
[b]You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck or Graveyard by sending the above cards you control to the Graveyard. During yout Mian Phase 1, you may banish this card. Then you may destroy 1 monster your opponent control’s. If you activate this effect, this card return’s to the field in face-up Defense position during your opponent’s next Stand-by Phase.[/b]
What looked to be Gagaga Magician hoding a Sniper Rifle rose to the field.
"First off I’ll use De-synchro on Trishula, thereby returning it to my Extra Deck. Then I’ll use my Sniper’s effect to destroy your Shooting Star Dragon."
Gagaga Sniper disappeared and then a shot sounded snd Shooting Star Dragon shattered.
"Arrgh." Astrum cried angrily
"Then I’ll Special Summon Exiled Sorcerer. Immediately after the resolution of a card effect that banishes a monster I control, I can Special Summon him from my hand."
[b]Exiled Sorcerer[/b]
[b]Immediately after the resolution of a card effect that banishes a monster(s) you control, you may Special Summon this card from your hand.[/b]
"Now attack him directly." She said triumphantly.
"I will finish this game by activating Galaxy Mirror. I’ll banish my Shooting Star Dragon in my graveyard to redirect the damage to your Life points."
[b]Galaxy Mirror[/b]
[b]Normal Trap[/b]
[b]Activate only when your opponent declares an attack. Banish 1 "Shooting", "Stardust", OR Xyz monster in your graveyard to negate the attack and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the opponent’s monster that attacked.[/b]
End of Chapter 3.

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I like where this is going, and the Duel has been done very nicely. The other guy does seem a little odd and OP'd, but I guess that just makes it better. However, the transition into the Duel seemes slightly odd, saying that some cloaked figure appears and tells Kyra to duel him to get information. It would be better if he just challenges her to a Duel without explanation, or have Kyra searching for info on something anyway.

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