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Let's Make Junk Doppel Broken!

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Combine Synchron
EARTH/Warrior/Tuner/Level 4/1700 ATK/300 DEF
During your Main Phase, if you control at least 2 Token Monsters; You can Special Summon this card (from your hand). This monster cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster unless the other Synchro Material Monster(s) is a Token Monster.

Combine Warrior
EARTH/Warrior/Synchro/Level 5/2000 ATK/1800 DEF
"Combine Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this monster is Synchro Summoned, if you control another face-up "Warrior" Synchro Monster; Special Summon 1 "Synchron" Tuner Monster from your Deck.

If you can figure out the intended combo, you get something special.

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The only thing that I can be sure is that you need an additional Warrior-type Synchro Monster already on the field. If the additional Synchro Monster can summon the 2 Token Monsters, then it will work. (The problem would be how to keep them on the field, but there's cards to hold off enough time for that already.)

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2-3 card Quasar. Cool.

You need to tone it down because opening this, Foolish, and Junk Synchron is pretty much Good Game. It's not even that great a card, but the combos it can allow for, IE a 4000 effect negating beater, is too much. Unlike the Quickdraw combo, all of the pieces needed here are RotA targets, as opposed to Quickdraw using Level Eater, Quickdraw, and Synchron Explorer.

I don't think I'd even want to run this in Junk Doppel, given how it is fairly situational and how the space could be better used that devoting yourself to a Quasar combo, but the fact that it does add up to Quasar with 2 cards, or 3, is stupid.

There's also the fact that Combine Warrior is basically the same idea as Road Warrior, which is fairly restrictive about its summoning, so it's not original in the slightest and it's way too easy to set off. Restrict when it goes off to something a lot more strict.

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Is this the combo you're talking about?

Send Doppel Warrior to Graveyard (via Foolish Burial/Card Destruction/Hand Destruction/Mill) -> Junk Synchron -> Revive Doppel Warrior -> Synchro Junk Warrior -> Doppel Tokens -> Combine Synchron -> Combine Warrior -> Effect into Turbo Synchron, Changer Synchron, Unknown Synchron, Mach Synchron or Mono Synchron _> Synchro Formula Synchron -> Synchro Shooting Quasar Dragon

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[quote name='DoomBeast' timestamp='1332961891' post='5892580']
Is this the combo you're talking about?

Send Doppel Warrior to Graveyard (via Foolish Burial/Card Destruction/Hand Destruction/Mill) -> Junk Synchron -> Revive Doppel Warrior -> Synchro Junk Warrior -> Doppel Tokens -> Combine Synchron -> Combine Warrior -> Effect into Turbo Synchron, Changer Synchron, Unknown Synchron, Mach Synchron or Mono Synchron -> Synchro Formula Synchron -> Synchro Shooting Quasar Dragon

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