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-I've Been Making Holos-


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Hey, I haven't posted here for awhile, but I have been making custom cards for people and myself. I have made some profit off doing this, and I have done both Recolors, and Custom Holos.
The cards look and feel legit, but are about 1/2 ounce heavier, and are then illegal in tournaments. Sorry for the quality of the video, I have a crap $15 webcam, but just wait till 5 minutes in, and u'll get to the custom holos.

Yea, I suck at talking on cam. :/


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Well, I won't tell you how to do it, but I can tell you what I use.

Packages of clear film ($40 a box)
Nail Polish Remover ($5 a bottle?)
Invisadhesive (a form of tape that cannot be seen when applied, probably expensive, but I get from work)
Card stock (cheap)

Now any tape would work, but I have tried normal scotch tape and it will show when you are done.

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