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[CF!!V] Overlord Of Darkness


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Grade 0: 18
1 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Fullbau]Fullbau[/url]
1 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Phantom_Bringer_Demon]Phantom Bringer Demon[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Abyss_Freezer]Abyss Freezer[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Abyss_Healer]Abyss Healer[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Feather_Eagle]Death Feather Eagle[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Grim_Reaper]Grim Reaper[/url]

Grade 1: 12
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Blaster_Javelin]Blaster Javelin[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Sage,_Charon]Black Sage, Charon[/url]
3 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Shield,_Mac_Lir]Dark Shield, Mac Lir[/url]
1 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Nostrum_Witch,_Arianrhod]Nostrum Witch, Arianhod[/url]

Grade 2: 12
4 The Avatar: [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Blaster_Dark]Blaster Dark[/url]
3 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Knight_of_Nullity,_Masquerade]Knight Of Nullity, Masquerade[/url]
3 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Cursed_Lancer]Cursed Lancer[/url]
2 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Skull_Witch,_Nemain]Skull Witch, Nemain[/url]

Grade 3: 8
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Phantom_Blaster_Dragon]Phantom Blaster Dragon[/url]
4 [url=http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Phantom_Blaster_Overlord]Phantom Blaster Overlord[/url]

Bat is just there to be Bat, recommend another Grade 1, somebody.
Honestly, I don't think I know what I'm doing, only because I don't like Phantom Bringer Demon that much at all and I think I should run more Nemains.


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When I ran this before Javelin became the most elusive and dickish card (has it been like that for you btw?), I dropped my Nemains for the Masquerades and still had Arianrodhs. But both are good in certain situations and it's really hard to decide which would be better. But yeah, even though stuff at 1 isn't really good, I might just put that single Arianrodh in over Bat but it's up to you really.

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