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<<Vanguard! Cardfight Card - Stardust Dragon>>


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Hey everyone, first post in FOREVER. Well yesterday morning I got to thinking I wanted to make my own custom Vanguard cards, but of course I couldn't find any templates...so. What did I do? I went ahead and started working on my own template for a few hours. Today I started to do an actual card though of Stardust Dragon however it isn't finished as I'm still deciding what to make it's card effect/counter blast and such forth so input on that would be good too. Bare in mind, the text isn't completely perfect and I want to work on that but oh well. Without much more to say, here is the card so far.

[center][img]http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee80/Basic-Thuganomics/StardustDragonVanguardCardV1.png[/img] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cardfight/images/2/2c/Blaster_Blade_en.jpg[/img][/center]

To your left is my Stardust Dragon card, to your right is an original Vanguard card of Blaster Blade.

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Well the name is actually bolded italic, I just can't figure out what font the Vanguard cards use. Though now that I compare them together, the Shield # should be white rather than yellow like the Power #. And there's a few other things that I need to adjust too. It took me what...3-4 hours to make my template, cutting through stuff, grade icons, shield area, bottom area (trigger one too but that was today rather than yesterday), and triggers (was also done today).

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