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Which of the seven deadly sins are you?


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[left]Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you embody or represent? (which one seems to plague you the most) Are you corrupted by one or two particular sins, or a bit of them all? Feel free to explain why.[/left]

[left]The seven deadly sins are:[/left]

[center][size=6][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b][color=Purple]Pride[/color][/b][/font][/size][/center]

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I would say Wrath as I have very short patience, and once my patience wears out I pretty much just explode and it takes me like a good hour to calm down. Then again, I still think that's part of an Anger Management issue so I would really say none of them. I'm not overly prideful, I'm not Greedy unless drawing effects in card games count, I don't eat all that much and I only have like 1 snack or two a day, I am sorta lazy but I'm a capricorn and I can do stuff I want to, so that slightly counts, I'm not exactly envious, and I don't lust over things.

So, I'd say Wrath and Laziness, I guess but that's probably pushing it.

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Oh this topic. Remembers back to when I first joined YCM with a seven sins set. Really should redo it for Xyz, really should.

Anyway: Wrath; suffer badly. Lust; suffer badly. Gluttony; I'm weird when I'm depressed, sometimes I pig out and sometimes I starve. Pride; hit and miss, depends on mood.

Sloth; I don't think so. I do have some days where I don't or can't be bothered to do anything, but lazy days are sometimes not just good but neccessary to relax. Envy; Despite everything, I don't think I suffer this too bad. Greed; Nope, definately clear of this one. Probably easy for me to say as I'm financially quite secure, but I've never found wealth that important, but being relatively secure is reassuring on the mind.

Yeah, my prospects don't look too good do they? :P

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OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I love the Seven Deadly Sins. I would probably be a mix of Envy, Lust, Sloth and Gluttony. But we can't really call them sins because everyone does each of them in their life so I think traits is a better term but there's Christianity for you. Condemning everything that makes life worth living and turning you against everyone who tries to enjoy life. Yeah, so....... I would also say Wrath but I'm not angry most of the time. Just exceedingly hateful. So, I guess you could say....

[size=6]HATERS GONNA' HATE.[/size]

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Pride - I'll always be bragging about the cool stuff I have. :/

Wrath - I typically destroy anything I was given power in and then removed from it. Also, *points to username*.

Greed - Power is everything for me. I get nothing done without unquestionable power. And I can get around their questions with my words and lies...

Lust - Sexuality and bad habits.

I basically live in hell, with Internet.

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