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Heya, I'm SephirothKirby.


I wouldn't be surprised if you recognize the name, I use it quite a number of places, but then again, not *too* many, so it's highly possible you don't.


Er, I don't really know what to say as far as an introduction, but I find this place quite interesting.


I've been having a bit of fun with the Card Maker, I really must thank the people that made it. It's fun to think out and watch Mario cards materialize.


I'll post as I see fit, I can imagine mostly with sets, but I'll probably hang out in the Role Playing forum.


Eh...I have to say I'm at least a *little* disappointed with some of the users I've come across. I know all message boards contain it, but I'm rather shocked at the number of members that use grammar like "u" for "you" and "r" for "are."


=\ Most active threads in the Role Playing forum I can't make heads or tails out of.


Anyway, I'm sure it will be nice getting to know all of you, and I'll make sure to contribute my opinion when you can.



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