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Duel Portal - Duel with your created cards [SUPPORT THREAD] [ONLINE]


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@ Aix - I'm not getting the same problem with your account. It shows you are verified. Did you not clear cache, maybe?


@ KingOfOblivion - You have three accounts with similar names, the only one which is verified is KingOfOblivio


@ Dark-Scar - what's your username?


@ Zazu - Thanks, that is helpful even in danish :P. I fixed it.



I've also updated the TCG banlist.

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Seattleite could u delete the three other ones cus im just using one called Arcanus Atm cus i couldnt get the others to work.

Also the draw system not-working is a massive problem.

Like Asterr says he couldnt see the card he just drew but i could see that he drew 1 more??


Please fix the bug..




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When you upload from YCM using the generator, the ATK and DEF Values are misplaced. ATK becomes the DEF of the card you submitted and DEF is left 0. Going back and editing your every monster card just for that is a bit tiresome.


Following up what Oblivion said, This might have had something to do with it:


There was another window, but I closed out too fast. Might have been the same error twice though; They popped up back to back.


Just gonna leave a list of errors here.

[spoiler=Error 1 from Duel with Oblivion][Arg_ArgumentOutOfRangeException]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=5.1.30214.00&File=mscorlib.dll&Key=Arg_ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Parameter name: index

   at System.Windows.PresentationFrameworkCollection`1.GetItemDependencyObject(Int32 index)
   at System.Windows.Controls.UIElementCollection.GetItemImplSkipMethodPack(Int32 index)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DuelFieldNew.Animate(animationBundle bundle, CardDetails imageStats, AnimationEventDelegate onBeforeAnimation, AnimationEventDelegate onComplete)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DuelFieldNew.NextAnimation()
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DuelFieldNew.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<Animate>b__19(Object s, EventArgs e)
   at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(UInt32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)
   at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)



[spoiler=Error 2 When I was opening a Deck in Builder][Argument_AddingDuplicate]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=5.1.30214.00&File=mscorlib.dll&Key=Argument_AddingDuplicate

   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DeckEditorNew.BanlistProblems()
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DeckEditorNew.deserializeAndLoad(String serializedString)
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.DeckEditorNew.doneLoadingDeck(Object sender, loadDeckCompletedEventArgs e)
   at DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.Service1ConsoleClient.OnloadDeckCompleted(Object state)



[spoiler=Error 3 I got when I tried to submit a card][Async_ExceptionOccurred]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=5.1.30214.00&File=System.dll&Key=Async_ExceptionOccurred

   at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
   at DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.saveTempImageCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
   at DuelPortalCS.Views.SubmitCards.<UpdateCardImage>b__2(Object s, saveTempImageCompletedEventArgs res)
   at DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.Service1ConsoleClient.OnsaveTempImageCompleted(Object state)


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First, watching duels is impossible; just doesn't work. You get there, you see 2 people talk, and no field. Can't click an invinsible card or anything because they just don't show up. Nothing.


Hosting a Duel or seeing a hosted duel only works when it wants to. Not sure if you just have to give it a second or what? But idk. Sometimes duels that have already been left still linger in watch. Now that I think about it, that's also probably what it was; not that it wasn't working. Either way it needs to be tightened up.


Not all Duel related actions appear in duel chat, which is a HUGE problem considering the card glitch(Cards disappearing after being clicked and such OR not appearing at all). This leads to people declaring attacks or activating effects with cards that seemingly came literally out of no where, as well as allowing for people to say they did something without actually doing it (eventhough I don't see too much point in the latter, unless someone decides to start a DP tournament). I also think Duel Actions should be bolded or colored so it can be that much easier to tell the difference from people talking.


The glitch asking people to re-verify your account IS there. I can't really say why or how (maybe something to do with accounts made before the big update?), but I do know that clearing your cache doesn't help in this case; infact it came up for me AFTER clearing my cache. Though it seems it goes away after awhile maybe after about a hour, or 4, or 12 (Me being 12 or so. idk if you did some editing or what, but it varies with the person it looks like).


This makes it look like Duel Portal is only working when it wants to. Not much else to report atm, but when I find something else I'll post it. With all that being said I still enjoy playing, but that's only due to my amount of patience.

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First, watching duels is impossible; just doesn't work. You get there, you see 2 people talk, and no field. Can't click an invinsible card or anything because they just don't show up. Nothing.


Hosting a Duel or seeing a hosted duel only works when it wants to. Not sure if you just have to give it a second or what? But idk. Sometimes duels that have already been left still linger in watch. Now that I think about it, that's also probably what it was; not that it wasn't working. Either way it needs to be tightened up.


Not all Duel related actions appear in duel chat, which is a HUGE problem considering the card glitch(Cards disappearing after being clicked and such OR not appearing at all). This leads to people declaring attacks or activating effects with cards that seemingly came literally out of no where, as well as allowing for people to say they did something without actually doing it (eventhough I don't see too much point in the latter, unless someone decides to start a DP tournament). I also think Duel Actions should be bolded or colored so it can be that much easier to tell the difference from people talking.


The glitch asking people to re-verify your account IS there. I can't really say why or how (maybe something to do with accounts made before the big update?), but I do know that clearing your cache doesn't help in this case; infact it came up for me AFTER clearing my cache. Though it seems it goes away after awhile maybe after about a hour, or 4, or 12 (Me being 12 or so. idk if you did some editing or what, but it varies with the person it looks like).


This makes it look like Duel Portal is only working when it wants to. Not much else to report atm, but when I find something else I'll post it. With all that being said I still enjoy playing, but that's only due to my amount of patience.

Yet more reasons to get a voice-chat server for this site off the ground.

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Not sure about a "Voice chat" server. If it's quick and easy to set up, then by all means, but not really my preference.


The problem regarding lingering finished duels and being to properly host a new one, can be countered by closing and re-signing back in. Unnecessary, but whatever it works (just might take a minute or 2).


There's honestly nothing wrong with dice roll that I see. I can roll several times and get different numbers, like wise for anyone else I've played. The attack button for monsters does'nt work though. To be more specific, you can't attack another monster. However you can attack an empty zone and it comes up in chat. Not sure if the sword is moving towards your opponents side of the field when you attack is suppose to be visable to them too, but it's not.


Not only do Duel Action messages not come up sometimes, there seems to be glitch were you can disconnect without actually doing so in the middle of a duel? Sometimes it literally disconnects you and stops your actions from being seen by the opponent (and possibly vice versa), and sometimes it doesn't and you can continue playing "normally".


Xyz Summoning is glitchy as hell. Opponent Xyz Summons and I get a error message every time it's summoned, sent to the graveyard, and more; giving you a wall of errors. To be perfectly honest I ignored them this go around because and a friend and I were on borrowed time to test things. But tomorrow I'll see if I can post the specific error.

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Doing some testing in testing, here are some things that should be fixed:


When you upload a card, it's ATK and DEF are messed up. asterr259 mentioned this as well, but he only said it was for YCM cards, though it also does that when you just upload them normally. If you edit them afterwards, they work fine, so at least that's a temporary fix.


Moving a face-down card using your mouse will tell your opponent which card it is in the chat.


If you banish a face-down card on the field, it will tell which card it is, and while it looks face-down visually, if you look at the banished zone, you can see which card it is as well, though this is not an issue if you do it from your hand, banish a card from your Extra Deck face-down or from your Deck.


Moving a face-down card on the field with your mouse to banished zone makes it face-up instead, and of course, it says which card it is.


Returning face-down banished card to the hand, Extra Deck or top or bottom of the Deck reveals what card it is.


If you drag a monster from your hand to the Monster Card Zone with your mouse, it the image of it will disappear. It can still be interacted with however, and when return to the hand, sent to the Graveyard etc. it becomes normal again. Not an issue for Spell/Trap Cards or if you activate the card using the right click commands.


A related issue to the above, if you move a card Spell/Trap Card from your Spell & Trap Card Zone to the Monster Card Zone with your mouse, the image will also disappear, again but not for the opponent. If you move a monster from one Monster Card Zone, it will also disappear, but not if you move to the Spell & Trap Card Zone, interestingly enough.


Sometimes, seemingly randomly, it won't let me move my cards using the "Move to Zone" command. If you try long enough, it will work eventually, which is kind of strange.


Revealing everything in your hand does not work. It says in the chat box for the person who does it what is revealed, but the opponent see nothing, and they also don't get that message in the chat.


When you change control of a card, a message in the chat box says that the opponent gave control of it. It's correct on the other player's end though:



Sometimes, cards don't quite align right with their zone. Not a big issue, but thought it was worth noting. The opponent sees it correctly though. Image: http://prntscr.com/4ju9th


Cards in hand, somehow, got too many cards, the number on the side is correct though, and the player who has the cards don't see that issue. Not sure how this happened. Image: http://prntscr.com/4juavp


Error message I got when I entered the duel, however, this only happened to one of the users. Was on Google Chrome as well. In Danish.



Ressourcestrenge til fejlfinding er ikke tilgængelige. Nøgler og argumenter indeholder ofte tilstrækkelige oplysninger til at foretage fejlfinding af et problem. Se http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=5.1.30514.00&File=System.dll&Key=Async_ExceptionOccurred

   på System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
   på DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.getAvatarImageCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
   på DuelPortalCS.Views.DuelFieldNew.<>c__DisplayClass10.<HandleMessageFromDuelEvent>b__e(Object s, getAvatarImageCompletedEventArgs e)
   på DuelPortalCS.SQLReference.Service1ConsoleClient.OngetAvatarImageCompleted(Object state)




Not issues, but things I would like to see:


Random discard from your Extra Deck.


Looking at your opponent's Extra Deck. Currently possible by discarding every card, but annoying if your Deck revolves around doing that all the time.


When you reveal a card, no information about it is given, other than the name in the chat and and image that can be seen in the opponent's hand. Would be nice to either to click on them to show in the info box when you reveal them. Currently possible by discarding it instead, though this is probably also an issue if you reveal all the cards, which is a little more annoying.


Banish top card of your Deck face-down.

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So I figured out that if you want a rematch, you have to click surrender. That wasn't made too clear. But alot of stuff isn't, which is why I also recommend making a guide for newer players.


Anyway, Side Decking is bugged. It doesn't count correctly how many cards you have, thus unallowing you select "Done Siding". It'll say you have cards missing from your obviously 40+ card deck. I couldn't even add something from my sideboard to my main. But I'm sure I didn't do it right either. But when you double click a card from side deck it removes it from the deck.

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I'd like to inquire about the state of Duel Portal right now, I heard that the server can't support very many people.


There's the possibility of putting a link at the top of YCM like with the Cardmaker which then we could advertise its existence, but that will be a problem if Duel Portal doesn't work.

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I'd like to inquire about the state of Duel Portal right now, I heard that the server can't support very many people.


There's the possibility of putting a link at the top of YCM like with the Cardmaker which then we could advertise its existence, but that will be a problem if Duel Portal doesn't work.



That's awesome... but we're still in testing, and i'm not sure how it will react to lots of people at the same time.


So... maybe later? :)

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How long does it typically take to fix bugs like this? Right now, the one fix I wish for the most is the problem with the ATK and DEF getting messed up.


Oh, that was a quick fix. But the problem arises when I've already started working on other problems, like drawing more than 5 cards, and that takes longer. I have to finish that before I can release an update.

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Minor update, changed the way rematches are held. Probably fixed the ATK/DEF and Side decking problems, as well as empty duel rooms.


Images are still not *completely* fixed, so you may see an image disappear on the duel field, or one of your cards that had a custom image in your hand get a "default" image when it's played.

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