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different colors of the cards

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I agree that there should be like a additional background colors for different types of cards that people are creating.



YCMaker is lazy and we can't do it without him. Go to Yugico for a maker with Xyz.

You aren't getting them by asking.


And custom backgrounds won't come ever because cardmaker only does real cards.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can we have an Xyz Monster format on this website? I don't want to go to a different website.


We CAN'T. The only guys who can do anything to the card maker are the Admins YCMaker and Falling Pizza, who haven't been on in months, much less changed anything important. You'll have to go somewhere else if you want Xyz.


EDIT: O wait, he was on today?! Still no freaking Xyz though, he just got rid of the lights...

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