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*The YCM Weekly Headquarters*

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1340583464' post='5962088']
You don't watch enough horror films.

[color=#0000CD]That is true.[/color]
[quote name='KingBUSCUS' timestamp='1340583868' post='5962091']
Agro, that's because if he wants to be scared all he does is look in the mirror.

[color=#0000CD]How'd you know that's where my picture of you is? >: O[/color]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for completely leaving this aside, but I really have to catch up with school and also lost some interest. Mainly because there's not much I can do that people would really enjoy.

If someone wants to take over, you can make a new thread or continue posting in this one, I don't mind.
I'm still on board if we ever post another issue, but the thing is, it doesn't look like people were missing/reading the Weekly that much.
Dunno, almost no one ever comments?o_o

And there's only one thing I was thinking about doing. Maybe set up a "guess whose desktop background this is" contest, where people get pics shown and have to guess which YCM Weekly member it belongs to? Other than that, meh...

And we never figured out who was supposed to be the last host.

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