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[quote name='KingBUSCUS' timestamp='1339820557' post='5957590']
Well, I probably won't have time for much more than my Let's Play this weekend. So only if we extend it would we be able to work something up.

[color=#0000CD]Actually, my weekend is filled up too. Apparently my dad is making me go to my cousin's graduation even though 'm at my mom's and we said we didn't want to. :/[/color]

[color=#0000CD]And then I'll have a friend over.[/color]

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Sorry that I've been avoiding this lately.
But I've really been thinking whether they're a point in keeping it up or not. I mean, we know that people view the threads, but there's hardly any reactions coming from anyone besides Aatersu, Verz Bahamut and Dwarven King. Not sure how many people even follow this thing besides these 3 and the cast.=S

So not sure... Maybe if we try to get something up for next week, it would be good to let some more people in? Since there are about 3 or 4 people left from last time and some things tend to fall out anyway.

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[color=#0000cd]Hopefully tomorrow or Friday will work. That friend of mine wasn't actually able to come over on Sunday so I'm not sure when he plans to.[/color]

[color=#0000cd]Yeah, tomorrow should be fine. I'm dropping my friend off at like 12 tomorrow and I'm pretty sure my dad is working since he said he was going to bring pizza back.[/color]

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So I'm gonna apply because this is the only thing interesting that I really like on YCM~!

[b]Name: [/b]jazzyTurtle (Or Jacob)
[b]What are you good at/sections you frequent:[/b] Remembering/obtaining Information or stuff like that. Help giving out ideas (Even though they'll most likely be ludacris and unothodox ideas~). AND, OH OPAL. YOU SHOULD KNOW THE ONLY SECTION I'M FREQUENT IN. ;D
[b]Why should we pick you?: [/b]asdfghjkl
Because I could bring new ideas to the metaphorical table? (~OoO)~ And I get along with a lot of people here, so I'm friendly. And I could help out with anything really...since I'm willing. AND I WANNA REVIVE YCM WITH THIS MAYBE QUITE POSSIBLY.
[b]Activity: [/b]I have no life. I'll always be active. Even when school starts. But if I know I'll be gone. I'll just tell you guys or something.
[b]Timezone: [/b]Pacific.

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1340262288' post='5960281']
[color=#0000cd]Honestly, I kind of like the idea of Jacob helping out if he's actually able to get good ideas for things to do. QUICK, JACOB! GIVE ME AN IDEA![/color]
Go show everyone how to properly milk a turtle? [i]:[/i]D

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1340265337' post='5960295']
[color=#0000cd]Well that was a bust. NEXT![/color]

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1340315236' post='5960553']

- Have no clue how much of a joke a balloon party was, but theming next week with a drunken rave party sounds fun. With balloons of course.

I'll do music this week. I have an urge to review Passion Pit.

[color=#0000cd]Actually...this is a pretty good idea. An issue where pretty much everyone is drunk.[/color]

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1340315236' post='5960553']
I'll do music this week. I have an urge to review Passion Pit.
[/quote]HAVE AT THEE


Note: New album dropping next month.

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I'm completely indifferent to Jacob or whatever joining this.
There is nothing he seems to bring to the table, except herpderplookatme-so-unorthodox-ideas, which I think we can figure out on our own.

No from me, but if everyone else feels that he's an asset, then bring him in for all I care.

[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1340315236' post='5960553']

- Have no clue how much of a joke a balloon party was, but theming next week with a drunken rave party sounds fun. With balloons of course.

I'll do music this week. I have an urge to review Passion Pit.

The balloon party sounds fine (but not sure what we can do with it exactly). But everyone being drunk is sort of a bad joke (and a bad influence too).

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[quote name='KingBUSCUS' timestamp='1340582300' post='5962075']
Well, we are most likely dead and aside from the Tribes thing this issue, I can't really do anything.

Finalizing stuff for a job and the Marines have me working extra hard this weekend. Sorry blokes.

[color=#0000CD]It's fine. I'm pretty sure we're just about dead anyway.[/color]
[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1340582361' post='5962076']
I'm not dead. I'm only decomposing.

[color=#0000CD]I'm pretty sure that's what you do after you die.[/color]

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