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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335919802' post='5930637']
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Sounds good, do that.
[color=#0000CD]Still not sure about that...I don't know if Dharc is really the best to go to for advice especially if his own life seems a bit screwed up at the moment.[/color]

Also, made up this list.
It's just a large mish-mash of ideas that came up everywhere, just feel free to say so if some of them suck.[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#0000CD]Good job.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b][u]Overall ideas[/u][/b][/font][/size][list]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]mods and rage faces[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Eh...I lost the document with them, but Black and I [/font][/size]were talking on MSN and somehow compared the mods to rage faces. Maybe something that could give people a laugh and that we could all do together or so.
[color=#0000CD]Not bad. That may work.[/color][list]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Pokémon walkthrough[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Dunno, they’re interesting when a game just comes out, but otherwise not sure.=| Someone who’s funny could make a series out of it, so people have something to wait for every week. Hell, I could do it since I'm a n00b who packages teams together that just look cute or so, but that's it. [color=#0000CD]This definitely seems like something a bit more suited for Dharc. I imagine you also doing an excellent job but this literally screams, "Dharc you f*cking do me right now you huge slab of meat."[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][u][b]Now things I think I could do[/b][/u][/font][/size][list]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]YCM Weekly cast quiz (same as the mod quiz, but with us). The YCM riddles are still an option too[/font][/size]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]the 5 best/worst of K-Pop[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]IDK, a more educational article about the good and bad sides?:/ Bad side would be for example South Korea's silly beauty standards.[/font][/size][list]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]uh...style of the week / review of the anime character's design?[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Silly suggestion, but decided to bring everything up that I thought of.=| Not sure if people would care about that. Like, at all. I run a Japanese fashion blog (updated rarely though :'D) and follow many others, so I could...look up some snapshots and talk about...what people are wearing.:/ Or anime character designs. Meh. That's one of the few things I'm good for.:'D Just tell me if you think about something where Opal could come in.:'D[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#0000CD]I like all the ideas you're mentioning here. Do them. Seriously, these are good. Of course we only need one per article but still good.[/color]

[u][b]Other ideas that were mentioned before[/b][/u][/font][/size][list]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]advertisments/sponsors (what Spike said, they were mentioned before, but never done) [color="#0000cd"]I don't like how he mentioned being paid to do it. And god, I really don't like Verz. :/[/color][/font][/size]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]YCM couples [color=#0000CD]Honestly, if we do a Dharc and Desu comedy duo this seems like the perfect way to do it.[/color][/font][/size]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]DN commentary [color=#0000CD]It should be noted that I can only be on Skype while at my dad's. I'm there all of next week and every other week.[/color][/font][/size]
[*][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]lottery [color=#0000CD]This should work.[/color][/font][/size]
[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335920015' post='5930644']
Oh, I could do a Pokémon Walkthrough too, if you want. It wouldn't take too much out of my schedule, as I would probably just do a Marilland-type walkthrough (albeit a bit more sarcastic). After all, my advice column wouldn't be too difficult to make anyway. And just for a heads-up, when will my crap be due?

[color=#0000CD]Again, this is definitely more your thing.[/color]
[quote name='Kanade Otonashi' timestamp='1335920186' post='5930648']
...Um... W-well, I've been learning Pokemon lately... The metagame and all that, but...

I'm not very good yet... ^^''

I understand the concepts, but... I might be interested in writing Pokemon things like Black has been doing for Yugioh if you all would want that... :'o

[color=#0000CD]Holy f*ck, I'd ask Black to translate half of what you're saying but I thought I'd need you to translate for him. Yeah, could you be more specific? Like...what you'd do...? Video game or card game...? Because I think this could work.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335920730' post='5930653']
[color=#0000CD]Holy f*ck, I'd ask Black to translate half of what you're saying but I thought I'd need you to translate for him. Yeah, could you be more specific? Like...what you'd do...? Video game or card game...? Because I think this could work.[/color]

The video game. Like on Pokemon Online / Pokemon Lab.

Like I said, I'm not very GOOD yet, but I understand most of the concepts that make up the metagame. I know some of the best pokemon to use, and I've been kinda in love with two teams since I started, so I've fooled around with them some too.

And trust me, I am a lot more... vague then black could ever be. :3

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[quote name='Kanade Otonashi' timestamp='1335920916' post='5930658']
The video game. Like on Pokemon Online / Pokemon Lab.

Like I said, I'm not very GOOD yet, but I understand most of the concepts that make up the metagame. I know some of the best pokemon to use, and I've been kinda in love with two teams since I started, so I've fooled around with them some too.
[color=#0000CD]I have no problem then. Glad you finally found something to contribute with...again. Hopefully you'll be able to stick with it.[/color]

And trust me, I am a lot more... vague then black could ever be. :3
[color=#0000CD]No, Black just makes no sense half the time.[/color]

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[quote name='~Spike~' timestamp='1335920889' post='5930656']
So, unless I'm hosting, my contributions (Smesh interview and a Firefly review) will be posted soonish, and then I'll make myself scarce. Kay?

Fine with me, although I'd still like to see you hosting, but no one besides Desu seems to care about who does it.:'D
Btw, [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/84258-jord200/"]Jord200[/url] asked if he could be interviewed someday. Think you can swap him in somewhere?

[quote name='Kanade Otonashi' timestamp='1335920916' post='5930658']
The video game. Like on Pokemon Online / Pokemon Lab.

Like I said, I'm not very GOOD yet, but I understand most of the concepts that make up the metagame. I know some of the best pokemon to use, and I've been kinda in love with two teams since I started, so I've fooled around with them some too.

And trust me, I am a lot more... vague then black could ever be. :3

So archetypes or Pokémon of the Week? (not sure if understands)
But sounds good.

[quote name='~Spike~' timestamp='1335919892' post='5930640']
I must have missed the lottery idea. I freaking support that 100%

If you end up being the host, this sounds like something you could easily integrate into the show.
If Yuzuru ends up being the host...IDK.

As for the advertisments, I like the idea too, but paying for it...doesn't sound too mushy. How about we make them free?

[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335920015' post='5930644']
Oh, I could do a Pokémon Walkthrough too, if you want. It wouldn't take too much out of my schedule, as I would probably just do a Marilland-type walkthrough (albeit a bit more sarcastic). After all, my advice column wouldn't be too difficult to make anyway. And just for a heads-up, when will my crap be due?

If you can do both the advice column and the walkthrough in time, sounds fine to me.

[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335921410' post='5930670']
Oh, forgot to say earlier...Opal, if you do the Cast Quiz, I think you're going to need to get a lot of info out of me, since I'm not who I am on YCM in real life, for the most part.

k, will do.

We also still haven't settled on weekly/bi-weekly. According to the poll, some people want it bi-weekly and others have posted in the suggestions thread that they want it weekly. what-shall-we-do?

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[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335921410' post='5930670']
Oh, forgot to say earlier...Opal, if you do the Cast Quiz, I think you're going to need to get a lot of info out of me, since I'm not who I am on YCM in real life, for the most part.

[color=#0000CD]You act as if most people don't. Actually, I'm about the same so whatever. But I don't really think it's necessary. Or are you just trying to get some bonus time in with Opal. Dammit man, you know full well I've got dibs.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335922039' post='5930686']
[color=#0000CD]You act as if most people don't. Actually, I'm about the same so whatever. But I don't really think it's necessary. Or are you just trying to get some bonus time in with Opal. Dammit man, you know full well I've got dibs.[/color]

*blush* Desu, I'd never do that to you...But, bonus time with a pretty girl is always nice...But no, I'd never take her from you. I care about you too much, and I care about what you think about me even more.

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@Opal: Well... Pokemon of the Week, General Team Builds, basically whatever I have on mind / what people might want.

Like, right now... I'm considering the first thing I write being an overview of the Tiers Pokemon can be assigned to and stuff, and why they might be there.

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I like that idea, Kanade. I'm honestly curious as to how many people on here care/know about tiers/Smogon, so I think that would be a good thing to do.

Also, for my walkthrough...I'm gonna do BW. I don't care if people hate it, I'm doing it, and if anyone tries to stop me, I'm telling them politely that I value their opinion, but I am not at that point taking it into consideration.

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335921913' post='5930681']
Fine with me, although I'd still like to see you hosting, but no one besides Desu seems to care about who does it.:'D
Btw, [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/84258-jord200/"]Jord200[/url] asked if he could be interviewed someday. Think you can swap him in somewhere?
[color=#0000CD]Is he really even worth interviewing?[/color]

So archetypes or Pokémon of the Week? (not sure if understands)
But sounds good.
[color=#0000CD]Both. One by Black and the other by Caeda.[/color]

If you end up being the host, this sounds like something you could easily integrate into the show.
If Yuzuru ends up being the host...IDK.

As for the advertisments, I like the idea too, but paying for it...doesn't sound too mushy. How about we make them free?
[color=#0000CD]Meh. I just don't like it because I know we'd end up advertising 24 and I really don't like Verz. >_>[/color]

If you can do both the advice column and the walkthrough in time, sounds fine to me.
[color=#0000CD]Advice and him just don't mix.[/color]

k, will do.

We also still haven't settled on weekly/bi-weekly. According to the poll, some people want it bi-weekly and others have posted in the suggestions thread that they want it weekly. what-shall-we-do?
[color="#0000cd"]Try to work with a weekly schedule and see how things work out and if we'll able to get it out in less time with equal quality.[/color]
[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335922226' post='5930689']
*blush* Desu, I'd never do that to you...But, bonus time with a pretty girl is always nice...But no, I'd never take her from you. I care about you too much, and I care about what you think about me even more.

[color=#0000CD]So you're playing the innocent guy game, eh? Well two can play this game...well I can't but I'm sure somebody else can. But if Alice joins in she'll probably get a bit pissed if I continue to flirt with Opal...dammit, Agro...[/color]
[quote name='Kanade Otonashi' timestamp='1335922371' post='5930694']
@Opal: Well... Pokemon of the Week, General Team Builds, basically whatever I have on mind / what people might want.

Like, right now... I'm considering the first thing I write being an overview of the Tiers Pokemon can be assigned to and stuff, and why they might be there.

[color=#0000CD]Blaziken is obviously top tier.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335922791' post='5930706']
[color=#0000CD]So you're playing the innocent guy game, eh? Well two can play this game...well I can't but I'm sure somebody else can. But if Alice joins in she'll probably get a bit pissed if I continue to flirt with Opal...dammit, Agro...[/color]

[color=#8b4513]If Alice joins, I can distract her by trying to flirt with her, in order to protect you and let you flirt with Opal more.[/color]

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[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335922990' post='5930711']
[color=#8B4513]If Alice joins, I can distract her by trying to flirt with her, in order to protect you and let you flirt with Opal more.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]You're a true saint. ;~;[/color]

[color=#0000CD]But I'm working on talking to her. Not sure if she's really on AIM. May have to just send a PM.[/color]

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[color=#0000cd]"Try to work with a weekly schedule and see how things work out and if we'll able to get it out in less time with equal quality."[/color]

[color=#000000]Good, does anyone object seeing how weekly turns out and making Spike the host?[/color]
If yes, please say so.;~;
If not, we should have that out of the way at least.

[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1335922226' post='5930689']
*blush* Desu, I'd never do that to you...But, bonus time with a pretty girl is always nice...But no, I'd never take her from you. I care about you too much, and I care about what you think about me even more.

[color=#ee82ee]...What were the objections against you guys continuing the comedic duo again?[/color]

[quote name='Kanade Otonashi' timestamp='1335922371' post='5930694']
@Opal: Well... Pokemon of the Week, General Team Builds, basically whatever I have on mind / what people might want.

Like, right now... I'm considering the first thing I write being an overview of the Tiers Pokemon can be assigned to and stuff, and why they might be there.

[color=#ee82ee]Oh good then. *doesn't know what Tiers are but it sounds like something out of my n00b range x3*
And I agree with the other ideas too.[/color]

[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335922791' post='5930706']
[color=#0000CD]Is he really even worth interviewing?[/color]

[color=#ee82ee]I think Jord200 would be fine for an interview. I don't really know what you guys could talk about with him, but he seems really interested into an interview.
ALSO, [/color][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/156042-hideki-hinata/"][color=#ee82ee]Hideki Hinata[/color][/url][color=#ee82ee] asked to get one too. Just bringing that up.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Advice and him just don't mix.[/color]

[color=#ee82ee]How about Dharc focusses on the Poké walkthrough and if there's some time left, Dharc can try his hand on the advice column?[/color]

[color=#ee82ee]Also, I'll be off to...do my fashion column then, if no one objects.@_@ It's something I could do and like doing, but not necessarily what will gather people's interest. But I'm fine with doing it nonetheless. If there's time left for the K-Pop series, will start that too, but the YCM cast quiz should come first for now.[/color]

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Oh good lord.

OK, I never really read the comments for the eps/suggestions thread(s) anyway. So when each new issue rolls around, someone PM me with a list of people who want to be interviewed, and people whom the public seem to want to see interviewed, and I'll try to snag one from each catagory.

So am I hosting this thing or not? :huh:

BTW Firefly Review all typed up :D

[spoiler=Da Review Beeyatches]
[center]Firefly Review[/center]



[center]Damn, where to start. I COULD go on a giant rant about how awesome Firefly is, but that’s basically what this whole thing is gonna be: 3[/center]

[center]So let’s maybe start with the writer/director/creator. The man himself, Joss Whedon. This guy is a f***ing genius, no mistake. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and many other notable TV series owe themselves to this guy.[/center]

[center]Not to diss on Buffy, this is honestly one of the best Vampire TV shows next to Forever Knight and Angel. But Firefly is probably the best show Joss has ever produced, and one of the best Sci-Fi shows I’ve ever seen. And I watched Doctor Who with David Tennant.[/center]

[center]So, the storyline of Firefly is quite simple. It’s a couple hundred years into the future, and Earth got too small for us. So we built spaceships and went out into the stars. After years and years, we found a solar system like our current one, except full of inhabitable planets. We terraformed planets that weren’t.[/center]

[center]Eventually, we formed the Earth Alliance, which is kinda like the Republic from Star Wars. Except it was a little more like the Empire, but it didn’t really know it was bad, whereas Palpatine knew he was evil, and loved it.[/center]

[center]But I’m getting off-topic. So the outer planets didn’t want to be under the control of the Alliance, and formed their own little Rebel Alliance, calling themselves the Browncoats, or Independents.[/center]

[center]So there was a big war, which the Browncoats lost.[/center]

[center]One man, Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds, stayed alive, and became a smuggler.[/center]

[center]He bought a Firefly-Class ship, named it Serenity, and started doing paying jobs, legal or illegal. His crew is awesome.[/center]


[center]I don’t do actor names. Only ones coming to me are Nathan Fillion, I think that’s how you spell it, who played Mal, and Adam Baldwin, who played Jayne.[/center]

[center]But the cast really fit their roles perfectly. Just….perfectly.[/center]

[center]Again, I don do actor names. So I’m just gonna kill this section quickly. *shotguns section*[/center]


[center]“What I learned from Angel, is that you need a large group.”[/center]

[center]Words from the man himself. Firefly’s cast of characters was absolutely brilliant, and each has a role on the ship.[/center]

[center]Captain Malcolm Reynolds, the guy who commands this ship. He’s intimidating, fun, and hilarious. Sarcastic too. He does have his flaws however, one of them being that he really doesn’t communicate well to the outside world. But I really can’t put it better than Nathan, who said; “Mal just wants to keep going. He minds his own business, and wants to keep it that way. But he won’t stop. He just keeps surviving, keeps going.”[/center]

[center]That’s more or less what he said, I’m too lazy to dig up the actual quote.[/center]

[center]Mal’s old war buddy, and his first mate. Zoe is quite capable of handling the same scenarios as Mal, and some others. She’s the opposite of ‘fem’ however. Seriously.[/center]

[center]She’s the only one that can openly disagree with Mal and not get punished. Be it corporeal punishment, moral punishment, or a big rant from Mal, she avoids it all.[/center]

[center]The pilot of the ship. Not only is he a pilot, he is the best pilot. He can thread the needle with a ship that usually doesn’t do that stuff.[/center]

[center]As for his personality, he’s rather submissive except when either his life or Zoe is involved. He and Zoe are married, and have a solid relationship. Not many problems come up.[/center]

[center]He’s quite funny, and can match Mal word for word in the sarcasm department.[/center]

[center]Muscle. Stupid. Comedy. Guns. Gangsta. Jayne.[/center]

[center]He also can openly disagree with Mal and avoid major punishment. But no one on the ship really likes him much, especially Simon.[/center]

[center]He is your traditional ‘Tough Guy’. He’s clueless, but not too clueless, and he’s good at his job. He is always up for a fight.[/center]

[center]Jayne’s quotes basically sum him up.[/center]
[center]For example, when Mal and Zoe receive a corpse in the mail, they are quite surprised and all. But Jayne leans over the box and goes; “What’d y’all order a dead guy for?”. With straight face. Being completely serious.[/center]

[center]This one is my personal favorite, and is really self-explanatory.[/center]

[center]He’s about to jump out of the (moving) ship onto a (moving) train to help get goods into the ship.[/center]

[center]The quote?[/center]

[center]“Time for some thrilling heroics.”[/center]


[center]You just can’t get much better than that.[/center]

[center]Jayne’s fighting is pretty much summed up in this one, which came up in a convo with Kaley.[/center]

[center]”I’ll kill a man in a fair fight. *thinks* or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight.”[/center]


[center]Another perfect quote.[/center]

[center]Time to move on the next crewmate![/center]

[center]Wait, what? I forgot to mention Jayne’s actual job on the ship?[/center]
[center]That’s easy. Public Relations of course.[/center]

[center]Kaley adds a sense of home to Serenity. Always happy, always cheerful. She isn’t really ‘supermodel’ either. She defiantly looks like she enjoys a cheeseburger every once in a while.[/center]


[center]Or Fireflys equivalent of a cheeseburger.[/center]

[center]She’s the engineer of the ship, and does it well. She keeps a ship with a rusted engine, outdated parts, and falling apart parts too, in the air. And able to do all the fancy police-avoidance tricks that Wash puts it through.[/center]

[center]tl;dr, Kaley is an EPIC mechanic.[/center]

[center]She’s also your typical girly-girl in a way. She painted flowers on her…door thing…to her room, she painted flowers and stuff in the kitchen, and in one episode she wears a giant pink lacey layer-cake dress.[/center]

[center]Yet she works in the engine and gets covered in dirt and grease. Seems legit.[/center]

[center]Showing up in the first ep, but technically not on Mal’s original crew, Simon is the crew’s medic. And he’s GOOD. He was working in the top hospital on the Core Planets before his River incident happened.[/center]

[center]He’s really, really patient, forgiving, and kind.[/center]

[center]Jayne even tried to sell him out to the feds once, and he forgave him and everything. Even though he and Jayne really don’t like each other.[/center]
[center]Hell, he got kidnapped by hill folk and still agreed to be their doc. Seems legit.[/center]

[center]I mentioned Simon’s ‘River incident’ above, and this’ll clear things up. River is Simon’s younger sister, at around 17 when the show starts. Now, you do need to understand this. Simon was at the top of ALL his classes. He never failed once. He was THE big cheese doc at the hospital he worked at.[/center]

[center]And River makes him look like a complete and total moron. You give her ANYTHING to do, and she will master it within a week.[/center]

[center]So it’s no wonder the Alliance was interested. They basically took her, and experimented. They cut open her brain, multiple times, and made her into a human weapon. There is NO fight she hasn’t gotten out of without a single wound. Her fighting is triggered by strong emotions, or a specific trigger code implanted by the Alliance.[/center]

[center]“Strong emotions? Isn’t that a little cliché?”[/center]

[center]Oh look, I read your mind.[/center]

[center]Thing is, while they were messing in her brain, they removed the part that holds emotions back. You know when you get really sad, or really angry, and you just kind of push it to the back of your mind? She can’t do that. She has no barriers or filters in the emotion part of her brain. She feels everything, all at once, all the time. She can’t not.[/center]

[center]So yeah. You have to actually watch the show to get the full implications of this.[/center]

[center]ONE MORE! Then I move on to the next part![/center]

[center][b]Shepherd Book[/b][/center]
[center]Book is a shepherd, but much, much more too. You really don’t find anything much out about him, and I don wanna spoil much.[/center]

[center]But he’s kind of the ships conscious. He chastises the crew, and especially for Mal on this, encourages them to do the right thing.[/center]

[center]He’s a suspiciously good shot however. One great quote from this is[/center]

[center]Zoe: “Preacher, don’t the bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin?[/center]

[center]Book: “Quite specific. It is however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.”[/center]

[center]See? He’s quite awesome.[/center]

[center]Done with characters. ON to the writing.[/center]

[center][b]The Writing[/b][/center]
[center]The scripts are written for this so freaking well. This show could have been so, so cheesy. But it wasn’t. It was perfect.[/center]

[center]The funny was in at all the right places. So was the serious, the plot-related stuff.[/center]

[center]Since there’s nothing bad, looks like I’m done here![/center]

[center][b]The Plot[/b][/center]
[center]The plot is extremely good, and it sucks that it got cut off. For those of you who don’t know, Firefly was run on Fox, but the jerks on there cancelled it. So a bunch of Whedon fan’s told Fox to go f*** itself, but it didn’t do anything.[/center]
[center]But the plot’s just great. I actually can’t explain it, in case you peeps ever actually watch the show.[/center]

[center][b]Random Thoughts[/b][/center]

[center]Nothing else to discuss really. Mostly cus it’s all perfect. Special Effects? Perfect. Set Design? Perfect.[/center]

[center]There really is nothing wrong with this series. It’s great.[/center]

[center]So in conclusion, Firefly is epic. If you like good Sci-Fi, then this is totally for you. I think you can buy the DVDs.[/center]

[center]Spike out.[/spoiler][/center]
Also, IDGAF about it being biased.

Smesh Interview will be up as soon as I get off my lazy ass to a) PM Smesh and b ) Actually ask him the questions.

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335923481' post='5930731']
[color=#0000CD]"Try to work with a weekly schedule and see how things work out and if we'll able to get it out in less time with equal quality."[/color]

[color=#000000]Good, does anyone object seeing how weekly turns out and making Spike the host?[/color]
If yes, please say so.;~;
If not, we should have that out of the way at least.
[color=#0000CD]Sounds good.[/color]

[color=#EE82EE]...What were the objections against you guys continuing the comedic duo again?[/color]
[color=#0000CD]I didn't really want to.[/color]

[color=#EE82EE]Oh good then. *doesn't know what Tiers are but it sounds like something out of my n00b range x3*
And I agree with the other ideas too.[/color]
[color=#0000CD]Basically how good they are.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]At the quote stuff:[/color]
[color=#0000CD]I like Jord and all but I'm just not sure about it. But Creator should actually make for a good interview.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]No. Just walkthrough. Trust me.[/color]

[color=#EE82EE]Also, I'll be off to...do my fashion column then, if no one objects.@_@ It's something I could do and like doing, but not necessarily what will gather people's interest. But I'm fine with doing it nonetheless. If there's time left for the K-Pop series, will start that too, but the YCM cast quiz should come first for now.[/color]
[color=#0000CD]Sounds good.[/color]

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[quote name='~Spike~' timestamp='1335924129' post='5930752']
Oh good lord.

OK, I never really read the comments for the eps/suggestions thread(s) anyway. So when each new issue rolls around, someone PM me with a list of people who want to be interviewed, and people whom the public seem to want to see interviewed, and I'll try to snag one from each catagory.

[color=#ee82ee]Jord200 and Hideki Hinata[/color]

So am I hosting this thing or not? :huh:

[color=#ee82ee]...Yes. No one said anything and we need to get this done, so yeah.[/color]
[color=#ee82ee]You're the new host, congrats. ^_^[/color]

[color=#ee82ee]And I'll read the review later.[/color]

BTW Firefly Review all typed up :D

[spoiler=Da Review Beeyatches]
[center]Firefly Review[/center]



[center]Damn, where to start. I COULD go on a giant rant about how awesome Firefly is, but that’s basically what this whole thing is gonna be: 3[/center]

[center]So let’s maybe start with the writer/director/creator. The man himself, Joss Whedon. This guy is a f***ing genius, no mistake. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and many other notable TV series owe themselves to this guy.[/center]

[center]Not to diss on Buffy, this is honestly one of the best Vampire TV shows next to Forever Knight and Angel. But Firefly is probably the best show Joss has ever produced, and one of the best Sci-Fi shows I’ve ever seen. And I watched Doctor Who with David Tennant.[/center]

[center]So, the storyline of Firefly is quite simple. It’s a couple hundred years into the future, and Earth got too small for us. So we built spaceships and went out into the stars. After years and years, we found a solar system like our current one, except full of inhabitable planets. We terraformed planets that weren’t.[/center]

[center]Eventually, we formed the Earth Alliance, which is kinda like the Republic from Star Wars. Except it was a little more like the Empire, but it didn’t really know it was bad, whereas Palpatine knew he was evil, and loved it.[/center]

[center]But I’m getting off-topic. So the outer planets didn’t want to be under the control of the Alliance, and formed their own little Rebel Alliance, calling themselves the Browncoats, or Independents.[/center]

[center]So there was a big war, which the Browncoats lost.[/center]

[center]One man, Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds, stayed alive, and became a smuggler.[/center]

[center]He bought a Firefly-Class ship, named it Serenity, and started doing paying jobs, legal or illegal. His crew is awesome.[/center]


[center]I don’t do actor names. Only ones coming to me are Nathan Fillion, I think that’s how you spell it, who played Mal, and Adam Baldwin, who played Jayne.[/center]

[center]But the cast really fit their roles perfectly. Just….perfectly.[/center]

[center]Again, I don do actor names. So I’m just gonna kill this section quickly. *shotguns section*[/center]


[center]“What I learned from Angel, is that you need a large group.”[/center]

[center]Words from the man himself. Firefly’s cast of characters was absolutely brilliant, and each has a role on the ship.[/center]

[center]Captain Malcolm Reynolds, the guy who commands this ship. He’s intimidating, fun, and hilarious. Sarcastic too. He does have his flaws however, one of them being that he really doesn’t communicate well to the outside world. But I really can’t put it better than Nathan, who said; “Mal just wants to keep going. He minds his own business, and wants to keep it that way. But he won’t stop. He just keeps surviving, keeps going.”[/center]

[center]That’s more or less what he said, I’m too lazy to dig up the actual quote.[/center]

[center]Mal’s old war buddy, and his first mate. Zoe is quite capable of handling the same scenarios as Mal, and some others. She’s the opposite of ‘fem’ however. Seriously.[/center]

[center]She’s the only one that can openly disagree with Mal and not get punished. Be it corporeal punishment, moral punishment, or a big rant from Mal, she avoids it all.[/center]

[center]The pilot of the ship. Not only is he a pilot, he is the best pilot. He can thread the needle with a ship that usually doesn’t do that stuff.[/center]

[center]As for his personality, he’s rather submissive except when either his life or Zoe is involved. He and Zoe are married, and have a solid relationship. Not many problems come up.[/center]

[center]He’s quite funny, and can match Mal word for word in the sarcasm department.[/center]

[center]Muscle. Stupid. Comedy. Guns. Gangsta. Jayne.[/center]

[center]He also can openly disagree with Mal and avoid major punishment. But no one on the ship really likes him much, especially Simon.[/center]

[center]He is your traditional ‘Tough Guy’. He’s clueless, but not too clueless, and he’s good at his job. He is always up for a fight.[/center]

[center]Jayne’s quotes basically sum him up.[/center]
[center]For example, when Mal and Zoe receive a corpse in the mail, they are quite surprised and all. But Jayne leans over the box and goes; “What’d y’all order a dead guy for?”. With straight face. Being completely serious.[/center]

[center]This one is my personal favorite, and is really self-explanatory.[/center]

[center]He’s about to jump out of the (moving) ship onto a (moving) train to help get goods into the ship.[/center]

[center]The quote?[/center]

[center]“Time for some thrilling heroics.”[/center]


[center]You just can’t get much better than that.[/center]

[center]Jayne’s fighting is pretty much summed up in this one, which came up in a convo with Kaley.[/center]

[center]”I’ll kill a man in a fair fight. *thinks* or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight.”[/center]


[center]Another perfect quote.[/center]

[center]Time to move on the next crewmate![/center]

[center]Wait, what? I forgot to mention Jayne’s actual job on the ship?[/center]
[center]That’s easy. Public Relations of course.[/center]

[center]Kaley adds a sense of home to Serenity. Always happy, always cheerful. She isn’t really ‘supermodel’ either. She defiantly looks like she enjoys a cheeseburger every once in a while.[/center]


[center]Or Fireflys equivalent of a cheeseburger.[/center]

[center]She’s the engineer of the ship, and does it well. She keeps a ship with a rusted engine, outdated parts, and falling apart parts too, in the air. And able to do all the fancy police-avoidance tricks that Wash puts it through.[/center]

[center]tl;dr, Kaley is an EPIC mechanic.[/center]

[center]She’s also your typical girly-girl in a way. She painted flowers on her…door thing…to her room, she painted flowers and stuff in the kitchen, and in one episode she wears a giant pink lacey layer-cake dress.[/center]

[center]Yet she works in the engine and gets covered in dirt and grease. Seems legit.[/center]

[center]Showing up in the first ep, but technically not on Mal’s original crew, Simon is the crew’s medic. And he’s GOOD. He was working in the top hospital on the Core Planets before his River incident happened.[/center]

[center]He’s really, really patient, forgiving, and kind.[/center]

[center]Jayne even tried to sell him out to the feds once, and he forgave him and everything. Even though he and Jayne really don’t like each other.[/center]
[center]Hell, he got kidnapped by hill folk and still agreed to be their doc. Seems legit.[/center]

[center]I mentioned Simon’s ‘River incident’ above, and this’ll clear things up. River is Simon’s younger sister, at around 17 when the show starts. Now, you do need to understand this. Simon was at the top of ALL his classes. He never failed once. He was THE big cheese doc at the hospital he worked at.[/center]

[center]And River makes him look like a complete and total moron. You give her ANYTHING to do, and she will master it within a week.[/center]

[center]So it’s no wonder the Alliance was interested. They basically took her, and experimented. They cut open her brain, multiple times, and made her into a human weapon. There is NO fight she hasn’t gotten out of without a single wound. Her fighting is triggered by strong emotions, or a specific trigger code implanted by the Alliance.[/center]

[center]“Strong emotions? Isn’t that a little cliché?”[/center]

[center]Oh look, I read your mind.[/center]

[center]Thing is, while they were messing in her brain, they removed the part that holds emotions back. You know when you get really sad, or really angry, and you just kind of push it to the back of your mind? She can’t do that. She has no barriers or filters in the emotion part of her brain. She feels everything, all at once, all the time. She can’t not.[/center]

[center]So yeah. You have to actually watch the show to get the full implications of this.[/center]

[center]ONE MORE! Then I move on to the next part![/center]

[center][b]Shepherd Book[/b][/center]
[center]Book is a shepherd, but much, much more too. You really don’t find anything much out about him, and I don wanna spoil much.[/center]

[center]But he’s kind of the ships conscious. He chastises the crew, and especially for Mal on this, encourages them to do the right thing.[/center]

[center]He’s a suspiciously good shot however. One great quote from this is[/center]

[center]Zoe: “Preacher, don’t the bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin?[/center]

[center]Book: “Quite specific. It is however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.”[/center]

[center]See? He’s quite awesome.[/center]

[center]Done with characters. ON to the writing.[/center]

[center][b]The Writing[/b][/center]
[center]The scripts are written for this so freaking well. This show could have been so, so cheesy. But it wasn’t. It was perfect.[/center]

[center]The funny was in at all the right places. So was the serious, the plot-related stuff.[/center]

[center]Since there’s nothing bad, looks like I’m done here![/center]

[center][b]The Plot[/b][/center]
[center]The plot is extremely good, and it sucks that it got cut off. For those of you who don’t know, Firefly was run on Fox, but the jerks on there cancelled it. So a bunch of Whedon fan’s told Fox to go f*** itself, but it didn’t do anything.[/center]
[center]But the plot’s just great. I actually can’t explain it, in case you peeps ever actually watch the show.[/center]

[center][b]Random Thoughts[/b][/center]

[center]Nothing else to discuss really. Mostly cus it’s all perfect. Special Effects? Perfect. Set Design? Perfect.[/center]

[center]There really is nothing wrong with this series. It’s great.[/center]

[center]So in conclusion, Firefly is epic. If you like good Sci-Fi, then this is totally for you. I think you can buy the DVDs.[/center]

[center]Spike out.[/spoiler][/center]
Also, IDGAF about it being biased.

Smesh Interview will be up as soon as I get off my lazy ass to a) PM Smesh and b ) Actually ask him the questions.

[quote name='Garazza' timestamp='1335925117' post='5930769']
Too lazy to read through the last couple of pages. But is there any room for my song review?

Well, most of us figured that your underlined laziness might be a problem here, but I don't mind having you as that guy who reviews a song.
If you ever feel like you can involve yourself more into this, you're welcome though.
But yeah, we don't seem to have anyone for the music part yet.

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Hey Black, I'd like to talk to you about this, since I'm not exactly sure who I should ask.

So the idea I had is, why not write an article about Tiers in Yu-Gi-Oh! and explaining why certain decks are better than others then follow that up with analyzing different match-ups in today's meta and creating our own listing as to what is what tier and all.

We'd simply talk to some of the better Yu-Gi-Oh! players on YCM and ask them fairly simply, of the decks that are considered competitive currently in the TCG, which at the point it is released should be Dino Rabbit, Inzektors, Chaos Dragons, HEROs, Dark World, Wind-Ups, and Hieratics (remind me if I'm missing any), what each of their matchups are like against the other as well as what advantages and disadvantages they'd have against each other. The follow up to each of those questions would obviously be, in an extremely large sample with good players piloting each deck, which decks would be most likely to beat which others.

After all is said and done, we can write an article about what they've said and use their picks to set up a point system and determine which decks are best against the other decks in the meta, thereby deciding which decks are what tiers. Of course we'd also have to ask what decks they consider to be anti-meta, which would also help decide.

If you'd like an example of what I'm talking about, I'll lay it out quite simply for you:
First: Determine what advantages and disadvantages each deck has over the others.
Secondly: Decide if one deck would usually beat another.
Third: For every time you decide that one deck would normally beat another, the winning deck would be given a point, for every time where you think that it would be about equal, both sides get half a point.
Fourth: Add up the points and make a list as so:

[b]Aggro's Calculated Tiers:[/b]
[b]1. Dino Rabbit[/b]
[b]Score: 3[/b]
[b]Tier: 1 [/b][color=#ff0000]What amount of points making up what tiers would be decided, of course, by the best decks and what scores all other decks of the meta would get.[/color]
[b]2. Inzektors[/b]
[b]Score: 3[/b]
[b]Tier: 1[/b]
[b]3. Chaos Dragons[/b]
[b]Score: 2.5 [/b][color=#ff0000]Chaos Dragons have been described as possibly replacing Wind-Ups in the Big 3. After looking at the match-ups, I'm inclined to say that they may be right, though I don't believe they're just there, and so I made the cut off point for Tier 1 at 2.5 points.[/color]
[b]Tier: 1.5[/b]
[b]4. HEROs[/b]
[b]Score: 2.5 [/b][color=#FF0000]Honestly, I kinda found myself surprised when I came up with this as, I had thought that HEROs would end up lower, but nope, here they were, sitting up with Chaos Dragons in point totals. Surprise, surprise. Though I did label them as "anti-meta" so yeah...[/color]
[b]Tier: 1.5 (Anti-Meta) [/b]
[b]5. Dark Worlds[/b]
[b]Score: 2[/b]
[b]Tier: 2[/b]
[b]6. Wind-Ups[/b]
[b]Score: 1[/b]
[b]Tier: 2 [/b][color=#ff0000]Surprisingly to me, at least when I looked at it from a match-up standpoint, Wind-ups didn't stack up all that well against a lot of the best decks. In the end, I only gave them one point, landing one of the supposed "big three" on the bottom. Though I did not include Hieratics in this list, so I'm not exactly sure whether they really are.[/color]

So yeah, that's basically it, get their opinions, write an paragraph or two about each of the decks in the meta then put the list at the end. Not sure if you wanted to be one of the ones to give their opinions, but if you want, you can, but I also want to get your opinion on who else to ask, since I wonder if Byak would even consider assisting. I'll be sure to ask Chris and Koko, but after that, I don't know who else would talk to me about it.

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... If we could get that going this/next week, that'd be optimal, because the article I just finished for an archetype is one that I made to promote Theory-oh and deeper thought with decks.

Too tired to make actual rankings atm, but I have to say Rabbit should have 4 points because it slaughters all decks in G1 except Dark Worlds.

Dark Worlds have to have the Side Deck factored in, though, because if not for that, they'd be Best.dek, so the system needs work but is a good basis.

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[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1335949200' post='5930891']
... If we could get that going this/next week, that'd be optimal, because the article I just finished for an archetype is one that I made to promote Theory-oh and deeper thought with decks.

[color=#FF0000]Well my plan was simply to get it done for the issue after this one)[/color]

Too tired to make actual rankings atm, but I have to say Rabbit should have 4 points because it slaughters all decks in G1 except Dark Worlds.

[color=#FF0000]Well we don't just give points to certain decks just because. They're given those points because they're more likely to beat a deck in any given match. If Rabbit's deemed more likely to beat HEROs, then Rabbit gets the win and therefore, 1 point. If the matchup seems to be even, then both are handed .5 points. Of course, we won't tell all the interviewees this factoid, we'd simply tell them to go through the match-ups and say which they believe would win and why. The points and rankings would all be done by us after all's said and done.[/color]

Dark Worlds have to have the Side Deck factored in, though, because if not for that, they'd be Best.dek, so the system needs work but is a good basis.

[color=#FF0000]All that should be taken into account when one decides whether or not any given deck would be more likely to win their match-ups. It's certainly what I did, pointing out that Dark Worlds are more likely to fall to many Decks Duel 2&3 and only match-up evenly Duel 1. That's why DW's ended with 2 point from my perspective instead of more and were not, in fact, the best deck.[/color]
[/quote]So does that all make sense?

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I just wanted to say I have a good chunk of the rough draft for the article done, so when I get home I shoooould be able to post it. If it's terrible, I understand. x-x

I just wanted to say I have a good chunk of the rough draft for the article done, so when I get home I shoooould be able to post it. If it's terrible, I understand. x-x

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