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[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1334937950' post='5919947']
It was somewhere between September '10 and February '11 and lasted like a month.

Big status fad that branched out into other parts of the forum and was annoying as le duck.

[color=#0000CD]It actually started in a club. Don't remember which one though. And thanks for the more specific times. I'll be able to add it into the part of the rant where I'm trying to explain it.[/color]
[quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1334949052' post='5920089']

Wait... we'd suck at that though...

[color=#0000CD]Why would you even try to recommend it? You know everything we work together on is just going to be complete shi-oh wait...[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1334955395' post='5920159']
[color=#0000CD]Why would you even try to recommend it? You know everything we work together on is just going to be complete shi-oh wait...[/color]
[/quote]Shush now, Black is in here.

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Alright, I just put everything you guys suggested for this issue together. If something is off or missing, do tell me pls.

[spoiler=Cast for the second episode]Aggro

(didn't put Enrise down since he didn't come back to us on this and has his own music reviews going on, so I don't know how much he's still interested)[/spoiler]

DN commentary
couple/people in relationship interviews
YCM couples
Dharc & Desu: comedic duo, "A Day in the Life of Dharc and Desu"
putting Dharc into some random couple and asking him about his "romance"
Spike: Legend of Korra (has been written already, but still needs some more discussion), Firefly review
Dharc: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Pokémon reviews
suggestion from Aggro: let YCMembers send their own rating after the review's publication so we can do follow ups the following week to just show a "User Rating" as comparisons
Desu: Top 5 Piss Poor Memes That Should Have Never Came Into Existance, Top 5 Things That Should be Huge Memes?
.Rai: review on that super duper awesome indie song soemone suggested
someone: review on some song Black suggested

As for the host, does anyone oppose Aggro with a passion?
No one besides Kakashi and me replied, so I take it that everyone else is neutral or hasn't seen the question?

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335046153' post='5921384']
*looks at list and suggestions made so far*

Well, theoretically you're the boss right now, so you're the one who picks the direction this issue is taking.=D
[/quote]Cool. You're all fired. :D

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335045408' post='5921361']
Alright, I just put everything you guys suggested for this issue together. If something is off or missing, do tell me pls.

[spoiler=Cast for the second episode]Aggro

(didn't put Enrise down since he didn't come back to us on this and has his own music reviews going on, so I don't know how much he's still interested)[
[color=#0000CD]So we may need more people after all?[/color]

DN commentary
couple/people in relationship interviews
YCM couples
[color=#0000CD]So set up two random people and explain how they'd be perfect for eachother and being serious or a complete joke? This can be another thing we have a different person do every time too.[/color]
Dharc & Desu: comedic duo, "A Day in the Life of Dharc and Desu"
[color=#0000CD]Still want to see if us teaming up is a reader suggested thing.[/color]
putting Dharc into some random couple and asking him about his "romance"
[color=#0000CD]Still incredibly meh.[/color]
Spike: Legend of Korra (has been written already, but still needs some more discussion), Firefly review
Dharc: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Pokémon reviews
[color=#0000CD]No. Just plain no.[/color]
suggestion from Aggro: let YCMembers send their own rating after the review's publication so we can do follow ups the following week to just show a "User Rating" as comparisons
Desu: Top 5 Piss Poor Memes That Should Have Never Came Into Existance, Top 5 Things That Should be Huge Memes?
[color=#0000CD]Well I do have Top 5 Piss Poor Memes Mostly done. The other one will be next weeks issue.[/color]
.Rai: review on that super duper awesome indie song soemone suggested
someone: review on some song Black suggested

As for the host, does anyone oppose Aggro with a passion?
[color=#0000CD]*Slowly raises ha-hand gets cut off.*[/color]
No one besides Kakashi and me replied, so I take it that everyone else is neutral or hasn't seen the question?
[color="#0000cd"]Agro will have to do.[/color]
[quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1335045947' post='5921375']
Desu... apparently.

Anyway, is there anything I should do specifically?

[color=#0000CD]I said I really just don't care between the two of you.[/color]
[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335046153' post='5921384']
*looks at list and suggestions made so far*

Well, theoretically you're the boss right now, so you're the one who picks the direction this issue is taking.=D

[color=#0000CD]*Sews hand back on and raises it.* -__-[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335046390' post='5921391']
[color=#0000CD]I said I really just don't care between the two of you.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]*Sews hand back on and raises it.* -__-[/color]
[/quote]*holds up butcher knife*

Problem, Desu?

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[quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1335046598' post='5921394']
*holds up butcher knife*

Problem, Desu?

[color=#0000CD]*Pulls out revolver.* Yeah, I d-*Hand falls off.* Well f*ck.[/color]
[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1335047787' post='5921427']
The, uh, relationship thing was an extra I was going to put on top of what I was already doing, but only with Caeda ^^;

Gonna do another Archetype review and CotW.

[color=#0000CD]That sounds fine.[/color]

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[quote name='teRRaByte' timestamp='1335051016' post='5921522']
[color=#800080]Name: [What it says.]teRRaByte(Soon to be .Neru-Sempai)[/color]
[color=#800080]What are you good at/sections you frequent: [Just put down what you're generally doing on the site and what you could possibly contribute.]C&O[/color]
[color=#800080]Why should we pick you? [Yeah, why?]No reason.[/color]
[color=#800080]Activity: [Days you're usually active on, bound to hiatus periods, etc.][/color]
[color=#800080]Timezone: [Self-explanatory. This will be useful when figuring out who will post the thread and when.](UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Get out. Seriously, stop coming here. Just get the f*ck out and don't come back.[/color]

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Alright then, Aggro said no, so it's a no.

I personally don't have any issues with Terrabyte joining, although the grammar, punctutation etc. [i]could[/i] become a slight put-off for people. But it seems like we're already full and as we've seen in the last issue, 9 people with 7 doing the actual show while 2 working in the background (graphics) were enough.o_o

Eh...I can do the next member riddle if you guys want to keep that up?
Along with some other...game/scrabby thingy.

As for Dharc's Pokémon reviews, how about you turn it into a serie and post about a different game/gen every week? Or focus on 1 or 2 aspects of the games, since it's such a big franchise? Feel free to do as you like of course, but I thought this'd be a way to work around it.:3

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335060388' post='5921747']
Alright then, Aggro said no, so it's a no.
[color=#0000CD]Ahem. >_>[/color]

I personally don't have any issues with Terrabyte joining, although the grammar, punctutation etc. [i]could[/i] become a slight put-off for people. But it seems like we're already full and as we've seen in the last issue, 9 people with 7 doing the actual show while 2 working in the background (graphics) were enough.o_o
[color=#0000CD]Due to the massive loss of people it wouldn't be bad to get another person but Tera is just a no.[/color]

Eh...I can do the next member riddle if you guys want to keep that up?
Along with some other...game/scrabby thingy.
[color=#0000CD]Yes. And...uhhh...what else would you do...?[/color]

As for Dharc's Pokémon reviews, how about you turn it into a serie and post about a different game/gen every week? Or focus on 1 or 2 aspects of the games, since it's such a big franchise? Feel free to do as you like of course, but I thought this'd be a way to work around it.:3
[color=#0000CD]Still don't see the point of reviewing something we all know about and have a solid opinion on. Agro's actually helped people to decide whether or not to get a new game that wasn't just a copy of like 20 others.[/color]

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[quote name='Kakashi Hatake' timestamp='1335069687' post='5921856']
Hey, taxi, mind if I do a song review or something? I'm kinda being a dead weight around here.
Already have that with Garazza unless he was kicked for some reason >=

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1335045408' post='5921361']
DN commentary
couple/people in relationship interviews
YCM couples
Dharc & Desu: comedic duo, "A Day in the Life of Dharc and Desu"
putting Dharc into some random couple and asking him about his "romance"
Spike: Legend of Korra (has been written already, but still needs some more discussion), Firefly review
Dharc: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Pokémon reviews
suggestion from Aggro: let YCMembers send their own rating after the review's publication so we can do follow ups the following week to just show a "User Rating" as comparisons
Desu: Top 5 Piss Poor Memes That Should Have Never Came Into Existance, Top 5 Things That Should be Huge Memes?
.Rai: review on that super duper awesome indie song soemone suggested
someone: review on some song Black suggested

So. Considering who's here, does anyone specifically want to do a DN Commentary?


Set in stone:
Card of the Week (Black)
Archetype Review (Black)
Member Riddle (Cinnabonne)
Desu's Top 5 Piss Poor Memes

Closing in on:
Couples thing (Black and Kazoo)
Game (Cinnabonne)
Song Review - We'll want 3 people to give their opinion on the song. If I recall, there were two songs suggested. Then again, I suggested one of them and Cinnabonne got to choose the other one, so why don't we just go with that? :3
Game Review - I agree with Desu, it would be better for us all if the review was on a game most of us have more than likely not played. Kid Icarus was a game that, while many had played, many more did not and were deciding whether to play. Obviously, that would be the optimum situation, but the other would be a game hardly anyone has played and could get a feel for through the review.

I just want to double check here:
Dharc & Desu: comedic duo, "A Day in the Life of Dharc and Desu"
putting Dharc into some random couple and asking him about his "romance"
Spike: Legend of Korra (has been written already, but still needs some more discussion), Firefly review
Dharc: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Will the above 3 ideas be implemented by those specified? I want to make sure so we have that down.

More importantly will we have everything decided and submitted for this week? Or are we going to be doing this every two weeks instead?

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[color=#0000CD]Due to the severe lack of material that we have at the moment this might have to be turned into a bi-weekly edition unless everybody gets everything done by tomorrow. I don't doubt it's possible since Black and I have probably the only things that actually take a lot of time and I'm mostly done but it's still not very likely.[/color]

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