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My first Xyz/Syncro Spam deck


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Millinium Shield [b]x 3 (Lvl 5)[/b]
Big Shield Gardna [b]x 3 (Lvl 3)[/b]
Zombyra [b]x 2 (Lvl 4)[/b]
3-Hump Lacooda [b]x 3 (Lvl 3)[/b]
Man-Eater Bug [b]x 2 (Lvl 2)[/b]
Morphing Jar [b]x 1 (Lvl 2)[/b]
Junk Syncron [b]x 3 (Lvl 3[/b])
Dark Tinker [b]x 3 (Lvl 2[/b])
Effect Veiler [b]x 3 (Lvl 1)[/b]
Jinzo [b]x 1 (Lvl 6)[/b]
Satelite Cannon [b]x 1 (Lvl 5)[/b]
[b]Extra Deck:15[/b]
Stardust Dragon [b]x 3 (Lvl :cool:[/b]
Junk Destroyer [b]x 3 (Lvl :cool:[/b]
Driven Daredevil [b]x 3 (Lvl 7[/b])
Adreus Keeper of Armageddon[b] x1 (Rank 5)[/b]
Grenosaurus [b]x 1 (Rank 3[/b])
Number 16 shock Master [b]x 1 (Rank 3)[/b]
Number 17 Leviathin Dragon [b]x 1 (Rank 3)[/b]
Number 32: Marine Biting Dragon - Shark Drake [b]x 1 (Rank 4)[/b]
Number 39: Utopia [b]x 1 (Rank 4)[/b]
Mystic Space Typhoon [b]x 3[/b]
Monster Reborn[b] x 1[/b]
Paralyzing Potion [b]x 3[/b]
Enemy Controller [b]x 1[/b]
United we Stand[b] x 1[/b]
Card Destruction[b] x 1[/b]
DDR - Differant Dimention Reicarnation [b]x 2[/b]
Ekibyo Drakmord [b]x 3[/b]
D2 Shield[b] x 2[/b]
Sakuretsu Armor [b]x 3[/b]

Card count (Not with extra deck): 45
this is my first attempt at this sort of deck (it really isnt my style at all)
Tell me how to make it not suck.

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Well, I can really see this is your first attempt at this type of deck, because there are only 11 cards in the main-deck you should be running in here (Junk Synchron x3, Effect Veiler x3, Mystic[b]al[/b] Space Typhoon x3, Monster Reborn x1, and Enemy Controller x1). TBH the rest of the main-deck cards are terrible. Why? Because they lack overall synergy.

If you want to build a good real-life deck that doesn't require billions of dollars, I don't know what to advice. If you want to build this for Dueling Network, use Rabbit Dinos.

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Just from what I see, you're probably better off starting with some form of Synchron deck. Here are the changes I would make that can be done cheap.

-3 Millenium Shield
-2 Big Shield Gardna
-2 Zombyra
-3 3-Hump Lacadoo
-2 Man-Eater Bug
-3 Dark Tinker
-1 Jinzo
-1 Satallite Cannon

+3 Quickdraw Synchron
+1 Level Eater
+3 Synchron Explorer
+2 Doppel Warrior
+3 T.G. Warwolf
+1 T.G. Striker
+1 Sangan
+1 Dandylion
+1 Dark Armed Dragon
+1 Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
+1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

-3 Paralyzing Potion
-1 Enemy Controller
-1 United We Stand
-1 Card Destruction
-2 DD Reincarnation
-3 Embyko Drakmord

+1 Heavy Storm
+1 Dark Hole
+1 Pot of Avarice
+1 Reinforcement of the Army
+2 Pot of Duality
+3 Tuning

-2 D2 Shield
-3 Sakaretsu Armor

+2 Solemn Warning
+1 Solemn Judgment
+2 Torrential Tribute
+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

Also, change your Extra Deck accordingly.

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