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~BS~'s Character Tourney: Round 1 Matches 46, 47, and 48 [LOCK]

~British Soul~

Matches 46 - 48  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Amaterasu or Zora Link?

  2. 2. Will the controller of the Time Lords control this Time Lord?

  3. 3. Nyeh, will Brooklyn power prevail?

    • Joey Wheeler
    • Viewtiful Joe

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time for the final matches for today

[center][b]Match #46[/b][/center]
[center]Character #78 Amaterasu (Okami) vs Character #5 Zora Link (LoZ Majora's Mask)[/center]
[center][img]http://images.wikia.com/okami/images/5/5e/Amaterasu_image.jpg[/img] VS [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/202/0/e/Zora_Link_for_INU.jpg[/img][/center]

[center][b]Match #47[/b][/center]
[center]Character #194 Z-ONE (Yugioh 5Ds) vs Character #42 The Doctor (Doctor Who)[/center]
[center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110217162225/yugioh/images/thumb/3/36/Z-one.jpg/300px-Z-one.jpg[/img] VS [img]http://reilly2040.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/the_doctor.jpg[/img][/center]

[center][b]Match #48[/b][/center]
[center]Character #246 Joey Wheeler (Yugioh) vs Character #252 Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe)[/center]
[center][img]http://www.yugimania.com/picture/Galeries/galerie2/image-joey11.jpg[/img] VS [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/V.Joe.jpg[/img][/center]

[center]Matches will end 8:40pm GMT March 20th[/center]


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