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[quote name='Vairocana' timestamp='1340766212' post='5962925']
Katara can only bloodbend during the full moon, which is why I'm assuming she could not heal Korra (since bloodbenders seem to have a complete knowledge of how the human brain works, the full moon should be the only problem. Yes, I'm still bitter about the whole energybending/bloodbending thing).

You guys forgot Sandbending as yet another subset of Earthbending.

It's not surprising we haven't seen a subset of Airbending manifest yet, when there are never more than 5 Airbenders in existance at any given time, it's not exactly conducive to developing new styles.

I totally forgot about Sandbending. Yes it does make sense that a subset for Airbending has surfaced yet, but I mean Aang was very inventive as is Tenzin's kids, we should be seeing it soon.

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[quote name='Koloktos' timestamp='1340725005' post='5962684']
I think Jinora is going to master Airbending by learning the subskill of Airbending (The most likely is Gravitybending).
What does air have to do with gravity?
The strongest possible bending you could do with air would be to create vaccuums to kill the opponent, or possibly, take a page from Bloodbending and make their lungs explode.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1341148022' post='5964793']
What does air have to do with gravity?
The strongest possible bending you could do with air would be to create vaccuums to kill the opponent, or possibly, take a page from Bloodbending and make their lungs explode.

Air is bound to the Earth by Gravity. In order to achieve true freedom of the Air, you have to be able to move Gravity. It is actually very fitting, considering that Air is the element of Freedom and the one who controls Gravity can either increase the burden on something or free something of its burden.

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[quote name='Vairocana' timestamp='1340766212' post='5962925']
It's not surprising we haven't seen a subset of Airbending manifest yet, when there are never more than 5 Airbenders in existance at any given time, it's not exactly conducive to developing new styles.
We've already seen fart-bending. What more do you need? But really, what possible subset could there be to air-bending?

[quote name='Koloktos' timestamp='1341161259' post='5964874']
Air is bound to the Earth by Gravity. In order to achieve true freedom of the Air, you have to be able to move Gravity. It is actually very fitting, considering that Air is the element of Freedom and the one who controls Gravity can either increase the burden on something or free something of its burden.
I'm pretty sure that gravity-bending is way out of the question. Gravity really has nothing to do with air in the way that sand/metal has with earth, lightning has with fire, or blood has with water.

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[quote name='Kakashi Hatake' timestamp='1341200914' post='5965176']
I do not believe that airbending will have a subskill nor does it need one.

Airbending will have a subskill introduced in season 2 hopefully. It would actually be very disappointing if Airbending gets no subskill (otherwise, Airbending is forever alone).

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[quote name='Koloktos' timestamp='1341201080' post='5965177']
Airbending will have a subskill introduced in season 2 hopefully. It would actually be very disappointing if Airbending gets no subskill (otherwise, Airbending is forever alone).
What could possibly go with Air in the way that the others go with eachother? :T

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[quote name='Kakashi Hatake' timestamp='1341201289' post='5965179']
What could possibly go with Air in the way that the others go with eachother? :T

It doesn't need to go in too directly. After all, Earthbenders can bend the impurities in the Metal to bend the substance, but cannot actually bend Metal itself. Airbenders are also known for looking into as many ways as possible. I'm more than sure that there is a subskill for Air, and Gravity is the closest subskill I could think of, since no other bending art can bend Gravity (and it is just waiting to be bent).

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I'd say subset of aribending would be sound as I learned through messing with wind while talking, the wind helped changed the sound. So maybe a subset would be bending the air inside ones body manipulate voices in the head, I don't know.....

All I really want to see if airbending needs something, instead of gliding like aang did, maybe airboarding, riding a board to fly around the sky would be a nice change....
But I hope the 47:12 minute season finale is good, watching it as soon as its done buffering, as downloading would take a day or 2 with my slow internet...

And does anyone notice that General Iro sounds like Zuko? I'm guessing or hoping relations to Zuko, as I'd like to know what happend to Zuko's Mom when Zuko asked his father at the end of the avatar.

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1341369264' post='5966799']
And does anyone notice that General Iro sounds like Zuko? I'm guessing or hoping relations to Zuko, as I'd like to know what happend to Zuko's Mom when Zuko asked his father at the end of the avatar.
I'm pretty sure he mentioned Zuko being his father.

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1341369264' post='5966799']
I'd say subset of aribending would be sound as I learned through messing with wind while talking, the wind helped changed the sound. So maybe a subset would be bending the air inside ones body manipulate voices in the head, I don't know.....

All I really want to see if airbending needs something, instead of gliding like aang did, maybe airboarding, riding a board to fly around the sky would be a nice change....
But I hope the 47:12 minute season finale is good, watching it as soon as its done buffering, as downloading would take a day or 2 with my slow internet...

And does anyone notice that General Iro sounds like Zuko? I'm guessing or hoping relations to Zuko, as I'd like to know what happend to Zuko's Mom when Zuko asked his father at the end of the avatar.

There's these 3 ATLA graphic novels called "The Promise" that take place 1 year after the Fire Lord's defeat. The 3rd's on its way out and it supposedly details the fate of Zuko's mom, or at least sheds some light on the matter.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1341369999' post='5966805']
There's these 3 ATLA graphic novels called "The Promise" that take place 1 year after the Fire Lord's defeat. The 3rd's on its way out and it supposedly details the fate of Zuko's mom, or at least sheds some light on the matter.
Really?! Gotta check dat sh*t! XD

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1341372179' post='5966816']
hmm, that'd be nice to know, can you tell me where to get these as they are novels, so I'll need to buy them, but it'll be worth it just for the sake of knowing....

I'm not [i]positive[/i]
but trying out your local bookstore might not be a bad idea.

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It's not exactly a SURPRISE that Iroh is a descendant of Zuko. I mean... His name is Iroh. Aang named his son Bumi, so... yeah.

As for a subskill of Airbending, I'd say Sound, yeah.

To be fair, though, Air is one of the most diverse elements, second only to, PERHAPS, Waterbending (Due to, y'know, Plant/Blood/Steam/Ice/Snow Bending subcategories). It really doesn't need a subskill, because Air itself is so broad in definition, that any subskill would be redundant.

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As Wander Artist said, not a surprise. The names of older characters are bound to come up from the old series, just to honor the past characters.

Out of all the suggestions, it seems most likely for sound to be a subtype of airbending, but even without a subtype air is arguably the most versatile of elements.

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