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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1338704306' post='5951407']
[url="http://birdbrainblue.tumblr.com/post/24281699688/an-analysis-of-the-flashbacks"]This makes some sense.[/url]
I REALLY hope we get the full flash back soon. I mean the fact that they brought it up means it can't be far off.

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[quote name='Vairocana' timestamp='1338702123' post='5951395']
I'm proud of this thread for going to McCarthyism instead of Nazi Germany for their irl analogies.

We're using the Nazi analogies for the Equalists, although that doesn't exactly mesh with Tarrlok's McCarthyism since that was about communists.

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Equalists as nazis doesn't work because they have more reasons to be angry at benders and seek government equality and benders have more power than them, so if you wanted to make them nazis they'd be really passive neonazis(angry over government granted privileges and often in lower classes), but the best political equivalent to them would be anarchist-communists, with lesser Equalist supporters aligning with Occupy(aggravated over benders innate talents and the power shifting in their favor - want everything to equalize). If last season was based around imperialist Japan this one is dealing with communism and a more modern day interpretation of revolt against the power.

Amon as Aang would be disappointing. I can see how he possesses and uses airbender techniques, which Korra seems to be lacking entirely, but that seems like more of a foil for character contrast than a plot ploint. He's still using spiritbending, though, because the "lightshow" likely only occurs between the two people going through battle.

I don't know about the whole bloodbending gang thing the blog went on about, but it still might've been Tarrlok's dad doing that. If his son could bloodbend without the full moon I'm not surprised at what his father could've done. And bloodbending still seems limited to contortions of the body, though crushing the insides seems like a possibility with this new tier.

But yeah, I kind of doubt that he's working with Amon, I think his hatred for him is genuine, for a number of reasons/possibilities.

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I actually reblogged that asking about the bloodbending gang. Someone else reblogged me with an answer. Apparently if you play through the "explore Republic City" game-thing they mention that the one triad (I'll never remember their names) that Bolin did security for/Korra beat up in ep 1 is the only triad to use multiple elements. Red Monsoons were mentioned in ep 3. Based on their name, we can infer at the very least that they are a waterbending triad. Considering they have the "red" prefix, it isn't a complete leap to guess that they are bloodbenders.

I don't think the guy handcuffed was the one bloodbending. As far as I can tell, there are some very limited elemental related moves you can do without a wide range of movement (primarily found within Fire and Air, typically using their mouths), but something as complex as Bloodbending, I just don't see it plausible. There's a third party here that we haven't seen yet.

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She got thrown in jail if I'm not mistaken.

Wait, hold on. TO NETFLIX

And after getting side tracked because of how good the show is, she does in deed get put back in jail. And seeing as how she can bend where ever she is that likely didn't work out that well.

Also, speaking of that episode, do we ever see other people pulling water from the air or plants?

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No, it was just her. And Katara one time.

BTW, I think they're going to bring Katara back into this now. After all, she was the last person (assumably) to face a blood bender.

Oh, also, I just got caught up.

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[quote name='~Coolio~' timestamp='1338782353' post='5951784']
Okay, I didn't know how much he was delving into speculation. That's really likely then.
Lol, nevermind, I think I'll just keep to my predictions. 3 for 3 so far.

I wonder if Korra will go avatar state/airbend/spiritbend Amon at the end or if they're going to save that for next season.

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What another Wham Episode that was.

[spoiler=Synopsis of episode]

1) Lin busted the team out of jail so that the team can free Korra, who was supposedly in the Equalist Prison. The raid was amazing, and we found out that the police captured were already debended by Amon.

2) Korra recieved visions from Aang about Tarrlok's ability to bloodbend and his goal of ruling republic city

3) Tarrok went evil on the rest of the people once his secret was leaked out by his secretary and bloodbended everyone and ran, just as Yukone did in the vision.

4) Amon found out where Tarrlok was keeping Korra and decided to pay him a nice.....visit. Tarrlok bloodbended his followers, but Amon wasn't affected much by the bloodbending. Needless to say, he debended Tarrlok. Cue the scream of fear.

5) Korra was unintentionally freed by Amon's Equalists and has escaped.

Seriously, the episode was incredible. Maybe since Korra learned to communicate with her spiritual self, then maybe she is capable of airbending?

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1339258446' post='5954388']
When Amon got asked who he was, I was like, "He's a badass, that's who he is!"

And you forgot an important point:
6. The scene with Bolin using the toilet was hilarious.
There actualy is a 6 point to "big stuff that happened" and to keep it short, what happens when Korra gets back to the city.

Anyway, SOOO knew they were going to go into all the flashback stuff today.

Next prediction is Lust finally becoming the bad guy her character design makes her out to be.

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The biggest problem I have with this show is that they took the special techniques and handed them out to everyone...
Who's going to [s]have Geass next[/s] become the next Combustion Man, the announcer?

Seriously, I thought shooting lightning required total mastery and focus, it's not something Joe the Plumber can do just because he feels like it...

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[quote name='Expelsword - ä¿¡ä»°' timestamp='1339271613' post='5954520']
The biggest problem I have with this show is that they took the special techniques and handed them out to everyone...
Who's going to [s]have Geass next[/s] become the next Combustion Man, the announcer?

Seriously, I thought shooting lightning required total mastery and focus, it's not something Joe the Plumber can do just because he feels like it...

I believe it is rather subverted, considering that Toph had spread all of the teachings of Metalbending and Iroh (and maybe Zuko) taught Firebenders the art of Lightningbending for the sake of industrial revolution. Bloodbending so far has not really been openly taught, but it is highly believed that the Red Monsoons know how to bloodbend.

Speaking of which, how many people were disturbed by how Yakone was bloodbending Aang before being subdued by him?

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[quote name='Expelsword - ä¿¡ä»°' timestamp='1339271613' post='5954520']
Who's going to [s]have Geass next[/s] become the next Combustion Man, the announcer?

Yes please.

And it's only impressive the first time it's learned. For instance, take sensing ki in DBZ. Vegeta couldn't do it because he didn't know it could be done, but once he knew about it he did it in 5 minutes off-screen.

Another example, take something like reading/writing. I'm sure when the first person made it up it was very impressive, but it's not like it was ever made not to be spread.

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[spoiler='My derailing train of thoughts ']
Just the sounds of blood being bent is disturbing. Im guessing some bloodpressure in the head is how ppl were knocked out by the technique.

Looks at Amon and in my best Bale voice: "WHAT ARE YOU!"

Well Tarlok didnt stay around very long.

Energybending used by Aang w/o "lightshow" -> k im 100% convinced it's really energybending that Amon is using.

Was hoping Korra'd levitate using Airbending in the cage, oh well, that worked too.

I see Korra's Airbending training making more progress.

Jealous Asami will act soon.

Bei Fong. THAT is how one gets dressed. Why did she need their help getting her men back again?

As far as the special bending techniques becoming more common. I see as all benders evolving and working similar to the advance of technology, the best benders all gathered in the city for sport/training, learning from one another.

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