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Holy Pile of Honey Batman

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Yes, I know the deck is absolutely terrible. I haven't read up on Inzektors, Wind-Ups, and XYZ at all.


Monsters: 21
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon:3
Inzektor Hornet:3
Inzektor Dragonfly:2
Tour-Guide of the Underworld:2
Zombie Master:2
Plaguespreader Zombie
Infernity beetle:3
Wind-Up Shark:2

Spell: 17
Zombie World:3
Book of Life:3
Monster Reborn
Pot of Avarice
Dark World dealings:3
Allure of darkness
Creature Swap:2
Hand Destruction
Mystical Space Typhoon:2

Traps: 5
Call of the Haunted:2
Solemn Warning:2
Solemn Judgment

Acid Golem:2
Formula Synchron
Stardust Dragon:3
Black Rose Dragon:2
Neo Galaxy Eyes
Number 11: Big Eye
Mist Wurm:2
Daigusto Emeral

Side: 15
Il Blud:2
Inzektor Gigamantis
Inzektor gruf:2
Unknown Synchron:2
Solar Recharge:2
Infernity Mirage

Basically get out Red Eyes and Zombie World asap. Bring back the inzektors with Zombie Master along with any other monster needed. Proceed to xyz or synchro summon. Deck is made to have a large hand or no hand at all. Both work well. I was thinking of replacing something for Silvva or BLS. Any ideas on making my idea work?

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