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paint.NET help needed A.S.A NOW!

Mew 101

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  • 2 weeks later...

For holos, you'll need a holosheet first. Here's a few of my favorites:




Please note that I did not make these and do not claim ownership.

Next, open up paint.NET and load the image you want to holofoil.

Copy the holo you want, then go to Edit and click Paste into new layer.

Then, adjust it so it fits the card picture (it should totally obscure it).

Then, open the Layers bar (f7).

Double-click the layer with the holofoil on it.

Where you see opacity (it should be 255). Bring it down until it looks suitable.

You can also modify the hue and saturation of the holofoil for unique effects.


Also, what does "As Soon As Now" supposed to mean?


Oh, and some rep would be nice ^.^

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