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god deck

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Slifer the sky dragon x1
obelisk the tormentor x1
the wicked avatar x1 (any of the wicked gods)
D-boys x3
treeborn frog x2
Spirit reaper x2
Card guard x3
Destiny hero malicious x2
Destiny hero diamond dude x3
Battle fader x3
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Tragoedia x2

Gold sarcophagus x3
Pot of duality x3
D-draw x2
Allure of darkness
Double summon x2
Monster reborn
Soul exchange x2
foolish burial x1

Royal decree x3

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[quote name='GINGERNINJA69' timestamp='1332073787' post='5876427']
what do i put instead of decree and im not puting slifer in i was thinking obelisk, dreadroot, avatar[/quote]
If you want to run the 'Wicked' monsters instead of Obelisk n' friends, then its simple:
Double Coston
Pyramid Turtle
Zombie Master
all in 3s.
Then just add Mezuki, Goblin Zombies, etc, etc...
Plenty of tribute fodder.

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