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Destroy Them All! - Light Machine Deck

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This is one of my favoirte Decks to use, though it doesn't always win, It is still fun to play with. Especially if you play it against one of my other decks which contains BES/Big Cores, and Boss Rush.

The Idea of this Deck is to Utilize the effects of all of the Monsters, Spells and Traps in order to over power the other player by such things as destroying their spell/trap cards, Special summoning tokens, protecting monsters from traps and so on.

The Heart of This Deck is in the Victory Vipers, which can special summon tokens which statistics change as the Victory Viper changes (including ATK/DEF). Combine that with United We Stand while you have the most possible tokens out, and it'll be big trouble if your opponent can't negate or find another way of protecting their life points. Then there are the Safe Zones... Need I say more?

Here's my Gradius/Blue Thunder themes Deck.

Total Cards (50)

Monsters (20)

Victory Viper XX03 (3)
Jade Knight (3)
Lord British Space Fighter (3)
Blue Thunder T-45 (2)
Falchion beta (2)
Ducker Mobile Cannon (3)
Cyber Dragon (2)
Vylon Ohm (1)
Honest (1)

Spells (21)

Photon Lead (2)
United We Stand (3)
Power Capsule (3)
Luminous Spark (1)
Remove Trap (2)
Fissure (2)
Dark Hole (1)
Heavy Storm (1)
Monster Reborn (1)
Monster Riencarnation (1)
Release Restraint Wave (1)
Junk Barrage (1)
Machine Assembly Line (1)
Lightning Vortex (1)

Traps (9)
Trap Hole (2)
Damage Vaccine Omega Max (2)
Safe Zone (2)
Beckoning Light (1)
Ray of Hope (1)
Mirror Force (1)

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[quote name='Kohakuchan19' timestamp='1331968391' post='5874543']
I would use the staples if I had them. Unfortunately I had to start my card collection from scratch after giving them to my younger brother several years ago. (only to give them away <<) that and it's only 10 cards too big. there are only 50 cards in this deck.
The point coming here is to get your deck critiqued and be willing to change and get the cards you need
Also, you said it yourself, it is 10 cards too big, which makes it somewhat less consistent, which you don't want obviously

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[quote name='NumberCruncher' timestamp='1331968996' post='5874544']
Also, what does your extra deck look like?

There really isn't one. -_-;;;; There aren't very many tuners if any for this particular archtype. There are some union cards, but I honestly have never used a side deck, plus again, I don't have alot of the cards that would make even a half decent side deck. Basically what it boils down to at the moment is that I need to buy more cards. lol

[quote name='Thunder End Dragon' timestamp='1331969342' post='5874546']
The point coming here is to get your deck critiqued and be willing to change and get the cards you need
Also, you said it yourself, it is 10 cards too big, which makes it somewhat less consistent, which you don't want obviously

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to complain. Hopefully I'll get this deck built properly over time.

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Let me try to spruce this deck up a bit

-2 Blue Thunder
-1 Jade Knight
-3 Ducker Mobile Cannon
-1 Vylon Ohm
-1 British

-2 Photon Lead
-1 Power Capsule
-1 Luminous Spark
-2 Remove Trap
-2 Fissure
-1 Monster Reincarnation
-1 Release Restrant Wave
-1 Junk Barrage
-1 Machine Assembly Line
-1 Lightning Vortex

-2 Trap Hole
-2 Safe Zone
-1 Ray of Hope
-2 Damage Vaccine Omega

Now that we've removed 28 cards, let's replace 18 of them with

+3 Vylon Cube
+2 Cyber Valley
+1 Falchion Beta

+2 Mystical Space Typhoon
+3 Mage Power
+2 Swords of Flashing Light- Tryce

+2 Torrential Tribute
+2 Solemn Warning
+1 Solemn Judgment

Most of these changes are just getting the stuff that most people should have in their deck, but I added Cube and Tryce for use with Vylon Sigma once an Extra Deck gets going.

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[quote name='Kohakuchan19' timestamp='1331964354' post='5874508'][b]Total Cards (40)[/b]

Monsters (18)
[b]Victory Viper XX03 (2)[/b]
[b]Jade Knight (2)[/b]
[b]Lord British Space Fighter (2)
Blue Thunder T-45 (3)[/b]
[b]Falchion beta (1)[/b]
[b]Cyber Dragon (1)[/b]
Honest (1)
[b]Shining Angel (2)[/b]
[b]Tragoedia (2)[/b]
[b]Gorz, the Emmissary of Darkness (1)[/b]
[b]Sangan (1)[/b]

Spells (12)
[b]United We Stand (2)[/b]
Dark Hole (1)
Heavy Storm (1)
Monster Reborn (1)
[b]Mystical Space Typhoon (3)[/b]
[b]Creature Swap (2)[/b]
[b]Shrink (2)[/b]

Traps (10)
[b]Solemn Judgment (1)[/b]
[b]Solemn Warning (2)[/b]
Safe Zone (2)
[b]Call of the Haunted (3)[/b]
[b]​Torrential Tribute (2)[/b]
[/quote]Bolded cards are changes.
These are just basic changes that should make the deck work a LOT better. From here you could go for chaos ships, Synchro Ships, or Solid Ships.

BTW, the deck is referred to as a Spaceship deck, or a Gradius Deck. Not a LIGHT Machine Deck.

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