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You said the dictionary is always right, but doesn't the fact that it needs to be changed and updated constantly go against the definition of 'always'?

This is trying to prove that ruining a thread by definition sharking is stupid.

OT: Look up Yukio Mishima, the guy was hilariously crazy.

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I believe insanity is simply doing the most illogical things without any thought or reason or regard for your health and those around you. True insanity means you are also not aware of doing these things or have vague memory of doing them. This may sound the same as being drunk but if you were insane that's far worse than being drunk.

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[quote name='Zyzzyzus' timestamp='1331783920' post='5871272']
"Mental disorder" and "mental sickness" are very vague terms. What exactly is "mental wellbeing", and who or what determines what constitutes as a "mental disorder"? I wouldn't put too much weight on these terms, as they are judged differently from person to person. Rationality, on the other hand, is judged internally. It's the correlation between action and the reasons behind those actions. Someone who acts without reason should be considered insane, but they need not be judged by others to have a "mental sickness".
[/quote]Actually mental disorders and mental sicknesses occur in the brain. The areas however differ. For example, schizophrenia affects your occipital lobe and if severe enough your frontal lobe which possibly means cases of delirium. People that can act without thinking don't have the use for their frontal lobe and parietal lobe as much as others do. Does it make them insane? Of course not. I can give you a cup and a running faucet. You are either going to fill it up then turn it off or turn it off without thinking. Mental disorders such as Aspergers Syndrome which gives you repetitive interests and insensitivity and sensitivity to others emotions however is a mental disorder because their hypothalamus is affected in ways that aren't normal. People with aspergers tend to not be in control of their sensitivity range thus socially awkward. that is a mental disorder. A mental sickness however is temporary such as postpartum depression and broken-heart syndrome. Both can be treated and can go away.So really, not a vague term at all really. If it affects your brain in a negative way and is permanent it is a mental disorder. If it affects your brain in a negative way and can be treated. It is a health sickness.

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[quote name='Zyzzyzus' timestamp='1332033900' post='5875845']
So we both had the same point to make but neither realized.
[/quote]Not really, as I said it has to affect your brain in a negative way. Mary Todd Lincoln was a schizophrenic yet she was well respected for her ideas. Albert Einstein actually had aspergers syndrome yet he introduced so many ideas and scientific theories but it still affected his brain in a negative way.

[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1331783858' post='5871270']

OT: Pythagoras has to be my favorite insane genius.
[/quote]Your source doesn't cite his sources nor does the site have enough traffic to be even rated. Find a valid source next time.

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1332110329' post='5877259']
Don't be so linear.


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