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Guest ~Renegade~

I finished my app for the Ultimatrix Wielder...



Name: Tyler (Ty) Palancar

Age: 14


Tyler is slightly taller than average height and weighs in at about 130lbs. Tyler’s unruly hair is a sleek, caramel color. Each of his eyes are a different shade of blue, the left is bright and icy while the right is dark and deep. Before Tyler got the Ultimatrix he didn’t go outside much, so his skin is pale. Tyler is not very muscular, but is quite quick. Tyler can usually be found wearing a shirt advertising a different superhero. Tyler has a scar right above his right eyebrow from falling off of a tree when he was younger.


Tyler isn’t very social, and tends to be a loner. He is fairly smart, and is a quick learner. Even though he isn’t social, Tyler dreams of becoming someone worth noticing. That is why he tends to wear superhero shirts; in his own way he wants to be hero. Now that he is about to be forced to be one, he is not so sure of himself. Tyler doubts himself more than he should and would discover a lot of things about himself if he would just try something new.


Tyler’s mother was killed in a car accident when he was just a few months old. He doesn’t remember anything about her, and his father doesn’t keep in photos around the house of her. Tyler’s father is an author and is usually stuck up in his office brainstorming or writing a new novel. It isn’t rare for Tyler’s father not to see anyone for several days. One night, Tyler was sitting out on the porch watching the night sky. Suddenly streaks of light blazed across the sky. Tyler watched in fascination as 9 “comets” flew out of sight. Then he saw then 10th one. It was much closer than the others and landed in his ten acre backyard. Totally astounded, Tyler walked unseeing to his backyard. Sitting in a smoking crater at the edge of the property line was a strange metallic capsule. Tyler approached it slowly; it opened up to reveal the Ultimatrix. A strange hologram appeared, featuring a strange being. The hologram explained to Tyler what was going on. After that the Ultimatrix sprang up from where it had been resting and attached itself to Tyler’s wrist.

Gender: Male

Home Country/Town: USA, New York, New York

Ultimatrix Color(s): Black/Silver

Ultimatrix Aliens:

[spoiler=Ultimatrix Aliens]

Name: Pitch

Species: Sonitus


Pitch is short and round. He has a hard metallic skin with small holes in it. The holes are minuscule and cannot be seen by the human eye. Pitch has slanted, purple eyes and a mouth full of jagged teeth. Pitch does not have a nose, the holes in its body act as ears. He has long, gangly arms that are not particularly strong but have a whip-like look about them. Pitch also has skinny legs, but they too are not muscular and make it so that Pitch is slow.


Pitch is able to suck in a large amount of air through its mouth and then release it through the holes in its body, creating a high pitch sound that cripples those who hear it and disrupts any signals within the range of the sound. Pitch is able to withdraw its arms and legs into body and then use the release of the air to roll at a much faster speed than it could normally travel at. Pitch can also plug all the holes in its body so that when it releases sound it comes out as a beam from its mouth.

Ultimate Form: N/A

Name: Viperlash

Species: Serpentian


Viperlash is a large black snake that slithers upright. It has two arms, but instead of hands it has snake heads. These snake heads do not contain eyes, but do have nostrils. Each head has sharp teeth that are used to inject highly painful, but not lethal, poison. Along Viperlash’s back is a strange ‘bubble’ pattern. This bubble pattern is yellow.


Viperlash has a great amount of speed and agility. Its arms can stretch to quite a large distance. The lead head is able to shoot a weak corrosive acid, which slowly eats away at metal. Viperlash is able to spit poison out of its heads attached to its arms. Viperlash is also able to unhinge all of its jaws, giving it the ability to be able to swallow just about any size of object. The acid that the head shoots out is also inside the stomach, but is more powerful and concentrated. This acid melts anything that Viperlash swallows.

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Overflow

Species: Aquimaximus


Overflow is completely made of water. He can change his appearance, but is still obviously made out of water. Overflow’s original form is large and obese. He has no arms, but has 3 long tails that act as tentacles.

Powers/ Abilities:

Overflow is able to change shape. It can create new limbs or lengthen the ones it already has. Overflow can move at high speeds and is agile.

Ultimate Form:

When Overflow goes Ultimate, its aquatic structure transforms into molten magma. It has the same powers except now it is extremely hot, making it considerably more dangerous.


Name: Magnetude

Species: Polarite


Magnetude is a large, hulking alien. It is quite obese and heavy. Its head seems to float in between its shoulders and has no visible neck. Magentude is white, but seems to be wearing a black jumpsuit. On Magnetude’s left hand is a red symbol with a negative sign on it, indicating that it is negatively charged. On Magnetude’s right hand is a blue symbol with a positive sign on it, indicating that it is positively charged.


Magnetude is able to control metal objects with the magnetic field he generates with his oppositely polarized arms. Magnetude is also able to create a tremendous shockwave by bringing his two hands together. Magnetude is also able to float, using the magnetic field he generates.

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: LeapFrog

Species: Phi


LeapFrog is roughly the size of a man, slightly taller. It has a murky green skin, covered in slime. LeapFrog has large, bulging, yellow eyes and an extremely large mouth. The mouth has no visible teeth and only an extremely large, long tongue resides in it. LeapFrog has very little upper body mass; most of its body is made up of the incredibly long legs he has. Leapfrog’s hands and feet are webbed to increase swimming prowess.


LeapFrog is able to jump amazing distances with his power legs. His tongue is also able to lash out and stick to objects. The slimy skin that coats LeapFrog makes it hard for attackers to get a firm hold on him and also protects him from both fire and water based attacks. LeapFrog is an extremely quick and agile swimmer; he is able to hold his breath for about an hour.

Ultimate Form:

When LeapFrog is in his Ultimate Form, the murky shade of green of his skin becomes darker and richer. Ultimate LeapFrog is not long and spindly like normal LeapFrog but appears to be more like a giant toad. Ultimate LeapFrog is slightly smaller than an elephant, and is just as strong. Long, jagged spikes poke out along Ultimate LeapFrog’s arms and legs. Ultimate LeapFrog is now also able to shoot large globs of slime from his mouth along with the powers normal LeapFrog had.


Name: Fierce

Species: Incedia Glacies


Fierce is a dragon-like alien species. Fierce is several meters high and towers over most species. Unlike most dragon species, Fierce does not have scales on his body. Instead of scales, Fierce has a leathery skin that offers much less protection then scales. The leathery skin protects Fierce from harsh temperatures and climates. Fierce has 2 heads protruding from the front of its body. He walks on all fours, but in battle Fierce can rear up on its hind legs. Fierce has a long sweeping tail with a club of bone on the end.


The left head of Fierce can breathe fire. The right head on Fierce can breathe a frigid liquid that freezes upon contact. The club on the end of the tail is extremely hard and powerful, it can be used to break down obstacles and crush the bones of enemies.

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Krimzon

Species: Petrosapien/Crystalsapien Hybrid


Krimzon is the size of an average man, but that is where the likeness ends. Krimzon’s body is made up of hard, organic crystal, as you may have guessed from his name, this crystal red. Krimzon is able to absorb energy like a Crystalsapien, but instead of releasing that energy into deadly beams the energy is stored within his crystallized skin. Krimzon’s color changes to a deep shade of blue the more energy he absorbs. Krimzon is slender like a Crystalsapien, but does not have the signature crystal horn that they have. He instead has a head more like a Petrosapien.


As mentioned above, Krimzon is able to absorb forms of energy and store it within his crystal body. The energy he takes in increases his strength and speed. The energy is used up just like the energy of humans, through activity. Krimzon is also able to shoot crystal projectiles, charged with this energy. The projectiles explode upon contact. Krimzon is able to control the organic crystal he is made of, but is unable to control the organic crystal after he expels it from his body. There is a limit to the amount of energy Krimzon can absorb, if he absorbs too much it is believed that he will explode into thousands of crystal fragments.

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Blasterdactyl

Species: Aerophibian (Jetray)


Blasterdactyl is identical to Jetray from a physiological standpoint, except the color. Blasterdactly is black and purple.


Blasterdactyl is able to shoot neuroshock blasts from its eyes and tail. It is able to fly and swim at supersonic speeds. Strangely, he is also able to breathe underwater. Blasterdactyl is also able to survive in space for several hours before having to return to an environment with an atmosphere.

Ultimate Form:

Unlike Jetray, Blasterdactyl does have an Ultimate Form. Ultimate Blasterdactyl is much larger than the original. It also looks much more similar to a pterodactyl. It is still the same shades of black and purple, but there are also several yellow spikes around its new beak. Ultimate Blasterdactyl can fly faster than the original by folding its wings around its body and spiraling through the air. Ultimate Blasterdactyl’s wings are also excellent shields for winged attacks. Ultimate Blasterdactyl is only able to shoot neuroshock blasts from its mouth, but these neuroshock blasts don’t come out in beams but instead come out in a wave pattern. This allows them to be more powerful and have longer range.


Name: Riptide

Species: Fluctos


Riptide resembles a starfish, but is bipedal. At the center of all five tentacles there is a pair of eyes and a mouth. Each tentacle has sucker pads on them. The color of the skin changes color depending on the mood of Riptide. The mouth is circular and the inside teeth spin to tear whatever enters it to shreds. Riptide’s size varies depending on the environment.


Riptide has the ability to take in water in order to make himself grow. The more water he takes on the larger he gets. Riptide is able to suck the moisture out of the air, but it takes much longer than absorbing just straight water. Riptide is able to shoot a jet of water out of its mouth, but it depletes the water storage inside its own body. The more it uses the water shot, the smaller it gets. Riptide is able to breathe on both land and in the water.

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Nullify

Species: Occulian


Nullify is actually 12 different eyes that are encased in a metallic shell for protection. Each of the eyes is a different color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, Black, White, Clear, Grey). The 12 eyes are approximately as large as a bowling ball and about as heavy. Each eye can act independently of each other. The eyes can move at a rate up to 35 miles per hour.


Each eye has a different power and/or ability.


This eye is able to create force fields, either around itself or a target. When the eye targets an object or organism that it wishes to surround in a force field a beam will shoot out of the pupil of the eye and engulf the target in an electric-like force field. The eye can only have 2 active force fields at a time. After about 3 hits on the outside of the force field the force field will disperse. From the inside the force field is nearly indestructible and is therefore also a good cage.


This eye is able to absorb fire/heat based attacks or abilities. The eye can then release the attack with ½ of its original strength. If this eye is already ‘holding’ an attack it cannot absorb another one until the ‘held’ attack is released.


This eye is able to absorb electrical/energy based attacks or abilities. The eye can then release the attack with ½ of its original strength. If this eye is already ‘holding’ an attack it cannot absorb another one until the ‘held’ attack is released.


This eye is able to absorb plant life or multi-cell organisms. It can then release them, under its bidding for a short amount of time. This eye is only able to control 1 organism at a time. Only 2 organisms can be ‘held’ within this eye at a time.


This eye is able to absorb water/ice based attacks or abilities. The eye can then release the attack with ½ of its original strength. If this eye is already ‘holding’ an attack it cannot absorb another one until the ‘held’ attack is released.


This eye is able to absorb poison/sickness based attacks or abilities. This eye can heal injuries and moderate illnesses.


This eye is able to absorb any psychic based attack or ability. This eye can filter and/or block any telepathic communication. This eye also possesses telepathy and is used to communicate for all the eyes.


This eye is able to absorb earth/rock based attacks or abilities. The eye can then release the attack with ½ of its original strength. If this eye is already ‘holding’ an attack it cannot absorb another one until the ‘held’ attack is released.


This eye is able to shoot a beam at an object that will render the object hidden from eyes, magic, trackers, etc. This eye can only cloak 3 items at a time and they must not be living (with exception of itself and the other eyes). This eye can absorb light and light based attacks. This eye can shoot a short ranged cloud of black particles that travel about the air, creating an area of darkness for a few minutes. This eye can see no matter how dark it is.


This eye is able to release a signal that covers an area of 5 meters. Any hidden object or organism within the radius is instantly uncloaked. This ability has a 20 minute cool down time. During the 20 minute cool down time this eye is able to see cloaked items, but is not able to use the signal to reveal it to comrades. This eye is able to absorb dark based attacks and create light. This eye cannot be blinded by light.


This eye is able to become completely invisible and intangible. While invisible and intangible the eye cannot attack or touch other objects or organisms (unless they are also intangible). This eye is able to release a beam that shatters in a force field or barrier.


This eye is able to absorb wind/air based attacks or abilities. The eye can then release the attack with ½ of its original strength. If this eye is already ‘holding’ an attack it cannot absorb another one until the ‘held’ attack is released.

Ultimate Form: N/A




Although he lives in New York, he is on a cruise around the world with his father. His father has yet to come out of the cabin and is working even on vacation.

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: Rosencrantz "Rose" Blackwood



Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=Rose]


Personality: Rose is very quiet and reserved. He tends to avoid most forms of contact with people, preferring to work by himself and achieve his goals without "inconveniencing" others. This derives from a phobia of Rose's that is basically described as the following: He is afraid of the inability to make people happy, and thus feels that he brings misfortune to everyone. This is a shame, however, as Rose would be a very kind and caring person if he were to open up to anyone.

Bio: Rose was born in Portland, Oregon, and lived a rather normal life. He went to school, spent a lot of time at the zoo, and hung out in the International Rose Test Garden with his friends and family. It was on Rose's 16th birthday that he witnessed a streak of light in the night sky...And it was hurtling straight toward him! When the light slammed into the center of a lake, the water evaporated, leaving a white-hot orb in the center of the dry crater. Rose climbed down to investigate, finding that the orb was a metal capsule containing a large blue-and-white armband-looking device. The device quickly adhered itself to Rose's wrist, and a message from a Galvan named "Azmuth" played, telling Rose that he was now wielding something called an "Ultimatrix", a device capable of causing people to transform into various aliens from across the universe. He was informed that he only had access to a playlist of 10 aliens currently, and more could be unlocked by various other means. Now, he strives to become a hero so that he can maybe, just maybe be able to help people he cares about, as opposed to simply being a burden to others...

Gender: Guy

Hometown: Portland, OR

Ultimatrix Coloration: The coloration is electric-blue and white, similar to AmpFibian.

Ultimatrix Aliens: [spoiler=Classic Aliens]

Way Big (Ultimate Form unlocked)

Echo Echo (Ultimate Form Unlocked)




[spoiler=Original Aliens]

NOTE: All names are included simply for the sake of formality, as Rose refers to all of his aliens by species name.


Name: "Hotstreak"

Appearance: Hotstreak's appearance is very typical of his species—He stands upright at about 6' tall, with a body structure similar to that of a large, sleek jackal; however, instead of paws, he has four-fingered hands and two-toed feet with long, gleaming black claws. His eyes are solid yellow, with no discernible iris, pupil, or sclera. His fur is a deep crimson, with two solid black stripes that run from the tops of his eyes to a spot in the middle of his back, where they converge into one thick stripe that runs to the tip of his long tail.

Species: Mercurian Frictiodon

Powers/Abilities: Frictiodons' bodies vibrate at very high speeds, allowing to them to travel long distances in a matter of seconds without any visible effort. Also, this property causes very high levels of friction in their fur, allowing them to wield fire as a weapon, albeit with very little control. They also have highly sensitive hearing and are resistant to any form of extreme temperature.

Ultimate Form: Not yet unlocked.



Name: "Titan"

Appearance: Titan takes the form of a large moth-like creature...In fact, his body is over 12' long, and his wingspan is approximately 40', from wingtip to wingtip. His antennae measure over three feet in length, and his legs are about the same size. His hair and scales are red, white, and ruddy brown in coloration. His large compound eyes reflect the light at odd angles and in a variety of colors.

Species: Saturnian Atlasoid

Powers/Abilities: Being a large moth, he is capable of both gilding and powered flight. Also, he is capable of seeing in approximately a 200–degree field of vision. He can alter the alignment of his hair and scales in order to affect the way his body reflects light, thus capable of rendering himself visible from certain angles. He can also use his antennae to sense everything he is incapable of seeing. He is strong enough to lift a large van with minimal difficulty.

Ultimate Form: Not yet unlocked.

Other: This is one of the only aliens Rose refers to by a given name, as opposed to its species.



Name: "Astropod"

Appearance: Think about a really big snail with a round shell, covered in small spikes. The main part of the "snail" that resides within the shell is violet in coloration, and has no eyes. There is a small mouth on the underside of Astropod with many knife-like teeth. There is also a bone-like structure on part of the main body of Astropod.

Species: Geminian Astropod

Powers/Abilities: Can fire highly pressurized streams of water from the small mouth on his underside. He also sends out small electrical pulses into the ground to detect his surroundings; however, these pulses are not capable of doing much damage to anything other than sensitive machinery. He can tuck himself into his shell to protect himself from most attacks, and can then roll around with even greater control than "Cannonbolt".

Ultimate Form: Not yet unlocked.


Name: "Orphues"

Appearance: [spoiler=Orpheus]




Species: Thracian Meister

Powers/Abilities: Orpheus can strum his lyre or sing to produce any range of musical notes, making him effectively the greatest musician in the universe.

...Also, in terms of combat abilities, he can warp reality with his music. However, it is very difficult to determine what notes do what, so Rose often cannot do exactly what he wishes.

Ultimate Form: Not yet unlocked.

Other: Also referred to by given name, as opposed to species name.



Name: "Monolith"

Appearance: A massive golem composed of floating grey boulders, held together with electric-blue energy. He is second only to Way Big in size, towering over even "Titan" at a staggering 35 feet. His "head" is just a large boulder with a big blue eye in the center.

Species: Aegatican Colossus

Powers/Abilities: Can fire a beam of energy from his single eye. He also has geokinesis; basically, he can control rocks and the earth around him. He is nearly as strong as Way Big, but his body is much more durable. He can be broken apart, but reforms quickly.

Ultimate Form: Not yet unlocked.


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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/18/2012 at 9:28 PM, -Dharc- said:

Is it alright if my character refers to the aliens in the Ultimatrix by their species names, as opposed to their given names? If not, it's no big deal, but I just find the names of the aliens in the series to be a bit silly.



Name: Rosencrantz "Rose" Blackwood

Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=Rose]


Personality: Rose is very quiet and reserved. He tends to avoid most forms of contact with people, preferring to work by himself and achieve his goals without "inconveniencing" others. This derives from a phobia of Rose's that is basically described as the following: He is afraid of the inability to make people happy, and thus feels that he brings misfortune to everyone. This is a shame, however, as Rose would be a very kind and caring person if he were to open up to anyone.


Gender: Guy

Hometown: Portland, OR

Ultimatrix Coloration: The coloration is electric-blue, similar to AmpFibian.

Ultimatrix Aliens: [spoiler=Classic Aliens]

Way Big (Ultimate Form unlocked)









That is no problem at all. Glad to have another member.


I am eagerly awaiting to see the finish product of your application, especially the idea of an Ultimate Way Big.

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Name: Alexis Acel

Age: 18

Appearance: Alexis

Personality: Alexis is almost always calm even in the most dangerous situations. She is usually the first one to rush into combat the reason being that she doesn't want his comrades getting hurt and will protect them from harm. Due to this she can be very reckless. Her actions in battle seem reckless but she is extremely intelligent and uses reckless actions as part of her strategy. She never seems to get mad in front of people close to her and is extremely friendly.

Bio: Alexis was born on earth along side her brother jason at the age of 1 he was taken by the Highbreed due to the fact that jason possesed more highbreed DNA then his sister. (Bio will be updated)


Gender: Female

Home Country/Town: Brazil

Ultimatrix Color(s): Void Black


[spoiler=Ultimatrix Aliens]

Name: Brains and Brawn

Appearance: Brains and Brawn



Height: 7feet 6 inches

Weight: 114 lbs.


Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis, Levitation, Teleportation, Duplicate himself, Telekinetic, Energy spheres, He can view the world without through others, control others. Can fly over 79 Mach. He has incredible inelegance and uses logic to solve problems. He has a prehensile tail, and heighted hearing and is able to see in the third person,meaning he can see himself and everyone around him. Armor controls his physic powers. Enough power to destroy a country.


Weakness: Brains is very fragile and cannot fight for long. Brains has dangerous powers that lay dormant inside until released. Very difficult to control. Being an alien of opposite each of his 'clone; is difrent from the originel. such as color, personality and even gender.





Height: 3 feet 4 inches


Body: 50 lbs.

Fist 115 lbs.

Feet 30 lbs.


Powers/Abilities: One of the universe’s hardest punches and quickest kicks, his limbs are like spring loaded jackhammers. Arms can shot out over 15 feet. The bones in his fist are made of the same substances as Diamondhead. They can feel no pain. the top speed for kicking is 250 mph and shot out to 12 feet. The toes on his feet can attach to nearly any surface and can easily grab objects. Jumps over 80 feet. Thick skull.


Weakness: Brawn’s instinct tells him the mind is only for controlling the muscles. He uses strength in virtually every situation. He isn’t very smart. Short temper. Cocky and irrational


Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Badaboom

Species: Unknown

Home Planet: 2nd from the sun of the Chelda System

Appearance: Badaboom


- Can shoot explosive projectiles (Minibooms) from its palms that can explode on signal if in range. Amount is limited to stamina levels and can be mobile.

- Can explode own limbs and even self destruct with the control of direction of the explosion.

- Can regenerate itself after full/part self explosions by attracting back its scattered atoms.

- Can control magnitude of its explosions from harmless fireworks to grounding a building.

- Dark colours promote camouflage and stealth.

- Does not need an atmosphere to live in.

- Good climber and decent runner.



- The more it makes itself or its Minibooms to explode, the more energy it uses up and will lead to constant rest breaks.

- Self detonation takes up the most energy and slows down reaction times as it needs several moments to regenerate its stamina.

- If there are any Minibooms not yet detonated then its bulbs will flash constantly in order to maintain control over Minibooms. This will lead to giving away its cover.

- It is fairly weak and only gets its strength from its explosions.

- Nearby magnetic forces may cause Minibooms and Badaboom to 'malfunction' and make mistakes.

- Outside explosions may cause accidental self detonations.


Ultimate Form : Ultimate Badaboom


Name: Fire & Ice

Species: Dragon

Home Planet: Unknown


Ice storm

Fire Storm

Powers: (Ice)Able to produce freezing winds/Storm, Flight, Great Strength. (Fire Storm) Able to produce burning winds/Storm, Flight, Great Strength and flames.


Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: ChaosSpell

Species: Human?

Home Planet: Ledgerdomain


Powers: Mana/Magic Spells


Ultimate Form: Ultimate Chaos Spell


Name: Amalgam

Species: Multi

Home Planet: Primus

Appearance: Amalgam

Powers: Unknown

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Cerebro

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Galvan

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Galvan

Ultimate Form (if applicable): Ultimate Cerebro


Name: Blitz

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Appoplexian

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.c...iki/Appoplexian

Ultimate Form (if applicable): N/A


Name: Gluttony

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Osmosian

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Osmosian

Ultimate Form (if applicable):


Name: Ba'al

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Highbreed Enhanced

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Highbreed

Ultimate Form (if applicable): Ultimate Ba'al


Name: Techno

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Galvanic Mechamorph

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.c...anic_Mechamorph

Ultimate Form (if applicable):







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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/18/2012 at 10:09 PM, TitanKing said:

Name: Alexis Acel

Age: 18

Appearance: Alexis

Personality: Alexis is almost always calm even in the most dangerous situations. She is usually the first one to rush into combat the reason being that she doesn't want his comrades getting hurt and will protect them from harm. Due to this she can be very reckless. Her actions in battle seem reckless but she is extremely intelligent and uses reckless actions as part of her strategy. She never seems to get mad in front of people close to her and is extremely friendly.

Bio: Alexis was born on earth along side her brother jason at the age of 1 he was taken by the Highbreed due to the fact that jason possesed more highbreed DNA then his sister. (Bio will be updated)


Gender: Female

Home Country/Town: Brazil

Ultimatrix Color(s): Void Black


[spoiler=Ultimatrix Aliens]

Name: Brains and Brawn

Appearance: Brains and Brawn



Height: 7feet 6 inches

Weight: 114 lbs.


Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis, Levitation, Teleportation, Duplicate himself, Telekinetic, Energy spheres, He can view the world without through others, control others. Can fly over 79 Mach. He has incredible inelegance and uses logic to solve problems. He has a prehensile tail, and heighted hearing and is able to see in the third person,meaning he can see himself and everyone around him. Armor controls his physic powers. Enough power to destroy a country.


Weakness: Brains is very fragile and cannot fight for long. Brains has dangerous powers that lay dormant inside until released. Very difficult to control. Being an alien of opposite each of his 'clone; is difrent from the originel. such as color, personality and even gender.





Height: 3 feet 4 inches


Body: 50 lbs.

Fist 115 lbs.

Feet 30 lbs.


Powers/Abilities: One of the universe’s hardest punches and quickest kicks, his limbs are like spring loaded jackhammers. Arms can shot out over 15 feet. The bones in his fist are made of the same substances as Diamondhead. They can feel no pain. the top speed for kicking is 250 mph and shot out to 12 feet. The toes on his feet can attach to nearly any surface and can easily grab objects. Jumps over 80 feet. Thick skull.


Weakness: Brawn’s instinct tells him the mind is only for controlling the muscles. He uses strength in virtually every situation. He isn’t very smart. Short temper. Cocky and irrational


Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Badaboom

Species: Unknown

Home Planet: 2nd from the sun of the Chelda System

Appearance: Badaboom


- Can shoot explosive projectiles (Minibooms) from its palms that can explode on signal if in range. Amount is limited to stamina levels and can be mobile.

- Can explode own limbs and even self destruct with the control of direction of the explosion.

- Can regenerate itself after full/part self explosions by attracting back its scattered atoms.

- Can control magnitude of its explosions from harmless fireworks to grounding a building.

- Dark colours promote camouflage and stealth.

- Does not need an atmosphere to live in.

- Good climber and decent runner.



- The more it makes itself or its Minibooms to explode, the more energy it uses up and will lead to constant rest breaks.

- Self detonation takes up the most energy and slows down reaction times as it needs several moments to regenerate its stamina.

- If there are any Minibooms not yet detonated then its bulbs will flash constantly in order to maintain control over Minibooms. This will lead to giving away its cover.

- It is fairly weak and only gets its strength from its explosions.

- Nearby magnetic forces may cause Minibooms and Badaboom to 'malfunction' and make mistakes.

- Outside explosions may cause accidental self detonations.


Ultimate Form : Ultimate Badaboom


Name: Fire & Ice

Species: Dragon

Home Planet: Unknown


Ice storm

Fire Storm

Powers: (Ice)Able to produce freezing winds/Storm, Flight, Great Strength. (Fire Storm) Able to produce burning winds/Storm, Flight, Great Strength and flames.


Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: ChaosSpell

Species: Human?

Home Planet: Ledgerdomain


Powers: Mana/Magic Spells


Ultimate Form: Ultimate Chaos Spell


Name: Amalgam

Species: Multi

Home Planet: Primus

Appearance: Amalgam

Powers: Unknown

Ultimate Form: N/A


Name: Cerebro

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Galvan

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Galvan

Ultimate Form (if applicable): Ultimate Cerebro


Name: Blitz

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Appoplexian

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.c...iki/Appoplexian

Ultimate Form (if applicable): N/A


Name: Gluttony

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Osmosian

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Osmosian

Ultimate Form (if applicable):


Name: Ba'al

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Highbreed Enhanced

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Highbreed

Ultimate Form (if applicable): Ultimate Ba'al


Name: Techno

Appearance (refrain from using pictures):

Species: Galvanic Mechamorph

Powers/Abilities: http://ben10.wikia.c...anic_Mechamorph

Ultimate Form (if applicable):








Sorry, but you can't have your own species inside your ultimatrix, so having a human in your Ultimatrix won't work. Also, your aliens like Brains and Brawns and Fire and Ice are they one alien that can switch between the two forms or what? Because you can't have a transformation that brings out two different aliens.


Will wait for your update to see whether I accept the app or not.

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Name: Alexander Pytha


Species: Osmosian


Age: 17


Home Planet: Osmos V


Weapon(s) of Choice(if applicable): Lazer Lance; common weapon.


Hired Bounty Hunter(Y/N): Yes


Powers/Abilities(if applicable): Typical Osmosian Powers (http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Osmosian). His weakness: He cannot absorb any more energy past his limit for 24 hours, 19 if he continually wastes it fighting. But he doesn't know that.


Personality (3 or more lines): He, in his old, now "locked" state, is a stable osmosian. He is a normally happy person who gets a kick in absorbing small amounts of energy many times of the day. But he isn't like it, normally. His new normal state is a apathetic osmosian who only cares about doing his job, absorbing energy, and getting his money. His current state is a silent insanity. He is blunt with all that he thinks and says. But he will stop at nothing to keep absorbing until his body cannot take it any more. Then the cooldown: He will go out on a rampage to release that energy. He hates to be stopped, and targets the subject of the stop. He is feral in that state; only silent grunts. But the rampage only last 5 minutes.


Appearance: In his normal state, he has sharp blonde hair. His blue eyes compliment that hair, and the face comes together with that. A good curved nose, a slightly furry lip, and a small mouth. He wears sunglasses commonly over the eyes. On his body, he wears long spandex pants- for winter running. On the shirt- it commonly changes; usually when he changes. Plus he wears sandals. And when he has important business, he wears a dark blue suit with a white flannel shirt under the suit jacket, and a tie. The sunglasses don't leave, plus he wears boat shoes instead.


Bio (2 or more lines): He was just a common citizen from Osmos V. He lived a normal life- slowly put onto his powers. He learned just as a Osmosian should. But he fell into the life of the lower. He overloaded one day; more than a person his age should ever take. He lost sanity. He killed all that stood in his path. He was banished from Osmos. He was nearly sent to the Null Void, but escaped. He fell into the life of a Bounty Hunter. He makes his money, he buys new "toys" with such money, and the cycle repeats. He takes up the offer to hunt the Ultimatrixes.



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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/25/2012 at 11:00 PM, -Dharc- said:

Hey, quick question...For my app, is it alright if I only have 3 custom aliens? I understand if you say the "rules are rules" thing, but I just wanted to know.


Sorry, I know it can be tough to create those aliens...took me forever! But as you say 'rules are rules' but if you want go ahead and search custom aliens on DeviantArt and it may give you a few ideas.

  On 3/26/2012 at 12:38 AM, Cheetah Blazer said:

Name: Alexander Pytha


Species: Osmosian


Age: 17


Home Planet: Osmos V


Weapon(s) of Choice(if applicable): Lazer Lance; common weapon.


Hired Bounty Hunter(Y/N): Yes


Powers/Abilities(if applicable): Typical Osmosian Powers (http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Osmosian). His weakness: He cannot absorb any more energy past his limit for 24 hours, 19 if he continually wastes it fighting. But he doesn't know that.


Personality (3 or more lines): He, in his old, now "locked" state, is a stable osmosian. He is a normally happy person who gets a kick in absorbing small amounts of energy many times of the day. But he isn't like it, normally. His new normal state is a apathetic osmosian who only cares about doing his job, absorbing energy, and getting his money. His current state is a silent insanity. He is blunt with all that he thinks and says. But he will stop at nothing to keep absorbing until his body cannot take it any more. Then the cooldown: He will go out on a rampage to release that energy. He hates to be stopped, and targets the subject of the stop. He is feral in that state; only silent grunts. But the rampage only last 5 minutes.


Appearance: In his normal state, he has sharp blonde hair. His blue eyes compliment that hair, and the face comes together with that. A good curved nose, a slightly furry lip, and a small mouth. He wears sunglasses commonly over the eyes. On his body, he wears long spandex pants- for winter running. On the shirt- it commonly changes; usually when he changes. Plus he wears sandals. And when he has important business, he wears a dark blue suit with a white flannel shirt under the suit jacket, and a tie. The sunglasses don't leave, plus he wears boat shoes instead.


Bio (2 or more lines): He was just a common citizen from Osmos V. He lived a normal life- slowly put onto his powers. He learned just as a Osmosian should. But he fell into the life of the lower. He overloaded one day; more than a person his age should ever take. He lost sanity. He killed all that stood in his path. He was banished from Osmos. He was nearly sent to the Null Void, but escaped. He fell into the life of a Bounty Hunter. He makes his money, he buys new "toys" with such money, and the cycle repeats. He takes up the offer to hunt the Ultimatrixes.




Looks good, glad to have a bounty hunter in the mix.





For those who are editing/completing their apps please inform when you do so that I can take a look and so it doesn't go unnoticed. Also remember, when you have an Ultimate Form you must explain what that Ultimate Form both looks like and what additional powers it has. If you need an example look at my app. Thanks for you cooperation.

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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/27/2012 at 2:52 AM, -Dharc- said:

Okay, my app is finished.


Looks good, except you did not put the powers/appearance of Ultimate Way Big. Add that and you will be done. Thanks!

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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/28/2012 at 3:01 AM, -Dharc- said:

Ultimate Way Big already exists, it's on the wiki.


Sorry, that episode doesn't come out for me until later this week. That is why I was unfamiliar with it.


I will add your finished app.

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Guest ~Renegade~
  On 3/29/2012 at 1:09 AM, Cheetah Blazer said:

We have sufficient amounts of people to at least prologue our endeavour into the world of Ben 10. May we try to start?


Well I was hoping that we might have one more villain, but I guess we can start.


Will notify everyone when I have put up the IC Thread


IC thread now posted. Link in main post.

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Guest ~Renegade~

I am sorry everyone, but this RP I believe has to end. I was really looking forward to it, really I truly was, but somethings at school have whipped up and I can't ignore them. Once again so sorry about this, but since it doesn't seem too many people were interested anyway I hope it doesn't screw too many people over.

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