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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1331680179' post='5869457']
Anime and manga are too diverse to actually say that it has any one "style".
[/quote][quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1331679782' post='5869452']
Anime and manga follow a lot of fantasy tropes actually - just very well hidden amongst whatever the genre is.
Mm...to a degree, I suppose. But there are also a lot of devices that are unique to or originated in anime and manga.

[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1331680179' post='5869457']
Anime and manga are too diverse to actually say that it has any one "style".
True, maybe I stated that not quite correctly. There [i]is[/i] a certain degree of commonality amongst anime and manga, similar to how you can draw certain commonalities in American movies as opposed to European, etc.

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I like Real Robot like Robotech and UC-contiunity Gundam. By Robotech, I mean the English dub. For all it's cheesy voice-acting, I liked how the dubbers actually merged Macross with 2 unrelated anime like what was done with Voltron, Power Rangers, and VR Troopers and made it work.

EDIT: Real Robot is Giant Robots without the godly power, and they act like walking tanks (or in Robotech's case, jets.)

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I think the primary appeal of Eastern Animation over Western Animation is that eastern ones tend to have some kind of end goal in mind or some progression of a plot, whereas western animation typically starts with a vague premise and builds stories that way, then snap back to status quo once the episode is over.

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[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1331681569' post='5869481']
I think the primary appeal of Eastern Animation over Western Animation is that eastern ones tend to have some kind of end goal in mind or some progression of a plot, whereas western animation typically starts with a vague premise and builds stories that way, then snap back to status quo once the episode is over.
[/quote]Well this is more because of the age group that tends to watch I suppose. Or what westerners want to see when viewing 'cartoons' as we tend to call them.

It's much more episodic, focusing on telling something short and being able to tell it with no real end in sight. Small parts not having much to do with each other rather than all together as a long piece. Something that someone with no previous experience can come into and understand fully, essentially.

Also, I agree with burnpsy, categorizing all anime under an idea is pointless because of the ridiculous amount of diversity there is to it.

For example, I can only compare FLCL to any given Miyazaki movie because they're probably both about coming of age. Are they at all similar after that? Not really at all.

Going further, try to compare the film Paprika to, let's say, R+V. There's hardly ANY comparisons that I can really make.

Anime can only be categorized based on its art style. after that, it's too diverse to even try to do so imo.

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