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360 xbox controller gfx

Master White

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I thought about it long and hard, and you know, there lots of companies that will help you make your controller the way you want, and designed, but without a picture, its hard for them to get it exactly right....

So, I decided I'd make custom xbox designed controlled pics for people who wants them....

Later, if I understand what the materials the xbox 360 shells are made out of, I could maybe make some these things.....Or at least print of the picture on sticker paper and cut the necesseary holes and stick it down, would be the best way then painting, then you can have whaever you want, and easily remove later....

So, if your a person who hates drawing, likes pictures, hates designing, then I can help ya....

For a small price; If I get accepted to the shop that is, No slots opened yet....

You have to pay for the controller and sticker paper, i just provide ya with the fitting backgrounds you may or may not want.


Anyhow, I just want to know how this one looks, Yes, I left the d-pads grey ring around it, as I thought that made it look decent....If not, its an easy fix...

Anhow, without further ado, here is the picture....Yes, its MW2, I've tried finding better Mw3 Pics, but all were hyperlinked without permission....


I do not own any rights to xbox, microsoft, or anything, and anyway, this is just used for enertainment or or design purposes only....

So, is that better?

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Messy, really, i just kind of grabbed a photo.....Hmm, yea, that photo was messy....Well, it was a sample one, not the best ones....I can easily do a simpler one, but it won't look good....

And why do I always forget that on every other computer that the brightness is quite brighter then my comp...Ugh....

Thanks for feedback....I darkend my screen, and now I know what you mean, me always seeing everything in the bright screen makes things like being messy hard to see....

~Updated: Different colored conrollers to help blend in & lighter and looks less messy.....

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