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deck...light dragon or just dragon(not sure)

Recommended Posts

2 blizzard dragon
1 dandylion
1 darkflare dragon
1 debris dragon
2 dodger dragon
1 horus the black flame dragon lv 6
1 horus the black flame dragon lv 8
2 karakuri watchdog mdl 313 "saizan"
1 lightpulsar dragon
2 majestic dragon
1 prime material dragon
3 red-eyes darkness metal dragon
1 sangan
3 stardust xiaolong
1 summoner monk

1 cards of consonance
1 dark hole
2 gold sarcophagus
1 lightning vortex
1 monster reborn
2 mystical space typhoon
1 one for one
1 swords of revealing light

2 dark bribe
1 divine wrath
1 mirror force
1 royal decree
2 threatening roar

[b]extra deck[/b]
1 ally of justice decisive armor
1 ancient fairy dragon
1 black rose dragon
2 crimson blader
1 iron chain dragon
1 majestic star dragon
2 scrap dragon
2 stardust dragon
1 hieratic dragon pharoh - atums
1 lavalval chain
1 number 25: fullmetal photoglide focus force
1 stellar ptolemys messier 7

[b]side deck[/b]
1 kaiser glider
1 galazy-eyes photon dragon
tribute to the doomed or other destroy cards????

i would like suggestions on how to go from here, because i sometimes end up with dead draws that i don't want at particularly bad times...i don't like dead draws......at all....

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You need to learn the difference between theme and type. Dragon is a type of card, not a theme of a deck. There are themes which include Dragons, such as Chaos Dragons, Disaster, Dragunity, ect. (Which goes for light too, seeing as its an Attribute not a theme)

You also need to narrow down what you want the deck to do, which a theme does. You try to do to much with the deck that it makes everything subpar against anyone with competitive knowledge.

I suggest you research more on exactly what type of Dragon Deck you want then post it, because "Dragons" is so broad that its bad.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1331398793' post='5864542']
You need to learn the difference between theme and type. Dragon is a type of card, not a theme of a deck. There are themes which include Dragons, such as Chaos Dragons, Disaster, Dragunity, ect. (Which goes for light too, seeing as its an Attribute not a theme)

You also need to narrow down what you want the deck to do, which a theme does. You try to do to much with the deck that it makes everything subpar against anyone with competitive knowledge.

I suggest you research more on exactly what type of Dragon Deck you want then post it, because "Dragons" is so broad that its bad.

it's more of a dragon lockdown, but since a larger majority were light dragon, i was wondering i should add something to make it better

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