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Like my shop??? Please don't vote unless you buy something!  

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  1. 1. Like my shop??? Please don't vote unless you buy something!

    • Love It! I'll be back with money!
    • Meh. It's Alright...
    • I HATE IT!

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Because you didn't read the Egg Rules and as a result you got something incorrect in your form. The same mistake was made by ryan. On a lighter note, Excalibur your order is ready:



Copy the code into your sig. It will hatch/evolve on the specified date as long as it's in your sig.

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Is your item a: Evolving Egg

Bold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve and Hatch

Pokemon(Up to 6 including egg):







Bold the Egg Style: Open palette

Egg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen):Gold

Hatch Date:6/3/08

Evolve Date:(For all)6/4/08

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okay then, is this okay?


Is your item a: Pokemon | Egg | Evolving Egg

Bold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve | Hatch | Non-Original

Pokemon(Up to 6 including egg):

1. Egg

2. Pichu

3. Pikachu

4. Raichu

5. N/A

6. N/A

Bold the Egg Style: Recolour | Open palette

Egg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen): N/A

Hatch Date: 14/7/08

Evolve Date: 28/7/08

2. 42/7/08





Pokemon Style: Original | Creation

Background overview: The background you see in the game when the egg hatches. A black and white flashing background

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@ Zenrais: Stealing is stealing no matter how long you do it for. Your banned from the shop. and the negs deserve to stay.

@ Zephkaaa: Yeh it was but I still can't do it. Egg must come first.

@ Excalibur, Cardmaster: He's done and banned from my store. Leave the negs he got he deserves them.

@ mechking: accepted. But I can't do the runic unless I have the render + A filled out form.

@ aznwhitey: Just change it so your dates are 2 weeks apart. ^^ Just edit so there are new dates and I'll make it.^^

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K I will get you your egg. ^^



All done



Now just stick that in your sig.

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okay then, is this okay? fixed to maximum


Is your item a:Evolving Egg

Bold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve Hatch

Pokemon(Up to 6 including egg):

1. Egg

2. Arounopost_72991_1215133720_thumb.attach

3. Articouno

4. Suicunopost_72991_1215133806_thumb.attach

5. N/A

6. N/A

Bold the Egg Style: Open palette

Egg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen): light blue with snow flakes

Hatch Date: 14/7/08

Evolve Date: look down

2. 28/10/08 arouno evo

3.01/1/09 articouno evo




Pokemon Style: Original and ceation

Background overview:snowy

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If you could make the splices for me, that will be grand & I'll pay extra. If not, then I'll post them tomorrow


Pimew (Diamond Pearl Sprites)

Pikamew (FR/LG Sprites Revamped)

Reamew (Silver Sprite Revamped)


Is your item a: Evolving Egg

Bold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve | Hatch | Non-Original

Pokemon(Up to 6 including egg):

1.Pimew [Pichu + Mew]

2. Pikamew [Pikachu + Mew]

3. Raimew [Raichu + Mew]




Bold the Egg Style: Recolour | Open palette

Egg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen):

Hatch Date: 1 Week

Evolve Date:

Pimew >> 1 week >> Pikamew >> 1 week >> Raimew

Pokemon Style: Creation

Background overview: ???

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very nice shop i like how u don`t use gens for your cards :) here is my order:



Template:Frontier Card

Badges: orange island

Badge Number(How many Badges you want): 5

Trainer Sprite:13

Card Background: http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w11/ashje_photo/rp7.jpg


Pokemon Number 1: Mew

Pokemon Number 2: Mudkip

Pokemon Number 3: Treeko

Pokemon Number 4: Aron

Pokemon Number 5: Arrgon

Pokemon Number 6: Lairon

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