+Jono Posted February 28, 2008 Report Share Posted February 28, 2008 [align=center]The Free Shop~My Creative Commons License~The items in this shop are protected by a Creative Commons License. If the shop is OPEN it means you can make orders and they will be filled. If it is CLOSED it means the shop is under construction and all orders will be ignored. The shop is currently: ClOSED[spoiler=The Rules ~ Read Before You Order]1. Do not spam.***2. Do not flame. Auto-ban from my shop.****3. Do not insult my work.*4. Do not insult other members.****5. Do not order if the waiting list is full or your order will be ignored.6. One order per post. If there are more then they will all be ignored.7. If there is an order form for the item you want, use it or your order will be ignored.8. Follow the Rules laid down by (Super)Moderators.***9. Do not break the rules. (3 times = *) + Auto ban10. Do not steal. Auto-ban from my shop.****11. Do not PM me asking me when your order will be done or post asking when your order will be done. I have a life outside of YCM and I only drop in to fill orders and rate a few sigs/tuts. (2 times = *)12. Do not order when shop is closed. * Represents one neg rep. If you break a rule that is how many neg reps you get. So if you break Rule 1 you get 3 neg reps. If it is in brackets it means if you do the thing that many times you lose that many neg reps. So if you break Rule 9 3 times you get one neg rep. [spoiler= [color=red]*I don't want to add this but...* Bans[/color]]Name: Zenrais Reason: Stealing Note: Bans are permanent. The person above has been trying to drop his ban by PMing me. It won't work. I don't take away bans unless I have good reason to. I also don't give bans unless I have a good reason to(Breaking the Rules 3 times). [spoiler=Notice Board][spoiler=23/12/08]A new form is out for Banners. Check it before ordering. [spoiler=29/11/08]New Item: Buttons. They can be used for a site or just to dress up a shop or a page. I've also added one for each section. [spoiler=13/11/08]Store Upgraded! 5 New Holosheets, Renders, Recolours, Quadrants and Gold Stickers! [spoiler=10/9/08]Waiting List has been changed. It will now say FULL or EMPTY. For those who have orders, they have been delayed because I have been studying for exams. They will be finished on either Friday or Saturday. I apologise for the inconvenience. [spoiler=9/8/08]Upgrade is Finished. You may now order. New Items Include Special Recolours & Quality Booster Packs. [spoiler=7/8/08]Seeing as the forum got an upgrade so will this shop. A slight update has been release with new "Special Notices". A bigger upgrade will come soon with some downtime in the shop. [spoiler=12/6/08]New Customizable, Hatchable, Evolvable Eggs are out. Sorry for the late release. Normal Series eggs are also available to order. [spoiler=5/6/08]Pokemon Maps are off the menu seeing as my Advance Map hates me. Everything is in spoilers to make things easier to read. [spoiler=3/6/08]Customizable, Hatchable, Evolvable, Pokemonable?What the hell are they? They're Customizable, Hatching, Evolving Pokemon Eggs!!!one!!!eight1!@#In a week you will be able to create and then adopt your very own Pokemon egg! Though as a result Series Eggs cannot be ordered. Please don't order them. More info closer to the release date... [spoiler=17/4/08]New Egg. It is a Hybrid. It will evolve after it has hatched. [spoiler=29/3/08]Ultimate BreakThrough!Get your own HATCHABLE Pokemon Eggs. They all hatch on a certain day! Take A look! [spoiler=25/3/08]NEW HOLO PATTERNS! 5 TO BE PRECISE! CHECK 'EM OUT! [spoiler=25/3/08]Pokemon Maps are down right now. Please don't order them. [spoiler=Items] [spoiler=What's New]Buttons (For Sites or Sigs or Whatever) ,5 New Advanced Holosheets, Renders, Quadrant Recolours, Card Recolours, Gold Stickers. [spoiler=Buttons] [spoiler=Form]Size (In px) (Default is 76x21 px):Scan Lines: Yes or NoColour (Bold One): Red | Gray | Blue | Black | Green | Yellow | Pink | Dark Blue | Charcoal BlackText:Chisel Style (Bold One) (Default is Smooth): Smooth | Hard | Soft Example: [With Scan Lines] [Without Scan Lines] [spoiler=Renders ~ New] Form:Picture to be Rendered (No Special Effects Overlapping): Example:[bEFORE][AFTER] [spoiler=Avatars~New]For avatars fill out this form: Text (Optional):Avatar Style (Bold your choice): Resize | Banner CropBanner to crop (Only if Banner Crop is chosen):Picture to resize (Only if Resize is chosen):Border: Yes or No Examples: Banner Crop: Resize: [spoiler=Booster Packs~New]Now I do quality boosters. Thanks ~Spirit of Touma~, Thanks [Atomix].Form:Booster Name:Cards Per Pack:Age Limit:Name Style(Bold): Glow | OutlineRender:Background Style: Egyptian Tablet | Regular [spoiler=Form Example]Booster Name: Sharingan Vol. ICards Per Pack: 9Age Limit: 6+Name Style(Bold): Glow | OutlineRender:Background Style: Egyptian Tablet | Regular End Result: [spoiler=Advanced Recolours~New]Recolour Style(Bold which one you want): Chaos | Inferno (More coming soon)Pokemon: [spoiler=Form Example]Recolour Style(Bold which one you want): Chaos | Inferno (More coming soon)Pokemon: Mewzard (must give sprite) End Result: [spoiler=Basic Recolours~New]New to the market I will now make basic recolours.Form:I want a: Basic RecolourPokemon to be recoloured:Pokemon Pallete: [spoiler=Form Example]I want a: Basic RecolourPokemon to be recoloured: PikachuPokemon Pallete: Lucario Finished Result: [spoiler=Customizable, Hatchable, Evolvable PokeEggs/Pokemon!]Totally new! I now make eggs on order. Just fill out the form: Style: PokePlushies | AshjeLevel (Only if PokePlushies was chosen): your item a: Pokemon | Egg | Evolving EggBold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve | Hatch | Non-OriginalPokemon(Up to 6 including egg): the Egg Style: Recolour | Open paletteEgg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen):Hatch Date:Evolve Date: Style: Original | CreationBackground overview: NOTE: There may be a slight delay in the hatching/evolving of eggs. If the egg does not hatch on the specified date please allow 2 days for hatching before PMing me or posting a complaint. [spoiler=Egg Hatching Rules]Here are the rules:1. The egg must stay in your sig to hatch.2. When making times for hatching/evolving dates you have to have at least 2 weeks in between.3. If the egg is original and it evolves, you must have it in it's proper evolution line. This does not mean if it can evolve 3 times it must evolve 3 times, it simply means that it must the proper evolution form. [spoiler=How to fill in the form]Here is an explanation on how to fill in the form seeing as it is pretty complicated.Before we begin make sure you answer the first question on whether your item starts as a pokemon which will evolve or an egg which will hatch(and if chosen then evolve).Now to start:1. Copy the form into your sig:Is your item a: Pokemon | Egg | Evolving EggBold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve | Hatch | Non-OriginalPokemon(Up to 6 including egg): the Egg Style: Recolour | Open paletteEgg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen):Hatch Date:Evolve Date: Style: Original | CreationBackground overview: 2. For the first option choose whether you want your egg/pokemon to evolve or hatch(eggs only). You must also choose whether it is your own made pokemon or an in game one. Bold the things your order is.You may choose more than one option.Example:Bold the things your egg will do/have: Evolve | Hatch | Non-OriginalThis means I have an egg. It will hatch. After hatching it will then evolve. It is a pokemon that is not in the game.3. Now fill in the pokemon you want. If you are ordering an egg Number one must say "Egg". Note that you cannot have more than six pokemon but you may have less.Example:Pokemon(Up to 6 including egg):1. Egg2. Charmander3. Charmeleon4. Charizard5. N/A6. N/AThis means I will start with an egg which will hatch into Charmander who will evolve into Charmeleon who will evolve into Charizard.4. Now choose whether your egg design will be a recolour of the first pokemon it hatches into or if it is your own design.Example:Bold the Egg Style: Recolour | Open paletteThis means it will be a recolour of the pokemon it hatches into.5. Next choose the egg colour. This may only be filled in if you chose open palette. Things accepted include valid HEX numbers, Design overviews and colour names.Example:Egg colour(only if Open Palette is chosen): Red.This means the egg will be red.6. Now for the hatch date. Only choose this if you chose an egg at the start. State the date you want your egg to hatch on.Example:Hatch Date: 5/6/08This means it will hatch on the 5/6/08. It will say this on the egg.7. Only fill this in if you chose pokemon at the start or if your hatched pokemon evolves after it hatches from an egg. Fill in the evolve dates for each pokemon.Example:Evolve Date:2. 12/6/083. 19/6/084.5.6.This means my second pokemon choice will appear on the 12th of the 6th 08.8. Next state whether your pokemon is of your own creation or in the game. Please note you cannot use other peoples fake pokemon without their proved permission.Example:Pokemon Style: Original | CreationThis means the pokemon is actually in the game.9. Finally tell me what your background will look like once your egg hatches.Example:Background overview: Flames in the background.And that's it. It's long but worth it. And remember that for your egg to evolve it needs to stay in your sig to evolve! [spoiler=Rare Eggs!]Rare eggs are eggs that are randomly given out when someone makes an order at my shop. These orders do not have to be for eggs but it increases your chances if it is for an egg. These eggs may be given out as gifts from me to others. They will have a rare medallion on them. Rare eggs can surpass the "Eggs must stay in your sig" rule. [spoiler=Medallions!]Eggs can get medallions for certain achievements in the forums.Here they are:AP = Ashje Promo = Only comes on a rare egg. = Surpasses the "Egg must stay in your sig" rule.TP = Top Poster = The top poster on the site. = Changes the "Evolve/Hatch must take 2 weeks" rule to 1 week.6S = Six Star = If you have 6 Stars. = Changes the "Evolve/Hatch must take 2 weeks" to 1 week and 3 days.TC = Top Customer = If you have ordered the most in my shop. = Surpasses the "Egg can only evolve through its proper evolve line" rule and the "Evolve/Hatch must take 2 weeks" rule.The medallions can be taken away if someone beats you in the requirement. [spoiler=Trainer/Frontier/Island Cards]I can do someting no one on these Forums has done before I do trainer cards AS WELL AS Battle Frontier Cards and Orange Island Cards heres The Order Form:Template:Trainer Card Frontier Card Island CardName:Badges(Choose One Set):Badge SpritesBadge Number(How many Badges you want): Trainer Sprite:Trainer Template Choose Number 1-35Card Background(If there is no image given the card will just be a Blank Template)(Must be sized 239x103pix):Pokemon(I can put Fakemon/Pokesplices in too):Pokemon Number 1:Pokemon Number 2:Pokemon Number 3:Pokemon Number 4:Pokemon Number 5:Pokemon Number 6: [spoiler=PokeSplices](As a bonus i can add a name underneath the Pokesplice in a font of your choice):Form:Base Pokemon:Other Pokemon(up to 3): [spoiler=Crystalized Tiles and Metallic Glaze] Example:, , Order Form:Colour:Tile Style: Crystal 1(1st Example), Crystal 2(2nd Example) or Glaze(3rd Example) [spoiler=Card Effects (Holo's, Recolours, etc)] [spoiler=Holos] Full(Picture):[X]Partial(Picture):[X]Full(Card):[X]NOTE: The Pictures for Holo's have certain Opacities in my Examples i can make the pic dark with holo or rly light with holo. PATTERNS Credit goes to God GAK for first holo sheet Fill Out this form:Card/Picture URL/IMG:Holo Location: Whole Card/Picture Or Parts of the Card/PictureHolo Sheet/Pattern: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]Bits Holoed(If you chose parts of the pic from the second option):Holoed Object: Card or Picture [spoiler=Gold Sticker] Form:Card: Example:[X] [spoiler=Card Recolour] Form:Card:Colour: Example:[X] [spoiler=Quadrant Recolour] Form:Card: Example:[X] [spoiler=Platinum Pack] Form:Card:Holosheet:Parts to Holo:Recolour Colour: Example:[X] A Platinum Pack is a Recolour, Holo and Gold Sticker all in one. [spoiler=Animated GIFS]There is now a form for this item:Pictures:FPS (Optional):Size (Bold one): Largest Picture | Smallest Picture | Set SizeSet Size (Only if Set Size is chosen) (in px only):Animation style (Bold one): Normal | Slide Up | Slide Down | Slide Left | Slide Right | Fade to background colour | Fade to black | Fade to white Example: NOTE: Just in case you're wondering, that was something I made for MSN. So if you want something to meet MSN standards the pics have to be 100x100px or smaller. [spoiler=Runes!] Fill out this form: Rune Colour:Background Colour:Background Size:Rune Style: [1] [2] [3] [4]Rune Glow: Yes or NoRune Glow Colour: [spoiler=Runic Backgrounds for cards] For Runic Backgrounds fill out this form (New Patterns): Background Colour:Runic Colour/Style: Light:[X]Dark:[X]Coloured:[X] Colour:Multicoloured( I dont suggest this it's a bit of a crowded background):[X] Colours(upto 4):Runic Style2: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]Runic Size (Optional)(in Pixels):Background Size: NOTE: If the Runic Size is not included in your form i will make it fit as perfect as i can into the frame like in my example. To clear up some confusion the Runic size is not *number* X *Number* it is just a certain number such as 800pixels. I used 800 in my examples above. NOTE: I can put runes one the edges of my runic circles and stuff like in the following picture: Example If you want this ask for a Runic Fusion and fill out both the Rune Order Form and the Runic Background Order Form. If you do not ask for a Runic Fusion and still fill out both forms i will think its two seperate orders.Heres an example of a rune glow(New):Runic Glow Example [spoiler=Banners!]I can now create banners just fill out the form below:Dimensions: (Default is 360x140)Text:Sub-Text: (Optional)Colour Scheme:Renders (Special effects can not overlap picture/character to be cut):Style: Sprite Sig (Only If Render Is A Sprite) | Motion Blur (Default) | Brush GlowOther:Please Note: A render must be given, NOT a picture. Examples:[Motion Blur][sprite Sig][brush Glow] [spoiler=MapleStory Travellers Cards] Unique to the forum a MapleStory Travelers Card is your best friend.Order Form:MapleStory IGN:In Game Level:In Game Job:In Game World:Skills wanted:Picture of In game character:Background overview: Form Example:MapleStory IGN: AshjejedmIn Game Level:41In Game Job:F/P WizardIn Game World:BeraSkills wanted:Explosion, Magic Composition, Fire Arrow, etc...Picture of In game character: Background overview: Flames in Background Picture Examples:[X][X] [spoiler=MapleStory Skills] Make yourself even more unique with your very own genuine, certified, scrumdidlyumpcios SuperMegaUltraChocolatelyFudgeCoatedAwesomeMega MapleStory Skill. Order Form:Skill Background Overview:Skill Foreground Overview: Form Example:Skill Background Overview: CosmicSkill Foreground Overview: Person with hands out and red outline Picture Example: More Examples and new things coming. [spoiler=Waiting List] FULL ~Advertisements~ -----Do you like a challenge? Do you like games? Do you like to lose a Gym Battle over and over again? Do you like banging your head on the wall in frustration? Well then Pokemon Sparkling Silver is for you! With all twelve old starters and three new ones + all the Pikachu you can get your hands on, Pokemon Sparkling Silver is the perfect game. It has all 4 regions and every Pokemon. It even has the infamous MissingNo*! Pokemon Sparkling Silver will also feature the new region, Glintia**. This region will include another 150*** Pokemon completely from scratch. It also includes Shadow Pokemon****. *All stats balanced. This will not stuff up your game.**Name TBD.***Possibly 151.****TBD.-----Ғαlşє 0ρρяєşşịợиDark Synchros • Adcanced Holo's • +More! • Hiring workers-----Do you want your shop advertised? Or even one of your threads? Fill in this form and PM it to me![spoiler=Advertisement Form] Name of Thread: Link (can be URL or Image): Description: Advertising is 2 points a week. [/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barsam Posted March 2, 2008 Report Share Posted March 2, 2008 MapleStory IGN:TaintedSnowIn Game Level:61In Game Job:BanditIn Game World:BeraSkills wanted:Savage Blow,HastePicture of In game character:Background overview:Flames in Background Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glorious eXcess Posted March 2, 2008 Report Share Posted March 2, 2008 I would like a banner with the following things (please render them)http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w207/manjyoume3/ysd3/041m.jpghttp://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w207/manjyoume3/ysd3/043m.jpghttp://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w207/manjyoume3/ysd3/011m.jpgTEXT: Feed your Soul Cookies-Lord Frunk2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 7, 2008 Sorry guys i was at camp for a week. I'll Get Right on it. EDIT:barsam your Card is done: Bob your Banner is done I tried but those renders were hard: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glorious eXcess Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 oooooo....pretty....(better than the other wusses at Lost Memories...) *spits in JK's direction....later that night 'Holy S**T...JK IS AVENGING THE SPIT'* EDIT....can ya make it smaller? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mew 101 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Trainer CardBadge: KantoTrainer # 1Trainer Name: Dark LinkPokemon: Splice: Pikachu & Mewtwo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest JoshIcy Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Background Colour: see belowRunic Colour/Style:DarkColoured:> Colour: dark blue with a touch of gold Multicoloured( I dont suggest this it's a bit of a crowded background):[X] Colours(upto 4): noneRunic Style2:[2]Runic Size (Optional)(in Pixels): dont know actual size...Background Size: again same as above umm... can you crop the following image onto the runic background? i know its messy just do your best please ^_^ dont worry, i will credit the artist ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Will do but I am at my aunties house right now and it hasnt got PS CS3 so once I get back I'll do everything\ oooooo....pretty....(better than the other wusses at Lost Memories...) *spits in JK's direction....later that night 'Holy S**T...JK IS AVENGING THE SPIT'* EDIT....can ya make it smaller? I can try... how small would you like it? Background Colour: see belowRunic Colour/Style:DarkColoured:> Colour: dark blue with a touch of gold Multicoloured( I dont suggest this it's a bit of a crowded background):[X] Colours(upto 4): noneRunic Style2:[2]Runic Size (Optional)(in Pixels): dont know actual size...Background Size: again same as above umm... can you crop the following image onto the runic background? i know its messy just do your best please ^_^ dont worry' date=' i will credit the artist ^_^ [/quote'] By Crop the image into the runic do you mean add they guy not the background?Also by credit the artist if you are talkingabout the guy who made it i really dont think he posted his image on DA to get it credited... Also @ Dark Link!!!!!! You Sig is way to big. Please Add spoilers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mew 101 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 I'm not asking for a sig I'm asking for A Trainer card & a Splice. This is a shop, you don't tell me what to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest JoshIcy Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 i wanna use that image for a card... and recent ycm rules state i have to credit him.... and yes... i want you to crop that guy onto the runic background if you can Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Very well icyblue thanks for the reply. I was at camp so I didn't know about the rule. and @ Dark Link!!!!!!Actually I'm saying the sig is way to big it's taking up to much room please reduce the size. And as a matter of fact this really is my shop not yours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barsam Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Thanks Ashje! Good luck for level 50! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Lol Thanks barsam. Dark Link here is your Trainer Card and Splice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mew 101 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Thank You, ashje Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OCG Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Can I have a splice ofGroudon/Mewtwo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Of Course OCG. And icyblue I just realized you know your asking for 2 Runic BG's? EDIT: icyblue: OCG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OCG Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Wow that's cool could I have another few if so Palkia/Dialga Darkrai/Steelix Nidorino/Rhypherior. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Dude64 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Can you make me a Naruto Banner it doesnt matter what the pic is or anything just make me one and you will recieve a rep and about 100 points Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glorious eXcess Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 omfg...can I has a runic background.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 i was asking for 1 lol, the character on the blue/gold one... but thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glorious eXcess Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 Will do but I am at my aunties house right now and it hasnt got PS CS3 so once I get back I'll do everything\ oooooo....pretty....(better than the other wusses at Lost Memories...) *spits in JK's direction....later that night 'Holy S**T...JK IS AVENGING THE SPIT'* EDIT....can ya make it smaller? I can try... how small would you like it? Background Colour: see belowRunic Colour/Style:DarkColoured:> Colour: dark blue with a touch of gold Multicoloured( I dont suggest this it's a bit of a crowded background):[X] Colours(upto 4): noneRunic Style2:[2]Runic Size (Optional)(in Pixels): dont know actual size...Background Size: again same as above umm... can you crop the following image onto the runic background? i know its messy just do your best please ^_^ dont worry' date=' i will credit the artist ^_^ [/quote'] By Crop the image into the runic do you mean add they guy not the background?Also by credit the artist if you are talkingabout the guy who made it i really dont think he posted his image on DA to get it credited... Also @ Dark Link!!!!!! You Sig is way to big. Please Add spoilers. small as my smallest siggy....click mah banners, and then the smaller one.........also, what camp did you go to Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 9, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 @ everyone Your orders Will be filled. @ icyblue Dark and Coloured are 2 dif options for a Runic. @ Bob I don't think i can make it THAT small but i think i can make it smaller. BTW I was at Koloona. EDIT: Bob this is as small as I can get it. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 -.- didnt know... but can you layer the character over the second runic of my order? ill pay for this one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Jono Posted March 9, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 No you wont pay for it. I'll do it for free^^. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 .. geez let me be nice for once lol but thanks ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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