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Reborn of the Koa'Ki Meiru

Dark Gear

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[i]Some support for the Koa'Ki Meiru archetype.[/i]

[b]Koa'Ki Meiru Supreme [/b]EARTH

This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned and during each of your Standby Phases: You can reveal any number of "Koa'Ki Meiru" cards in your hand to target the same number of cards at the field; Destroy them. During each of your End Phases: destroy this face-up card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru" from your hand to the graveyard.

[left][b]Koa'Ki Meiru Merchant [/b][/left]

Once per turn: You can return 1 "Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru from your hand to the top of your deck and target 2 "Koa'Ki Meiru" card in your graveyard; Add those target to your hand.
[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#3A3A3A]During each of your E[/color][/size][/font]nd Phases[color=#3A3A3A], D[/color]estroy [color=#3A3A3A]this card unless you send [/color][color=#3A3A3A]1 "[/color]Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru[color=#3A3A3A]" from your hand [/color][color=#3A3A3A]to the G[/color]raveyard [color=#3A3A3A]or reveal 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster [/color][color=#3A3A3A]in your h[/color]and.[/left]

[b]Factory of Koa'Ki Meiru[/b]
Continous-Spell Card

Once per turn: Target 1 "Koa'Ki Meiru" monster in your Hand or Graveyard and reveal 1"Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru" in your hand ; Special Summon that target. You cannot Normal Summon or Set the turn you activated this effect.

[b]Ultimate Weapons of the Iron Core[/b]
Equip-Spell Card

You can only equip this card to a "Koa'Ki Meiru" monster. That monsters effect(s) is(are) negated, but it can attack twice during each Battle Phase. When that monster destroys a monster and sends it to the graveyard; Add 1 "Koa'Ki Meiru" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. You can banish this card in your Graveyard and target 1 "Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru"; Add the targeted card to your hand.

[b]Koa'Ki Meiru Void[/b]
Continous-Trap Card

While you control a face-up "Koa'Ki Meiru" monster; Negate the effects of all non-"Koa'Ki Meiru" monsters, and neither player can Special Summon LIGHT or DARK monsters. uring each of your End Phases: destroy this face-up card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'Ki Meiru" from your hand to the graveyard.

Any opinion?

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