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Yu-Gi-Oh! Invasion of Chaos! (Chapter 22 is up!!! Looking for constructive critique)

Firebat DZ

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Welcome to the Invasion of Chaos, fan fic thread! This a story involving many characters found in various archetypes around Yu Gi Oh! card history. From Archfiends to X-Sabers to Lavals and Verz we have em all! This story then takes a common setting and unites all these archetypes in what we call a multiverse. From there, their stories are explained as well as their interaction with every other archetype. This story however, focuses on the character of Freed, the Brave Wanderer and how he develops into the Matchless General and finally his fall as the Dark General. Many characters influence this development along the way, including trusty allies like the Marauding Captain and villans like the Dark Ruler Ha Des. If you always wanted to read a story about your favorite Yu Gi Oh! cards, this is it! I hope you have a great time with my story and spotting your favorite cards in action!


Great talking to you guys, have a nice day!





Yu Gi Oh! Invasion of Chaos!


Lightning strikes the ground as the foul stench of fiends comes off from the great city of Pandemonium, capital of the Dark World. Archfiends, the greatest among the fiends from the dark world, make their home here. Through the dark alleys of a twisted reflection of a Human Kingdom, the archfiends move about their business. In the middle of the city lies the royal castle, home to the King of Pandemonium, Terrorking Archfiend. Along with his queen, Infernalqueen Archfiend, the Terrorking rules Pandemonium with an iron fist, constantly showing the lesser fiends of the dark world the superiority of the archfiends.


The putrid red carpet leading towards the entrance of the castle is now flanked by a whole battalion of vilepawn archfiends, the reason being, the castle was about to have a guest, and a very important guest it is. The large doors to Archfiend Castle bursted open, and a slender yet pale female figure, wearing a flowing red and black cape, and bearing long curved horns slowly walked with a proud step through the royal halls of the castle. All the subjects inside immediately bowed after recognizing her presence. It was no other than the Archfiend Empress, the ruler of all archfiends in the Dark World and one of the three members of the triumvirate that ruled over all fiends of the Dark World.



The empress makes a stop right before the throne of the Terrorking Archfiend. The king makes no mistake to bow over her ruler and greet the empress. Leaning on a hip, with arms crossed, she awaited the king to reach her position and readied her ears for the upcoming flattery.


"My empress, to what I owe your visit to Archfiend Castle? Would you care for a drink? Entertainment? My house, is your house my empress." The Terrorking Archfiend addressed while slightly bowing at the Empress.



"War, Romulus, War brings me to Pandemonium." The empress coldly answered. She faced away from the king and continued. "Ha Des plans to attack the Human Kingdoms in three years, once we are done with the Cybernetic Dimension, we will move in. I want the archfiends to be more than ready for when that time arrives, we are the most powerful race of fiends in the Dark World, and I intend to keep that reputation intact." The empress then faced the Terrorking with a stunning glare. The king addressed her in quite a low tone of voice, expressing concern.


"My empress... I need more men. The Recent battle-- "



"NO EXCUSES! Romulus you are king of the archfiends, therefore responsible of all that dwells in Pandemonium and its army. Perhaps you would like to say this to Ha Des when he arrives?" The empress grinned at the now helpless king.


"The Dark Ruler is coming here?"



"Yes Romulus, and he intends to see progress on his army."


"We shall double our efforts. My empress."


"You will, for your sake, and that of your family. Ha Des isn't as forgiving as I am." The Empress then turned her back to the Terrorking, leaving with a hurried pace the halls of Archfiend Castle. The Terrorking Archfiend stood paralyzed, pondering what to do about his situation, while the rest of the subjects watched the Empress leave the castle in a thundering flair.


Meanwhile, in the desert plains of the Human Kingdoms, a lone female traveler was on her way to one of the seven kingdoms of man. Her blonde hair flowed as the wind gracefully caressed it. She wore bandages to protect her skin from the harmful sun rays of the desert, and a wide round hat covered her eyes and provided her sufficient shade. She was passing a nearby dune rock when suddenly she loses balance from her horse and falls to the ground, she quickly rolls over to stand up and after drawing her sword she glares at the source of her fall. An armed warrior stands before her, short black hair looms on top of his serious face as he too takes a battle stance against the female warrior. The armed warrior, with a blue longsword in hand charges the woman, their blades both collide and a battle ensues in the middle of the Wasteland.


"Why do you attack me!?" Asked the lady.


"You are in the land of Dragons," The Armored Warrior hissed. "As the guardian of the beasts of power, my divine mission is to protect the Dragons from any form of harm! Intruders of the sacred boundry certianly count, young lady- and so, I have no choice but to strike you down!"


"You are one mad person you know that?!" The lady answered back as she rolled her eyes while parrying one of the warriors attacks, staggering from the warrior's strength, she quickly maneuvered around his sword but in the process both blades spun out of control from their hands and into the ground. Both warriors hurried to pick up their blades once again. But the male warrior was faster and quickly made a hacking slash at the woman. The lady gasped as she saw the end of her life in front of her, she was too late to Parry such a powerful attack now, yet the unexplanable happened, out of nowhere a rift similar to black hole opened and the male warrior jumped right into it as he bent his body forward to increase the momentum of the slash.


The Warrior Lady of the Wasteland took at step back, she tried to analyze the situation. Did she witness some kind of spell she hadn't seen before? She quickly looked around to see if there was any sort of wizard nearby that might have saved her. Nothing, nothing but sand everywhere. Her horse lied in the floor gushing blood from the attack of the male warrior. But as she hurried to aid her only means of transportation another portal opened in front of her, she could hardly react to it and fell right into the hole to nothingness, she screamed as her body twisted and rolled through the wormhole, she was desperate, she didn't know if she was going to survive, she didn't know where she was headed, was this the end? What did she do to deserve this? A maelstrom of thunder swirled around her as she traversed the strange dimensional tunnel. Suddenly one of the nearby thunders around her strikes her arm, she shrieks in pain as she sees her arm disintegrate before her eyes, in that very moment, she knew she was going to die, this was a black hole to nothing but death and she fell right into it.



On the other side, the male warrior ended his journey through the wormhole, only to land on a dark strange place. He looked around, nothing but what appeared to be a rusty structure with the now fading rift from whence he came was in sight. He raised his sword to rest on his shoulder and started walking in the direction he thought best. In the far reaches of his sight he could spot some kind of forest ahead of him. Wherever he was, it was not home. The warrior walked and walked, restless, he finally reached the forest's edge. Before he took a step inside however, somehow he felt he was being followed, he quickly glanced back only to be disappointed. He glared towards the direction he glanced, slowly tilting his head back to it's original position. He decided it was safe to enter.


The forest was among the strangest things he had ever seen, through the path he was traveling he could see a stark difference between the trees to his left and the trees to his right, as if the forest was divided between darkness and light with trees of white color to his left and trees of dark color to his right. There was no signs of life, just endless rows of oak trees as far as the eye could see. However, the warrior's journey encountered on interesting fork in the road.


In front of him laid 2 paths, one leading deeper into the white oak trees, the other into the dark oak trees. He stopped to ponder where he should head, at first thought the white oak trees came to mind, but suddenly, a voice entered his head. It was an alluring whispering voice.


"Come to me... come to me..."


"Who are you?" Asked the male warrior.


"I am one who knows the answers you seek, come to me and I shall share them with you."


"And how do I know you won't bring me harm?"


"Because it is not I who will hurt you...."


"Wait what?" The warrior suddenly heard a rustling through the trees, he looks up and finds a large creature lunging at him, he raises his sword, but a quick swipe from the creatures claws disarms him and pins his body to the ground. The creature was of rotted flesh and bone, with a menacing grin and hollowed out eyes. Horns sprouted from his skull, like some sort of demon. None other than an



A sinister voice came from the background. From the black oak trees came forth the figure of the Terroking Archfiend. He drew out his sword and pointed it towards the male warrior.


"Well done Summoned Skull. You should have listened to the voice the first time young one... no matter. We have been waiting a long time for you, Lucius Grepher." The king then bursted into a maniacal laughter as the screams of Grepher were drowned only to be heard by the rustling trees of the forest....





[spoiler=Chapter One'']Chapter One


2 years later....


In the world of man, war was almost protocol, rival kingdoms fought for supremacy around it's various lush landscapes with the entirety of nature to watch. The sun bathed in light the battlefield below, two armies were about to clash with one another in an epic battle of sorcery and steel. It was the third battle for control of the Billac territories, an important mining resource area for the human kingdoms. On one side, the legendary swordmaster, Gilford the Lightning, strode on his steed with a whole battalion of warriors behind him. On the other, was the noble knight and hero of Nerzoth, Freed the Brave Wanderer, alongside his trusted ally known by many as the Marauding Captain. Freed's pet, the armed dragon was no were behind and alongside the best forces of the kingdom they ride to meet blades and magic with the warriors of Gilford.


The wind caressed the long flowing blonde hair from Freed as he got closer and closer to meeting his blade with those from Gilford. Gilford the Lightning, on the other side, prepared his gigantic blade, and with one strong arm that could lift a boulder, he raised his broad sword high in the air like if it was merely a dagger and screamed a battle cry that resounded across the land, his forces shouting glorious cries in return. Freed did the same, and his men answered, both armies were now more than ready to fight one another, to the end. As both armies of men clashed, Freed headed straight for Gilford, the legendary swordsman did the same and in moments both warriors stood toe to toe swinging their mythical blades at one another. Thousands of footmen and knights around them, both warriors didn't lose focus from one another, and the battle ensued Parry after Parry afterParry, the steel of their blades resounding with each blow.


"Stand Down Gilford! You know you don't have a fighting chance!" Freed taunted the swordsmaster.


"You dare say such words to the legend?! I will make you regret ever speaking such insolence!" Gilford replied, roaring with bestial vigor at Freed, he swung his mighty sword in a massive cleave, but

Freed was fast enough to dodge it. Seeing the opportunity ahead, Freed charged with a stab attack from his fine blade, but the swordmaster was more than ready for him and quickly rose the blade from the ground to meet his stab. The clash of metal hurt Freed more than he expected, the blade wobbling uncontrollably till it shattered into pieces. Freed's hand burned from the vibrations of the blade, and fell back to the floor, grabbing his hand in pain and trying to remove the plate gauntlet that covered it. Gilford laughed at Freed's failure and now raised his blade high in the air, the noble knight of Nerzoth now stood paralyzed at the towering sight of Gilford the Lightning, his days numbered, Freed felt like seeing death in the eye. In the very last second however, Gilford's attack was turned off course by the arrival of his trusty pet, Armed Dragon who now lunged straight at Gilford's face which blinded him as well as made his sword arm move in a different direction. The massive blade of Gilford landed right next to Freed, seeing another opportunity, Freed drew his spare shortsword and charged Gilford who was now throwing the Armed Dragon away from him and into the chaos around them.


Gilford was still distracted, and Freed wasted no chance to put his enemy in a position ready for surrender. The knight of Nerzoth lunged at the towering swordmaster, using his weight to bring the massive warrior down crashing to the floor. Gilford could only bellow as his great body made the decent to the hard surface. Once on the floor, Freed placed his shortsword right at Gilford's neck, panting from the fatigue that came from such an attack, Freed uttered his ultimatum.


"You are finished Gilford, the lands of Billac are ours. Leave now, and never come back." Freed said with a paralyzing glare. Slowly around them, both armies stopped fighting, as the news that their respective commanders had won and lost, a resounding cry of victory came from Freed's army while Gilford's men looked down in shame. Freed loosened his blade from Gilford's neck and allowed the swordsmaster to stand.


"Honorable as always Freed. Very well. The battle is yours, we shall move our forces away from Billac, till we meet again." The towering giant turned his back from Freed and with a slight nod of his head, the rest of his men followed. The Armed Dragon who was thrown far away into the battle, now rejoined Freed at his side. The Marauding Captain also joined Freed and placed a hand on his shoulder.


"Well done sir, these territories will provide great riches to Nerzoth. Let's head back home and celebrate our victory."


"Yes Captain, leave a regiment here to start building structures." Freed then faced his men. "On your steeds! We ride home to celebrate victory, glory and fame! FOR NERZOTH!"


The cries of his triumphant soldiers crafted a smile on Freed's face, he had brought prosperity and glory to his kingdom, and was now eager to listen to the news the king had to offer, after all, it could be assumed that Freed was somewhat addicted to recognition. The Armed Dragon jumped as he got on his master's warhorse, with everyone ready, Freed and the Captain rode at full speed back to Nerzoth.


However, on the Dark World, sinister forces watched over Freed and his companions, thunderbolts crashed around the almost infinitely high Shadow Spire, home to the Triumvirate that ruled over the Dark World fiends, inside the image of Freed and his pet Armed Dragon blurred slowly from the crystal ball held by none other than the Dark Ruler, Ha Des. The powerful fiend grinned at such a sight, putting the crystal ball down, he looked upon his two partners. On one corner stood the Archfiend Empress looking down through one of the windows of the Shadow Spire, pondering on the situation with a silent unemotional expression. On the other corner stood a towering figure, a large hood covered his eyes and darkened spiked armor covered his muscular body. The man was no other than the Invader of Darkness, the commanding general of the Dark World armies. A bright strategist and ruthless warrior, the Invader of Darkness had just arrived from the campaign against the Cybernetic Dimension.


"What news do you bring from the Cyber world, Ultrius?" Ha Des asked.


"Great ones Dark Ruler, the Cyber dimension is near total annihilation. We have even stolen one of their prized defense mechanisms, a Cyber Dragon. Without it, they are powerless, we should have complete control over Cyber World in the following weeks. Only small pockets of resistance remain." Answered the Invader of Darkness.


"Excellent, and that Cyber Dragon would be a great research tool for our engineers down at the factory, Send the Cyber Dragon to the Dark World factory to see if they can modify it to our standards." Ha Des replied more than satisfied.




Ha Des turned to the Archfiend Empress who was still pondering beside the window.


"Sylvanas, do you have something in your mind you need to tell me?" Ha Des said with a soft tone.


The Archfiend Empress glanced back, still with an expressionless face and replied: "No Ha Des, only thinking on our future plans with the humans."


"Ultrius will take care of that my dear, you only make sure your archfiends are ready for when the time arrives. That reminds me, I still have to pay a visit to Pandemonium. Is your king informed?"


"Of course Ha Des."


Dark Ruler Ha Des approached the empress and placed his hand around her chin, his long fingers embracing each cheek of hers. The Dark Ruler closed his eyes as if trying to attempt to feel what was going on inside the empress. He whispered some words into the empress' ear.


"Sylvanas, tell me what's going on, you know you can trust me. I am your lover Sylvanas."


The archfiend empress face quickly sprouted emotion, that of anger, there was nothing more annoying to her than people trying to make her spit out words from her mouth when she clearly didn't want to share anything. She faced Ha Des with a terrifying glare.


"I said it was NOTHING!"


Ha Des stepped back, his face showing some disappointment towards the Empress. "Watch your tone with me Sylvanas, it may be your last words."


"To hell with you Ha Des." She barked as she once again faced the window. Her face calmed down, trying to forget what just happened, while Dark Ruler Ha Des went back to his chambers. Invader of


Darkness had also left the room, maybe to check upon the Cyber Dragon for his delivery to the Dark World Factory. A slow grin formed in the Empress' face.


"Your last words indeed Ha Des, one day I will rule over Dark World, and noone will be able to stop me."


Thunder drowned out those last words as shadow engulfed the window where the Empress stood. A new age was just around the corner....






[spoiler=Chapter Two]Chapter Two.


A metallic hand grasped a bit of dirt and debris, it turned around as if being examined by it's owner. The hand then released the dirt into the air, it belonged to the Warrior Lady of the Wasteland, now known as the Different Dimension Warrior Lady or D.D. Warrior Lady for short. 2 years had passed since she was trapped here, and after her long journey across a land she hardly knew, she was lucky enough to find civilization, Cyber world, which accepted her into one of their own. Her facial features hadn't changed much, although her hair was a much straighter and organized. Her arm however was fully robotic, it was replaced almost immediately after the inhabitants of Cyber World found her. Her garments were now much more futuristic to fit the style of those who lived around her, jet black leather tightly covered her body fitting her curves like a glove. A glowing blue sword stood at her hip, a weapon given to her by those of the Cybernetic Dimension. Not too different from what she was used to, but she found it nevertheless much more effective than the old steel she used. The D.D. Warrior Lady now looked upon the devastated remains of Cyber World, the once great futuristic civilization had fallen almost completely to the savage armies of the fiends from the Dark World and led by none other than theInvader of Darkness, the inhabitants of the Cybernetic Dimension couldn't stand a chance. D.D. Warrior Lady was part of what is left from the armies of Cyber World, little more than a resistance group now, the soldiers that make up this rag tag group of rebels concentrate on keeping their numbers hidden and protecting their last line of defense, the Cyber Dragons from being captured by the Dark World Fiends.


A familiar figure approached her, it was a tall man in shredded garbs. Links of his chain armor could be seen behind the rags he wore, and a blond bang of hair covered half his face. The man sat beside the D.D. Warrior Ladyand sighed. The woman felt the need to being the small talk but surprisingly the man began before she could even utter a word.


"You... are not from here correct?" The man spoke softly.


The D.D. Warrior Lady was a bit confused, she remembers this man being beside her in a couple of battles back then, although she knew they hadn't spoken much, she was surprised that the man took a while to ask her something like this, as well as knowing somehow that she was not from the Cybernetic Dimension. The lady smiled and gave an honest answer. She looked down at the man trying not to meet her eyes with his.


"Yes, that's correct, they say I come from another dimension. But to this day I still don't understand why and how I came here." The D.D. Warrior Lady sighed, it was the truth. All she knew now is that she was aiding a group of strangers gain their former world back. The thought of it frustrated her a bit and she kicked a nearby debris block to vent it off. The man in garbs placed an hand in her shoulder, D.D Warrior lady at first thought about shrugging it off, but a second thought told her not to care about it.


"I feel your frustration, I too am not from here. But like you, I feel the duty to help these people in their time of need. You must be who they call D.D Warrior Lady. I'm sure you know they call me the D.D. Survivor, but i'll let you call me Chain Trasher, that is who I used to be before I appeared here that fateful day." The Chain Thrasher spoke softly once again. The tone of voice from the Chain Thrasher alleviated the D.D. Warrior Lady somewhat and she looked upon Chain Thrasher giving him another smile.


"The name's Anu, nice meeting you Chain Thrasher."


The Chain Thrasher smiled back: "The pleasure is mine miss Anu."


Anu glanced once again at the Horizon. She pondered a bit in her inner thoughts. She felt curious about this Chain Thrasher, feeling she could get even a hint of what might be going on here, she decided to know his past.


"Tell me about how you got here." She asked.


Chain Thrasher chuckled, as if remembering something funny from his past. But after settling down he commenced his tale.


"Four years ago, I used to fight for the human kingdom of Gilfor. I fought in many battles, made many friends, enemies and rivals. But one day, while our army was pitted against the rival kingdom of the east, out of nowhere a disruption in the very sky appeared, it was as if someone had literally cleaved the sky apart. It wasn't long till I felt the power of the aerial scar drawing me and many of my fellow soldiers in, like some kind of whirlpool, we spun round and round, screaming in fear because we didn't know what was happening. The next thing I remember was entering a purple vortex, lightning was striking all around me. My cape was shredded into the garbs you see me wearing now, it was horrible. Then it ended, I fell into a place I had no idea of, some of the men that came inside with me stood up and we all grouped to venture and explore this new world we had fallen into. The nightmare had not ended however, from the depths of the earth, a giant worm like creature appeared and began devouring my men, I tried to fight back but my weapons hardly did anything to the powerful monster. I decided to run, run as fast as I could, leaving my friends behind, the guilt coming from such a decision was too hard on me, I cried for days, partly for my friends, but the real reason being that I knew I was going to be stuck forever in this land I didn't know anything of. It was then when I met the natives from this world. They took me as one of their own, and showed me everything they could in relation to this world. And now, im here beside you, fighting a common enemy. We aren't much different my friend."

Anu smiled again, relieved to know she wasn't alone in all this. She stood up from her resting place, Chain Thrasher looked upon her, wondering what she was going to do. Anu glanced at him and patted his shoulder.


"Time to go back to base. We can conti--"


A loud echoing roar stopped her words, she quickly looked into the horizon immediately spotting flame. She could hear gunfire as well as swords clashing and monsters screeching, shouts of men moving about. The fiends had reached their location and they had no choice but to fend them off. Anu wasted no time and sprinted towards the battlezone, Chain Thrasher followed close behind, being careful not to stumble with the debris around him.

In the battlefield The Fiend Megacyber, one of the commanders for the Cybernetic Dimension invasion and occupational force leaded his lesser fiends into battle. D.D. Warriors charged to meet with head to head with the fiends, the battle quickly turned into a close quarter deathmatch. Deadly snipe hunters however stood behind the front lines to take pot shots at unsuspecting or extremely focused D.D. Warriors and thin the enemy lines. However, behind the D.D. Warriors, several D.D. Scout planes made their swooping strikes at the enemy fiends, although their lasers didn't pack too much power, they got the job done fairly well. The D.D. Scout Plane wing leader contacted the rest of his wingmates over the planes commlink.


"Listen up Cueballs! Those snipe hunters down there are having the time of their lives shooting our warriors. Let's burn em all to the ground on the next pass!"


"Copy that sir! Moving into position!" The scout planes took a nasty 90 degree dive into the fiends, after locking in on a target, each scout plane fired all its lasers towards the snipe hunters, in seconds, the fiends started to scatter all over the place as several of their allies burned from the hot laser fire. One of the scout pilots however interrupted the commlink.


"Sir, picking a HUGE metalic signal coming right at us, from the ground!"


"Pull up men! Pull up!" The wing leader shouted at his men, several of the scout planes immediately broke off the path, but before the remaining scout planes could do the same, a gigantic metallic worm bursts from the ground and lunges straight at the wing leader.


"What the hell is that thing?!!!" One of the wingmen who was able to get out of the worm's path exclaimed. The Wing leader just stood speechless as the gaping maw of the metallic monster was closing around him.


"Oh.. my-- " The maws of the metallic worm closed shut, crushing the scout plane with the pilot inside. Some of the scout pilots that couldn't make it in time crashed into the worm as it continued it's ascent into the skies of the Cybernetic Dimension. Anu watched in horror, the metallic worm was no other than the product of the Dark World technology mixed with the power of a stolen Cyber Dragon.

Chain Thrasher stopped right beside and he too stood speechless at the power of such a weapon. The horror however was just commencing. Shortly after the corrupted Cyber Dragon finished it's ascent and crashed to the floor, beams sprouted from different segments of its long serpentine body. The beams stroke the Scout planes still in the air, and held them in midair like in some kind of grasp. The Fiend Megacyber, next to the mechanical monstrosity started laughing, shouting out what the machine was doing.


"Witness the power of our technology! I introduce you to the Chimeratech Series Fortress Dragon! With the ability to incorporate lesser machines into its defense mechanisms! BEHOLD! Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, show them your power!"


The Chimeratech Fortress Dragon's beams then crushed all the ships it was holding, and transferred their debris into it's hull, in a matter of seconds, turrets resembling the pods of the scout planes sprouted from its long body and began to wreck havoc at the horrified D.D. Warriors below. The Chimeratech Fortress Dragon let out a deafening metallic roar that made those surrounding it suffer in agony from a devastating headache. Anu andChain Thrasher fell to the ground as they too suffered from the sonic impulses coming from the roar of the Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Her eyes almost closed to bare the pain, she could see several of the D.D. Warriors running away in panic towards her. She grabbed Chain Thrasher's hand and also ran in the direction the warriors were headed.


Covering her ear with the other hand to minimize the sonic waves. Anu then found a place to hide alongside several of the D.D. warriors. Closing the doors behind them they were finally safe. The Chimeratech Fortress Dragon's roars could still be heard in the distance, as well as the screams of the dying. Anu bursted to tears, she couldn't do anything, and now the Dark World had a brutal weapon of destruction in their hands. Chain Thrasher comforted her, but she denied his presence. The Chain Thrasher felt it would be better to leave her alone and decided to meet with any of the commanders that might have survived the attack. Chain Thrasher found one of the commanders, he was severely injured but thankfully he could speak. Chain Thrasher approached the commander, after having some trouble going through those who were attending him, the commander gave him authorization to speak with him.


"Tell me child * Cough *, how can I help you?"


The Chain Thrasher frowned at the horrible sight of the injured commander, hoping he would make it through. He decided to make best of what little time he might have with him.


"That mechanical beast, it was a Cyber Dragon, correct?"


"Yes son, that was the product of the Cyber Dragon the fiends of the dark world captured. It seems they have found a way to make a single Cyber Dragon probably more powerful than the three we used to have combined! * Cough, Cough *"


"You people told me that one Cyber Dragon was powerful, but when the three combined, the resulting weapon would be unstoppable. How about using the combination of two cyber dragons?"


"Child, even the Cyber Twin Dragon, the weapon you speak of, wouldn't be a match for such a beast. That Chimeratech Fortress Dragon will keep getting stronger and stronger with each piece of operational machinery it finds. Eventually, it will be even stronger than the Cyber End Dragon, the combination of all three cyber dragons. We can only survive now... and live in secrecy forever."


"NO! We, we can still win!"


"How young one * cough cough *, tell me, how will you beat the Chimeratech Fortress Dragon? I will not send the remaining Cyber Dragons to fight that monstrosity, I can't risk them falling into the hands of such a weapon, who knows what could form from the fusion of that fortress dragon and the remaining cyber dragons! * Cough Cough *"


The Commander sighed before continuing his word with the Chain Thrasher.


"We are just too little, we are merely a rag tag group of resistance fighters now. We stand no chance..."


Chain Thrasher sighed as well, the men around him had simply lost all morale. to those around him, it was over. No more reason to keep fighting. Chain Thrasher however had one last thing to say, maybe something that might inspire hope.


"Commander, from where I come from, is a land of warriors. The most powerful sorcerers and blademasters make their home there. If you could send me back home, I could bring back an army bigger than any you can imagine."


"The human kingdoms? Boy... their technology is too primitive. They won't stand a chance, do not bring innocent lives into the slaughter, this isn't their business."


"And what makes you think the fiends will stop their reign of conquest here!?" The Chain Thrasher glared at the commander, the commander in return pondered the thought for a bit. The Chain Thrasher continued, trying to further establish his point in the discussion.


"Your technology isn't too different from theirs, you wield swords just like us, and your guns are the equivalent to our magical spells. We have a fighting chance."


"I guess you are right child. * Cough Cough * Very well, I think the portal to your dimension is still intact. We will take you and the D.D. Warrior Lady through the portal into your homeworld, but, please, we don't have much time. Our fate is in your hands now child."


The Chain Thrasher smiled: "Thank you sir." He then gave a mock salute to which the Commander just briefly smiled at. The commander then rested his head on the bed while the Chain Thrasher went back to Anu who was still in the same wall he had left her. The Chain Thrasher sat beside her, and began to tell her what happened.


"We are going home tommorrow morning. You hear? We are going back to our world."


Anu lifted her head at the surprising news, a last tear ran through her face as a big smile began to craft itself between her cheeks. She hugged the Chain Thrasher who in return placed his hands around her. Anu then began to sob once again, but this time from happiness. Finally, she was going back to the land she once belonged to. The excitement was incredible.


"Thank you...." She said between weeps. "Thank you so much."


"Rest, tommorow we leave for the human kingdoms." The Chain Thrasher said comfortably. He patted Anu's back and stood up, heading to another corner in the area and putting himself to sleep. Anu smiled and just rolled over to rest as well, her smile still on as she closed her eyes and went in a deep sleep.





[spoiler=Chapter Three]Chapter Three.


Another stormy night hit the streets of Pandemonium, the archfiend inhabitants disliked the rain so much, they preferred to stay indoors than put a foot outside their homes to even walk to the next door neighbor. The streets were empty, save a couple of beggars in the street's corners. Inside Archfiend Castle, Dark Ruler Ha Des watched with contemplation a vial presented to him by the Terrorking Archfiend. The Archfiend Empress stood beside a large window in the King's reception quarters, watching the rain drops slide through the glass.


"Excellent work." Exclaimed the Dark Ruler Ha Des. "Not even my scientists back in the factory could come up with such a powerful tool. Have you tested it?" Ha Des glanced at the Terrorking with penetrating eyes.


"Yes mi lord... I present you our first successful test subject, Lucius Grepher." The Terrorking Archfiend stepped aside to make way for Lucius, from the doors came an spiked armored fiend with numerous humanoid features appeared before them. Lucius Grepher was now the fiend known as Dark Lucius, a servant of the archfiends. Dark Ruler Ha Des grinned at the success of the Archfiend's fiend virus formula.


"Bravo! Romulus, your works have far exceeded my expectations. Don't you agree Sylvanas?"


Sylvanas glanced over at Ha Des with an indifferent look, however after hearing what Ha Des was asking, she turned to a more affirmative face.


"Of Course dear, I told you you were going to be impressed."


Sylvanas returned to watching the rainy skies above Archfiend Castle while Ha Des stepped forth to greet Lucius Grepher. The fiend had little of his former self, and whatever was left, was not the good side. Ha Des extended his hand at Grepher.


"You are a fine warrior Lucius Grepher, I expect to hear more from you when the time arrives. You can leave now."

Lucius Grepher nodded and left the room. Ha Des turned to Terrorking Archfiend. "Romulus, take the vial and secure it. For now, leave me and Sylvanas be, we need to talk in private."


"Of course mi lord." Romulus bowed to Ha Des and left shortly after with the vial of Virus forumla in hand. Ha Des turned to Sylvanas who was still watching the raindrops slide through the window. After shutting the door tight, Ha Des joined the Archfiend Empress by the window.


"I wanted to discuss something with you... Sylvanas."


"And what could that be Ha Des? What is my love thinking of the future now?"


"Ah yes... the future. You sure know how to read my thoughts dear. I personally think the Dark World could use a better general."


Sylvanas immediately faced Ha Des. "Ha Des, you couldn't!"


"What? You in some sort of affair with him? Tell me Sylvanas! TELL ME NOW!"


"Ha Des, it's not that, but why would you throw away one of our most powerful fiends in the Dark World like that, plus, he has his own followers, his own army that answers only to him. It would place the Dark World in a state of civil war, I can't afford my Archfiends to fight against his own fiends, no matter how good they are. Ha Des, explain yourself!"


"Yes dear, I was getting to that... Invader of Darkness is a fool that's taking space in my Spire. I need someone less of a brute and more of a brain, but much more malleable..."


"The more brains you have the less malleable your servant will become."


"That is true Sylvanas, however, with that vial your servants have created I can enslave the most skilled general in the multiverse and bend him to my will. To OUR will!"

Sylvanas was a bit angry at the thought that Ha Des was thinking all for himself, yet she didn't let emotion take the better of her. She simply nodded and kept playing the game Ha Des was bringing forth to her. After all, she too wanted the same thing, and who said she couldn't do the same thing.


"How do you plan to get rid of Invader of Darkness? Assassination is not a useful tool right now. We don't have the space or the time."


"Sending him to the human kingdoms and letting him die, "with honor". That's how I intend to get rid of him. Meanwhile you and me will stay here in Dark World. Ultrius is a glory hunter, he won't deny the opportunity to see the fall of man first hand. I know the power of the human kingdoms, together they can finish with Dark World in a matter of weeks. However, when you make them fight each other, they get weak."


Sylvanas looked a bit puzzled, but she somehow felt where Ha Des was getting at and decided to shoot first.


"You don't mean to take control... of that Knight Freed?"


Ha Des Chuckled at Sylvanas for hitting the nail on the hammer. "Yes Dear, that is exactly what I have planned. With Freed under my command, I can turn the kingdoms against one another. But there is something else that intrigues me Sylvanas... that dragon pet that Freed carries around. Somehow, my intuition tells me there is something more to that dragon, I mean, there must be a reason the Royal Knight of Nerzoth carries such a pet around?"


"To me it just looks like an ordinary dragon my dear." Sylvanas looked at Ha Des indifferently. Ha Des just returned a face just as indifferent, mocking her.


"Sylvanas, I think this dragon could turn into something far more powerful if given the right spark. I ask you... can you deliver that spark?"


"Me? Go to the realm of man? Not yet my dear, I do have someone that could do you the favor though. Dark Blade! I summon you."


Behind Sylvanas the shades around the room enclosed in a single spot. Slowly from the shadows an armored knight appeared from the floor up. Dark gleaming Metalsilver Armor covered it's body and a pair of menacing cutlass longsword variants were held each hand. The Dark Blade stood attentive beside Sylvanas.


"Good to join us Dark Blade. Dark Blade this is Dark Ruler Ha Des, he is your contractor today."


A dark hissing sound came from the helmet of the armored knight. "What is your bidding thy master?"


"I like him, good find Sylvanas. Dark Blade is it? I need you to travel to the realm of man, seek out the knight named Freed and kill him. They know him as the Brave Wanderer, shouldn't be hard for you to find if you know the right place to look. Now be gone and don't return till your task is done." Ha Des dismissed Dark Blade, who exited the room fading through the shadows below him.


"Excellent." Ha Des exclaimed. "Now we shall see my whole plan come to fruition one step at a time...." The Dark Ruler grinned towards the sky, his dark reflection could be seen through the window as heavy rain drops faded it out.


In the Kingdom of Nerzoth, trumpets and cries of victory sounded all across the Castle Walls. The populace was ecstatic, cheering endlessly as Freed and his soldiers made their way to the upper levels where the King was awaiting their return. Once atop the castle, Freed dismounted alongside the Marauding Captain and his pet Armed Dragon. He gave the king, his father, a warm embrace. The king chuckled, happy to have his son back home safe and sound and with news of victory. The king then proceeded to salute the Captain and pat the armed dragon who smiled a bit at such treatment.


"Great to have you back my son. Come inside, we have lots to discuss."


"Of course father, Captain, come with me. " Freed then faced two guards. "Take the dragon to eat his fill." The Guards nodded affirmatively. Freed then proceeded to enter the royal halls. Inside bards and maidens made themselves comfortable, providing entertainment to the guests and nobles inside. Freed watched with a smile at the activities going on inside the palace halls. He faced the Marauding Captain for a moment.


"You deserve a time for rest, go and enjoy yourself with the maidens of the palace, tell them the stories of our battles at Billac. I think my father wants to talk with me alone."


"Of course sir." The captain saluted and went off to meet with some of the maidens that were standing in a nearby pillar. Freed smiled as he watched the captain quickly make conversation with the ladies of the court. He then turned his back and kept walking towards the royal chambers where his father awaited him. Inside, the king was flanked by the Field Marshals of the Nerzoth's army. They eagerly awaited Freed's report of the last battle of Billac.


"Son, go ahead and inform the Marshals of your success."


"Of course father." Freed cleared his throat before beginning to tell the tale. "My men encountered the armies of Gilford the Lightning. I engaged Gilford in single combat, defeated him and his armies retreated. If it weren't for my armed dragon however, I would have fallen to the blade of Gilford. His armies have agreed to not come near the billac territories any longer. I stationed a whole regiment of soldiers to start building a settlement in the area. It should be finished by tomorrow night."


"Thank you Freed, have a seat." Said one of the marshals. Freed took a seat, while another of the marshals continued the conversation.


"With Gilford's armies at bay, we can now concentrate on bigger plans. The resources at Billac will prove quite effective at raising a proper army. An army we can use in case we get attacked by the forces that the rumors are telling to be true."

Freed stood puzzled, he wanted to know what was going on. "Wait a minute. What rumors? What's going on?"


"Of course, you were away when we got reports of unknown rifts opening throughout different areas of various kingdoms. One report told of an attack by monsters from "another dimension". It was as if hell broke loose in that kingdom. Demons, fiends, and devils sprouted from such a rift and began attacking the kingdom. Luckily the kingdom's forces were able to fend them off and the rift closed."


"You mean there is something out there that might attack every kingdom in this world?"


"Yes, and we believe it comes straight from Hell, or better known as, The Dark World. And so we need to prepare for such an attack by building a proper army. One that you will lead Freed."

Freed felt overwhelmed by such an endeavor, the kingdoms mightiest army under his command, he wasn't ready. "I... I'm sorry but I can't lead such an army yet. I don't have the experience."


"Do not worry my son, we can use the resources to better equip your very own forces. But you need to lead these men into battle, we need a young strong leader like you in the battlefield. Son, this is your time to prove your worth to your future kingdom."


"Your father is right Freed. I'm afraid you have no other choice. But I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. You happen to have one of our best captains under your wing."


"Ah yes... he has been a great ally."


"Of course, he's one of the best trained. We assigned him to you for a reason. You could even learn a thing or two from him."


"Right... well. Is there anything else we need to discuss?"


One of the marshals quickly answered: "Yes, one last subject. A lake 200 miles from here was recently scouted for any strange dimensional patterns that form the rifts. It was found to be positive with such patterns. But they are yet weak. Find a way to this lake and investigate the area, see if you can get a closer look at how this Dimensional Fissure works. Report any information back to us when you are done. The lake belongs to Eria the Water Charmer, so show proper respect."


"Of course sir." Freed stood up, as well as the rest of the Marshals and the king. Then slowly they all left the room. Freed called the captain who was more than mingling with the maidens in a corner. Rolling his eyes, the captain bid farewell to the ladies who were giggling every step of the way.


"Freed, you interrupted a great time my friend, don't do that ever again."


"There is no time for fooling around now Captain, tomorrow we head for the Lake of Eria the Water Charmer. Rest now, you will need it, for it's a long trip."

The captain sighed, "Of course sir..." Freed ignored the complaint and continued to make his exit from the royal palace.





[spoiler=Chapter Four]Chapter Four.



The sun rises and the ruins of Cyber World now merely known as the Different Dimension glimmer as they reflect the sun rays from above. A pack of Ryu-Kishin and a leading Ryu-Kishin Powered make a scouting pass through the ruins in attempts to spotting any survivors of the attack that took place the past day. On one of the ruined buildings, a small door opens slowly, a D.D. Warrior comes out and carefully scouts the sky and area around the building. After spotting the Ryu-Kishin scout party, he waits patiently for the fiends to get out of sight. Once the area is clear, he signals the rest of his allies to come outside. From the door come the rest of the D.D. Warriors as well as Anu and Chain Thrasher. The group quickly moves through the debris, trying to stay out of sight from the fiend scout patrols in the area. Anu feels a bit anxious about returning home, she tries to imagine the landscape from home, trees, small towns and tall mountains come to mind. Anu wants to shed a tear, but holds it back to hide her emotions from the rest of her companions. The group walks a great distance through the ruins till they finally reach the rusted remains of a dimensional transmitter. Chain Thrasher places a hand in Anu’s shoulder.


“We’re here Anu, we’re finally here.” He says with great eagerness. Anu smiles in return, she too can’t wait to go back to her world and leave this place for quite some time. The D.D. Guide in front slowly leads the group towards the transmitter, making sure nothing is standing in the way of their journey. When the group finally reaches the rusted structure, the commander of the D.D. addresses both Anu and Chain Thrasher.


“Alright, my men will get this transmitter working in a minute, meanwhile let me address both of you on your mission. This transmitter will take you near one of the human kingdoms, if im not mistaken, it should be the kingdom of Nerzoth. The transmitter hasn’t been used in quite some time so I really don’t have much memory of what lies on the other side. But im sure both of you can handle anything that’s waiting for you in the human lands. Reach for Nerzoth as fast as possible and present their blacksmiths and engineers with the Cyber Dragon plans, see if they can craft something that is compatible with our own Cyber Dragon weapon systems. We will be waiting for your return, please… the fate of this world… of this dimension, lies in your hands now.”


The shout of one of the D.D. Warriors confirmed the transmitter operational, in an instant, a giant Dimensional Fissure opened between the transmitter’s antennae, lightning coming from the rift began to strike random sections of the land surrounding the group. The roar of the Transmitter and the Dimensional Fissure could hardly allow Chain Thrasher and Anu to hear any last words the commander had to say, the commander shouted to try and keep up with the loud noises around them.


“Here! Take this processor chip! My engineers say this is the only piece of technology your realm’s crafters can’t reproduce! Here is the instructions for its installation! Get it working! Now, GO! Go! Before the fiends find out about your escape and use this transmitter! Don’t worry about us, we will live to see your return! GO!” The commander pushed both Anu and Chain Thrasher forward, without looking back, the pair jumped into theDimensional Fissure and disappeared into the vortex before the rift was closed shut by the deactivation of the transmitter. One of the men in the group approached the commander with a question.


“What are we supposed to do now till they return sir?”


The commander looked at the young man with serious eyes. “We will do what we do best, survive, those two are our only hope now. Let’s go, we have lots of work to do.” The commander turned towards the D.D. Guide and issued the order to go back to their hiding place.


Inside the vortex, Anu and Chain Thrasher were reliving their journey through dimensions just like the time they were sucked into Cyber World. Lightning bolts struck around them, as they swirled, turned and shook around the vortex. A flash of light told the pair the ride through the inter-dimensional vortex was over, and the next second, Anu and Chain Thrasher were falling 20 feet from the sky into solid ground, Anu and Chain Thrasherquickly rolled into position for the fall, their feet touch the ground and both warriors land quite solidly. The fall wasn’t that smooth however, and both Anu and Chain Thrasher’s legs were burning a bit from the recoil. They stood up slowly, and took a second to breath the fresh air. Anu quickly bursted to tears due to a severe case of nostalgia, Chain Thrasher also wanted to cry but kept his feelings to himself. Anu faced Chain Thrasher with teary eyes.


“We made it, we made it… we are finally home! I can’t believe it.”


Chain Thrasher approached Anu and placed a hand on each of her shoulders. He smiled: “Yes, Anu, we are home, we are finally home, but let’s not forget why we are here.”


Anu wiped a tear from her cheek and nodded affirmatively. “Right, let’s head to Nerzoth.” The pair then started walking towards the direction they thought was best. Anu’s eyes were everywhere, watching every detail from the world she hadn’t seen in quite some time. They found themselves in the middle of a meadow, grass stretching as far as the eye could see, in the distance, a farm could be seen with smoke coming out from its chimney. Anu pointed towards the Farm house, and Chain Thrasher nodded in return, the pair then sprinted towards the farm, wasting no time to find the kingdom of Nerzoth.


On the other side of the kingdom, Freed and his task force marched towards the lake of Eria the Water Charmer. The soldiers chanted loudly songs telling tales of past battles to entertain themselves on the journey. Freed pets armed dragon who sits by him in the warhorse. The dragon purrs happily as his big eyes look upon its master. Freed chuckles and speaks to the armed dragon.


“They say the lake’s water tastes like grape juice, your favorite. You hear?”


The armed dragon lets out a howl of happiness and looks forward with an expression of eagerness. The Marauding Captain joins Freed at his side: “How far to the lake sire?”


“Not much captain, in fact I think it’s right beyond that hill there.” Freed stops to address one of his scouts. “You there, go scout ahead and confirm that the lake lies beyond that hill over there.” The scout nodded and rode his horse towards the hill. Freed waited for the scout’s signal to move forward, in a short while, the scouted made a signal confirming the location of the lake. Freed glanced back at the captain and issued the order to move forward.


The lake was a lush piece of nature, lilies covered most parts of the lake, frogs jumped from lily to lily while bugs flew past them trying to avoid their hungry tongues. In the middle of the lake was an island with several trees and bushes, in the center lied the shrine of Eria the Water Charmer, it was empty, which made Freed think something was not right or maybe she was taking her daily bath. Armed Dragon quickly ran towards the waters and wasted no time to drink from the crisp liquid which surprisingly tasted like grape juice. Armed Dragon slurped happily but quickly stopped when he sensed someone or something nearby, it was an imposing presence, strong enough that it made Armed Dragon return to his master who was now dismounting to scout the lake.


“Something wrong my friend?” Freed asked as Armed dragon joined his side once again. The armed dragon then looked towards the lake, as if trying to tell Freed the origin of the disturbance, Freed looked towards the direction Armed Dragon was pointing at and noticed a shady female figure come out from one of the trees. “Go stay with the soldiers, Captain! Come with me.” Freed and Marauding Captain then slowly approached the lake, in the way they tried to differentiate the shady figure. The female moved forward and the sun’s light revealed a slender young girl in tanned robes, icy grey hair bangs flowed through each side of her snow white face and emotionless blue eyes looked upon the pair of warriors. Freed stopped right by the lake’s waters, he resisted to draw his sword, trusting that the person in front of them was indeed, Eria the Water Charmer.


“Eria the Water Charmer, I am Freed, knight of Nerzoth, me and my friends come in peace, our business is to investigate a series of dimensional fissures that have appeared near the lake, once we are done we will leave this lake in peace.” Freed bowed at the water charmer to further let her know of his peaceful business in the lake. The water charmer however, remained unchanged, her eyes were still fixed on the pair of knights. TheMarauding Captain approached his partner: “Sir, I think we should-“ Freed’s hand interrupted the captain’s words. Silence took hold of the lake as the two knights and the water charmer stared at one another. The silence was broken when Eria suddenly spoke.


“Leave this lake, leave now and never come back.” The voice sounded awfully distorted, like some sort of combination between an evil sounding voice and Eria’s own voice. Eria showed no emotion as she kept speaking, like if possessed by an evil soul. Freed tried to ignore the strange voice at first, and once again tried to reassure Eria he and his group came in peace. “My lady, I assure you our business is quick and totally peaceful, we won’t disturb the lake at all.” Eria quickly answered back, apparently not convinced by Freed’s message. “Leave, leave now!” The water from the lake started to react to Eria’s warning, it slowly stirred near the two knights.Marauding Captain drew his sword, but Freed quickly placed a hand on his sword arm. “Sir, something is not right here, let’s leave this place!” Marauding Captain said with a lot of worry. Freed tried to calm his friend down:“Let me take care of it, im sure it’s the first time she sees us, maybe she is not too trusting of her visitors.” However, Marauding Captain’s drawn sword was picked by Eria’s eyes and the Water charmer blasted the pair with a surge of water, Freed and the Marauding Captain quickly moved to dodge the water blast. Freed drew his sword and shouted at his partner. Eria moved the waters once again to draw in the knights, the tide from the lake rose like on a full moon, and in moments both Freed and the Marauding Captain were drawn into the lake. Once inside, Eria summoned a giant water Twister that flung both knights in the air, the warriors spun round and round inside the Twister, Eria laughed sinisterly at them as she climbed a rising water jet to meet the knights at the top of the Twister.


The armed dragon and Freed’s men felt the need to save their captains and rushed for the lake’s waters, Eria however saw the group entering the lake and quickly rose a massive wall of water that pushed the soldiers back to solid ground. Freed, inside the vortex, looked around for something that could help him get out of the madness around him, his eyes caught a glimpse of something in the water, a lizard looking figure, he tried to spot the figure once again, and caught the figure this time swimming around another part of the lake, he attempted to calculate the location that the lizard would be swimming through, and once having an approximate location, Freed shifts his weight to free himself from the Twister, his heavy armor pulls him from the swirling waters and the knight of Nerzoth was now falling from almost a hundred feet in the air. Freed turned to face the lake’s waters, he holds his sword tightly with both hands and aims it in a stabbing stance making Freed a missile about to hit the lake and the lizard body now moving closer and closer to his landing place. However, the lizard was aware of Freed and before Freed’s body could hit the lake, the lizard lunged right out of the water and into freed, the lizard tackles the knight and both bodies hit the water which now bursts from the impact of their bodies. Freed inside the water fights with the Lizard, his sword arm is rendered useless by one of the strong arms of the lizard, while the other is locked with the lizard’s second arm. The Lizard tries to take a bite at Freed, while the knight tries his best to dodge. To take him off his shoulders, Freed attempts a headbutt which hits the lizard right in his snout. The lizard howls in pain, bubbles bursting from his mouth, and releases his grip on Freed. The knight quickly attempts to make It to the surface, he surfaces and takes a gasp of air but is quickly pulled back into the water by the lizard who was now recuperated from the headbutt from Freed.


Meanwhile, inside the Vortex, Eria laughed at the spinning Marauding Captain, who looked at the water charmer with a mad glare. The captain thought how to engage Eria, who was still clueless of what was going inside the captain’s mind. With an idea in mind, the Marauding Captain attempts to lunge at the water charmer, his sword raised in the air, ready to strike at Eria with a powerful blow, Eria’s eyes widen at the sight of the Marauding Captain’s attack, her concentration slips and the vortex around them starts to fade, both bodies are then Falling Down towards the lake while the water charmer’s staff attempts to stop the heavy blade from the captain. Down below, the lizard sensed that eria was in trouble and decides to leave Freed behind, the lizard quickly surfaces and attempts to catch the falling Eria. Freed also surfaces and grabs his sword, he decides to throw it at the lizard with the thought of impaling it. The sword hits the lizard’s right leg just when he grabs onto Eria, the lizard howls in pain before throwing the water charmer towards the island, the lizard then falls into the lake once again, removes the sword and swims away, getting ready to charge the warriors once again, the trail of blood followed the injured lizard through the lake. Freed and the captain quickly swim towards the land, the wall of water summoned by Eria had also vanished and Freed and the Captain joined their allies, one of the soldiers hands Freed a longsword which he takes gratefully. The lizard exits the water behind them, trying not to limp from his injury. Freed faces the lizard, with his allies behind him, and points his sword at the lizard.


“Who are you? And what have you done to the Water Charmer?” Freed asks with a paralyzing glare.


“I am Gagagigo, guardian of the lake, and the water charmer is currently not to be disturbed.”


The Marauding Captain decides to step forward and address the lizard. “Your voice, it sounds familiar, like the voice that was infused with Eria’s when she spoke to us, I think you are not guarding the water charmer but possessing her.”


Gagagigo gritted his teeth, his attempts at hiding his purpose behind the water charmer’s actions were failing. Freed was starting to agree with his captain and also stepped forward, Gagagigo fixed his eyes on Freed as the knight spoke to him. “My friend is right, who are you, and where do you come from?”


Gagagigo continued to mutter to himself, he looked at Freed straight in the eye and raised his hand pointing at him. “You, fight me, and you shall know the answers to the questions you speak.” Freed grinned at such a challenge, he drew his sword and with a wave of his hand motioned his allies to step back, for this was a one on one duel. Gagagigo also grinned, eager to fight Freed head on, both combatants looked at one another with daring glares. Suddenly, Gagagigo decides to make the first move and dashes at Freed, Freed follows by charging head on, in seconds both warriors are locked in combat, Gagagigo using his claws to Parry Freed’s slashes, the lizardman tries to catch the knight off guard with a tail swing, but Freed quickly counters by stepping on Gagagigo’s tail, the pain quickly overtook Gagagigo and Freed knocked the lizard away with a quick elbow strike.Gagagigo shook his head while he regained focus, and lunged for another attack this time paying more attention to Freed’s sword arm. The knight attacked with a stab which Gagagigo effortlessly drove away with a mighty blow from his claws, the lizard then aimed straight for Freed’s body, knocking the human warrior down to the floor. Freed’s heavy armor made the impact even harder on the knight while the weight of Gagagigo further inflicted pain on Freed. He was running out of breath and his sword was far away due to it being knocked out of him during Gagagigo’s attack. The lizard now raised a menacing claw about to land straight at the knight’s face, then striked at Freed which rolled to the side to avoid the claw attack and then countered with a punch from his steel gauntlet at the lizard’s cheek. Gagagigo howled in pain as he released Freed from his grip, the knight pushed the lizard aside and ran for his blade. Sword in hand, he faced Gagagigo to finish the job, but the lizard had recuperated faster than he thought and now was lunging straight at him in a reckless, all or nothing attack, Freed wanted to respond with a fast Parry but the attack was so fast he felt he wouldn’t block it in time.


But right as Freed raised his sword, a Dimensional Fissure appeared before them and Gagagigo was sucked right into it, as soon as Gagagigo entered the rift, it closed shut. Freed stood there, motionless, still grasping what just happened in that very instant. Freed looked around, he didn’t see anything else. The Dimensional Fissure had just appeared randomly before them and took Gagagigo with it. The Marauding Captain and the rest of Freed’s allies also stood befuddled at what just happened. Freed lowered his sword and placed it on its sheath. He walked over to the Marauding Captain: “Scout the rest of the area, see if you spot any more of these rifts forming around the lake.” The Marauding Captain interrupted him however, he had just spotted something. The lake, and its waters rose like a wall before them, just like the attack that Eria the Water Charmer conjured earlier during the fight against Gagagigo, Freed and the Marauding Captain raised their swords expecting another attack from Eria the Water Charmer, but with Gagagigo no longer in sight, they were puzzled as to what it could be. Suddenly, the image of Gagagigo stood before them, he looked upon them but clearly didn’t act upon seeing the pair of knights. It was as if he was stuck in some kind of Dimensional Prison, looking for a way to get out. Gagagigo looked at Freed with a menacing glare, he pointed at him and said some words, but they couldn’t be heard. However, it looked as if he wanted vengeance for his defeat on the hands of the knight of Nerzoth. The wall then faded and behind it, was Eria the Water Charmer awoke from her unconscious state, she approached the knights atop a water jet stream. She looked puzzled, wanting to know what was the business of two knights in her lake.


“How… long have I been away?” She asked innocently at Freed, Freed, was now also puzzled, but quickly realized that Eria was no longer possessed and bowed at the water charmer. “If you mean that you have returned to your normal self, then yes, I bet it’s been quite some time.” Answered Freed with a smile. Eria smiled back, she then thanked Freed and the Marauding Captain for their service. “Lady Eria, we just finished fighting off your supposed guardian, Gagagigo, but it appears he was possessing you.” Freed continued. Eria’s eyes widened at such news. “Gagagigo? Where is he?” Freed nodded, “He is gone now, a Dimensional Fissure, the reason we came here to your lake, had taken the lizard with it. Lady Eria, what relation you have to Gagagigo?” Freed asked. Eria nodded and replied: “Gagagigo was my guardian, but when he grew, he found strange power, all I remember then was that he came one day and casted a spell on me, I lost control of myself ever since, it seems that now that he is away, his spell has been removed.”


Freed nodded, he glanced at Marauding Captain and then back at Eria. “Lady Eria, do you have any knowledge of the dimensional fissures that have sprouted in your lake?” The water charmer responded with a negative nod. Freed sighed, but quickly reassured the water charmer with a smile. “Very well, my men will scout the lake for such anomalies. Till we meet again my lady.” Freed and the Marauding Captain then bowed at Eria the Water Charmer and turned to meet their men ahead. The water charmer nodded and went back to her shrine in the island of the lake.


On the Different Dimension however, things were not going so well for the lizard Gagagigo, he appeared before a graveyard of bones, remains of the warriors and fiends that fought a great battle in Cyber World. Gagagigocould hardly walk without Stumbling on sharp bones, nevertheless, the lizard kept going forward, hoping he would find a way through this world he had encountered. A deep voice however suddenly made him look a certain direction.


“You there… you are not from here… but I can sense your feelings. You feel hate, you feel vengeance.”


Gagagigo wasted no time to find out who was talking to him, he questioned the sky. “Who is this?! Show yourself coward!” It was in that instant, that a towering figure appeared before him, the Invader of Darkness now stood with a paralyzing gaze fixed in Gagagigo. The Invader of Darkness offered a hand to Gagagigo, who at first refused to take. The Invader of Darkness’ deep voice once again resounded through Gagagigo. “I am Ultrius, your vengeance, I can help you Fulfill it, join me and you will know power beyond your dreams. I will teach you how to use it and harness it so that you can fulfill your most inner desires. What say you?”


Gagagigo looked down for a second, thinking, he knew that if he chose to join this man his life would take a turn never experienced before, all for the sake of Vengeance. Gagagigo then faces the Invader of Darkness, his face shrouded by the dark hood. The lizard raises his clawed hand and places it on top of the man’s hand. Invader of Darkness grins and shakes Gagagigo’s hand in acceptance.


“Wise choice my friend… you have taken your first steps into a larger world.”







[spoiler=Chapter Five]Chapter Five


Anu and Chain Thrasher kept moving towards the farm house in the horizon, each moment, coming closer and closer. However, the closer they got to the house, the more they realized the smoke coming from the house wasn't from a chimney but a fire. When Chain Thrasher was more than certain of what was happening, he hurried to the house, Anu puzzled began to ran as well after him. Both quickly arrived by the now burning house, noone seemed to be around, maybe they got kidnapped, Anu looked around, so did Chain Thrasher. Both yelled to see if there was anyone nearby, but there was no answer. However, a faint sob could be heard behind one of the hay stacks near the house, Anu slowly approached it, her laser sword in hand, as she turned around the corner, she raised her sword, only to be met pointing at a little girl that was now sobbing even more at the sight of the D.D. Warrior Lady. Anu quickly lowered her sword and called for Chain Thrasher, she then joined the young girl and comforted her. The girl threw herself in Anu's arms once she realized that Anu was a friendly stranger, the warrior lady couldn't help but smile and embraced the young child who was still sobbing uncontrollably on her chest. Chain Thrasher soon joined the pair and stood at a Anu's side, he knelt beside the young girl and opened his palm in a greeting fashion. The young girl slowly glanced at Chain Thrasher who still had his palm out with a smile and decided to place her own little hand on top. Chain Thrasher embraced it and gave the young girl a small pat in the head.


"It's okay, we are your friends. Can you tell me what happened here?" Chain Thrasher said softly, the girl could hardly speak. But when a shadow began to form around Chain Thrasher's back, the girl squealed in terror, pointing at something behind Chain Thrasher. Anu quickly glanced back and turned her laser sword only to meet with a steel blade just about to slash Chain Thrasher's back.


"RUN!" Anu cried as she pushed the steel blade back and readied herself for another attack. Chain Thrasher grabbed the little girl and took off, their attacker was a thin brown haired man with glasses, red pants and a tight black shirt. The man grinned at Anu who held her laser sword just above her torso. The mysterious attacker took a couple of steps back and with a quick dash tried to aim at Anu's side, the D.D. Warrior Lady could hardly block such a fast blow and the pressure was beginning to build as the man kept pressing on with fast stabs and short swings with his blade. Meanwhile, Chain Thrasher kept running for the fields, but a sting on his left foot made him tumble over to the floor, the girl in her arms flew a couple of feet away from him and also crashed to the floor, when Chain Thrasher looked back at his tangled foot, he saw what appeared to be a rose whip, a loud feminine cackle followed and a red haired lady also with red pants and tight black leather shirt appeared before him, retracting the rose whip from Chain Thrasher's leg. The lady raised her whip once again and struck atChain Thrasher, who countered with his own chain whip and tangled it against the lady's rose whip. The whip lashing lady's eyes widened as she noticed that her victim wielded a similar weapon to her and quickly retracted her whip once again, skillfully disentangling it back to her. Chain Thrasher retracted his own whip and glared at the redhead lady. The young girl stood up, and Chain Thrasher quickly cried for her to run as fast as she could away from them, and so did the girl do as she was told, the lady eyes focused on the young girl retreating and attacked with the whip, Chain Thrasher flung her whip away with his chain, then retracted it and counterattacked. The rose whip lady flourished a shielding arc in front of her, successfully parrying Chain Thrasher's attack.


"Who are you? What do you want with this little girl and this home?" Chain Thrasher demanded, he readied his whip for another attack.


"I am Meanae the Thorn, or Meanae for short. And we are the Dark Scorpions!" Meanae answered cracking her whip.


"I should have known... you are nothing but petty thieves, you are cowards showing your faces here in such a humble and peaceful place!"


"Don't interfere in our work, you have no idea who resides here." Meanae scolded back. Chain Thrasher gritted his teeth, he knew the dark scorpions were nothing but pillagers. A loud scream came from behind Chain Thrasher, it was the little girl, he quickly glanced back to see what was happening, only to see an almost 8 foot tall giant grab the girl with one arm high in the air as if it were a mere toy. Meanae's rose thorn whip then entangled itself around Chain Thrasher's neck, choking him. Chain Thrasher coughed as Maenae slowly approached him and pulled upwards to meet her eyes with his. She glanced for a second at the giant behind them.


"Great work Gorg. Take her back to base." The giant nodded and followed orders. Maenae's eyes then turned back to Chain Thrasher's. They were cold as snow, and as penetrating as the rose thorns of her whip. "You on the other hand, I will take you myself! I hope you find our place appealing." Maenae pulled on the whip, forcing Chain Thrasher to stand up like a dog on a leash. Meanwhile Anu was still busy with the man in glasses whose knife attacks became faster and faster for Anu to block the more they fought. However, Anu's luck ran out when from behind, a small blonde boy clinged to her, pushing her down to the floor and placing his staff like weapon around her neck. Anu struggled but the man in glasses finally subdued her with his knife.


"Who are you? What do you want with us?!" Anu demanded. The man in glasses chuckled, he lowered his glasses to reveal his reddish eyes. "Lady, I am Cliff the Trap Remover, but you can just call me Cliff. The man behind you is Chick the Yellow, Chick for short. And we are the Dark Scorpions. The real question is, who are you? You certainly don't dress like anyone from around these parts and your weapon isn't common either."


Anu coughed a bit, reason being the staff was hurting at her neck, but a small order from Cliff made Chick to release the staff so she could speak. "I'm D.D. Warrior Lady, where I come from is none of your business fiend!"Cliff let out a loud cackle, it made Anu feel uncomfortable, she tried to predict what would happen next, but every outcome wasn't that nice to think about anyway. Cliff looked upon her once again, he placed a hand around her cheeks and spoke softly. "We will see when we take you back to our base. Chick, help her up and bind her, im sure Maenae has the other man with her."


Chick nodded and picked up Anu, binded her hands and pushed her forward. Anu grunted a bit, but went along with the group. She later saw Chain Thrasher in the same position, they looked at each other, helplessly while the dark scorpions led them through the plains and into some forests in the horizon.


On the other side of Nerzoth, the Dark Blade stands inside an alleyway in the streets of Nerzoth, his cutlass blades are placed around the neck of a peasant as he terrorizes him for some answers about Freed the Brave Wanderer.


"I... I... I don't know where he is.... I swear to all that is holy, I don't know!" The peasant shivered as the blades of the black armored knight got closer and closer to his neck. Dark Blade's voice hissed through it's helmet.


"I want Freedddddddd....." The peasant hesitated once again, unable to give the information he was being asked about. He once again tried to convince the Dark Blade. "I'm telling you, I do-- ACK!" Dark Blade's cutlasses sliced the peasant's head clean, the dark knight then paced away into the streets to find someone much more informed. Several citizens watched the fresh corpse of the peasant in the floor and screamed, calling for the guards to investigate, but the Dark Blade was long gone.


Dark Blade then climbed a nearby tower, he reached the second level quite quickly and with much agility. He then called for his mount, and from the walls came forth a young Pitch black dragon, the dragon soared through the air, catching the attention of some onlookers, it then dived straight at where the Dark Blade stood. The dark knight jumped off the tower, landing right at the dragons back, Dark Blade then commanded the dragon to lift off high in the air and soar around the city streets, terrorizing the citizens. The cities archers aimed for the mounted knight, but his dragon steed moved to fast for the arrows to reach him, he cackled through his helmet wrecking havoc through the marketplace, tumbling tents and roofs.


"Bring me the one whose name is Freed, or I will burn this city with haste and glee!" Dark Blade hissed through his helmet, the words echoing through the city walls, the dark knight then finally reached the edge of one of the walls and stood defiantly towards the city crowd below him, he raised his sword high in the air and ordered his dragon to spit fire at the citizens below, screams and shouts quickly were heard as the men and women as well as children ran for their lives while the tents and houses around them began to burn in dark fire. The Dark Blade cackled as he once again made another pass through the city, burning and wrecking everything in his path. He kept repeating the same words over and over, like a terrifying cry over the citizens.


"Bring me the one whose name is Freed, or I will burn this city with haste and Glee! Bring me the one whose name is Freed, or I will burn this city with haste and GLEEE!!!"


A messenger rides to the very top of city to meet with the king who now stands outside the castle gates watching with horror the attack of the dragon rider. The king takes out a scroll, he gives it to the messenger with hands trembling. He then grabs the messenger by the shoulders and pleads.


"Bring this to my son, we need him here now! Hurry!"


"Of course sir, I'll ride like the wind." The messenger then snapped at his horse, taking off in full speed towards the city gates. The king murmured a prayer as he saw the young boy taking off. He then asked one of the marshals near him. "What is that thing? And what does it want with my son!?"


"Your highness, I have no answer, we can only wait and find out once Freed arrives. I will try to do my best to keep him at bay in the mean time, so please, your highness go back to the castle where it's safe." The marshall ordered, he placed a hand in the kings shoulder, guiding him towards the castle gates. The king, frustrated, walked slowly towards the gates, the screams of the dying punctured his ears like needles into his skin, he couldn't bare the suffering, his city dying and there was nothing he could do about it. Only his son could save them now. But why his son? Why his only heir? The thought that he had to put his very own son in danger to save his people hurt his feelings. The king began to shed tears, painful tears, with no idea what to do now. The castle gates closed behind him, as the cries of the dying and the shouting of soldiers and the cackle of the Dark Blade, faded into nothingness.







[spoiler=Chapter Six]Chapter Six



Through the valleys, the messenger of Nerzoth rides as fast as he can, only carrying with him a gourd of water, a pair of rations and the long scroll with the dire message of the king. A mere young boy of long brightly blond hair, his determination was fierce, as fierce as his speed through the lands of the kingdom. He passed through hills, forests, plains and riverbeds never tiring, never stopping, the lives of an entire kingdom rested on his lone message. His steed shared the same feelings and the pair galloped and galloped mile after mile with hopes of soon meeting with the knight of Nerzoth. Nature however, knew how to reward the bold and brave and beside the messenger birds and other animals started to guide them through the most dangerous places of the kingdom, the most deep forests and the most treacherous pathways. But, where danger treads, danger thrives. In the middle of one of the most savage forests of the kingdom, only known to explorers as the Black Garden, wolves could be heard howling in the distance, vines also started to sprout around the nearby black trees that gave the forests it's infamous name. Little by little the aid that nature itself gave to the young boy started to flee in terror, while the dangers got closer and closer. The boy was startled at the sight of vines trying to grasp the feet of his steed, he quickly drew out his chain whip and slashed at the approaching vines, tearing them to pieces.


From the nearby trees, the wolves howling at the distance finally arrived, but to make matters worse, on top of them, foul goblins with great maces raised high in the air approached the messenger, shouting out hellish war cries and swinging madly their maces in attempts to dismount the young boy. The boy ducked, evading several of the blows the goblins swung at him, he then ordered his steed to go faster, trying to leave the wolf riding goblins behind, but the wolves were not as slow as he predicted and they too increased their pace to keep up with the messenger. The boy looked back, trying to analyze his possibilities of escaping alive. He drew out his chain whip and lashed it unto one of the closest maces the goblins were wielding, with a quick retract of the whip, he disarmed the incoming goblin and swung the mace towards the other goblin coming from his right flank, the massive club hits the goblin in the face sending him flying to the ground while the wolf he was riding strays away in fear. The other goblin, however, didn't mind he got unarmed and pulled out a dagger, it then hurries the pace of his wolf even more to keep pace with the messenger. The boy swings the whip tied to the massive mace once again only to miss and detach the mace from the whip. The goblin cackles sinisterly as he senses his next kill, he raises his dagger to his face and with a battle cry tries to stab the messenger. The young boy however tries his last move against the goblin, quickly he spins the whip round and round, creating a ring in front of him that catches the incoming dagger and sends it flying to the depths of the forest once again disarming the goblin. The helpless goblin looks with a disappointed face only to smashed by the young boy's whip as he retracts it and sends it straight at the goblin skull. The goblin falls of his wolf that also flees in terror at the sight of his downed rider.


The young boy smiles, glad that his pursuers are gone for good, he goes back to following the road, telling his steed to hasten the pace, the sooner they got out of here the better. Luck however, was not on their side, and from one of the bushes, another goblin lunges at the young horse rider. The boy and the goblin struggle for survival, but the goblin had anticipated the young boys weapon from the fight earlier and held the boy's sword arm away from them, then with a swift move toppled the boy from his steed, both fighters landing on the hard vine covered surface. The thorns of the vine filled floor started to puncture the messenger who screamed in pain while the goblin laughed manically with hands reaching for a nearby dagger. Other goblins also sprouted from the nearby trees and bushes slowly approaching the helpless messenger who cried for help but fell in deaf ears. The boy started to burst in tears, knowing he failed miserably and was now about to die in vain. He looked around, all he could see were goblins approaching him with maces and daggers in hand all cackling at his inevitable fate, the boy closed his eyes, for he did not want to see the pain the goblins were about to inflict on him first hand but as he closed his eyes, a loud roar came from the trees behind the goblins. He opened his eyes once again, and noticed all the goblins looking terrified towards the roar's direction. They all started to scream and holler in panic, running in different directions, fleeing from something terrible. The messenger's heart stood still as he awaited what might be a hero or a more terrible punishment.


Meanwhile, on the other reaches of the kingdom, Chain Thrasher, Anu the D.D. Warrior Lady and the members of the Dark Scorpion gang made their way towards their personal hideout through one of the smaller forests of the kingdom. Anu and Chain Thrasher grunted as they tried to keep pace with the less constricted Dark Scorpion members. Cliff the Trap Remover approached Anu and started to spark some small talk with his prisoner.


"So... you never told me your name sweetheart. I'm sure it must be some off worldly name, given the clothes you wear." He chuckled, sporting a classy grin on his face while a sudden ray of light flashed his glasses hiding his eyes from Anu for split second.


"Anu... and I told you, my business is nothing of your concern." Anu grunted. Cliff once again chuckled a bit. Surprised the name was not as off worldy as he presumed, in fact it was a pretty common name, even around Nerzoth.


"Hmmm, well that's odd." Cliff said, he placed a hand near her cheek and softly whispered in her ear, however it was loud enough for Chain Thrasher behind them to hear out. "I'll make sure to get to know you better once we arrive at the hideout, there you will be able to tell me all your little secrets."


Chain Thrasher gritted his teeth in anger, thinking about the things Cliff had in mind for Anu when they arrived at whatever place these Dark Scorpion brigands had for a home. He struggled around his cuffs which got the attention of Cliff and everyone else, Gorg the Strong quickly immobilized Chain Thrasher with a quick jab to the gut, Anu looked back only to see Chain Thrasher coughing in pain but as she was about to cry out, a whip lash broke the sound barrier and Meanae stepped in.


"Cut it out! Everyone of you! The prisoners have to be in good condition for their meeting with the Don... and I don't want to be blamed for their injuries, now keep moving!" The dark scorpion members quickly resumed their march, in short moments after, they arrived at the thieves hideout, it was covered in several bushes and leaves to hide it's appearance, but when brushed aside, the leaves revealed a wooden door into the hideout. Cliff rolled his eyes at Meanae the Thorn as he passed through her to get into the hidden structure. He muttered some words which Meanae overheard:


"Sometimes I swear you are in love with the guy..." Said Cliff. Quickly Meanae lashed out to seal his ignorant remark. "Shut yer trap before my whip does it for me, sensing a bit of jealousy eh?" Cliff just rolled his eyes again while Meanae finished getting everyone inside.


Inside the hideout, the room appears to be part of a large mine, a mine cart stands before them with several lit lamps guiding the group into a path through the mines. Meanae gets everyone on board the mine cart and releases the brake on the cart, the vehicle moves slowly through the mines, bats could be heard traveling from one hub to the other, and the click of shovels and picks could be heard coming from the miners deep inside. The cart traveled through various bridges that connected what appeared to be a deep underground complex, all belonging to the dark scorpions. Below, Anu and Chain Thrasher could see several miners working on various metal nodes. Meanae, leaned back against the mine cart noticed the curiosity of her prisoners and started some small talk in relation to what they were seeing.


"This is our very own hidden gold and silver mine, with it, we gain the money we need to feed our members and gain our weapons, the rest of the money we use to spend on our luxuries, we gain it from stealing. We pride ourselves in our art of thievery, reason we only obtain luxuries through the funds we gain through our skill as thieves and brigands. However, you find it interesting that we do treat our members, especially the miners, with great hospitality. After all, we are only a select team of thieves, and we really are not in the mood of accepting more individuals into our gang, the miners however, do us a great favor by reaping the goods from this mine, and we repay them back rather kindly. In moments you will meet our Don, but not after you both are sealed behind bars."


Meanae stops the mine cart right in front of a large steel door. She then orders Gorg the Strong to open it for them, inside, numerous cells with mere skeletal remains of past prisoners remain. Rats could be seen traveling from cell to cell, scavenging whatever remains left and only two torches lit the entire room, leaving most parts of the dungeon in darkness. Meanae stepped in first, followed by Anu and Chain Thrasher, she directed them to their cells and said her last words.


"I hope you find our cells comfortable... I will be back with the Don soon."


Meanae turns around then leaves the dungeon, shutting the door tight behind her. Anu and Chain Thrasher are left alone, facing each other from different cells. Anu sighs, trying to think what could be the worst thing that could happen now. Chain Thrasher kicks a nearby rat away while he gets closer to his cell bar's entrance. Moving some dirt around his cell he speaks to Anu.


"What a great way to come back to our world eh?"


"Tell me about it..." Anu says with a great sigh.


"Hey... um, thinking about it, I never told you my real name."


Anu quickly becomes puzzled. "Wasn't it Chain Thrasher?"


Chain Thrasher chuckles: "You really thought that was my real name?"


"Well... you... said it with such... honesty."


"I guess you are right, but no, that was not my real name, well... it is, but not how I was known by my parents."


"What do you mean?"


"Thing is... I really didn't like my name, made me feel like someone that wasn't me. It sounded... cold."


"Chain Thrasher, it can't be that bad, come on tell me." Anu said with a smile. She was also now leaning towards her cell door.


"Very well, my parents named me Hail, they always said it was because I was born in the middle of a hailstorm and apparently my birth was as painful to my mom as being in the middle of a hail shower." Anu immediately chuckles, Hail remains silent, thinking she might be mocking him. Anu notices and tries to calm him down: "It's not that bad, in fact, I like it more than Chain Thrasher, come to think of it, it's much more simple, and should get your attention quicker."


Hail sighed: "I guess you are right, very well, if it's not that bad to you, you may call me by that name." The conversation was interrupted however, when the steps of multiple individuals could be heard, it was no doubt the Dark Scorpions and their Don back from their meeting. In moments, the steel door opened, and Meanae, Cliff and Chick made their way in, followed by Gorg the Strong. The four then made way for a 5th indivudual, it was a rather tall man, not as tall as Gorg but taller than the rest of the Dark Scorpions. He wore two bullet belts, sported a pair of small knives in each hip and his head was adorned by rather rare purple hair that was sported on a trendy mushroom cup style of haircut and a distinct eye patch on his right eye. The man was tanned as if he had taken a dozen sun baths and had a rather distinct look in comparison to his fellow team members. He slowly approached Anu's cell, while she and Hail focused on his every moves, he took the time to introduce himself.


"I am Don Zaloog, leader and founder of the Dark Scorpions. Cliff the Trap Remover told me something rather curious about you, young woman. If you may, present me your rather curious weaponry? Please cooperate, it would be for the best of you."


Anu sighed, but she did as ordered, she took out her laser sword and handed it over to Don Zaloog. The Dark Scorpion Don looked over the sword with such a curiosity, one he hadn't experienced in years, it was as if he had found the ultimate treasure. His eyes gleamed with a wide sinister grin as he watched every detail of the sword. Meanae interrupts Don Zaloog's moment with news of her own, she takes out the plans of the Cyber Dragonthat were handed over to Chain Thrasher back in the different dimension.


"We also found this among the belongings of the man over there. They seem rather interesting. It's also in some kind of text I can't decipher."


Don Zaloog quickly makes his way towards Meanae, she hands the plans to the Don which thanks her with a small wink. "This is most interesting..." Don Zaloog then turns towards Hail. "What are these plans supposed to make?"


"Nothing of value to you, Don." Hail quickly scoffed. Don Zaloog glared at him with deep penetrating eyes. He made his way into his cell and looked upon Hail with a serious demeanor. "You will find we have great ways of making even the most loyal of victims, speak up. Please, cooperate."


"Even if it's made, it won't serve any purpose to you, in fact, I could tell you how to make it and you won't find what you need to make such things. No material in this kingdom could make what's in there." Hail answered. Don Zaloog placed a hand on his chin, he pondered for a bit. "You two are an interesting pair... something tells me you are not even from this world, perhaps... if the rumors are true, you two belong to what we know as the Different Dimension, Correct?"


"If that is what you humans call Cyber World... then yes." Hail answered with a deep sigh. Don Zaloog quickly grinned, thinking about the possibilities. "Hmm... maybe you are right, maybe this kingdom isn't able to produce such an advanced piece of technology, but I know a place... a fabled place where people think that dimensions have crossed paths. A place where people tell stories of things they could have never imagined. I know how to get there, and I can help you, but it will come with a price..."


"And that is?" Anu quickly asked. Don Zaloog turned to her to answer the obvious question. "That I get to keep whatever is made from this, so I can sell it on the black market. Whatever purpose you need this for I will lend it to you only once, then it's mine." Hail sighed, pondering on the situation, but to be honest, it was better than nothing. He nodded, agreeing with Don Zaloog, who with a quick gesture sends Meanae to open the cell doors. Hail quickly notices that Meanae still carries his whip in her hip, he had to act fast if he wanted to turn the tables on the Don. Meanae frees Anu and Hail patiently waits for the Dark Scorpion lady to open his own cell door, as soon as it opens, Hail grabs his whip from her hip and spins it towards the laser sword on the Don's hip, retracting the whip he sends the laser sword straight to Anu's hands who quickly ignites it and places it around Meanae the Thorn's neck.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Don Zaloog asks.


Hail grins, and speaks softly: "I changed my mind, I want to play this game by my rules."


The Dark Scorpion Gang leader laughs, he smiles sinisterly at Hail and Anu: "Very well, I love it when the game turns against my favor, I win in the end, always."


Back in the Black Garden, the vines around the messenger start to soften, and the fleeing goblins started to get rooted in place by the same vines that were once grabbing him. From the trees sprouted a ferocious lion. An interesting creature, like something of a fairy tale, it had a mane of flowers, roots for claws and bushes for patches of thick fur. The goblins cried for their lives as they couldn't move from their locations. While the lion pounced on them one by one, slaying them with his mighty root like claws and sharp fangs. The boy just stared at the lion as he slayed each fiend, thinking if he might be its next meal or maybe a hero. Finally when the lion finished with the last goblin, the boy slowly stood up, shivering from the uncertainty that he would survive an attack from the massive creature. As the boy stood up, the lion roared at him, the boy quickly stopped all movement, he started to sweat while the lion slowly approached him, the boys heart beating at an uncontrollable pace, however, the lion slowly bowed at the boy. The creature showed its wood like furry back, telling the boy to get on. The messenger calmed down a bit and mounted the plant like creature.


"A Botanical Lion, I never thought I would see one in my entire life, yet now I'm riding one in the very depths of the Black Garden." The young boy exclaimed. The lion nodded, confirming he was indeed one of the fabled Botanical Lions. Suddenly a soft female voice could be heard from the deep vastness of the Black Garden, the lion quickly faced the direction where the voice was coming from.


"Young lad... what you carry is of utmost importance, the fate of Nerzoth lies in that message. I, Tytannial, Princess of Camellias lend you this fabled creature, the Botanical Lion, to aid you in your quest to deliver the fateful message of the king of Nerzoth."


The boy quickly looked in the direction of the voice, only to see some sort of monument that appeared to be a fountain, in the distance. Tytannial's was nowhere to be found, but the voice seemed to come from the very fountain, as if she was channeling her spirit through the monument.


"Now go, before it's too late, haste young boy, the fate of an entire kingdom depends on it!"


The Botanical Lion roars and then gallops towards the exit of the Black Garden with the Messenger aboard. Before exiting the area around the battle site, the messenger spots his dead horse lying right before the next trail path, covered by vines, ready to be absorbed into the forest, the single scroll with the important message lies on top of it's corpse, the messenger kneels just enough to grab the scroll and continue his journey towards his fateful delivery.






[spoiler=Chapter Seven]Chapter Seven



The quiet but eerie halls of Archfiend Castle looked empty from one of the windows of the mansion. A hand however places itself on the tinted glass and from it the figure of Sylvanas comes forth. The Archfiend Empress decided to stay in her people's sanctuary after being bored of the happenings up by the spire. With nothing to do in the time being she decided to walk the halls of the castle she had not touched in quite some time after becoming empress. Resting beside the glass window, she looked outside, only to see yet another rainy day in Pandemonium. The streets were empty, and the rain drops crashed into the paved streets, creating a faint roar. However, a young purple haired girl skipping the paved streets had Sylvanas' eyes fixed on the window. The Archfiend Empress didn't act surprised though, it was as if she had seen this young girl with pompoms on her hands acting as if she was cheering an entire crowd. The girl kept moving about the streets, uninterrupted, as if being protected by the rain that was falling upon her from the fiends of Pandemonium. Sylvanas kept watching the girl move about, cheering endlessly at nothingness, her face wanted to smile, but the darkness within her withheld such emotion. When she realized she couldn't smile no matter how hard she tried, a tear bursts from her right eye and runs down her cheek. The nails on the hand placed on the glass window started to sink themselves into the glass, result of Sylvanas getting angry that she couldn't show proper emotion. The girl on the street however kept skipping and jumping and dancing all around, not noticing the eyes that were watching her through the windows of the castle.


However, the girl's cheering came to an end, the young girl then appears to be looking at something, as if something or someone suddenly called out to her and runs in the direction of whatever was catching her attention, the girl quickly disappears from Sylvanas' sight, the window no longer able to give view towards the young girl. The Archfiend Empress, curious as to where the young girl might be going to moves away from the tinted glass and walks towards the next window, she looks out but can't find the girl instead, a more mature blond haired woman stands before her, white and black robes drape over her beautiful body as she looks towards the sky with a fiendish creature in hand wielding a scythe. This time the Archfiend Empress can't recognize the figure, she wonders if this person is really there or merely an illusion. Sylvanas keeps staring through he window, studying this figure as the woman now moves slowly through the streets and out from the view the window could provide, forcing Sylvanas to move towards the next window.


In the next window, to her surprise, the woman was still there, but another figure was now in front of her, a much more mature woman, silver haired in white robes with large white wings and bathing in light, intense enough it gave Sylvanas a hard time to focus on what was going on. The two women apparently were in a harsh discussion, with the younger one crying out and pointing at what was random spots for Sylvanas but apparently actual people or things for the blond haired woman. The young woman then appears to be pleading towards the silver haired woman, and when Sylvanas got closer to the window she could actually hear what was going on.


"Tethys! Leave me be! He's the only man I have ever loved!" The young girl said with tears in her eyes.


Tethys looked away with a serious cold face, she apparently was not convinced at whatever the young girl was trying to say. "For the last time Eternia! Don't you see the darkness within that man! You are the Queen of Fate Eternia! You more than anyone should see these things before they happen! You love that man... and you will bring the end to us all."


Sylvanas kept staring at the scene unfolding in front of her, the names of both women started to insert themselves inside her brain, she could swear she had heard them before, in fact she could even swear she knew who those two individuals were. She was familiar with Tethys, Goddess of Light that ruled over the Realm of Light, the dreadful enemy of Dark World. She was also familiar with the title Queen of Fate, it was in the Realm of Light, the person that decided whether a spirit was worthy of passing through into their realm, for their world was beyond sacred and only for those that had won the Gods' favor were permitted entry.


"Eternia... I am sorry but I can't allow you to continue enforcing the position of Queen of Fate when you yourself can't even judge your own fate correctly. If you really desire this man... then I have no choice but to banish you to corners of Oblivion and crown you as queen of such a place." Tethys continued... nodding negatively at Eternia.


"NO Tethys!! Please!!! Anything but that!!" Eternia cried, standing up to grab Tethys hands in a final desperate plea for forgiveness. Tethys just slapped the hands away from her and turned her back towards Eternia. "What I said has been engraved in stone... now leave me be." Eternia fell on her knees, she cried and wept for while before standing up and running towards yet another direction away from what the window Sylvanas was currently on couldn't reveal. Sylvanas was starting to somehow connect to what was going on in front of her, yet she couldn't fully identify what was going on. She decided the best she could do was to keep watching what was unfolding infront of her, the hall she was in was still empty so no otherworldy eyes were watching what she was doing. When Sylvanas moves into the next, she finds a weeping Eternia, in red and black robes, her hair could be seen slowly morphing from blond to dead silver white kneeling beside a rock in what appeared to be a rather dark place within the Realm of Light, the place known as Oblivion. Sylvanas knew what was Oblivion, it was a place for judgment towards gods of the Realm of Light, a place where gods passed trials and tribulations as part of their punishment for several reasons. For Eternia, her punishment was due to her lack of judgment when falling in love, now as such, she was named Ruin, Queen of Oblivion so that she could forever see the mistakes that could have brought an end to the Realm of Light.


However, Sylvanas also knew something else from Oblivion, it was something that not many in the Realm of Light knew, for those that found out, were mostly... converted. Oblivion was a secret gate towards the Dark World and occassionaly, several prominent figures of the Dark World would enter Oblivion, and try to seduce fallen gods into their beliefs, turning once proud beings into foul fiends that would serve the rulers of Dark World without question. Whether the Gods knew about this was to yet to be discovered, but if they did, their reasons would be simply another tribulation towards fallen gods testing their loyalty. A test that the queen of Oblivion was about to undergo this very moment. From the very floor behind the rock where Ruin wept, came a handsome figure, silver haired in dark armor, the figure approached Ruin and sat beside the young woman. He placed an arm around her, comforting her. Ruin looked up and hugged the man, her weeping started to faint slowly as she felt safer around him.


"Belial... " As soon as that name resounded through the lips of Ruin, the Archfiend Empress gasped in terror, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was that the same Belial she knew? The Marquis of Darkness? Mixed emotions started to stir through her mind as she kept watching what appeared to be an exact memory of the way she met the once love of her own life. Suddenly, all started to make sense, she was watching a memory, the girl in the pompoms, Eternia the Queen of Fate, Tethys, the discussion between Eternia and Tethys and now... Ruin's reunion with the Marquis of Darkness. All these events that were playing through each window were her memories of when she was... good. Anger quickly took over Sylvanas' mind as she remembered who she was, her nails sank into the glass once again, as if she was trying to break the glass in order to get to the other side and grab both Ruin and Belial and obliterate them, eliminate them from her memory forever. However... a corner of her mind told her to stay, to keep watching, and curiosity quickly took over as Sylvanas wanted to know the end of this memory.


"They call you Ruin now... is it because of our love?" Belial asked.


"Yes, please Belial... take me away from here... I... I only want to be with you now.." Ruin said with watery eyes. The couple looked at each other, and after a short moment, they kissed however, a loud familiar voice interrupted them... it was Tethys and this time she had her loyal Lightsworn warriors to help her. Belial quickly stood up, he looked upon Ruin for a second, thinking she had laid a trap for him, then faced Tethys. Ruin also stood up, angry at Tethys that she had shown up to take away Belial from her.


"Belial... Marquis of Darkness... I knew I could find you here. Your love for Eternia, or should I say, Ruin. Will be the end of you. Garoth! Jain! Aurkus! Celestia! Bring the light's justice to this foul fiend of the Dark world!"


The lightsworn warriors did as the Goddess told, and charged the powerful fiend who now conjured a massive blade from the very shadows. The warriors of light and the fiend of the dark world then engaged in combat, Belial's massive blade keeping the lightsworn at bay. Celestia flew up in the air and dove for an aerial swoop, Belial however had seen the angel prepare the attack long before what she expected and with a quick fist, grabbed the angel through the neck just as she was about to land her swooping strike on the Marquis of Darkness, Belial then smiled at the terrified face of Celestia and with a kiss to the wind sent her flying towards Garoth and Jain who were now charging towards Belial to rescue their angel friend. The lightsworn angel crashed into both warriors leaving them unable to fight for the time being. Aurkus gritted his teeth in anger as he watched his allies fall beside him, he roared at Belial as he used his druid powers to transform into a swift white furred cat and rushed the fiend. Belial in return blasted the lightsworn druid with a surge of Dark Energy, however when the blast appeared to hit Aurkus, it merely faded into nothingness, the druid kept its charge, unaffected by the dark powers of Belial and swung his clawed fist at the Marquis of Darkness, scarring his face's entire left side. Belial cried in pain, covering his freshly scarred face with one hand, then in anger he knocks the lightsworn druid away with his massive blade. His silver hairs cover the left side of his face as he looks at the warriors of light and Tethys behind them with anger.


Ruin, in all this, watches helplessly as her love is attacked by agents of the Realm of Light. She decides to take a stand and fight alongside her lover, she faces Tethys, and raises her staff towards her. "You made a grave mistake coming here... for this is my world now... Tethys... feel the wrath of your own mistake!" Ruin then raises her staff and from it, Dark Energy starts to sprout, it surrounds the Queen of Oblivion, giving her strength and power like she had never experienced, the darkness within Oblivion was giving her a home field advantage that Tethys might have miscalculated. Now filled with unbound power, Ruin takes a battle stance, she glares at the Goddess of Light who prepares her own sword from the very light around her.


"Ruin... I think you will have to do better than that to best me." Tethys taunted.


"We will see about that." Ruin charged the Goddess of Light who drew her sword and met with the staff of the Queen of Oblivion, the powers of both Gods started to stir among the fabrics of light and darkness, twisting the realm around them. Tethys however, was wrong about Ruin's power and started to feel just how much she had indeed given her. The Goddess of light couldn't withstand the power that the Queen of Oblivion was imputing on her. And with a powerful shockwave, Tethys was thrown back, Ruin's staff was then placed close to her neck in a stance of victory for Ruin, Queen of Oblivion. Sylvanas payed close attention, this scene started to become very familiar in her head, a small pain started to come from her left shoulder, rising in pain the more time passed, it was then when she remembered this was the part when she was going to get ambushed by one of Tethys' lightsworn servants. She thought about crying out to Ruin about the imminent danger, but quickly remembered this was merely a memory, she banged her fist towards the window glass in dissapointment, the wound in her left shoulder increasing in pain as the moment approached closer and closer.


"Leave this place Tethys... don't make me destroy you." Ruin said calmly at the Goddess of Light.


"Not if I have something to do about it... Ruin. RYKO!!" Tethys cried, and from behind the Queen of Oblivion, a white hound came down upon Ruin's shoulder and started to bite at her, Ruin cried in pain as blood gushed from her wound, Sylvanas also cried, as the pain could be felt almost exactly like it was inflicted. With her staff Ruin pushed the sacred beast away from her and retreated back towards Belial who was still fighting against the rest of the Lightsworn warriors. Tethys spoke behind Ruin's back, warning her of what was about to happen.


"Ruin! You keep treading that path... and you will be no different from Belial... a fiend, a servant of Darkness! Remember who you are Ruin! Remember where you come from! For it is the only thing that can save you from eternal despair..."


Ruin then faced Tethys once again. Her hand was placed on her bleeding shoulder. With angered eyes she spoke against Tethys. "Tethys... there is nothing left for me in this world... I will find what my heart seeks, and that lies within Belial. Im sorry..." Ruin then turned her back to Tethys, and kept her stride towards Belial. Tethys frowned... she had lost yet another noble soul to the heart of darkness.


"Ignorance... such a powerful curse, only when it is too late, can something be done about it." Tethys murmured to herself. "Celestia! Garoth! Jain! Aurkus! We are done here! Leave these fools to their fate..." The lightsworn did as they were told and returned to their Goddess, Ruin and Belial then rejoined, taking one last glance at Tethys who looked upon both of them in shame for the decision Ruin had taken. The Goddess of light decided to spare no more time to this and finally gave her back to the couple, retreating from the world of Oblivion for good. Ruin then looked upon Belial. The Marquis of Darkness was still doubting whether Ruin had set him up for a trap, and showed such emotion in his face. Ruin simply laid a hand on his cheek.


"It's over my love, now... take me, take me far away. This place has nothing for me now."


It was there that the memories started to take over Sylvanas' body, and from her mouth, she started to slowly murmur the same words Ruin was saying. She didn't know how it was happening, she didn't know how to explain it, but she was repeating exactly what Ruin was saying. It was in that moment, she remembered that event as if she was reliving the past through this very window. All this time Sylvanas wondered how was this happening, yet she couldn't find an explanation as to why? And why was these specific memories coming back to her? Was it a message telling her of what Tethys was all this time saying a mistake? Was it a punishment towards her decisions, so she could forever remember what took her to complete darkness? Was it to tell her what she could have done instead? All these questions swirled around Sylvanas' mind as she kept repeating the conversation unfolding in front of her.


"Ruin... don't call me Ruin my love." The queen of Oblivion said to Belial in a soft tone, Sylvanas repeating it in a low hushed voice. Then both their tones synched for the final words.


"Call me... Sylvanas."







[spoiler=Chapter Eight]Chapter Eight




The sun was setting down on the lake of Eria the Water Charmer, the light reflecting off the calm waters of the lake. Freed stood calmly by its shores, looking at the vastness of the lake, Armed Dragon beside him sipping at the grape juice flavored water happily, after feeling thirsty once again. The soldiers of Nerzoth were halfway done with their investigation of the dimensional fissures around the lake, finding interesting information regarding them. Looking towards the horizon, Freed reminisces on his child hood, when his father took him to this very lake to bathe and play in the waters. He smiled at the memory when he looks upon Armed Dragon at his side all joyful. He pats the dragon in the head softly, the creature purring in return. The clang of plate could be heard from Freed's back, it was the Marauding Captain, returning from trek around the lake, hopefully with news. Freed stood up to greet his fellow officer, fixing his armor to a more comfortable position.


"Captain, what news you bring from the investigation so far?" Freed asks.


"Nothing that useful... most of the Dimension fissures were fading by the time we reached them. It appears this lake is some sort of focus point for these fissures, I don't think we will find much more on the other side of the lake, giving the time these fissures stay open. I say we conclude our search, and bring it elsewhere? A nearby kingdom perhaps?"


Freed nodded: "Yes, a nearby kingdom will do fine, as long as we don't invade their territory too far in. What ideas you have in mind, captain?"


"I was thinking the molten peaks up north?"


"Home of Hiita the Fire Charmer, of course. You think these focus points have to do with the elemental centers of our world?"


The Marauding Captain shrugged: "I personally think that is not a bad idea to base ourselves on."


"Very well, prepare the men, we are heading to--" Freed suddenly faces towards the east, the sound of paws coming their direction caught his attention. The captain noticed it as well. Both knights looked at each other, confirming they both knew about it, they drew swords, ready to face whatever was coming towards the lake. From a ledge to the right of them, the Botanical Lion, ridden by the young messenger leaps through the air and lands right at their feet, the roots claws of the lion rooting themselves into the ground. Freed lowers his battle stance as he quickly recognizes the rider, he also notices the wounds on him and after sheathing his blade, goes to his aid with haste. The Marauding Captain runs beside his leader so that both men can carry the child to one of the battalion medics. After setting him on the floor, the messenger utters some words.


"Sir Freed, from... home." He then slowly reaches for the scroll on his back and hands it to Freed with trembling hands. Freed takes the message, and orders a medic to treat the messenger's wounds. The medic then places himself by the child's side and starts treating the wounds with a healing balm. Freed starts to open the scroll as fast as he can, to the point that he rips the top of the scroll box to free the message inside. He opens it and starts to read it with hasty eyes, which slow down the further he goes into the message, he begins to sweat heavily, tears and rage building inside him, his hands grip into the paper, almost shredding it to pieces. He releases the message from his hands, then looks towards the lake, he faces an fiery image of the lake, with him as a boy running from danger, he hears the screams of his people dying he then looks to the sky and lets out a roaring cry that echoes throughout the lake only to end up sobbing, kneeling in the floor with the palms of his hands facing his saddened, angry face.


The Marauding Captain, takes the message and also gets angry at the news... for they are far away, and the chances of them getting in time were very slim. He looks towards his friend who now faces him with an unchanged face. "Sir--"


Freed quickly interrupted him: "Ready my steed... I must face this abomination myself..."


The Marauding Captain, worried tries to calm his friend down. "Sir, let me come with you, you can't face this thing alone!" But Freed was nowhere near to be convinced, "NO! You must keep with the investigation, take the men and head for the molten peaks, It's an ORDER!", the Marauding Captain however stood defiantly against his leader.


"I can't... I can't let you do this sire. The future of this kingdom depends on your survival... I will not let you do this, I will not let you die in vain."


Freed was still unconvinced, his rage overcoming his judgment, all that he wanted was revenge. "Renault Gottoms! For the last time, get out of my way!"


The Marauding Captain was surprised that Freed went all the way to mentioning his name, something he didn't even do when he was spending time with him as a friend. He saw there was no force stopping Freed from undergoing this foolish act of recklessness and with dignity, Renault stepped aside to give way to Freed. Armed Dragon followed him, trying to stay away from Freed's sight. Renault wanted to tell Freed he was being followed, but he thought that maybe the dragon's company could aid him in what he was about to do. As the knight of nerzoth climbed his horse, the Marauding Captain said his final words. "Freed... remember who you are. Don't kill yourself." Freed just looked away and whacked his horse to gallop at full speed towards Nerzoth. Renault then faces his men and calls for one of his lieutenants.


"We are doing as he says, but my way. Take a regiment and follow him. Do whatever is necessary to keep him alive..."


"Of course sir!" The lieutenant answered. The officer then called for several other soldiers and they all took horses to ride towards Nerzoth. Renault then calls for the remaining soldiers. "Onwards to the molten peaks!"


Meanwhile, on Dark World, Gagagigo finds himself in the middle of the archfiend's battle arena. In front of him, lies Lucius Grepher with sword in hand. Ultrius, the Invader of Darkness had personally set Gagagigo for an exhibition match with the latest fiend in the Archfiend's arsenal to test the lizard's ability. Lucius points his sword at Gagagigo's neck, he starts to parlay with the lizardman, curiosity tingling his throat as he spoke.


"Tell me lizard, you were once a noble soul like I was?"


Gagagigo was a bit surprised that Lucius spoke about being a noble being during his past so loosely, as if he didn't care. Both combatants kept circling around each other slowly, their glares fixed upon each other. Suddenly Lucius makes a quick downwards strike which is parried immediately by Gagagigo's left claw, the lizard tries to counter but the dark warrior parries his attack with the sword, the clash of claw and blade prevails for a moment, which Lucius takes advantage of to speak again.


"Yes... you see it right? Power, Ultrius spoke you about this right? Well here you see it firsthand lizard. This is why you must follow your heart always... passion... gives you strength..." Grepher swings again, which Gagagigoalso parries, another lock is met and Lucius continues. "Strength, attains victory..." Grepher then attempts a cleave, Gagagigo parries the heavy blade with both claws, almost giving in to the blade in the process, he squirms as he regains his strength to keep the blade at bay. Lucius just grins and continues. "With victory... your chains are broken!" Lucius then applies enough pressure with his sword to break Gagagigo's lock and send him tumbling to the floor, claws cracked in half from the blade's heavy impact. Gagagigo squirms in pain as blood slowly comes out of the crevices at the root of his nails. Grepher lets out a loud laugh as he points his blade once again atGagagigo.


"Darkness shall free you." Grepher finally concluded, he turns around and starts walking away from Gagagigo as he resumes another speech. "That is the truth of life my friend... embrace it, covet it, use it. For it is powerful, and hard to resist... are you willing to serve?"


Gagagigo takes a moment to breathe, he sets his bloody hands on the floor and ponders. For he knows the path he is setting himself in, he wants to doubt it, but he can't see anything against it. He feels confused, but he thinks he can do what is right and attain what his heart desires. The lizard thinks on the words that Lucius just told him. For Gagagigo, the warrior spoke the truth, if he followed his heart, he would attain what he coveted the most and power seemed like a good thing to shoot for at this moment. He slowly stood up, the words of Grepher were fading to nothingness as his mind was somewhere else. He then eyes Grepher who was still talking to him, he then starts to bend his knees, gaining energy for a massive leap at Grepher who was still giving him his back. The lizard then makes a reckless leap towards the dark warrior who was unaware of the sudden attack.


Grepher still continued to speak towards Gagagigo: "So... lizard, have you made up your mind? Just look at me, look at what darkness can give you. This is merely a taste of what awaits you with your servitude--" Grepher tries to raise his sword but it's too late, the lizard was already tackling him to the ground, Gagagigo then grabs Lucius by the throat with his tail, he raises him high in the air, the warrior unable to breathe, was choking and thrashed his legs in panic. Gagagigo gives Lucius one final glare.


"Yes... I will serve, but only those who are worthy of my passion, of my strength, of my victory, of my chains!" Gagagigo then throws Grepher towards the wall, the warrior smashing into it and the concrete covering him completely as if making a grave for him. A loud clap could be heard almost immediately, it was Ultrius. The Invader of Darkness now slowly descends from the upper floors of the arena and approaches the lizardman. He places a hand on Gagagigo's shoulder and grins at him before saying some words.


"Good, very good... but strength alone won't win your place in Dark World. I must see more... can you show me more Gagagigo?"


"Yes... master." Gagagigo replies with a bow towards Ultrius. Ultrius chuckles and slowly vanishes from Gagagigo's sight through the shadows. Gagagigo then is left alone in the middle of the arena to think on what he had done, and what he will have to do next. A faint cheer could be heard coming from the upper levels of the Arena, as if Gagagigo had just won a match against another of Dark World's mighty fiends. Gagagigo smiles at the thought, he day dreams about power and how he might use it, yet, inside, a small corner of his heart denies it. Gagagigo feel as if Eria herself speaks to him about the dangers of taking the path towards darkness. Gagagigofeels it, he looks down, as if in shame but anger quickly takes over him and he looks up once again with a defiant expression, he then raises his arm to his face, he looks upon the broken claws in his hand. Looking at them, he thinks about the day those claws will stay sharp and strong forever, slaying countless enemies in cold blood, he thinks about the glory and last but not least, the power, for the mere thought of such thing had overtaken his brain like a parasite.






[spoiler=Chapter Nine]Chapter Nine




A silver coin flips through the air, heads and tails almost indifferent to the naked eye, faint light reflects off the last shiny surfaces of the counterfeit. It was a old coin, filled with rust and grime from constant use and exposure. The piece of currency finally lands on the palm of the hand belonging to Hail who sits quietly in a chair, the Chain Thrasher finds himself inside one of Don Zaloog's quarters, beside him sits Anu and across, Meanae the Thorn and Cliff the Trap Remover both with serious faces looking over the pair of prisoners. A deep silence fills the entire room with an awkward feeling, the paintings of what appears to be famous cutthroats, brigands and thieves watch over the four individuals like guests to a silent theater. The feeling is suddenly broken when from the right side of the room, Don Zaloog makes his entrance. The Dark Scorpion kingpin approaches his fellow inmates and makes some gestures which Meanae and Cliff simply nod to and follow to leave the room shortly after. Don Zaloog then turns to Hail and Anu, crossing his arms and kneeling against one of the wooden tables, he speaks:


"Tomorrow we leave for the place I talked to you about, it's a long trek so if you need some rest before we go, I recommend you take a good nap."


Hail looks at the brigand indifferently: "Well... that is quite strange of you Don Zaloog, to offer such hospitality, I saw one of your garrotes on my neck the minute any of your lackies had the chance."


"That would have been the situation if both of you had been lesser captives. But the information you hold is too valuable to me, hell... even your presence. Don't count your coins just yet though... for nothing is never priceless in my life, everything has its value, and like anything in the world, you can lose it anytime I deem fit."


Hail and Anu just nodded, Don Zaloog, interpreted their silence as a confirmation that they knew their place and continued. "Take your weapons with you, the path to our destination might lead us to various unwanted encounters, after all, the Dark Scorpions are among the most wanted criminals in the face of this world." Don Zaloog pauses once again before turning his back to Anu and Hail. His back turned, he says some last words:


"And if you should try anything funny... I will personally show you both, why we are the world's most wanted."


Don Zaloog then closed the door to the quarters shut and the room falls into deep silence once again. Anu and Hail just look at each other and sigh, thinking just what will happen next with these brigands that were holding them as prisoners for the time being. Hail smiles at Anu before speaking up, Anu smiles back, paying attention.


"You heard the man... tomorrow is a big day. Get some sleep Anu, everything will be alright, I can assure you that. Something tells me these ain't your ordinary brigands... it's like I can see something inside them, waiting to happen." Hail pauses for a second. Before continuing, he faces the door which Don Zaloog just exited and speaks once again. "I think im starting to like these guys... in a very strange way..."


Hail then rests his head on the bed and closes his eyes, inducting himself in a deep sleep. Anu however stood awake for a while longer, she looked at stone roof in front of her, thinking on everything that had happened till now, she thought about the Dark Scorpions, about Hail, about Cyber World, about home. She realizes it's been one hell of a strange trip, from the wastelands, to a two year stay in the most unimaginable place she could think of in her entire life, and then back to the place that gave her birth, finding the only solution that would help a world she feels she no longer needs to go back to, but nevertheless feels the need to help it. She sighs deeply, muttering some words and finally closing her eyes in preparation for much needed rest.


Meanwhile, up in the Shadow Spire of Dark World, Dark Ruler Ha Des kneels on the center of a summoning circle, around him, shadowy spirits surround the fiend ruler as if some council had been summoned to hear his bidding. Mad Whisperings that could turn any sane man into complete and utter darkness could be heard across the room, all coming from the spirits that surrounded the Dark Ruler.


"You have summoned us Ha Des... " One of the spirts spoke forth. "What does a traitor have to say to those that he has betrayed, worthy of being heard?"


Ha Des simply grinned, he basked in the agony hidden in the words of the spirits, as if it gave him unseen energy and power. "I have summoned you, to show you what you could never do in your entire lifetimes, what me, Sylvanas and Ultrius are about to accomplish will be remembered forever in the history of Dark World, we are about to accomplish total control of the multiverse, through an iron fist, an iron fist all of you can only dream of having."


The spirits remained indifferent, mad whisperings still emanating from each of them. Another spirit then spoke forth, it's voice much more sneering and mad than the last spirit. "Isssssss that sssssssso? Ha Dessssssss, tsssssk tsssssk tssssssk, I and many otherssssssss jussssst ssssssee your demissssssse. Tsssssk Tsssssk Tssssk."


"My demise?" Ha Des chuckled at such comments. "No, what you are about to see is my golden age, a new era and I... no the Triumvirate will be the rulers of it."


Another angry spirit spoke forth, this one was clearly molested by Ha Des attitude towards the matter and how the Dark Ruler thought he was the greatest thing in the world. "Listen to your words Ha Des... your demise lies hidden within them... there is more at work than your petty plans for power here... emotions, vengeance, power, ambition... they all lie behind every step of the way, just waiting to take over you and your petty friends which you call the Triumvirate."


Ha Des chuckled once again, clearly not intimidated by the warnings of the angered spirits. "Betrayal??? You clearly don't understand how I am handling this... I hold all the cards in my hand gentlemen... there will be no betrayal in my new order, I will make sure of it."


A dark, bellowing voice finally interupted Dark Ruler Ha Des, so imposing and powerful it even shook the fiend a little, the mad whisperings of the spirits suddenly stopped, it was as if time itself ceased for this very moment."Naive words coming from a fiend such as yourself Ha Des, noone... noone is invincible in this world Ha Des, you of all fiends should know this. The time will come, and your order will fall beneath your feet faster than anything you have predicted. It is then when us will laugh at your miserable failure and you will suffer for all eternity at everything you just couldn't have, because you weren't fit for it in the first place. We shall leave, to watch over your plans take fold, and quite the spectacle it will promise to be."


All the spirits then cackled madly around Ha Des, who just stood quiet waiting for such spirits to fade into nothingness and leave his company. He stood in the summoning circle, speechless, yet confident that his plans will take hold and come to fruition. He fixed his robes and exited through one of the halls that circled the chamber. Out of the shadows from one of the unused halls however, came the figure of Sylvanas. Apparently she was eavesdropping on the whole conversation between the spirits and Ha Des. The way she walked was rather clunky, to the point that she was about to tumble to the floor had she not held to one of the walls of the chamber. The mad whisperings of the spirits had invaded the halls where she stood and penetrated her mind, almost driving her insane. From the wall she was kneeling, the whisperings slowly drove her to the ground and in there she laid with extremities extended as far as they could reach, grasping the floor as if Sylvanas was about to fall from the very spire into nothingness.


"You must fulfill your vengeance...." The mad whisperings inside her, spoke.


"He will betray you in the end..."


"The power is yours for the taking...."


"You are the true queen...."


"Take it..... Take it.... Take it...."


Sylvanas could barely withstand the power the whisperings had on her mind. She turned and turned endlessly, her entire body scrap-ping the floor like a possessed spirit, she finally regained some of her strength and with both hands grasped the floor and lifted herself a bit, her back now weighed like a thousand tons, as if gravity suddenly shifted around her and was trying to bring her back down crashing to the cold floor. Sweat started to build in her forehead as the Archfiend Empress tried to fight back, her face and entire body shaking uncontrollably, the whisperings continued, each time getting louder and louder, but Sylvanas kept fighting, each time regaining a bit more of strength, letting her stand once again, when she was finally up on two legs. She let out one loud cry into the room, the cry echoed through the entire summoning chamber and the halls that surrounded it. She panted heavily as she watched around her to see if she could spot any of the spirits still around. There was nothing, nothing but empty halls, the Archfiend Empress then raised her hands to where she could see them, palms facing her strained face. She wanted vengeance, but now she started to think that she wouldn't be the only person taking benefit from such action. She had to be careful... for if the spirits where those who she was thinking about, then her vengeance would be in vain.


Back on the edges of Nerzoth, the sun was setting high in the sky, Anu, Hail and the Dark Scorpion gang were now trekking towards the fabled place that Don Zaloog had been speaking of, for almost 2 days. The group found itself crossing a river path when suddenly the horses they were riding started to get stirred, as if danger approached them. Don Zaloog quickly drew his twin pistols and loaded them both with bullets from the two large straps around his chest, he then followed to calm his own horse down, and told the rest of the gang to watch their surroundings. Hail and Anu also were quite focused on their surroundings and both drew their weapons in response to the sudden shaky feeling in the horses they were riding.


From one of the distant trees, arrows came crashing down on the Dark Scorpions and their two captives. The horses squealed endlessly in panic, raising their hoofs in the air and tumbling most of the Dark Scorpions gang, including Don Zaloog. Anu also fell from her horse and into the river, Hail quickly dismounted to help her out, arrows still fell upon the group as both the Dark Scorpion and Anu and Hail ran for cover where they could find it. Finally behind a rock, Don Zaloog started to shoot at the direction of the arrows, in an attempt to force the attackers from hiding. However, from another direction, a trident comes flying straight at Meanae who rested right beside Don Zaloog, Meanae sees the trident coming at her, but quickly realizes that not even her whip could stop the trident coming at her with such power, she cries for help, in which Gorg the Strong answers right away and with his massive mace crashes the trident into the watery floor.


Finally, the attackers make their appearance, they were two heavily equipped warriors, with all sorts of weaponry and traps for apparently any situation or encounter. Both warriors now drew their swords and started to approach both the Dark Scorpions gang as well as Anu and Hail.


"Bounty Hunters..." Don Zaloog muttered to himself. "And not just any of them, they hired Sword Hunter and The Hunter with 7 Weapons!" Don Zaloog then started to open fire on The Hunter with 7 Weapons, the warrior with quick reflexes raised his blade to meet the bullets from the pistols of the Dark Scorpion kingpin, and then commenced a charge against the Don. On the other side, the Sword Hunter now met blades with Gorg the Strong, playing with him like a toy and finally tumbling the warrior to the floor with a swift sidestep and a low blow to the feet. The bounty hunter then placed his eyes on Cliff the Trap Remover and drew a small parrying dagger to counter Cliff's sole combat knife. The helpless Cliff now tried to stay away from the well geared bounty hunter as the Sword Hunter charged to get his kill on the poor brigand.


Anu and Hail watched as the Dark Scorpions were brutally outmanuvered by the more skilled and tactical bounty hunters and with great pressure on their minds, pondered if they should help them or make for a quick escape. They looked upon each other with the same face, staring at each others eyes for a moment, finally, with their gaze into one another, they said everything they needed to hear about the situation at hand. Both different dimension warriors then drew their weapons and charged at both bounty hunters. Anu went for Sword Hunter who was about to rest his blade on the helpless Cliff, while at the same time had rendered Meanae useless with a Kunai with Chain. The D.D. Warrior Lady leaped in the air with great finesse and parried her blade into the massive cleave of the Sword Hunter. The bounty looked surprised at his sudden attacker and raised his sword once again to meet them with those of the D.D. Warrior Lady.


On the other side of the river, The Hunter with 7 Weapons pushes Don Zaloog with the broad side of his blade, knocking the gang leader into the floor and disarming him from his beloved pistols. The bounty hunter then tries to land his blade into the body of Don Zaloog, but the kingpin meets his blade with two parrying knives of his own. The pressure of the cleave however, was taking its toll, and Don Zaloog felt he couldn't hold on to the blades much longer. However, chains suddenly engulfed the body of The Hunter with 7 Weapons and drew him back into the water, Hail stood on the other side with a grin on his face that the Dark Scorpion Don could only snicker at. With the bounty hunter immobilized on the floor, Don Zaloog twirled his blades and grinned sinisterly at The Hunter with 7 Weapons for one last time before stabbing the helpless bounty hunter to his death.


Only the Sword Hunter now stood, but this warrior was more than prepared to fight alone against the entire group. And with Gorg knocked down, Meanae chained to the rock and Anu pressured by his sword attacks. Three of the group were already under his control. Anu keeps parrying blow after blow, she then meets the blades on a lock and stares at the Sword Hunter who merely grins at her helpless position. Anu notices Chick the Yellow on the back and shouts for his aid, the shy member of the Dark Scorpion gang doesn't think twice to help the D.D. Warrior Lady and quickly jumps on the Sword Hunter who was still staring at Anu, Chick then follows to mess with the Sword Hunter's vision by turning his helmet around, the blinded bounty hunter flails wildly, successfully knocking Chick the Yellow off his back, and a wild unpredictable swing also catches Anu offguard and knocks her into the ground as well. The Sword Hunter then tries to fix his helmet, but the sound of various gun shots quickly stops him in his tracks. He slowly puts his hands near his abdomen, and feels the oozing blood come out of his wounds. More shots are heard, and this time the Sword Hunter feels the full pain the bullets inflict upon his body, however he does not cry out in pain and merely falls to the water, his blood converting the colors of the river slowly as his body starts to go downstream with the current.


"Enough is enough..." Don Zaloog said as he stowed away his pistols. He then looks upon Anu and Hail with a serious face. "I don't know you guys... but that was the perfect moment for both of you to make your grand escape. Yet, you decided to help us instead, I really don't know if I should thank you, or you are just pair of naive fools. I'm going to go ahead and take the safe route and think you are a pair of naive fools for the time being."


With rolling eyes and no questions, the group restarted its trek through the lands of the human kingdoms. But something was certain, Anu and Hail had seen something in the Dark Scorpions gang, something almost platonically perfect.







[spoiler=Chapter Ten]Chapter Ten



The ground trembles as the hooves of Freed's warhorse run across with haste. The knight of Nerzoth has finally arrived at the walls of his now burning city. He could hear in the distance, the mad cackling of the Dark Bladeas it swooped across the city, terrorizing the citizens. However, Freed's presence was rapidly felt, and the fiendish knight quickly placed himself on top of one of the walls of the city. His gaze fixed on the incoming knight of justice that was about to attempt to bring down the chaos he had ensued. Freed slowly stops his horse right in front of the walls of Nerzoth, he looks up into the dark crevice that is the helmet of the Dark Blade and draws out his sword.


"Foul fiend, what have you done with my city! I come here to claim your head, and show those of your kind what happens to those foolish enough to attack my kingdom!" Freed cried into the air, echoes came out from the walls in front of him. The Plain was silent, scorched and dead. The two warriors faced each other with killing stares, their mounts breathing heavily. The tension was building, and from the corners of the city walls, came forth several of the survivors to watch upon what was going to be a clash of titans.


The Dark Blade laughed at Freed's challenging shout. With a quick command, he lowered his dragon to hover right before Freed. His helmet sneered the sinister words he had in store for the noble knight of Nerzoth to hear."Alas, the knight of Nerzoth makes his appearance. Your father was courteous enough to send a messenger to summon you. I can see he made it safely and quite fast. How ironic.... that it is I that will come with your head from this engagement, brave knight. Yes... brave and foolish."


Freed takes two steps forward and points his sword at the Dark Blade, his eyes stare down into the fiend like daggers puncturing through his armor. "Who are you? And what do you want with me?"


"But I am just a fiend, Freed. Curiosity is a gift isn't it? It makes you know more... like a thirst for water. In a way, you could even call it greed. Right Freed? You are greedy with curiosity--"


"Just tell me who you are, you piece of filth! Or I will stick out your tongue from your head and make it talk!"


"How rude. I am known as the Dark Blade. I was sent here to finish with you and your monarchy. A simple task really--"


"Who sent you!!?" Freed interrupted.


"You ask too many questions child," The Dark Blade then hovers a bit higher in the air and draws his own pair of swords. "Fight me and you shall have them answered." The fiendish warrior then calls his dragon to encircle Freed in a ring of fire, the fire was so intense, Freed's warhorse knocked him back and began to panic. Armed Dragon, who was also tucked inside the warhorse was released and fell the floor. That is when Freed found out he was not alone. The Dark Blade then proceeds to swoop and snatch Freed's warhorse from the ground and throws it far away into the walls, the horse dies instantly.


"Did you follow me?" Freed asks the Armed Dragon, which it simply nods in return. Freed then continues to lecture his pet. "Then stay away from us, I don't want you to get hurt. Go now!" The Armed Dragon did as he was told and headed for one of the edges of the ring of fire. The heat however was pretty intolerable and Armed Dragon couldn't get as close as he wanted to the ring. In fact, the ring of fire was so hot, Freed could feel his armor starting to heat up slowly. If he didn't end this fight fast, his armor was going to burn him to crisps.


Steel boots could be heard clanging against the floor as the Dark Blade finally enters the ring. Freed turns around to meet his eyes with the fiendish knight who now twirls his blades in a fancy way. "Let's end this now!" Freed cries as he holds his longsword with two hands and charges the Dark Blade. Sword close to his side, Freed makes a quick but short downwards cleave at the Dark Blade who parries the attack with both scimitars. Both warriors look into each other, a pair of red eyes suddenly sprout from the deep abyss that is the helmet of the Dark Blade. Freed's attention is caught by these eyes and the fiendish knight takes the opportunity to break theParry between them and counterattack.


The knight of Nerzoth side steps and attacks with a horizontal swing which the Dark Blade parries with one of his blades, and then follows the attack with his unoccupied sword. Freed has no choice but to raise one of his armguards to meet the scimitar head on. Hardened steel clangs in a resonating noise as the fine blade begins to crack through the metal. However, the scimitar had cut just deep enough that the blade was stuck on the hardened steel armguard. Freed then takes the opportunity to pull back at the armguard, thus pulling the Dark Blade with him. The knight of Nerzoth then quickly tackles the fiendish warrior with his shoulderguards, sending him straight to the floor.


"Too easy." Freed murmurs to himself as he now charges the downed Dark Blade to make the finishing blow, but just as his blade was about to cleave the fiend in half, the Dark Blade spins to the side, fully evading the heavy blow from Freed. The knight's longsword sticks to the ground and Freed is trapped trying to take it out. The Dark Blade then swings at Freed with one of his swords, aiming for one of his legs. Freed, seeing that if he stayed one more second trying to budge out his sword would end up losing his extremities, quickly dodges back. Freed then resumes to pull the sword off the ground, while the Dark Blade stands up to resume the attack.


Freed hurries to meet his longsword with the Dark Blade's scimitars, both warriors are once again locked in a deadly Parry. But this time, the Dark Blade closes his scimitars in like a scissor. The twin swords slowly start to approach Freed's face, the knight of Nerzoth quickly finds himself in a daring situation. His eyes glance at the swords in one quick span and then center themselves on the Dark Blade again. Freed then attempts a risky maneuver, he pushes the hilt of his blade forward and hits the Dark Blade's chest, pushing the fiend back enough for him to retract from the Parry. However, the knight of Nerzoth foolishly thinks he could end the fight here and now with a well timed stab and points his longsword at the Dark Blade, beginning a charge.


The Dark Blade recovers faster than what Freed expected and easily side steps away from the brave knight. He then tumbles Freed to the floor with a quick snap of his own sword hilt. Freed lets out an airless gasp and falls face first into the warm floor. He breathes for a second, dust spreading out when he exhales. The Dark Blade behind him cackles triumphantly as it now approaches the knight of Nerzoth.


"Impressive, most impressive." The Dark Blade sneers through his helmet. He then places one of his scimitars beside Freed's face. "A great fight, this has been. But like all things, it must come to an end." A small grunt coming from the other side catches the Dark Blade's attention. It is the Armed Dragon, angry at seeing his comrade fall to the fiendish knight. The small creature snarls at the Dark Blade who just watches it indifferently as he continues to lecture Freed on his failure. Freed, silently murmurs with the little breath he has left for the Dark Blade to leave the dragon alone. The heat was now building up on his armor, and his skin was starting to sweat and burn.


"Do not worry... I won't kill him. That pet of yours will get something far worse. He will see his master die before him." The Dark Blade glances at the Armed Dragon one last time, grins at it and then looks down at Freed, raising his blade. "Say your prayers... knight." A loud resonating roar however, stops the Dark Blade's scimitar in its tracks. "What the--" But before he could even glance, a gigantic body tackles him and sends him flying out of the ring and into one of the Castle Walls. The fiend hits the wall so hard that it crumbles before him, burying him to his chest with rubble.


Freed looks up, only to see a gigantic dragon, it's head massive and tough like a rock, had fangs coming out of the mouth. It stood defiant against the Dark Blade even when the fiend was clearly out of the way. Freed couldn't help but ask: "Armed... Dragon?" It was then when the creature looks down upon Freed and with one of his arms carries him and places Freed on his back. A strong wind current shortly followed, it emanated from the dragon itself and with it, the flames faded, and so did Freed's armor began to cool off rapidly. With his armor cooled down, and the revitalizing wind hitting his face, Freed recovers his energies and feels ready to fight once again.


The Dark Blade finally stumbles out of the rubble, looking upon the pair with appalled eyes. "Sylvanas didn't tell me about this..." The fiend murmured to himself. "Dragon!!! To me!!!" He cries out, and from the skies, comes the pitch dark dragon. The Dark Blade quickly mounts him and draws out his swords. "A dragon duel, eh? You should know that where I come from, I am the greatest of dragon tamers!"


Freed simply scoffed. "In a world full of fiends... I bet that dark dragon is all there is to tame. Of course you would be the best. However, this land is filled with all kinds of dragons, and I happen to have one of the strongest in my reins at this very moment. You still confident in your abilities?"


The Dark Blade grunted. "I will make you swallow those words! Pitch Dark Dragon ATTACK!!" The Dark Blade and the dragon then charged, the wind around them stirring violently as they approached Freed and the Armed Dragon with daring speed. Freed raised his sword and shouted to the Armed Dragon his command. "Armed Dragon! Let's show the fiend of the abyss the power of a true dragon! ATTACK!" The Armed Dragon then lets out a terrifying roar into the air and charges the Pitch Dark Dragon head on with his massive head. The two dragon mounted warriors in moments clash and blade meets blade while fang meets fang as both combatants are locked in combat.


The people of Nerzoth keep watching as the fight of the ages resolves in front of them. Never in their lifetimes have the people of the city seen warriors mounted in dragons and locked in combat. It was as if the city was experiencing a once in a lifetime spectacle, forever to be remembered in poems and tales of fantasy. In the middle of the clash, Dark Blade's dragon attempts to engulf the Armed Dragon and Freed in dark flames. However, the Armed Dragon fights back sending a concentrated wind current at the dark flames, bouncing them back at the Pitch Dark Dragon. The Dark Blade dodges the countered flames only to get rammed by the incoming Armed Dragon. The fiend rider falls but regains his flight quickly before touching the floor.


Armed Dragon and Freed safely land on the floor once again. Freed then points his sword at the Dark Blade, who stares upon the pair with his red eyes. "You were saying? Face it Dark Blade... you can't win. Answer me the questions I ask you and I may spare your life... or grant you a swift death. Your choice." The Dark Blade sneers behind his helmet, frustrated about the new found powers that the knight of Nerzoth suddenly got from what he always thought to be a small useless pet. "Don't call victory so soon knight prince of Nerzoth. I still have a plethora of tricks up my sleeve that you have yet to witness. I congratulate you though... few have ever forced me to show my true form. Sit back and watch closely, for this might be the last time you see this."


The Dark Blade then raises his swords in the air, shadowy flames quickly engulf both him and the Pitch Dark Dragon. Freed stays focused, he calms down the Armed Dragon who sits uneasy at what was unfolding in front of him. The flames begin to expand and finally burst, throwing fireballs in the direction of Freed and the Armed Dragon. The Armed Dragon quickly sends a current of air to redirect the fireballs in another direction. However, from the shadowy smoke haze in front of them. The Dark Blade could be seen, riding a much larger Pitch Dark Dragon. In fact, it was twice as big as the Armed Dragon. The Dark Blade had also increased in size, and wielded massive swords in each hand.


"Behold!!! For I am Dark Blade the Dragon Knight!" The fiendish warrior cackled. Freed and the Armed Dragon took a step back, surprised that the Dark Blade was in fact saying the truth. The Dark Blade simply laughed at the knight of Nerzoth, smelling his fear like the scent of blood. "The tables have turned in my favor once again, Freed. It's time to end this folly." The Dark Blade scoffed. Freed however, gripped his longsword tightly and looked upon the fiendish dragon warrior. "You may look bigger, you may look stronger, but you are the same warrior I had defeated moments ago. You are right, it's time to end this once and for all. Armed Dragon! CHARGE!" The Armed Dragon then leaps into the air, the Rising Air Current aiding his leap, Freed held his longsword close to him, pointed at the Dark Blade. The fiend in response swooped towards Freed, his swords locked into position. The two dragon warriors were now engaged in an all or nothing rush that would decide the outcome of the epic battle, remembered for ages to come.






[spoiler=Chapter Eleven]Chapter Eleven




"The time has come Gagagigo, through this gateway you will reenter your past and become the envoy of a new beggining, our Begginning." Ultrius spoke as he finished casting the spell that created a rupture between dimensions. "Find the Kingdom of Nerzoth, it is there where our gateway into the human kingdoms will be created. Anything that stands in your way.... kill it."


"Yes, master..." Gagagigo said quietly as he made a slight bow towards the Invader of Darkness. The reptilian warrior, infused with dark energies from the Dark World, then stepped forth into the portal and was quickly sucked in, the portal closing shortly after. A grinning Lucius Grepher stood by Ultrius with arms crossed. "You think he will succeed milord?" Ultrius simply turned around and started walking, Lucius glanced back awaiting an answer. "If he fails... feel free to end his miserable life, Grepher."


Meanwhile, a rift opens on the Human Kingdoms, from it Gagagigo is pushed out, the reptile makes a somersault and lands on his feet safely. As he stands up, he looks around. The lizard finds himself in the middle of a vast forest, trees surround him at every corner of his eye, he tries to quickly find a sense of direction and ends up picking one of the more clear paths visible. Gagagigo keeps walking through the path, in hopes that further ahead the forest wouldn't be so dense. Through jagged rocks, and fallen twigs and branches, Gagagigo trekked, unaware that a pair of dead mechanical photoreceptors were targeted right at him, recording every step, every turn, waiting for the right chance to strike.



"Sir, how much farther till we arrive at the Molten Peaks?" A lieutenant asked Renault. The Marauding Captain glanced at the curious officer and answered with a stern yet charismatic tone.


"It should be right after this large forest ahead of us, we can stop before we enter and let the men rest while we figure out the directions we taking inside the forest. Tell the rest of the officers."


"Yes sir." The Lieutenant then turned his horse around and started galloping towards the rest of the mounted soldiers to pass the message along. Renault on the other hand, was still thinking about Freed, and his well doing. He really wished he could be fighting alongside him right now but the Dimensional Fissures were just as important. One thing was for sure though, he was really dissapointed at his highness' recklessness. He couldn't wait to get back with Freed to give him a big lesson in patience. Finally arriving at the footsteps of the great forest, Renault raises his hand in a sign of halting his troops. Marching stops and the soldiers start to scatter around the large roots of the tall trees, resting and relaxing between them. Renault dismounts as well and heads for one of the hollow trees with the rest of the officers. The men take out a large map and start plotting points of interest.


"It should take us around two days and one night to reach the Molten Peaks if we choose this path captain." One of the officers spoke forth. Renault paused, pondering the options given by his men. He then twirled his hand, showing doubt, a question.


"Does the map say which forest is this?" The Marauding Captain asked.


"No sire, in fact it's the closest thing to "uncharted" terretory in this piece of cartography. Must be too general for our kingdom to classify as a point of interest, we merely have general information, which is where our path is based on."


Renault once again paused, thinking deeply, trying to find the most minor clue of what this place could be, he could swear he had heard of this forest before, reason he knew the molten peaks were right past it. But he couldn't hit the nail on what it was. The captain tapped on his sword's hilt, as seconds passed with no answer. It was seconds later that the answer almost came to his mind, but not the way he wanted. A mechanical roar could be heard deep inside the forest, the breaking of trees and snapping of roots everywhere, like if something was cutting the entire forest down.


"Gentlemen... I think we have our answer. Lieutenant, stay with the men, i'll take a company and check out what exactly is that noise, I think something disturbed something else in the forest, and we are not safe."


"Captain, let us go instead! You are too important for the regiment right now." One of the officers quickly cried out. Renault made a serious stare into the eyes of all his officers.


"Stay here, that's an order. If im not back.... return to Nerzoth and pray our prince is alive." Renault then storms off the hollowed tree, shouts several men to follow him and runs towards the forest, dashing as fast as he can through the thick roots and uneven terrain ahead of him.


"He's no different than Freed..." The lieutenant grumbled to himself as he saw the figure of the Marauding Captain fade into the wilderness. The mechanical roar got louder and louder as Renault strided through the forest floor. He stopped from time to time to let the other soldiers catch up and get a sense of direction. He quickly noticed he had to be careful where he treaded, for he could get lost very easily. With no doubts, he rips a piece of his cloak and puns it in the bark of one of the nearby trees. He then glances as his men and orders them to do the same.


The mechanical roar belonged to a wooden tree like cyborg by the name of Inpachi, who now smashed everything with it's fists in an attempt to pulverize Gagagigo who was running for his life, dodging the ferocious attacks of the wooden machine and the falling trees, victims of the rampage. The lizard warrior dashed and jumped through trees and branches, while the cursed tree attempted to bring him down. As Gagagigo leaps into yet another branch, Inpachi stops in his tracks and aims his hands at the tree Gagagigo is about to land, the ball like fists of Inpachi then open to reveal a large cannon like weapon. Immediately, two fiery missiles shoot from the fist and explode on contact with the tree, Gagagigo is caught off guard by the explosion and falls to the floor, momentarily paralyzed by the shock of the fall.


A menacing mechanical laugh then could be heard from Inpachi. The tree like cyborg was about to deal the final blow at Gagagigo. It was there when Inpachi was about to unleash yet another barrage of missiles that, the weapon arm from the Cyborg is cut off from it's body and crashes into the floor. Inpachi let's out a terrorizing roar of agony as the man responsible for dealing a crippling blow to the mechanical monstrosity lands on his two feet. Twirling his twin blades the Marauding Captain gazes back at Inpachi and readies himself for yet another strike.


Following his attack, the captain's men charge at the cyborg and attempt to attack him, but Inpachi won't have any more of it and unleashes a pair of devastating eye beams at the charging soldiers, turning them to dust in a matter of seconds. Renault is appalled by the way his soldiers died and his face turns into pure anger, he needed to avenge the lives of those men right now! All this time, Gagagigo stands up and stares at his rescuer, he can't pinpoint exacty who he is, but he knows he had seen him before, the cape and armor are almost exactly like the ones in his current memory. He only needed to see his face. It was there when Renault glanced to the side to face Inpachi that Gagagigo could admire a look at his profile and instantly recognize him. It was the companion of the warrior he fought back at the lake, but why would he save him?


Inpachi and Renault Gottoms face each other with deadly stares, renault then shouts a battle cry and charges forth, dashing towards the legs of the massive machine. Inpachi's eyes fire up as he charges them for yet another beam attack. Renault catches eye of this and gets ready for it, as soon as the tree cyborg unleashes the assault, Renault jumps gaining tremendous air and lunges at the defenseless cyborg. In a matter of seconds, his twin blades cut Inpachi in three pieces who come crashing to the forest floor like ten ton rocks. Renault makes a somersault and lands on one of the more leveled terrains. He quickly glances back to see the damage caused by his attack, after confirming it's lethality, the individual he unknowingly rescued catches his eye. Renault also quicklly recognizes him as Gagagigo, the lizard warrior freed fought back at he lake, his grip on his swords tighten, ready to strike once again if he needed it be. Renault doesn't waste time and starts asking questions.


"What brings you here lizard... and how did you come back into our world so quickly?"


Gagagigo feels his strength has returned and remembers what Ultrius said about things that got in his way. The lizard hisses a little before taking a battle stance, now that Inpachi was out of the way, Gagagigo felt confident he could fight the Marauding Captain and come out alive.


"I won't hurt you if you answer me the question lizard..." Renault speaks with a tone of warning. But the lizard would ignore all words spoken from the mouth of the human, and from one of his palms, a surge of water starts building up in the form of a sphere. The lizard warrior lunges at Renault and shoots the water ball from his hand right as he gets near the captain.


"You leave me no choice..." Renault says as he brings up both of his swords to his face to block the water attack, but Gagagigo's assault was far from short and the large lizard was already at Renault's toes as the water attack ended. Gagagigo proceeded to attack the Marauding Captain with a combination of slashes which Renault parried as much as he could with his twin blades. Renault didn't waste time to counterattack when the opportunity arised and both warriors were engaged in tooth and nail over their lives in the middle of the forest.


Both warriors did the best combat moves on their arsenal and yet were able to counter each other to the last punch. Gagagigo lept backwards while throwing a barrage of water blasts from his hands and mouth as Renault charged and attack with his blades, spinning, twisting and turning to gain the right positional attack on the lizard warrior. While all of this happened, the giant tree chucks of the fallen Inpachi started to move and towards each other, as if trying to reform. Unknown to the battling warriors in front of it, the Inpachi quickly started to reform and in no time it was already standing on it's two feet with both of it's arms back. Inpachi however was aware that the two warriors were too concerned with each other and resisted to make his grand entrance roar once again, instead it raised it's fist high in the air and prepared to smash it at the ground where both warriors stood parrying blows.


Renault, who was facing at Inpachi while being underattacked by Gagagigo, notices the giant cyborg just in time to push away Gagagigo and dodge the massive fist that came crashing towards the floor. Gagagigo and Renault look at each other, and finally decide with their stares that whatever was going on between them had to end if they were going to defeat this cursed being. With both warriors nodding at each other to confirm their momentary truce, they flank and charge the wooden machine who in response opens up his missile launchers and fires a barrage at both of them. Renault dodges the missile and makes his way to one of the branches nearby. Gagagigo on the other hand, uses his water magic to cast a small wall of water that reflects the missile back at Inpachi. The wooden cyborg quickly catches on fire and starts to panic, flailing it's hands everywhere, destroying trees at it's wake.


"A wooden machine equipped with fire weapons.... who would have known." Renault chuckles to himself as he gets away from the rampaging Inpachi. But victory is not yet attained for Gagagigo and Renault, as they quickly find out the battle is not over and Inpachi is still able to fight one last time while still being on fire! The wooden cyborg's eyes start to glow as he prepares another beam attack, Renault feels he can dodge this attack yet again, but before he could do anything, a falling tree trunk lands right on Gagagigo's feet. The lizard let's out a howl of pain as he gets grounded by the fallen trunk, and to put the situation worse, Inpachi had taken notice, and his eye beams were aimed straight at him. It was here where renault's courage stepped over the bounds and inspired him to rescue Gagagigo. As the fire beams of Inpachi got closer and closer to Gagagigo, theMarauding Captain makes a final leap in hopes of taking the blast himself. In the last second, Renault gets hit by the blast and is sent flying towards the tree behind him.


Gagagigo is shocked by such a display of sacrifice in front of him, and especially from someone that was his enemy just moments ago. He immediately uses all his strength to pull himself out of the fallen trunk. The lizard regains his stance and with both of his hands starts casting one final attack at the Blazing Inpachi. Inpachi focuses his eye beams on Gagagigo once again and shoots another blast. Gagagigo responds with a surge of water energy from his hands. The two beams meet each other and start fighting one another to see who overpowers the other. Both Gagagigo and Inpachi focus all their strength on their attacks, but in the end, fire gives out and with one loud cry and his last breath, Gagagigo lets out all his energy and blasts Inpachi with a torrential pulse of water, drowning the flaming tree trunk in water and killing it's flames. All that's left is a Charcoal Inpachi sitting motionless on the floor.


Gagagigo, out of energy collapses on the floor. It was here that Renault regained his strength and came to help out his fellow companion and former enemy. Picking him on his arms, Renault makes his way back to camp, following the cloth marks he and his men made on the way here. Finally after reaching the camp, his men greet him with cheers and battle cries of victory, the medic quickly tend to Gagagigo and take him to one of the other hollowed trees. Meanwhile, Renault makes his way the officers table, they are all happy to see him back.


"I said I would be back did I?" Renault said jokingly. The officers laughed a bit and patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him for his victory against Inpachi. "The path is clear my friends, we shall depart for the Molten Peaks tommorow morning, take the day to rest, now if you excuse me." Renault then turns around and heads for the other hollowed out tree that houses Gagagigo. With a small wave of his hand, Renault orders the medics out of the tree for a moment. The lizard is weak, but the little help the medics could give him had restored enough of his energy to at least allow him to open his eyes. With poor eyesight, Gagagigo glanced at the Marauding Captain, his savior and new friend. Renault stared back at Gagagigo and placed a hand in his shoulder.


"Whoever brought you back here was not a true friend... but if you desire... you are welcome to join mine. Gagagigo."


Gagagigo's eyes closed for a second, a faint smile appeared in his jaw, he then faintly but clearly spoke forth. "Thank you."






[spoiler=Chapter Twelve]Chapter Twelve





High atop the Castle Walls of Nerzoth, two flying objects dashed past each other, clashing and swooping in an epic battle. On one side, Freed and the Armed Dragon landed on one of the castles' watchtowers ready to jump towards the Dark Blade on the other side of the walls. Both warriors were beat, their mounts being no exception, but both had the determination to be the last one standing. Panting heavily, Freed took a moment to catch some air and say a couple of words to the Dark Blade.


"You can't win fiend, the power of righteousness flows within me, it reinvigorates me, fills me with an unbreakable will. You will fall Dark Blade, I swear it upon this very sword!"


The Dark Blade, also panting, took a moment to answer to his opponent. His tone of voice changed by the weariness of battle. The knights were worn down like never before, armor plates cracking, swords battered, and both sweat and dark essence emanating from their helmets.


"Noble words, knight of Nerzoth. You still fail to understand the strength of dark world is within me, would you be surprised to know that I yet have to use my full power?" The Dark Blade paused, expecting Freed to be surprised, but the knight didn't even flinch.


"You don't believe me? Fine, actions speak more than a thousand words... like the saying goes." The Dark Blade said as he streched his arms and started to charge Dark Energy into himself. A metallic hiss came from his helmet as he gained more and more power and purplelish essence began emanating from his Metalsilver Armor. Freed raised an eyebrow at first, but wisely knew he should be prepared and raised his blade to meet the upcoming attack. Armed Dragon, by order of his master also took a defensive stance, awaiting the Dark Blade's strike for a counterattack of his own. With a dark aura surrouding him and his dragon mount, the Dark Blade let out a mad cackle before charging Freed and the Armed Dragon. Freed's eye was fixed upon the fast moving dark knight, his grip on his blade becoming tighter and tighter by the second.


"Steady armed dragon, steady, get ready to attack no--" Right before Freed's eyes, the Dark Blade phased into black smoke and disappeared out of sight. "What the..." Freed looked around, saw no trace of the dark knight anywhere, suddenly from behind, a cloud of smoke was summoned and from it came the charging Dark Blade, immediately knocking Freed from the castle's watchtower, Dark Blade looked back at the now falling Freed who quickly regained posture and landed safely on the ground, the assassin now prepared for another attack.


"Watch out Armed Dragon! He's about to do it again!" Freed shouted as the Dark Blade swooped in for a second strike at the noble knight. Just as he predicted the Dark Blade phased into black smoke once again, but Freed quickly looked towards one direction while ordering the Armed Dragon to look at another. A loud cackle could be heard right before the Dark Blade once again appeared from one of the sides that was just out of reach from both the Armed Dragon and Freed. The assassin striked at the knight of nerzoth, knocking him backwards towards the Castle Walls, merely parrying the blow and preventing it from becoming a fatal blow.


"Valiant effort Freed... but I can see where you and your pet are looking for me before I strike. I become one with the shadows Freed... you will never be able to stop me... surrender before it's too late." The Dark Bladeboasted while he made another pass for yet again the last and final swoop that would end the life of the knight of Nerzoth.



"One with the shadows eh...." Freed said to himself as the Dark Blade approached. "Armed Dragon, I have an idea.... watch for the ground and the Castle Walls, look for his shadow, that's where we will strike." The Armed Dragon nodded and fixed his eye sight on the upcoming Dark Blade. Once the Dark Blade went into shadow form again, he quickly gazed upon the ground and realized Freed was right, the shadow of the Dark Blade could clearly be seen approaching them. Since their eyes where fixed upon the shadow, it kept moving trying find the right spot to strike. Freed ordered his pet to stay his claw for now, he waited patiently till he had the general idea of theDark Blade's whereabouts and ordered his pet to make a feint and look at another side for the right amount of time.


After a split second, the Dark Blade appeared thinking he found the right moment to strike at his opponent only to meet with the Armed Dragon's claws and Freed's sword knocking him away from his mount and into the ground. Armed Dragon wasted no time to pinch the Pitch Dark Dragon with his massive feet and with a final finishing move, gouge his neck with his claws. The Dragon roared in triumph over his rival, echoing through the Castle Walls of Nerzoth and catching the attention of all present. Freed, had unfinished business to attend to and quickly dismounted Armed Dragon.


"What???! Impossible! Noone has been able to survive that attack! NOONE!!" The Dark Blade cried as he stepped back avoiding Freed who just kept walking at a steady pace towards him, sword in hand. "Who are you!! Why did Sylvanas want me to get you!!! Why did they sent me to my death???!!!" The Dark Blade kept whimpering as he tried to stab at Freed who simply parried his blows with great finesse, his eyes fixed on the Dark Blade.


"The roles have changed have they Dark Blade? Who is the fool now, the helpless weakling? Eh?" Freed said with a cold stare, he swung his blade in a wide arc, disarming the Dark Blade and forcing him to trip and fall to the floor. Freed's blade was now pointing at the dark knight's helmet. For a moment however, the Dark Blade's hissing sound ended, and a normal, human voice could be heard, asking for mercy in pure desperation.


"Please... mercy!!! For the love of the gods!!! Freed have mercy on my soul! I will do anything!!!"


The reduced fighting had attracted the crowd to come closer, among them was Freed's father who was now quite near his son. He could clearly hear the changed voice on the Dark Blade and tried to stop his son.


"Freed! Stay your blade this instant. This is not the way a Knight of Nerzoth ends an honorable battle!" The king of Nerzoth cried out, steps away from his son who still stared at the Dark Blade with a thirst for vengeance. "Freed... that is an Order! Stay your blade NOW!"


"This thing... this fiend.... killed hundreds of our people, he will be brought to justice... by death!" Freed said to his father, his stare at him was just as angry as that with Dark Blade, he wouldn't listen. Freed didn't even recognize that he just found out his father was still alive.


"Hear his voice, that is no fiend.... he is a human like us... a cursed human looking for Redemption, we can give him that Freed, just stay your blade and let's show this fallen knight the path of light."


"I'm sorry father..." Freed then raised his blade and in an instant decapitated the Dark Blade, the dark essence within the armor fading into the air in a matter of seconds, and the rolling helmet landing right at his feet. Freed quickly noticed something forming in the dark crevice that was the Dark Blade's former helmet. The Dark essence steaming inside the helmet began to fade and a human face started to appear from within the fumes. Freed's father stood by his son and watched the face also generate itself from the helmet. It was quickly revealed that the face was no others than Freed's. Freed stood puzzled for a moment trying to figure out what that meant. His father however looked at his son with a face full of dissapointment.


"When a Dark Blade dies... it's helmet will show the face of one who will face a great evil... and fail. Your actions this day have turned destiny towards this direction... may the gods help you when you meet this evil... for I fear it will be the end of you. Guards... arrest my son and bring him to my chambers in the castle. His acts of recklessness won't bring troubles to our kingdom no more." Freed's father said as he turned around to face and walk towards the castle gates. Several of the royal guards then took a hold of Freed and the Armed Dragon and escorted them towards the Castle Walls, with the rest of the commonfolk of Nerzoth behind them.



This sight then began to blur, as the image produced from the Gazing Orb of Ha Des ended it's reproduction. A grinning Dark ruler placed the Orb on the pedestal and glanced back to meet eyes with the Archfiend Empress who was also gazing at the orb's vision with great satisfaction.


"A job well done Sylvanas. Fate has spoken, we have our new General." Ha Des said.


"You were also right about the Dragon... it has untapped potential. I am sure it can even become stronger if we provide the right... stimulation..." Sylvanas replied walking around the pedestial and stopping by the window near one of the corners of the Room.


"Of Course.... but right now, we should focus on ending the life of our current General so the seat can be vacant... I have heard news that Ultrius' agent, Gagagigo, failed to open the much awaited portal between Dark World and the human kingdoms necessary for our invasion?"


"That is correct Ha Des... you have something else in mind?"


Ha Des looks at Sylvanas with a raised eyebrow, as if he expected her to already know the answer, surprised that she didn't get it, he feels the need to explain once again.


"Didn't you love to.... shapeshift? What was the form you took near the human kingdoms? A field commander?"


Sylvanas smiles, finally getting on the same page as Ha Des, her mind goes reeling with possibilities but doesn't back too far from the already established means. "A yes... Field Commander Rahz... it has been quite some time that I have played such a role in the Human Kingdoms Ha Des... I might have lost... some touch."


"I have full trust in you my dear... I know you will do an excellent job. Now... will you do me the favor? For the future of Dark World.... for us?"


Sylvanas chuckles at Ha Des words sensing pure lies in them. "Oh my love.... i'm not so naive as to think you are not doing this only for yourself... but I'll help you... I am your lover am I not? Plus... the art of shapeshifting is something I just can't resist. I will have that portal opened... and we will have our new General."


"Excellent.... simply... excellent. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ha Des cackle resounded through the halls of the Shadow Spire, Sylvanas laughed a bit alongside him but turned to the spire window shortly after to think about herself. Little was known however that a hidden Lucius Grepher had overheard everything and was making his way down the spire... Ha Des plans have been placed in Jeopardy.... or have they?






[spoiler=Chapter Thirteen]Chapter Thirteen





The travels of Anu, Hail and the Dark Scorpions had taken them to far away lands, now they currently traveled along a very mysterious forest. The floor and the trees gave away a very enchanted feel, as if the travelers had reached some sort of sacred ground. Anu and Hail were oblivious, but Don Zaloog's face could easily be spotted for uneasyness. He perfectly knew where he was and he knew they were being watched every second they traveled deeper and deeper into this forest. Meanae could sense the unnerving feeling surrouding his boss and placed a hand on his shoulder, resting her head on his wide muscular arm.


"Im alright Meanae, go join the others in front." Don Zaloog tried to reassure his companion. Meanae sighed a little as she released her d****** arm from Zaloog and fastened her pace to reach the others in front. Zaloog glanced to the side only to meet eyes with Gorg who simply nodded assuring him that his flank was secure. "Keep your eyes open Gorg... they are here." He ordered, Gorg nodded once again and turned to face forward once again.


Hail was now begginning to feel some uneasy feeling between the Dark Scorpions and couldn't help but speak out: "Anything I should know about this place mr. Zaloog?"


"We are entering ancient ground, boy.... and it's filled with those sworn to protect it."


"Who are these sworn to protect it? May I ask?" Anu quickly interrupted.


Don Zaloog sighed a bit before he spoke forth, he felt a bit hesistant in answering that question, for he had a great feeling it was about to be answered very soon. "Hopefully we won't need to meet them... it's getting late let's find a place to rest and we continue tommorow." He finally said completely dodging the question. Anu was a bit annoyed that her question wasn't answered but she decided to let it go.


The travelers then went off the beaten path just enough to find a shelter among the tall trees where they could rest. Gorg, Cliff and Chick went to look for logs and branches for a bonfire while Anu and Hail went off to look for leaves and other small things to fuel it. Don Zaloog stayed with Meanae preparing the ground for them to sleep and make a fireplace. Meanae was a bit slower than Zaloog, mostly cause she had thoughts about things she wanted to speak out to her boss now that they were alone. Meanae had feelings for Zaloog but she just didn't have the courage to speak out. Now, the perfect time to confess something while everyone else was away, and she couldn't udder a single word.


"Something wrong Meanae? You working pretty slow." Zaloog asked as she noticed the strange behavior surrounding the young girl. Meanae jumped a bit but quickly nodded telling Zaloog she was fine, the girl then hastened her pace a bit to make up for lost work. Zaloog felt as if he didn't know something but decided to let it go and went back to working with the camp. In moments the rest of the group joined them with the materials for the fire. Zaloog quickly ordered Cliff and Gorg to build the bonfire.


"Your beam sword please." Zaloog asked Anu with an open hand. Anu passed the beam sword, Zaloog then ignites it and places it next to the bonfire. In moments the branches catch fire and the whole wooden structure is drowned in flames, giving light to those around it. Zaloog then gives Anu back the sword without thinking it twice, something that caught Anu a bit by surprised, as she thought he was going to keep it.


"We will take turns as sentries for the night, each couple of persons gets 6 hours of sleep with 3 hours on sentry duty. Gorg and Chick, Meanae and Cliff, Anu and Hail. This forest is said to change patterns at night, making escape almost impossible without the help of a guide, so don't think you will use your 3 hours of Sentry duty to escape us... and in any case I can stay awake due to a special concoction I took just now that saves my energy as if I had slept. Is that understood?"


The group nodded in agreement, then those sent to sentry duty took their positions while the rest attempted to rest. Hours passed and the turn for Hail and Anu finally came up, the pair just took a seat by a log where they could view the entire Dark Scorpions group. Just as Don Zaloog said, he stood there like stern statue watching over them so they couldn't escape. Hail wondered why he then needed two more people on sentry duty when he was more than enough.


"Im still wondering where exactly we are..." Anu said, interrupting Hail's current thoughts. Hail looked down towards Anu and shrugged he then looked towards the canopy ceiling, a gaping hole in the canopy gave way for the moonlight to shine into the forest floor. The stars could be seen far away blinking as always.


"Wherever we are... it sure is one beautiful place. I wouldn't be surprised this has some sort of protector or something." Hail said smiling towards the sky.


"Indeed... it's beautiful. Hey..." Anu said staggering at the end. Hail glanced at her waiting for her to finish the sentence.


"You were saying something?" Hail insisted on asking.


"Thank you for coming here with me.... to this journey... I certiantly couldn't have done this alone." Anu finally spoke as she rested her head on Hail's shoulder. Her cheeks started to get a little red from the feelings stirring inside her. She wanted to kiss him but held back in the very last moment. Hail was indifferent and just kept staring at the sky.


"Anytime Anu..." Hail replied, d****** his arm around her and looking towards the sky as a comet passed through the sight of the hole in the canopy. A half asleep Meanae looked up to where Anu and Hail stood toguether and couldn't help but let out a tear for that was exactly what she wanted with Zaloog. She placed the blanket all around her and quietly sobbed herself to sleep.


Hours passed and morning once again hits the enchanted forest. The Dark Scorpions as well as Anu and Hail stand up and get ready to start the trek once again farther into the forest. Walking on the road towards the giantMountain that laid on the very center of the enchanted forest, Don Zaloog had an increasing bad feeling that just got worst and worst with each step. He knew perfectly what it was, and quickly told the group to stop. He drew out his twin pistols, his dark scorpion companions followed. Anu and Hail were puzzled at first but quickly took up arms as well.


The forest felt silent, only the chirp of far away birds and the wind whistling through the leaves could be heard. Don Zaloog's eyes scouted every inch of visible territory, he just knew they were there. Suddenly a shadow catches his eye, it moves really fast and quickly dissappears. Then another, and another, they move around the trees faster than the naked eye could trace. When he spots a shadow that stays for more than a second he doesn't think twice and fires a bullet but misses, hitting only the branch of the nearby tree.


"NINJAS!!!" He cries out as the shadows appear before them, red, blue, white, black, four armed men came towards them at impressive speeds, jumping high in the air a couple of feet before the group then taking a deadly dive into the attack. The first was a crimson colored ninja wielding two short katanas, it aimed it's attack straight at Anu and Hail, both warriors side stepped and parried it's blow with their own weapons. The ninja was more than enough of a combatant to take both on and with lightning fast moves, jumps and twirls attacked both Anu and Hail keeping both of them on their toes. Never had they faced an opponent such as this.


A blue robed ninja wielding a scythe attacked Gorg, who was clearly outmanuevered with his own heavy mace. The giant Dark Scorpion member yet stood defiant to the more agile opponent. The blue robed ninja however didn't care about his valor and made his strike, toppling over Gorg with a cut to the knee and sending him to the ground. The ninja then proceed to twirl his scythe and hit Gorg in the stomach with the metallic pole end. Gorg was immobilized and out of the fight in an instant. The blue robed ninja, confirming his success moved quickly to another target, cliff.


A white robed ninja was engaged with Don Zaloog in a fast battle of knife versus gun, Zaloog did all in his power to place a shot on the White robed ninja but to no end. The speed was just too much, suddenly the white robe finds an opening and attacks Zaloog while he is reloading his revolver. The helpless Zaloog would have been out of the battle had Meanae's thorn whip not interferred putting the White Ninja out of course. Zaloog glanced at Meanae and made a quick smile before returning to the fight. The White Ninja however was not done, and with another swift strike, landed a kick straight at Zaloog's face, sending him flying towards one of the nearby trees and knocking him out.


Cliff on the other side was busy with the blue robed ninja, fighting for his life with his trusty dagger, but the close range weapon was no match for the far superior range of the ninja's scythe, and Cliff quickly found himself outmatched in both skill and weapon. A quick riposte from the blue robed ninja disarmed Cliff and a swift palm strike followed sending him crashing towards a nearby tree and also knocking him down.


Meanae had her own ninja to fight with, a blacked robed one who constantly threw shurikens at her, she deflected as many as she could with her whip but a couple grazed by her legs, arms and belly, giving her cuts that caused terrible pain and weakened her to the point that she fell on her knees, no longer able to fight.


Chick had ran behind one of the trees the moment Zaloog cried Ninja, he watched helplessly as his comrades fell one by one to the mighty and mysterious warriors. Anu and Hail were left fighting against the Crimson Ninja, but in moments they too where outmatched and laid on the floor, disarmed and helpless. A tear came out of Chick's face as he was about to see all of them die before him. A strange sound however came from the surrounding trees, more ninjas? Chick however quickly found out it wasn't ninjas, cause the very ninjas before him took a battle stance as they faced multiple directions finding the source of the sound.


A sounding battle cry then came from the south, and an orange armored warrior wielding some sort of Laser staff came charging towards the ninjas. The ninjas quickly dashed towards the opposing warrior but their formation was broken by the sudden explosion of dynamite before them. A bronze armored warrior appeared from the trees with another lit dynamite in hand and threw it at the ninja's direction. The ninjas dodged the attack and split to attack both armored warriors.


From another direction, a zooming shadow appeared behind the dark robed ninja. A purple armored warrior wielding a rather long Katana style sword made it's strike, slicing the back of the ninja and injuring it greatly. The black robed ninja let out a yell of pain and faded into the shadows. From another section of the forest came a laser arrow, landing right in front of the Blue robed ninja stopping him in his tracks. The arrow belonged to a yellow armored archer who now prepared to fire another projectile at the ninja squad.


In front of the Crimson Ninja, a dual wielding laser sword warrior appeared boasting Green armor. The warrior quickly engaged the Ninja in a clash of swords putting quite the fight against the Crimson Ninja, finding out they were clearly outnumbered by now, the remaining ninjas threw smoke bombs and left the scene. A last blue armored Warrior appeared wielding a laser spear, shaking his head in dissapointment that he couldn't lay a blow on the enemy ninjas like his bretheren.


The danger finally over, chick came out of his hiding place and slowly approached the armored warriors before him. His hands and feet were clearly shaking, yet the group of armed men before him looked at him with cautious faces. Chick couldn't utter a word due to his nervous state, but he pointed out at his fallen friends, the armored men nodded and quickly came to Anu, Hail's and the rest of the Dark Scorpion's aid. Each warrior carried one of the injured, with the biggest among them helping out Gorg to stand up and walk slowly on one leg.


Moments later, they were all at what appeared to be some kind of gateway into a city of sorts. The gateway had jagged lines forming a path towards 6 archery target like symbols forming a circle. The orange armored warrior stepped forth, and placing his staff on the ground, he created a shockwave that resounded the entire gate. The rest of the warriors followed placing each of their weapons facing the gate.


"Only United can we enter or leave this city. United we are, OPEN THE GATES! ZANJI!"


"KAMON!" Said the Bronze armored warrior.


"IROU!" Said the Purple armored warrior.


"YAICHI!" Said the Yellow armored warrior.


"NISASHI!" Said the Green armored warrior.


"YARIZA!" Said the last Blue armored warrior.


The six bead like circles then suddenly became lit one by one till the circle was complete. An intense light came from the six beads and the crevice forming from the gate's opening. The orange armored warrior then continued his walk into the gate, as the rest of the warriors followed behind him, Chick not far behind as well.


Inside the gate, laid a large structure, wide in size with the largest stairs Chick had ever seen in his life. The warriors once again made their way towards this very structure, at the very end of the stairs, Chick could see another man waiting for them. Once they all reached the end of the stairs, the warriors bowed to the much older looking armored warrior, this one wore a more jet colored suit of armor with golden lines around his arms and shoulders. Chick also bowed, following everything the warriors did. The old man just stared at him for a second then glanced at the warriors.


"Zanji... place them inside, I will be with them in a moment." The man then glanced at Chick who now stood motionless and nervous beyond belief. The man approached Chick and placed a hand on his shoulder. "And who might you be young lad?"


"Chick... Chick the Yellow from the Dark Scorpions s..sir."


The old man placed a hand on his beard, and looked towards the sky as if trying to remember something. He then glanced at Chick once again with stern eyes. "The Dark Scorpions.... fancy name I must admit... I am Kizan,Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, come inside we have much to discuss."







[spoiler=Chapter Fourteen]Chapter Fourteen



Through the dark streets of Pandemonium, Sylvanas, the Archfiend Empress, made her way towards the central gateway platform into other dimensions. Grasping arm looking pillars surrounded the platform before her. She extended her hand and the runes around the platform began to lit bright as a star. A wind current came from within the runes as if they had formed small rifts in the platform. Sylvanas was seconds from departing through her teleportation spell when a familiar presence interrupted her. She stopped the spell completely and turned around to meet eyes with noone but Lucius Grepher. The empress was puzzled as to why he was here at this very moment, especially with a sword drawn and a grinning face.


"What do you want Grepher... im about to leave Dark World at this instant, this better be important." She said giving a dead stare at Grepher.


A voice however came from the right side, this one was also very familiar, in fact even more familiar, Ultrius.


"As important as what you and your Lover are foolishly planning to do with me."


Sylvanas quickly diverted her cold stare to Ultrius, perfectly knowing this was not going to end well. Her anger was already streaming through her body, preparing her for the upcoming battle. The Invader of Darknessteleported through the shadows to her location and stared her down with his towering figure. The Archfiend Empress however kept her focus and simply stared back at the fiendish brute. Grepher approached Sylvanas from the side slowly but quickly stopped as she pointed a hand glowing with Dark Energy towards him, ready to fire off.


"Your puppet is a good spy, no doubt about it Ultrius." Sylvanas said with a dragging expresssion. "But he clearly doesn't know how to deliver a message, there is nothing out of the ordinary happening here Ultrius, however I must admit... your skills are lacking."


Ultrius immediately gained an expression of anger, his face turning mad in an instant. He then procedded to slap Sylvanas in the face with the back of his palm, the incredible force of the attack sent her flying towards one of the nearby pillars of the gateway.


"So you indeed plan to replace me! Fools you really think your personal armies could beat mine? I control the biggest army of fiends in this realm Sylvanas! And when they hear about this, there will be Civil War with me being the victor!"


Sylvanas wiped the purple blood coming from her mouth before standing up. She then extended her hand, charging an energy attack and throwing it at Ultrius but the Invader of Darkness answered with a powerful blast of his own, further straining the empress. The two powerful fiends stood in a lockdown, with Ultrius' blast gaining more and more advantage by the second.


"You can't win Sylvanas, you and your lover's plot has failed. Lucius! Deliver the final blow to that witch!"


Grepher charged with Sword in hand to deliver the fatal blow to the Empress but as soon as he was in range a large claw intercepted his sword and smashed it to the ground. Before Grepher stood a towering skeletal Fiend with lightning coming from purple muscles between the bone structure and a menacing grin that just grew wider and wider as he kept staring at the helpless warrior. From around the gateway, several other fiends with similar appearance came out to help their queen. Ultrius diverted his blast towards a random direction as he stopped to look around him, feeling surrounded.


"Summoned Skull... you arrived just in time, thank you." Sylvanas said with a shortness of breath. The towering fiend looked back and nodded at her queen then faced Grepher again only to blast him with surge of lightning sending him flying towards the feet Ultrius. The rest of the Archfiends gathered around Sylvanas, protecting her from the Invader of Darkness, they all stood defiantly waiting for Ultrius' next move.


"Your people are indeed loyal Sylvanas, and the finest fiends this world has to offer... but you forget I have my own." Ultrius cried as he raised his hand in the air, from his palm a dark surge emanated swirling around him and shooting towards the sky. A rift then forms in the clouds and from it thousands upon thousands of all kinds of fiendish creatures come out flying and dropping towards Ultrius location. In a matter of minutes, all kinds of fiends, large and small, thin and wide surrounded the Invader of Darkness and the enemy Archfiends. The archfiends however were not startled and simply took a stance towards the incoming fiends.


Sylvanas however clearly knew her people weren't ready to fight here and now, she stepped forth and faced Ultrius. "Ultrius, you clearly know Civil War is not the solution, soon, the forces of other dimensions will know what happened here and plot against us. If you really fear that your position might be usurped.... why not kill that who threatens it?"


A moment of silence passed as both armies stared each other down ready to fight at their commander's signal. Ultrius was caught off guard by Sylvanas words. "And who is this who threatens my position as General of Fiends?"


"Freed....." Sylvanas quickly answered. "He is merely a young prince now, far from what he will become, a great general, master of all warfare but if you defeat him now there will be noone in this realm or any other realm able to stop your legendary tactics."


"We may be fiends Sylvanas but I have a code of personal honor, I will not kill this man when he is not at his prime. When we finally make our invasion reality, this man would have reached his potential. It is there when I will gladly rip his soul from his body." Ultrius said nodding negatively.


"And risk that he may be more powerful than you and defeat you?" Sylvanas said with skeptic tone.


"I would risk that rather than clearly show Dark World im a coward Sylvanas. I am the most powerful strategist in existence and I will prove that when I defeat this so called General Freed at his prime." Ultrius said with great confidence.


"Very well... I await such a moment." Sylvanas nodded.


Ultrius looked down towards Grepher who still laid in the floor all burnt. He kicked the downed warrior as Lucius stood up. "Get up you scumbag...." Ultrius said before he teleported through the shadows, the rest of the fiends under Ultrius command where sucked in by the same rift where they came, the clouds shutting tight as the last fiend entered through them.


Feeling weak, Sylvanas started to fall to the ground but the Terrorking Archfiend got her as soon as he saw the signs of weakness. Several Archfiend Soldiers helped the king with the Empress as soon as they saw their liege make action. "Mi lady.... you must head to the Castle immediately, you need rest." Said the Terrorking Archfiend.


"Thank you Romulus, but I'll be alright. I need to go to the human kingdoms, set plans in motion. Had your people not arrived... I don't think I would have made it out of there alive, you have my deepest thanks Romulus." Sylvanas said, still with a shortened breath.


"My people? You mean your people Sylvanas... I am merely a leader in your stead. The archfiends will always be your people Sylvanas, never forget it. Go on then... I will bolster the Archfiend Army in your absence and make it ready for our grand invasion." Romulus replied.


"Very well..." Sylvanas said as she made her way into the middle of the gateway. "In 10 years time the Invasion will begin... I want only the finest fiends this realm has to offer Romulus... make it happen." Sylvanas finished as a surge of Dark Energy prepared to transport her between dimensions. The Dark Energy consumed the empress and in moments she vanished, gone to the realm of the human kingdoms.


Romulus kept staring at the leftover fumes of Dark Energy where the Empress once stood, thinking of how he will carry on her excellency's dreams. He also was thinking on the consequences of what just happened here, his partner however, the Infernalqueen Archfiend, stood by Romulus, she placed one of her long nailed hands on his shoulderpad.


"You heard Sylvanas, Romulus. We need to go back to the Castle and prepare ourselves for a new era." She said softly to her husband.


"Yes Minerva... " Romulus answered turning around to face the Castle, the pair then proceeded to walk in such direction with the rest of the Archfiends. Lightning and thunder echoing in the sky above them as another rainy day in Pandemonium was about to begin.


In the Human Kingdoms however, Sylvanas concluded her trip through Dimensions and now stood in what appeared to be a vast plain. She looked around, confirming she was alone. She started to think on her agenda, on where to start, where to end... so many options.


"I have 10 years to wreck havoc here and prepare the land for my people's arrival.... where to start." She said with a hand on her chin.


A blue colored bird innocently made it's way into Sylvanas open palm. At first Sylvanas was curious of the little creature and how it was completely ignorant of where it stood. She raised her hand to level her face and kept staring at the small creature, studying it. The bird kept looking towards other directions unaware of the Empress static stare. Finally when Sylvanas got bored of it, she ignited the bird in flames, a blue colored flame came out from the burning corpse of the bird. Sylvanas kept staring at the flame for a while till a sudden thought hit her.


"Of course... the Blue Flame. I think it's time I paid a visit to an old time friend." Sylvanas said as she began to transform her body into that of another female. This one was asian in appearance, with soft white skin, red lips and d******, glowing black hair. Sylvanas chose a red and black kimono with the symbol of a blue flame in the back as her garment. She then placed a cloak of the same color of the dress on top of her, covering most of her hair and giving her eyes a sinister yellow glow.


"I wonder if he is still Shogun...." She said to herself before vanishing through the shadows into the distant kingdom of her target. On the far side of the plains however, one figure took notice of the sudden intruder. TheMarauding Captain had just finished crossing the Ancient Forest and now was headed straight into the Fiery mountains of the fire charmer when he saw the Sylvanas at the distance with a telescope. A serious, concerned face grew on the captain as he looked back at Gagagigo and his men.


"Something wrong Renault?" Gagagigo quickly asked.


"Yes.... I just saw a strange creature enter our world through a smaller version of the dimensional fissures. I think it's a shapeshifter.... it took the form of a woman and vanished through the shadows shortly after."


"Should we check the area for fissures?" Asked one of the lieutenants.


"No... it was too small, im sure it was just a spell casted by the fiend to gain entry here... that must mean whoever that fiend is.... sure is a powerful one. We must be careful and keep with the plan, to the Fiery mountains."


"Yes sir" the lieutenants nodded, shortly after Renault's men continued the march towards the mountains, Renault still with great concern on his thoughts.... one thing was for sure... the invasion had begun.





[spoiler=Chapter Fifteen]Chapter Fifteen




A man with the garbs and apperance of a prison guard paced back and forth in front of the cell holding Freed. Inside, Freed simply stared at the floor, thinking of how foolish was his father from stopping his hand against the now fallen Dark Blade. He also couldn't help but think at the ridiculous comment his father made about his future, who was he to know what he would really do? It was moments like these that Freed saw himself superior to his father and just wanted to show it in his very face. The doors to the prison opened, and Freed looked up to meet eyes with his Father who was accompanied by several captains of the guard. Freed's father simply stared down at him and then gave the other for the prison guard to release him.


"Come with us son... we have much to discuss." He said as he turned his back on Freed and headed up the dungeon's stairs. Freed simply grunted and followed along.


In the throne room, Freed took a seat on a table placed right in front of the throne. His father sat on the throne as expected and made a signal to have a word alone with his son. The guards of the throne room and the captains present simply left the room and shut the doors.


"Why did you do this to me father? Why did you arrest me when I clearly saved your.... our kingdom." Freed asked with a serious, monotoned face. He was clearly not amused of the way he had been treated so far.


"Cause you took the wrong plan of action Freed, simple as that. My family, my bloodline will always be full of honorable warriors, not some unethical pile of barbarian garbage. Freed don't you understand that you are being watched.... not only by the nobles of this castle but otherworld beings? This Dark Blade... he was sent for one purpose... you. There are things at motion here Freed... and I want us, you to be ready for it." Freed's father called out, almost standing from his seat.


"It's always about apperance with you father.... if you cared about that so much you wouldn't implement uneccesary taxes on our people while putting a charmismatic face. You can hear it in the streets... how they all call you a big fat hypocrit." Freed answered, slamming his fist to the table.


Freed's father was getting angry, his own son had called out on his way of government. He stood up and raised his hand at Freed. "Who are you to know what is right to do in this Kingdom! These taxes are all but unnecessary, they are made to keep this kingdom in great shape or are you just unaware of all the destruction your petty fight with that Dark Blade made on my Castle Walls???!"


"If this persists, the people will simply rebel on you Father... and they will bring me along with it. The kingdom will then be left without a heir and anarchy will reign. Is this what you want???"


"I don't even want to know why you brought this up, Son. But this is not and will never be the matter at hand! I know how to handle my own kingdom and I don't need my son to school me at it! What you should be worring about is your future... I was very clear when I said the Dark Blade's face fortold dark events. Things have been going around the kingdom lately... they are making me very uneasy. First it was the dimensional fissures and now the Dark Blade's attack. It's all leading to something, something that will change this world for all time. All I want is for you to be ready and for this dark future that seems to haunt your fate be all but right."


Freed simply looked the other way, he was too angry to rationalize his father's words. Freed's father took notice and just took his seat. He had used too much energy on the discussion and felt anymore would be a waste. The afterthought of his son's direct comments however ensued in his mind and he found it very hard for him to just fade them away.


"Leave me... my son. I have much to think about. See if you could reunite yourself with Renault. Continue the mission I assigned you both. Just... be careful."


Freed left the room without saying a word, not even a bow. The throne room's doors echoed as they slamed shut, with Freed's father alone, looking at the floor. It felt as if he was sent to prison by his own son.


Freed made his way to the stables to meet with Armed Dragon who roared at his arrival. Freed mounted the large creature and leaned his head to one of it's ears.


"To Renault. With haste my friend." Freed said softly. The Armed Dragon then lowered it's body. Gaining momentum for the upcoming jump. A wind current started to flow from underneath it's body and the energy was felt across the stables. The dragon's wings then started to flutter and the next second, the large body of the creature blasted into the sky, creating a sonic wave that tore the stables' structure apart. Freed was off to meet with the Marauding Captain.


Meanwhile, near the Molten peaks. Renault and his men were now nearing the shrine of Hiita the Fire Charmer. The path was a steep long road, filled with jagged peaks at every side. Molten lava geysers spewed magma at high pressure behind these very peaks, and Renault had to be careful it didn't splash into him or his men. Several beings made of the very lava had risen from some magma lakes and now stared at the incoming visitors. It wasn't long till they were stopped by these same beings farther up the road.


Renault simply raised his hand to let his men know they had to stop the march. Then he walked over to one of the large beings that stood in his way and stared at him. The being stared down at Renault with his towering figure, his hand already getting ready for the weapon in hand.


"You have entered the shrine of Hiita the Fire Charmer and land of the Laval. State your business or meet the fire's wrath." Said the being in a deep voice.


"Laval... this is indeed the first time I have heard of your kind. Very well, I am Renault Gottoms, Captain of the Guard from the kingdom of Nerzoth. I have come to this very shrine in hopes of finding more information involving the appearance of Dimensional Fissures spawning in this very area. I wish to speak to Hiita personally if you may."


The two Laval looked at themselves with a puzzled look. Realizing they had no business with Renault, they returned their cold stares back at the captain.


"We haven't seen these Dimensional Fissures you speak of. I am unable to grant you access to Hiita herself. Please go back the way you came or face our unbound wrath."


That had certaintly caught Renault by surprise. He could swear this area was filled with them. But maybe these two Laval or the rest of their species for that matter had just not seen them. He was already visualizing the frustrated eyes of his men as he beared the bad news but he just couldn't. He had to find a way through these people.


"I assure you my friends. These fissures are quite real. But maybe you haven't seen them cause.... your species thrives inside the lava itself? Please, im sure that if you let me see Hiita, she will tell me the news im looking for."


The Laval simply pointed their sharp, fiery weapons at Renault, who stepped back to not get burned. Their cold stares had turned into furious eyes. They could attack this very moment. Renault however remained calm, he could still do this. The apperance of more Laval around his men however was challenging this very thought. He had to do something fast... it was there when a beautiful voice stopped all the Laval in their place. The two laval creatures in front of Renault looked back and quickly made way to a young redheaded girl. Renault was happy to see a familiar face, Hiita the Fire Charmer.


"Scourge, Raze... back to your posts. I know this man, he means no harm." Said Hiita as she approached Renault. Hiita was sure a sight to behold, full of passion, desire and energy. "I am sorry.... these Laval, creatures of the molten rock, serve as my guardians. What can I do for the legendary Marauding Captain?"


Renault smiled at Hiita before answering. He was glad to be known around these parts, even if it wasn't by his real name. "Miss Hiita, I simply come to investigate the molten peaks for unusual activity, in the form of Dimensional Fissures. I am sure you have seen several form around these parts haven't you?"


Hiita took a moment to answer the question. She tried to remember any sightings. She could only come up with one. "Yes I know what you are talking about, about four months ago me and my fellow Laval saw a very big one form near the peaks to the south. In fact im sure your group passed through the plains right outside the forest there. What worries me though, is the kind of creatures that spawned from that very fissure. It was a dark kind of creature.... fiendish in nature. We have seen them scouting our peaks from time to time.... but I feel there is something amiss. Maybe... you could help us?"


Renault paused, thinking what Hiita said through. He felt this could help with the investigation, but at what cost? Hiita was clearly worried of whatever came out of that fissure, and with powerful Laval warriors at her side, still being worried made Renault wonder just how powerful this unknown foe would be. The captain looked back at his men for a moment. They had gone through alot coming here, and he wanted to bring them all home. He was now presented with a judgment call. Whatever this was, it could put in danger the lives back at his kindgom as well. If he chose to fight, he would do it for his people. After thinking it through, he made his choice, he was going to fight.


"Alright Hiita... I will fight alongside you and your Laval warriors. Tell us what to do to get ready for this."


Hiita smiled at Renault. She then turned around and with her finger, signaled Renault to follow him. "Bring your lieutenants... we shall discuss in my shrine." Renault gave the signal, and his officers quickly joined him as they followed Hiita into the fire shrine.


Meanwhile, in the lost kindgom of the east, where the highest peak stood, there was a castle. A fortress guarded by a thousand soldiers, mist veiled some parts of the castle from the naked eye. Inside the dark halls of the throne room, a man in dark crimsom armor sat in his tall chair. Red eyes could be seen through the dark shadow created by his helmet. The throne room's doors opened and the man looked up to meet eyes with a familiar face. The red kimono dressed woman now made it's ways through the wide hall of the throne room. The man simply couldn't wait and stood up before the woman could even reach the throne itself. The woman stopped before him and smiled, the man also smiling through his helmet.


"Tenkabito Shien... it has been so long. I see you are Shogun, congratulations on your success. You did just as I told you." The woman said with a warming smile.


"Azami. This is certiantly something you don't see everyday. What brings you here?" Shien asked.


"Plans Shien... plans.... we have much to talk."






[spoiler=Chapter Sixteen]Chapter Sixteen




Azami wrapped her hands around Shien, caressing the beard and moustache under his crimsom helmet. The shogun's red eyes started to lit like the flames they represented, as if the hands of the lady had some sort of control over him. The lady in the black and red kimono simply looked forward, as if staring at something in the distance. A glance of faint ambition overtook her as she took her place beside the great shogun.


"So... about those plans we were going to discuss, Shien. Tell me, have you enjoyed your time as Shogun? How does it feel to finally have what you always wanted?"


"Please Azami, call me Tenkabito... we are talking as friends here." Shien said in a serious tone.


Azami made a surprised look, her yellow eyes glowing for a second as she stared at Shien for a couple of seconds before replying: "But no... you are a shogun now... the supreme ruler of this kingdom. Please, I must address you with respect, and for that I call you Shien. Now tell me, how has your time as shogun been?"


"I have done what I wanted Azami, just as you said it would happen. Everything but one single thing hasn't happened to me yet...."


Azami interrupted, she knew what this was about: "Oh please don't tell me that girl didn't come to your arms? What was her name? Mizuho?"


"Yes... the entire driving force behind what I have done is all but with me. She has left me Azami... alone."


Azami made a pout and walked in front of Shien. "Well then you have me, right? I mean... I am much more fair than her, in every way."


Shien simply looked to the side. His red eyes getting brighter with the internal emotions going on through his mind. "No Azami.... I will not be with you. I wanted Mizuho... and only Mizuho.. no other woman would do."


"So stubborn.... Guess that is how you become a shogun." Azami said as she turned her face from puppy eyed to annoyed, her yellow eyes brightened once again as she did this. "I am 30 years away and when I finally come back you still think on that stupid woman who must be a grandma by now yet I am as young as a teenager!"


Shien didn't have any words, his red eyes simply kept glowing brighter and brighter. Azami saw the anger inside him and simply grinned, just like she wanted.


"Oh Shien... im sorry. Must have struck a nerve there." She said as she wrapped her arms around him again. The shogun surprisingly let himself be caressed by the woman once more. "Well since you won't tell me what you have done in 30 years due to your... mishap. I will go ahead and tell you my own purpose." Azami then released shien from her embrace and walked in front of him, giving him her back as she stared at the throne room door.


"Im preparing this world for something... everchanging. Something this world has never seen before. In ten years time, this world will fall under the rule of Fiends. My fiends.... " She said as the horns of the Archfiend Empressstarted to grow from within her skull, and her skin started turning into a grayish tone. "I could use your help in all this... after all this kingdom is large enough to serve as the gateway for our demons to finally enter this world. Can I count on you for this my dear Shien?" She ended, staring deep into shien's flaming eyes with her own.


"And what do I get from all this?" Shien asked.


Sylvanas, the Archfiend Empress, simply closed her eyes before replying. "I put you in that seat of power, all thanks to me and you still ask for more? You humans are never satisfied. Fine, I guess I should reward you for lending your territory as a foothold for our invasion. We will scourge the entire landscape of this planet... except for your kingdom.. is that good enough?"


Shien's eyes lit up and then dimmed back to their regular state. "Yes.. that will do more than enough."


"Good, I imagine there will be noone to oppose this rule I just submitted upon you right?" Sylvanas said, as she completed her transformation into the empress.


"They're always those who resist Azami."


"Then you will eliminate them. Can you do that Shien?" Sylvanas lashed back.


"Yes, although... that won't be an easy task Azami... you know who my enemy is."


Sylavanas now stared at Shien with a dissapointed look. She even frowned upon him. "the Great Shogun Shien.... ruler of the most powerful kingdom of them all, commander of ten thousand soldiers... is telling me he can't defeat.... what exactly?" She ended with a puzzled look.


"The Six Samurai Azami, they alone are the only thing that stand in my way. Kizan... he remade them. You know how powerful we were back when I was part of the six."


Sylvanas simply turned her back to Shien, she was really dissapointed in the man the more he spoke, so incompentent. "I can't believe it Shien... the only thing stopping you is six petty little warriors!?? Tell me where they are so I can blast them to bits and get this over with." Sylvanas placed a hand in her forehead in utter disbelief, she wanted to cry out at Shien for his display of weakness before her. The words that came out of Shien's mouth afterwards however caught her attention.


"There is more to it though, I have recieved news of my Ninjas. Of a group of strange travelers. They tell me stories of weapons of high technology being wielded by these unknown individuals. They even comment on their very clothes being something that has never been seen before in this planet."


Sylvanas paused for a second, she gave these words alot of thought. As time passed she saw through flashbacks of conversations with Ultrius the news behind Shien's words. If Shien's words were true, then these indivuduals must belong to the recently conquered Cyber World, and if they had traveled to this very dimension, then it should mean they were looking to rebuild a fourth Cyber Dragon from this world's technology. From what little Sylvanas knew about the Cyber dragons, she clearly knew the threat that the Cyber End Dragon presented to the fiends of Dark World. It could very much tip the scale of the war in the defeated Cyber World's favor. But where exactly could they build such a massive and advanced piece of machinery? Could it be here?


"Well you surely have been redeemed in my eyes Shien, tell me more about these travelers Shogun... where can I find them?"


"My ninjas told me they were about to capture them, when the reformed Six Samurai arrived got them to safety. That's all I know Azami."


"Then you have a new mission Shien... get me those travelers... at all costs. Use your entire Spy network if you have too, but I want those travelers kneeling at my very heels!"


"Of course Azami." Shien then turned his head to the right, as if looking at someone behind his throne. He nodded and from the darkness a man in blackened light armor appeared from a smoking cloud. He bowed at Sylvanas who just stared at him with a peculiar look. "This is Hanzo, the greatest among my ninjas. He will help you get the information you are looking for Azami. Hanzo?"


"Consider it done your excellency." Hanzo said with a slight bow as he dissappered into the darkness through another smoking cloud. Sylvanas simply smiled, she was impressed.


"I like him.... after he's done I would like to meet him more... personally. Once we are done with this endeavor, we can commence the preparations for the gateway that we will use to transport the fiends into this dimension. Is that clear Shien?"


"Yes Azami, isn't it like old times again?" Shien replied, his red eyes once again beaming with passion inside. Sylvanas remained the same.


"Yes Shien... like old times."


The scheming pair then resumed their duties and went off their own ways. In a dark corner of the room however, a purple and white robed woman quietly left the throne room. From her hood, her old complexity could be seen but nothing more. Unlikely for her age though, the woman dashed through the halls of the throne room and into the exit of the palace, finally ending in large stairways that made the decent into the forests below, she didn't stop her hasty travel though, and continued till she reached the forests and her image dissapeared through the trees.


Meanwhile, in the large structure that was known as the Dojo. Kizan, Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, sat with a cup of hot tea as he witnessed the members of the Dark scorpion gang recover from their injuries, as well as Anu and Hail. He smiled as he took one last sip from his cup and placed it beside him. He was simply glad to see them alive and well.


"What a fight eh? Ninjas are dangerous men I tell you... dangerous men. I have lost many to their blades. Yet you did well enough to not get killed, or at least get rescued by my pupils. Heh. Well glad that is over right? The most important thing is we are alive and well as well as in a safe place." Kizan spoke forth, eyeing each and every member of the group. Don Zaloog wasted no time in thanking him for the rescue.


"Thank you sir and your... pupils for the rescue of my men and I. We of the Dark Scorpions are forever in your debt. And of course thank you for your hospitality."


"Do not worry about it my son... I am Kizan, Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and proud owner of this sanctum where you stand today. My pupils stand behind me, their names are Kamon, Yariza, Yaichi, Zanji, Irou and finally Nisashi. Even though we have saved your lives this day, there is no need to repay any "debts" for our service to you my friends. Your presence is more than enough payment, we haven't had visitors in a long time you see. Dark times these are..."


"Dark Times?" Anu asked immediately.


Kizan took a moment to compose a reply in his mind, for it brought too many painful memories. The emotional strings in his mind were so fierce, even his pupils felt the distress inside of their Grandmaster. "Yes... dark times my child. This dojo is all but what's left of the great kingdom that once stood in these very lands. A land full of peace and harmony, all kept by the keepers of justice known as the Six Samurai. But our fall... it all happened so quickly..."


Anu felt sympathy for the old Grandmaster. She could feel the pain in his heart. And thus came the thought to her mind that maybe if he could just speak out a tale about his past, that maybe he would feel better.


"I am sorry to ask such a personal question so early but, Kizan, sir, would you care to share your story with us? Tell us what happened?" Anu finshed, with a bit of a nervous yet innocent look on her face. Kizan simply smiled back.


"Of course my child. I haven't told this story to anyone but my pupils, but that is because there is noone else to hear it. Being the first visitors in a long time, I feel it is right for all of you to know as well..."


The old Grandmaster then called for everyone to make a circle around him, he ordered everyone to close their eyes and hold hands together, unifying the circle. In moments, the past of the Grandmaster of the Six Samuraistarted to unfold through his deep words.







[spoiler=Chapter Seventeen]Chapter Seventeen




It was a time of great battles, a time of tyranny, a time of heroes and a time of legends. In the far away kingdom of the east, a great evil was being fought, a tyrant ruler that held the life of every citizen in the balance. This evil was being fought by justice itself, and it's name was the Six Samurai. From every province and township, six heroes rose to lead the armies of justice against oppression and the rule of the strong. It was these six individuals that shaped the destiny of an entire kingdom as well as it's future for years to come. Six warriors whose fellowship was as strong as the hardiest steel and a passion that burned like wildfire. The warriors looked upon the next as a smaller brother or sister, with Kizan and Shien being the oldest among them. Below Kizan and Shien, were Kageki and Enishi respectively. Kageki being a man of great intelligence and a gift for creations, and Enishi a daring and loyal warrior second to none.


And finally at the bottom, were the lovers of the group, Mizuho and Shinai. Aside from wearing armor sets that contrasted each other, these two passionate warriors did everything toguether, and their love bloomed like a thousand roses. But, to the dismay of this legendary fellowship... it would be love itself that would shatter it to the point of no return. And the beggining of a dark era would take place. This is the story of how it happened, of how five brothers and their sister broke their bonds of friendship and entered an abyss of dark emotions that would drag them down the very depths of the earth... all in the name of love.


It was the final years of the campaign against the tyrant rulers of the Eastern Kingdom. The six samurai along with their allies had routed the majority of the loyalist forces from the different provinces. All that was left was the capital, which lied in the very heart of the mountains. A fortress, guarded by mist and a thousand soldiers, where the tyrant itself resided. It was the head of the snake and it needed to be severed. Many of the victories attained in the campaign where thanks to the great minds of Kizan and Shien, who helped the villagers of each province plan accordingly and strike against the forces of the empire. Now in the final moments of their operation, Kizan and Shien took a single day to plan the right strategy, going inside their respective tents to fully concentrate on their strategies and discuss them the next morning. It was the first day of peace in what had been eight consecutive months of battle, bloodshed and hardships with many gains and losses.


Inside his tent, Tenkabito Shien mediated his upcoming strategy, looking at all the outcomes, factors and variables. He studied past victories and losses, looking for additional weaknesses in the imperialist forces that would allow him to exploit his enemies further at the final battle. Even at a young age, Shien displayed enormous talent at both strategy and leadership. Hundreds followed the warrior into battle as he lead them to victory time after time, he was known as a hero across the provinces and one of the most notable members of the Six. But the same war had also awoken a malicious trait within him, Greed. Shien saw himself one day leading the same warriors that fought beside him, he was also not content with sharing that power with Kizan who was also just as famous as him in the Six. Shien wanted the power for himself, and he saw himself fully capable and deserving of it. There was also something else he wanted... Mizuho. In the years that he had met the sole female member of the Six, he was always jealous of Shinai. Reason being cause he took too long to express his thoughts to Mizuho, he always saw himself deserving of the woman and saw Shinai as a poor rat undeserving of such beauty. Deep in his heart... he wanted to destroy Shinai but he just didn't have a clue how.


It was here where his destiny began to unfold, with the visit of a rather peculiar individual. From the very beginning he could feel the otherworldly nature of this person as a chill wind swept through his tent and awoke him from his meditation. He could hear the steps behind him, very close as well, he couldn't help but stand up and face the direction of the sound. It was here where his eyes met with those of a woman he had never met before. A woman in a red and black Kimono, skin white as snow and eyes Yellow like the sun. The woman looked at him as if he was someone she had been searching for in a long time. Shien didn't know what to say, he couldn't even think about asking who she was, the otherworldly feel that emanated from the individual's body was incredible.


"Tenkabito Shien?" The woman finally asked.


Shien simply nodded and kept his puzzled face. The woman walked around him, her eyes staring at him at all times. Her hand caressing every single object in the tent. She finally stopped behind Shien, her eyes still staring where his eyes would be. The young warrior turned to meet the woman once again. The woman then pronounced her name in her lips without uttering a sound, Azami, Shien read. Shien nodded once again, confirming that her name was understood.


"What is your business here, Azami?" Shien finally asked, his hand placed on the hilt of his sword. Azami ignored the fact that Shien was reaching for his weapon, the thought of it was unneccesary.


"You are a man of vision Shien.... that's why I am here. I am here to help you fulfill your vision. I can help you." Azami answered.


Shien was skeptical, a common woman help him reach his ultimate goals? Did this woman even know what he really wanted? Could he even trust this person right off? Yet there was something of this Azami his mind could not put away, some mystique, some power. Somewhere in his heart, he now coveted this power and maybe just maybe, this woman was offering such power to him. Shien finally thought it wouldn't be bad to hear Azami's plea. However, Shien first needed to know a little more about this woman.


"And what do you exactly know about me?" Shien asked, testing Azami.


Azami smiled; "Everything Shien.... about your plans for power, your plans for the future of this kingdom, your plans to conquer Mizuho." She ended with a piercing stare into Shien. Those final words where what made Shien finally believe this person was something out of this world. It was as if Azami had reached into his mind and took out everything inside. Shien however kept his cool as much as he could, he nodded, agreeing with what Azami just said, looking impressed.


"Very well... it seems you either heard alot from the guards outside... or I have a secret admirer." Shien said with a hint of sarcasm. Azami chuckled, looking towards a side of the tent and then back at Shien, she then approached his side and placed a hand on his shoulder.


"How cute... but let's be serious shall we? Do you want me to help you or not?" She now asked in a rather demanding fashion.


"Im listening Azami... what do you have to offer?" Shien asked with a stern look.


"I can make you a god Shien... a ruler of all who set foot on this Kingdom, unopposed for eternity. A ruler of flame that lits forever over these lands. I can make you a conqueror, whereever you set foot will be yours to take and you would have thousands, no millions! behind your banner! Or I could make you a lover... the greatest of them all, able to have any woman you desire on your embrace, for eternity. What do you want Shien, tell me and I will make it happen." She finished, as a dark aura started emanating from her body and approached Shien, seducing his thoughts and emotions like a siren to a sailor.


"I want them all Azami. Can you do that?" Shien said with a grin that showed greed in every teeth.


Azami grinned as well, just as she expected, Shien's greed knew no bounds. She turned around to give Shien her back, joined her fingertips together in a scheming manner and laughed for a second before speaking forth.


"Your greed will make you powerful Shien.... yes, I can do all of them. But for a price." She said as her eyes began to glow, and the dark aura grew more and more to now becoming clearly visible and wrapping around Azami.


"Price?" Shien asked full of doubt.


"Your heart Shien... by choosing all of them you give up your heart, not to me... but to your greed. Will you pay this price?" Azami asked, still not facing Shien. The young warrior stood eagerly to answer.


"Yes, Yes Azami... whatever it takes. I will do it." Shien said.


Azami grinned, absolutely perfect. One more hero converted by their own emotions. Azami thought it would be a perfect time to let this man know who he was talking with. The dark aura finally engulfed Azami and from the dark cloud came forth a cape from the very red and black kimono as well as tall long and curved horns. Finally a voluptous body with skin as dead as a corpse came forth. Silver plated battlegear covered intimate parts of the body and a piercing stare came forth from her yellow eyes. Shien was puzzled once again, and he found himself reaching for his sword. The woman was a demon all this time!


"I should have known, I have been mislead by a demon. Tell me one reason not to behead you at this very moment you thing!" Shien demanded.


Azami chuckled before engulfing the entire tent in darkness. She then dissappeared from Shien's sight for a moment, but her voice still echoed around him.


"That won't be neccesary, this is my true form Shien. I am known in my world as Sylvanas, the Archfiend Empress. I am actually not looking for a servant in you Shien, but a friend, someone in this world I can trust. But noone else in this dimension would understand me, I need someone with passion, vision and a drive to succeed in such. You are that person Shien and I am here simply to help you achieve such dreams. Am I asking for payment? No... but I do believe in people... returning the favor. One day you will be greatful, but for now, you will have to listen to what I have to say."


After hearing such words, Shien released his grip from the sword's hilt. The darkness then left the tent and the young man could see the Archfiend Empress once again. Sylvanas then ordered Shien to take a seat while she hovered across the other end of the table. She opened her arms and the map before Shien started to take life, the pieces and drawings moving around like figures in an animation. Shien was intrigued with all the powers behind this empress. Each passing second Shien was less and less skeptical about the upcoming plans that were about to be presented by Sylvanas.


"First thing is first." Sylvanas said as she now pointed towards the Tyrant's domain. "You and the rest of the Six will never reach the Tyrant without losing all your lives to his forces. But I have a solution to all this, call your guards. " As the guards entered the tent, not giving them a second of quarter She took her hand and twisted it with her palm facing upwards and a surge of Dark Energy erupted and lunging at the men's chests. The guards were quickly engulfed in darkness and after the darkness faded, men wrapped in black garbs and silver light armor stood before Shien ready for orders. "They are called Ninja... warriors of the night and shadow. They will be your eyes and ears of your future rule. I now bestow upon you the power to create such warriors... but use it wisely and only on your best followers. The six unfortunately cannot be turned, your fellowship stands in the way of such corruptive powers. But they won't be necessary, they are powerful enough as they are. You will also need a new suit of armor, one that will make you look like a true ruler of this kingdom." Sylvanas then snapped her fingers and Shien's old battle armor behind him began to transform before his eyes, he could feel the Dark Energy infuse itself with the armor as it grew wicked and demonic traits like spikes and a menacing crimson look.


Shien returned his look back to Sylvanas, there was still one last thing to cover. "I can see that my victory is imminent Sylvanas but there is one last thing to conquer, my future lover?" Sylvanas smiled, she could appreciate that this man was impatient, so many flaws in him that made her so eager to exploit.


"Yes... Mizuho of course. That would be a whole new plan however. It seems that Mizuho is deeply in love with Shinai, the hopes that she would change her mind look almost impossible. It would require something incredible to happen, like Shinai's death. But that is something we can do right? Of course we can. And here's how, have you ever heard of the ancient ogres Shien?" Sylvanas asked.


"That's a myth Sylvanas... they never existed. A child's tale at most." Shien quickly responded.


"Well that clearly shows that you can't see what I see Shien. Have you forgotten what I can do? I can make these Ogres a reality... and on top of that link their resurrection with little Shinai. Have you ever wondered what is the Ogre weapon of choice? Yes... Shien, the Mace. The same weapon Shinai wields. Well what if Shinai attacked an innocent village under your rule, and left one of his Maces as a banner to warn other villages? I can do such a thing Shien, and it would be the perfect reason to kill him and have Mizuho all for yourself. But there is one little thing... you have to kill Shinai yourself."


"That won't be a problem Azami." Shien responded with a cold stare.


Sylvanas' eyes widened, Shien was more evil than she thought. His greed had completely consumed his honor as well as his heart. He was now fully capable of killing a brother. "Well arent' you the most evil person in the universe now... I thought you would hesitate on this Shien. I'm impressed. Very well, now that the plans are set, it's time to set them in motion. It all starts tommorow Shien, your destiny has begun to unfold. Fulfill it."


Sylvanas image then dissappared from sight through a cloud of Darkness. Shien stood in his tent, with his now transformed guards beside him. He turned around to give them orders.


"Set foot for the Tyrant's castle. I want him dead by the time we arrive to attack." Shien ordered. The ninjas bowed and in a smoke cloud dissappared from sight. Shien then stood up to walk towards his new suit of armor, he placed a hand around it, caressing it slowly. He could feel the power within, a power able to steal the hearts of all who joined him under his banner. He felt the power of a true conqueror within him, the power of a god. He followed to pick up his helmet, the crimson and golden helmet shined through it's polish flashing light from the nearby torch. Shien placed the helmet on his head and in moments the power from the armor took over, his eyes flashing red like fire, he had become the ruler of the flame.


The next day, the forces of the Six Samurai marched towards the gates of the Tyrant's fortress. Just like Azami said, the ninja servants from Shien had succeeded in their mission to assassinate the Tyrant ruler. The six samurai now met a confused force of loyalists who were desperate for a new leader. The morale of the imperialist forces and their commanders had dropped to the very floor, seizing a quick victory for the Six and their allies. As the now triumphant forces marched towards the very entrance of the palace, Shien took a moment to address the masses.


"Today is a day of Justice, a day where Oppression has fallen to it's knees. Brothers and Sisters! Today you have all won against the tyranny that ruled over us and our families. Your hard work has finally paid off, and as many of you have known, the Tyrant that has ruled this country for so long has finally fallen, fallen to the hands of Justice and freedom! It's time for a new era, an era of prosperity, peace and... heroes. The Six Samurai have guided you through all this and we now commit ourselves to guide the future of this country. And for that I have decided to become your Shogun, a leader that will listen to your needs and put this country where it has always wanted to be. No more oppression, no more injustice, from this day forth we shall have peace and prosperity for all!" Shien ended, with a roar of applause and cheers from his soldiers, helmets where thrown in the air in cheers of victory and battle chants were sung. But among them all, there was one that was in accord with all this, Kizan. As his brother stepped down from his position, the future Grandmaster approached him.


"Shogun? This was never in our plans Shien, our plans were to help these people find peace and rebuild themselves not rule over them!? Shien, what makes you different from that Tyrant now? Tell me!" Kizan said with a worried face.


"Everything Kizan, everything in me makes me different from that Tyrant, and I am willing to show it to you firsthand. Now please, we have attained a great victory, let's celebrate it not wash it down with uneccessary worries. I know what I have to do, now let me do it." Shien then walked away to join the masses who now prepared themselves for a great celebration. Kizan stayed behind, staring at his brother with helpless eyes, he felt betrayed, lied and cheated to. It was as if Shien had lost all his honor and decided to pursue the path of power. Little Kizan knew how right he was....


Three weeks later, during a rainy night, a messenger from one of the provinces came forth to the palace with grave news. Just like Azami had said back in the tent, the ancient demonic ogres had attacked one of the nearby provinces. And the news that Shien had awaited had also arrived. The man responsable was no other than Shinai himself. Leaving one of his bloodied maces and the banner of the Six in the middle of the slaughtered village. Shien quickly stepped outside and called for his best warriors to his side. But before he could depart on his steed, a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.


"SHIEN! Oh lord Shien... please stop!!!"


Shien looked back only to meet eyes with the one and only Mizuho, who was at his feet pleading for him to not go. He knew about the attack and she was convinced that Shinai had no part in it. The crying Mizuho pulled at Shien's legplates and harness locks, desperate at stopping the Shogun. But Shien simply stayed where he was to hear her speak.


"Mizuho... I am sorry. Tell me what is wrong?" He asked.


"Shien please, I beg you, Shinai had nothing to do with this! I know him, he would never do such a thing! Please Shien stop this at once, kill the ones who are truly responsable, the ogres! Please... please Shien...." She said as her sobs overtook her speech and any other words could hardly come out.


Shien's face turned to that of a Judgment taker. He stared into Mizuho's eyes with piercing eyes. It was in this moment where the red flame in his eyes brightened up like two fireballs. "I am sorry Mizuho, but the damage has been done... I too wouldn't believe that from him, after all he is like a brother to me, but the safety of this kindgom comes first and I must eliminate those responsible, even if it was my own brothers. Please Mizuho... you must understand... I do this cause I love you." Shien's fiery eyes then dissipated and now the Shogun looked at Mizuho with true eyes that only wanted love from the woman.


Mizuho however was appalled, she couldn't believe such words coming from Shien. "If you truly loved me, you would step down from your horse this very instant." Mizuho then turned her back to Shien and ran as fast as she could away from sight. Shien cried for her to return but to no avail, she had left him. Angry and frustrated, the shogun turned to face his men with eyes as red as blood and lit up like torches.


"Onwards! We kill this traitor tonight!" Shien cried, as he led the charge towards the forests of the nearby province. Meanwhile Mizuho raced to the dojo where Kizan and Kageki could be found. Kizan quickly could feel the inner feelings inside her sister. After a deep embrace, Kizan separated himself from Mizuho so he could hear her out.


"Kizan... Shien... he is about to kill Shinai, we have to stop him!" Mizuho said between sobs.


"Is he mad?! He knows perfectly that Shinai wouldn't do such a thing! And where's Enishi???"


"He's with Shien.... I couldn't believe it, is like the Six have been shattered! Please Kizan... we must hurry!"


"No... you stay here... I will deal with Shien, alone. Please Mizuho, I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want you to see your lover dead in front of you. I know it's hard to understand, but the emotions that will Surfacefrom such a sight... you will only be undoing an evil with another evil. Let me handle this. I promise it will be alright." Kizan said as he placed his hands on each of Mizuho's shoulders, calming her down. Mizuho simply nodded and let him go through the doors of the Dojo, she stared down as Kizan ran through the gates and dissapeared from sight.


In the depths of the enchanted forest however, Shien stood facing a lone Shinai. The rain was heavy and both warriors could hardly see beyond each other. Shien dismounted from his steed and approached Shinai. Shinai stood defiant against Shien, knowing perfectly what was about to happen.


"I don't understand brother... how can you think I did this? How can you even fathom such thoughts! I have fought beside you for years and now you stand before me to kill me for something I have never done?!" Shinai cried out, trying to get through Shien. The appearance of a strange figure however interrupted the scene. From a portal between them, came forth Sylvanas. The portal closed behind her and the Archfiend Empress now faced Shinai with her yellow eyes.


"You can try all you want little warrior... he is already too deep in the dark to hear your pleas." Sylvanas scoffed. Shinai was befuddled, he then looked at Shien and cried out to him once again.


"Who is this woman Shien??? Are you even listening to what she is saying??? Are you some servant of this being??? SHIEN WAKE UP!!!" Shinai cried, tears running through his cheeks. Shien simply bashed Shinai with his gauntlet, pushing the warrior to the muddy wet floor. Shien then drew his sword and pointed it towards Shinai.


"Shien.... who are you?" Shinai asked. Sylvanas however interrupted. "Do it now Shien... end this now!" Shien raised his sword and struck at the helpless Shinai that was so shocked about his brother's actions that he didn't even raise his weapon for defense. Blood now stained Shien's armor as well as his blade. As a fallen Shinai now laid before him. Sylvanas grinned and faced Shien. "Well done Shogun, Mizuho and everything else you desire, is yours now." But before the Archfiend Empress could leave the dimension once again a voice behind them halted their movements.


"SHIEN!!!!!!!" Kizan cried from the top of his lungs. The warrior stood in front of Shien and Sylvanas with an angry face full of dissapointment, and sword in hand.


"Well well well... if it isn't Kizan the eldest of the Six. Hmmm so sad, I had planned for only one of you to die today. I guess Shien here will have to take care of you as well." Sylvanas said as she started to prepare another portal to leave the dimension. Kizan pointed his sword at Sylvanas.


"I saw Shien deal the fatal blow, but everyone here knows you were the one with the thoughts. My battle here is with you demon witch!"


Sylvanas grinned, this looked to be fun: "Do you even know who I am? I am the Archfiend Empress, I rule over the strongest fiends in Dark World and you a petty little Samurai challenges me to battle? Please, life is very dear to just waste fighting a lost cause. Do me a favor and lower your weapon before I change my mind."


Kizan ignored the empress and grabbed his sword with both hands. Then in an aggressive charge stance, he lunged at the Empress with blazing speed. But the warrior's assault was stopped in it's tracks by the Shogun himself who now stared at Kizan with his red fiery eyes. Kizan took a step back, weapon still ready and addressed Shien.


"This fight is not with you Shien, please step out of the way! I will not harm you Shien, no matter what you do, you are my brother!" Kizan cried. Shien however remained silent.


"I believe that will be impossible... he is with me now Kizan. I have given him everything he desires... and for that he is now simply returning the favor. I am too powerful for him to just simply lose. He needs me and for that he will protect me no matter who stands in my way." Sylvanas said with a defiant and confident tone.


"Why... why us witch... what did we do to deserve this?" Kizan said with a dragging tone. He also started lowering his weapon, his desire to destroy Sylvanas had suddenly dropped, he had failed.


"Cause you were all weak... only together were you strong. Strong enough to defeat me, but you all had your weaknesses, yours was your unwavering trust in your brothers, never knowing what they really had planned inside. I thrived through those weaknesses and exposed your frailty. Maybe you could learn from that Kizan... now if you excuse me I have other matters to attend." Sylvanas ended as she went through the dimensional portal and left the human kindgoms. Kizan stood there looking at Shien who also stared back at him.


"Did... did you even listen to what she said!? She used you Shien! She used you to break our friendship! Now look at what you have done! One of our brothers is dead... and this kindgom.. this kingdom is entering a dark age worst than the tyrants! All because of you.... all because... of us." Kizan said slowly growing to tears. Shien however was silent, his eyes ever burning, he then left Kizan alone in the middle of the rain. The lone samurai now stood there, rain drops falling over every corner of his jet black armor. He took a moment to take out his helmet and let the rain drops fall on his hair. In moments bangs of his hair full of water started to cover his face, dripping from all the rain inside.


"I promise to myself... this will end... I will recreate justice, I will recreate fellowship... I will recreate the Six Samurai."







[spoiler=Chapter Eighteen]Chapter Eighteen





Thousands of years before the events of the Chaotic Invasion a universe known as Inzektopia existed. Once a world of bright, intelligent insect like humanoids, infected by their own creation, the Inverz cell. Inzektopia was gifted with a vast variety of species among it's humanoids. They varied from person to person in relation to the insect species they represented. Dragonflies, Grasshoppers, Centipedes, Hornets and Mantises were only some of many different species found in Inzektopia. Each species had a different hive mind, and these hive minds made up a council of wise leaders that made every decision in their world. The Inzektors lived in common peace among themselves, their enemies coming from other dimensions like the Dark World. However, they were known among dimensions to be a ferocious and very defensive race, they quickly rose to arms when their people were in danger and their weapon technologies where known across the entire multiverse.


The inzektor's level of technology was rivaled only by one other dimension, Cyber World. But Cyber World lacked Inzektopia's level of discipline, military coordination and numbers. Even so, Inzektor Engineers where always looking for the latest advances in technology, even if they weren't invaded by other dimensions in a long time. One of these advances was the Inverz Cell. To the inzektor's there was nothing more valuable than numbers. And the Inverz cell did just that, convert and add off worlders to their hive mind. To the Hive mind leaders, this proved to be the ultimate weapon against their enemies, the ultimate solution to invaders in their lands. They could see themselves commanding armies of demons, cyborgs, dragons, humans, angels, in fact any sort of living being that came to their world, divine or not.


But the Inverz Cell did more than just that, it gave the Inzektor's the hunger for conquest. For the first time in millenia since the species' birth. They had finally perfected a weapon that would earn their seat as the rulers of the multiverse. It didn't take long for the hive mind leaders to start plotting the upcoming invasion of the entire multiverse. They started with small universes, testing the power of the Inverz cell. To no surprise, the hive mind leaders were pleased at the results of the virus. But as they planned to go agaisnt the biggest and most powerful planes of power, things started to go against them. It was a peculiar fiend of the Dark World that tricked the Inzektor's into making their own demise, this fiend was no other than the Dark Ruler Ha Des.


It had been 100 years since Ha Des and the Dark Triumvirate had taken control of the Dark World universe from their past rulers. Through his crystal ball, Ha Des had been watching what was happening across the multiverse, and Inzektopia had no doubt caught his attention. He went on a solo mission to stop the Inzektors with their own weapon. It was going to be a test of his skills as a trickster and a manipulator. He arrived at Inzektopia unarmed, as a mere "ambassador" of the Dark World. He was quickly taken into custody by the Inzektors and placed upon the Hive Mind council.


"Who is this fiend who invades our lands with his presence? Why must quarter be given to this insolent being of the Dark World?" Asked the Mantis Hive Mind.


Ha Des bowed to the council, showing respect. He looked upon the Mantis Hive Mind and answered his question; "I am Ha Des, Dark Ruler and member of the Dark Triumvirate that rules over Dark World. I am here merely as an Ambassador and only in such business. Please excuse my sudden appearance but there is matters that must be discussed."


"So the Dark World fears our ultimate creation? Tell me Ha Des, do your fiends finally feel fear that they will cease to be their own selves and become part of our council, of our minds?" Asked the Dragonfly Hive Mind.



"Yes milady, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't aware of the dangers of your latest creation. It is for that same reason that I am here, to bargain the survival of my own plane from your ultimate weapon." Ha Des replied.


"The fate of your plane and of every other plane of existence in this multiverse is inevitable. You will all form part of this mind, you will all form part of Inzektopia." The Hornet Hive Mind said coldly.


"Surely something can be arranged for your species to leave Dark World alone, I deeply apologize for the invasions my Plane of existance has made upon yours in the past, but I have to make clear those invasions weren't made upon the orders of the Dark Triumvirate. They were made by those who ruled Dark World before us, surely you can understand." Ha Des kept pleading.


"Retribution will be met Dark Ruler. Whether your attacks against our world were made under your rule or not. The multiverse has to pay for it's crimes. It is the time for our species to prosper, it is the time for our species to become the rulers of this multiverse and show just how powerful we really are. It is the time for Inzektopia!" The Centipede Hive Mind called out.


"This is preposterous! Surely something can be done about this, you all can't be this hard headed. My fiends can be allies, we can help guide this invasion but all we ask is not become part of a hive mind. We can be allies, rule this multiverse toguether?" Ha Des asked.


"The Hive mind can't be fooled that easily Ha Des, to share the power of ruling the multiverse is to spell our own demise. To do such a decision is to put all that we have worked for in danger. We, the hive mind will not take that risk." The Weevil Hive Mind said.


That's when Ha Des spark ignited, his plans now started to take form. The Inzektors were different minds, much like the Dark Triumvirate. They each leaded their own species into battle. Their extreme coordination came from the dependancy of each species with the next. Ha Des had studied the Inzektor society from top to bottom before coming here and his thoughts about the species were about to unfold this very instant with his next comment. He was about to destroy the society itself apart and all within themselves. Ha Des bowed his head at the latest speaker. The rest of the council stared at him, waiting for something to be said on the matter. Ha Des finally raised his head again, ready to say the last and most powerful words he had ever spoken in his entire life, his tongue was about to destroy a civilization.


"If sharing this power could bring such consequences.... what is going to happen when your own Council has to share it? I mean.... surely someone here has to keep and administrate the power of controlling the entire multiverse... correct?" Ha Des said with a slight smirk.


The Council was silent, they were taking the words in... each mind analyzing the situation. Ha Des' studies about the Inzektors had proven correct. It was only a matter of time till a heated debate was to explode in front of him. And he was going to enjoy the Inzektors destroy themselves.


"Then I believe I will take charge of that. I am the most able of the council." Spoke forth the Dragonfly Hive Mind, thinking the others would agree, but so wrong she was. In moments the Mantis Hive mind stood and attacked the Dragonfly Mind.


"Since when? What has your Hive done to prove themselves superior among the Inzektors!? If I recall, my Mantis are among the most powerful inzektors in this realm! I should be the one who administrates the power of the multiverse!"


"Mantis, your power brings arrogance, clearly someone wise must take charge of such responsability... it has been agreed among us that I am the most wise when it comes to decision making in this realm. Let it be me the one who administrates the power of the multiverse!" The weevil hive mind spoke forth, Ha Des grew a dreadful grin on his face he couldn't believe it.



"Weevil, as wise as you are you lack action. I am the most precise when it comes to action in this realm. Let it be me the one responsable!" The Hornet Hive mind spoke.


The room was then filled with violent quarrel, each Hive Mind unable to agree on who to put in charge, they had suddenly forgotten that each species was dependant of the other and in order to rule the multiverse they would have to rule it as a council, but the thirst for conquest the Inverz cell bred on the Inzektors made each council member greedy for power. The perfect recipe for Ha Des' trickery. Ha Des stepped forth, ignoring the quarrel that was now turning into physical violence with several hive members summoning their guards to protect them and attack the others. In moments the council room was filled with all sorts of Inzektors from all species, waging civil war in front of Ha Des. Ha Des was simply delighted at such a sight but he was far from over.... it was time to use the Inzektor's ultimate weapon against them.


"May I have your attention please." Ha Des said, speaking through the minds of each of the Hive lords. They quickly halted their forces and paid attention to Ha Des once more. They had still not realized Ha Des had made this possible all along, and were only desperate of knowing how they would become more powerful than the others.


"Ladies and Gentlemen please.... using your own armies against each other simply won't work. Have you forgotten that each of you depend on the other to function? Waging your armies at each other won't have any effect. But isnt that.... what this is for?" Ha Des said as he raised his hand and revealed the Inverz Cell. The Inzektors forgot for a moment how he got it and simply saw the use of it, Ha Des had revealed to them the correct way they would rule the Multiverse yet Greed had once again taken toll on their minds and judgment now they saw the Inverz cell as the gateway to control every other Inzektor species and bend them to each Hive mind's own will. It didn't take long for the Dragonfly Hive mind to fly and snatch the cell from Ha Des' hands. The Dragonfly Hive mind then looked upon the Hornet hive mind with a nasty grin and flew towards him, gutting the Hornet mind with the cell on the stomach. In moments, the Hornet Hive mind turned into a Dark Gray color and it's eyes now resembled those of the Dragonfly Hive mind. He was now under her control. Now she faced the rest of the hive minds and their guardians.


"Command your hornets to work with my dragonflies. Destroy our enemies, make them our own!!!!" The Dragonfly Hive Mind cried out. The hornet hive mind simply nodded and moments later, hundreds of Dragonflies infused with Hornet technology rushed the other Inzektors, blasting most of them to space dust. The Dragonfly hive mind continued to convert each other hive mind to her will, till all the Hive minds were under her power. Looking at the sky, as if it were the rest of the Multiverse, the Dragonfly Hive mind basked in new found power. But something she didn't expect caught her by surprise. A sudden jolt of pain came to her lower body, she looked down, only to see the green hand of Dark Ruler Ha Des go through, it was bloody with her own secretions but also filled with the Inverz Cell itself. The last Hive Mind was now under Ha Des control and so was the rest of the Hive Council. The Inzektors were now his own. Ha Des now looked upon his grey skinned army of Inzektors. All bowing to his power. His plan was complete, he turned the greatest threat the multiverse had ever known against itself and gained it all for his own use. He was now in command of the most powerful weapon in the multiverse. Proud and Triumphant he spoke forth to the masses.


"Inzektors of all Hives! We have entered a new era, a new age! The power of the Multiverse is now in our hands. Every plane of existence will know about us, every plane of existence will bow to our will. With the Inverz virus we will be unstoppable. Today we cease to be Inzektors, we are a new race. From now on, we shall be known as Steelswarms!!!"


The crowd roared in acceptance of their new race. Ha Des simply grinned as he basked in victory over the Steelswarms. Yet there was one last thing he never expected, and it was about to happen right now. The cheers of the steelswarms slowly ceased and in turn became a laughter. Ha Des' expression changed entirely as he wondered what was going on. What could possibly happen now? The laughter continued to grow stronger and stronger, each time deeper and deeper till it mimicked that of a great demon of the abyss. In front of Ha Des, the Dragonfly Hive mind, along with the rest of the Hive minds flew to a common point and gathered there. It was here where Ha Des witnessed what he never expected. The bodies themselves joined and became one huge creature that resembled a Herculean Beetle. This herculean beetle monster now stood in front of Ha Des and once again laughed in front of the Dark Ruler.


"Dark Ruler... you have made my ascent possible. I am a being known as an Inverz, you have created me by releasing the virus from the cell I was being incarcerated for so long. I am the apex of Inzektor technology, I make any being in the multiverse my own through my blood and my armies will now march upon each realm of existence and make them my own. You are too weak to control me and that's why as of now the Inverz, or should I say.... Steelswarms as I gladly accept being called, will be it's own power in the Multiverse. Witness as each living being that makes part of the different realms bows to my power, starting with you!" The Creature then smashed his fist into the ground but the Dark Ruler teleported away from it's path. The smash however was so powerful, miles of earth and ground around it's epicenter were pulverized into nothingness on contact! The Dark Ruler was forced to fly above the creature who now raised his view to meet with Ha Des. The Dark Ruler was in fact too weak to destroy this being, but maybe just maybe he could lock this realm from ever letting the Steelswarms from ever getting out into the multiverse. It was a pity he couldn't control this power but if he didn't do this his Dark World would go with along with him and he wanted a Multiverse to rule over.


The Dark Ruler now started to make an Incantation to seal the Steelswarms in their own realm. The Steelswarm ruler tried to destroy Ha Des once again by commanding his armies against him. Hornets, Mantises and Weevils lunged ath the Dark Ruler but his spells created a barrier which the Steelswarms could not go through. In moments the incantation was finished and Ha Des now looked upon the Steelswarm leader.


"It was a pity we couldn't work toguether as one powerful empire. I am sorry my Steelswarm friend, but I can't allow your species to roam the multiverse unchecked. You will be sealed here for all eternity." With those words, he threw the sealing spell at the Steelswarm leader, chains spawning out of nothingness and grabbing the leader's extremities, dark magic then punctured the leader's soul as it finished it's grasp and tightened the seal.


"Ha Des, this seal you have created won't hold me forever, you know it... but it won't matter, cause as soon as im done with this... I will come for you with the largest and most powerful army in existence! I will make it true Ha Des! I will!!!!!!" The creature's cries fainted as Ha Des left Inzektopia through a dimensional portal back to the Dark World. Back in the Dark World, Ha Des now made his way into the spiral that housed his throne. At the top of the spiral, Sylvanas, the Archfiend Empress, awaited his arrival in loose clothing. Embracing the Dark Ruler with a seducing touch, she asked for his doings.


"How was your ambassadorial trip my love?" Sylvanas said with a kiss to his neck. Ha Des remained the same. He sat down and placed the empress on his lap, caressing her thigh.



"Nothing of great importance.... the Inzektors weren't a threat after all. Nothing for us to worry about and our new order. Come my love, I wish to forget all of this... make me forget." Ha Des finished, kissing Sylvanas and giving into passion the moment after.




[spoiler=Chapter Nineteen]

Chapter Nineteen




Hiita, Renault and the rest of Soldiers and Lavals had moved to a chamber similar to that of a war room. The fire charmer then summoned a desk made of lava which quickly turned from magma to hard rock in seconds. She also summoned chairs in a similar fashion for everyone to take a seat around the table. Hiita then faced Renault giving him quarter to speak out both his purpose and strategy to the upcoming invasion problem. The Marauding Captain nodded and stood up to face the crowd on the table. Before speaking, with the help of his lieutenants, he spread a large map across the board with detailed locations, including the molten peaks. Several areas of the map were circled with sightings of the Dimensional Fissures, including the one near the molten peaks. Renault then took several plastic strategy markers and also spread them across the map section of the molten peaks.


"First of all I appreciate lady Hiita for giving us the opportunity to explore your lands and solve this mystery that has been haunting our entire world lately. It is our current mission to investigate every sighting of the dimensional fissures and learn of their nature and purpose. Unfortunately, it seems we have reached an obstacle in our investigation. Nothing that we didn't forsee, but it has finally come real. These fissures are bringing something in, something from outside this world. It is my fear and conclusion that the demons from other dimensions like the dreaded Dark World have found their way into our universe. In all my life I have never faced such an enemy and I prayed to the gods that it would never happen while I lived. But it has finally come, it is our time to fight against these abominations from the multiverse. So today we will discuss how we will fight against them."


Renault took a moment to breathe before he continued. He then took out a wooden pointer and slided the markers throughout the map. He placed one marker in each sighting of a fissure and several others across the Mountain pass. Hiita and the Lavals as well as his lieutenants paid close attention.


"These are the locations of the fissures according to my scouts, the enemy will be spawning from these locations. It is our duty to keep these spots checked at all times. I am not sure about their numbers.... but be prepared for a long fight. Our primary defensive position is the Mountain pass, it's narrow structure gives us an advantage and forces the enemy to go one on one or in less numbers. If those fiends catch us on open ground we will be at a disadvantage."Renault paused for a moment, realizing there was a flaw in his battle plan. Before continuing he had to address it.


"It seems we don't have an effective way to fight any airborne fiends we might face." Renault however was interrupted by Hiita. The fire charmer pointed her staff to one of the lavals present in the room. The giant molten being had what looked like two cannons also made from molten rock mounted on his back, burning red deep inside the barrels.


"I have that covered Captain, rest assured any flying enemy will feel the power of magma head on." Hiita smiled, Renault nodded and continued.


"Very well, then I want your cannoneers to be situated here and here, I want them to shoot at anything that flies, if nothing else exist then i want the ground where our enemy fights to be bombarded by their cannons. Something else worries me though... my men don't have any protection against your people's lava weapons. I fear I will lose them to friendly fire."


Once again Hiita calmed down Renault. "I will cast a spell that will make them impervious to fire for the duration of the battle. Your men can fight alongside my lavals in peace."


"Of course, I should have thought of that. Continuing then, expect anything from the enemy. This world hasn't seen the likes of Dark World in eons. We have pratically forgotten about the forces that lie in that dimension some even don't know of it's existence. We will force the enemy to fight at our ground, take down their most powerful soldiers first then when they are losing moral we charge the fissures, this will force a retreat from the fiends and close the fissures. Or at least that's what my prediction is..."


Renault then took a seat. Hiita the stood up to address the captain. "Sounds like a solid yet easy plan Captain. I am honored and grateful to have your assistance in this battle. But we can't waste anymore time, war is upon us, and everyone must get ready. This meeting has been dismissed."


Everyone in the table stood up and went their ways, Renault and Hiita stayed however, the Marauding Captain joining the fire charmer in a corner with a view towards the far away peaks of Mist Valley and beyond. Hiita knew Renault had questions about her "allies", it was only a matter of time before he asked.


"Lady Hiita, it does indeed sound like a solid plan, I fear however, it's execution. Yet, I remember the lavals being neighbors to multiple tribes like the Mist Valley, Gishki's and Gem Knights. Where are they now in our moment of need?"


Hiita sighed before answering. "I am not in good terms with the other charmers. In fact, we are all separated. Lately, we have been having quarrels and discussions. We don't seem to know what to do about all this. I.... we... we have known about the fissures for quite some time. We actually wanted to save this world from the fissures before anyone else knew. But we failed, we just didn't seem to find any spell to close them. Dharc then became angry and left us the moment he couldn't find the solution. Without Dharc our power diminished.... my... impatience then led me to frustration and I too gave up on it. It was only a matter of time till the rest realized it was futile. For a moment we left this world in the mercy of another realm. I.... I can't believe I actually let this all happen." Hiita tried to finish before succumbing to sobs.


Renault was speechless for a moment, he couldn't believe what he just heard but he also understood that they at least tried. He didn't let his sudden anger take hold of him and embraced Hiita to comfort her. "Lady Hiita, do not fear. I swear upon my life, this will end. But I need you to be beside me, in fact.... I will need all the help I can get, and that includes the rest of the Charmers."


Hiita nodded, wiping a tear from her right eye. "I will try my best to reunite them. Let's go captain, we have a battle we need to get ready for."


As both Renault and Hiita were leaving the room, one of the lieutenants stormed inside, his face as if he had seen death itself from the fear. Between mumbles he cried to the captain the news.


"S..sir! The....th-the invaders... th-the fi-fi-fiends are here!"


Renault placed a hand on his lieutenant and tried to calm him down. "Thank you, I will join the men at once, stay here and rest, you are not ready for battle in this condition." Renault then faced Hiita; "It seems our time has come sooner than expected." Renault and Hiita then exited the room and raced to join the ranks and lead them.


As Renault reached a ledge where he had a great view of the battlefield, he confirmed the lieutenant's observations as he saw monstrous figures come out of the fissures, fiendish in nature. He sighed for a moment, taking it in. He then unsheathed one of his blades. "So it has begun, it's time to see what these foul beings of the abyss are made of." Renault then raced to his men, stepping off the ledge and sliding through the incline with great finess. As he moved through the ranks of soldiers and lavals, he could hear the roars of the fiendish creatures as they set their eyes upon his men and the peaks, ready for battle.Gagagigo and Hiita joined him at his side, putting her staff in front of her. Her eyes could be seen burning with passion and excitement from the incoming battle. The fire charmer then raised her staff and a luminent, beautiful display of lava made a shroud around every single one of Renault's soldiers. The armor around the humans now glowed burning red, and a beaming red aura surrounded their bodies.


"That should take care of your men Captain. Waiting on orders sir." Hiita confirmed. Gagagigo also confirmed his presence with a simple grunt.


On the other side, the summoned fiends took notice of their enemy leaders. They focused their hungry eyes upon the trio leading the army behind them. One of them, who looked to be the leader upon them stepped forth. The fiendish being resembled an insect like being. The jaws of what appeared to be those of a herculean beetle made some sort of collar around his neck. With the lower part of the beetle's mandibule appearing as a set of horns on his head. His black armor gave him a menacing appearance. As the fiendish creature got closer to Renault and his allies the ground shook from his sheer size. The creature then addressed the crowd, starting with a menacing and demonic laughter.


"Denizens of this dimension. A valiant effort indeed to stop us in our reign of conquest. But you forget what we are. We, the Steelswarms are like nothing this multiverse has ever faced before. Wherever we go we conquer. We are the ultimate weapon created by the once ultimate race. We are destined to be the next rulers of this multiverse and we will start with this puny world of yours. Surrender and you might be spared, spared to join our great empire as part of the hive Mind Master Hercules. This is your last and only warning. Step down, or die."


Renault simply stepped forward in response to his threat. He raised his head looked at the towering fiend right in the eye. Unsheathing his second blade he made his stance clear. "Steelswarms eh? You must be the new guys in the neighborhood. You certainly don't look like you come from Dark World. Which makes me curious about your abilities. Consider our stance the same, this is our world and we will fight for it. If you want it so badly then you will challenge us to a battle to the death."


The Steelswarm fiend let out a bellowing chuckle. It shook the hearts of countless soldiers around the Marauding Captain. Yet Renault was unchanged, the brave soldier kept staring at the creature in the eye. "Very well"; the fiend said; "So be it, Captain. Steelswarms! ATTACK IN THE NAME OF HERCULES!!!"


A thundering roar from every fiendish creature present could then be heard and in a matter of seconds they all charged at the humans and lavals. The steelswarm came from everywhere, land and air, some even burrowed themselves on the ground and their hulking bodies could be seen coming at the soldiers at high speed. Renault faced his men and raised his blade.


"Soldiers of Nerzoth! Your lands are at the mercy of these foul fiends, let's banish these abominations back to where they came!" The Marauding Captain then charged at the incoming swarm, Gagagigo and his soldiers shouting and charging behind him with swords and spears.


"Lavals! These mountains won't give quarter to the invaders, let's show these foul fiends the true power of fire! ONWARDS!" Hiita screamed as she too charged with the lavals. The cannoneers behind her and the humans began to shower the incoming aerial fiends with balls of hot lava. These flying steelswarm then quickly realized the lavals meant business as their wings bursted into flame and their bodies crippled to the intense heat and hardening of magma.


The Steelswarm commander retreated back to let his minions fight for him. The Marauding Captain however was fixed on his enemy. He raced towards the commander, fighting every demonic insect that stood in his path. Gagagigo also lunged and clawed at the numerous insects around him. In a matter of seconds the molten peaks had turned into a bloody battleground with Lavals and Humans fighting for their lives against the monstrous Steelswarms.


"Cover my back Gagagigo, they are too many of them." Renault shouted to his friend. The two warriors quickly joined forces and faced opposite directions, fighting the numerous fiends around them. "It feels good to fight alongside what was once my enemy, Renault what ever happens here, let it be known it was an Honor fighting alongside you." Gagagigo spoke to his comrade. "Likewise" Renault replied.


A burst of fire suddnely covered both Renault and Gagagigo but it didn't hurt them. Their red auras glowed intensly and it shielded them from the flame. The attack came from Hiita herself, when the fire cleared a large amount of the fiends laid burnt in the floor. "Don't count yourself out of the fight already lizard.... their is still much work to do." The fire charmer said as she readied her staff once again and leaped to another group of fiends for another blazing attack.


"Gotta love that woman..." Renault said before he resumed his charge against the Steelswarms. Gagagigo however noticed something going on with the dead steelswarm around them. He placed a hand on Renault's shoulder stopping him in his tracks."Captain, wait! Look, the bodies, they are banishing." It was here were Renault and Gagagigo witnessed the true horror of the steelswarms. In the distance, both could see the Commander, feeding on the energy from every dead steelswarm on the battlefield. His size grew and his body began to morph into another being. The more steelswarms the killed the stronger he became. Renault also noticed other steelswarm behaving the same way. He could see how steelswarm that attacked in groups would eat their wounded and become stronger and bigger.


Renault's soldiers were quickly being overpowered by these now enhanced creatures, and there was nothing they could do to stop them. "It's useless.... the more we kill the stronger the ones who remain will become... if they become too strong we won't be able to fight back, they will catch us without energy and will. The only way is eradicating them all at once, but how? This is looking more and more like a losing battle!" Renault cried, looking frantically around him for a solution but none was found. Seconds passed and more of his men were falling prey to the foul insect fiends.


Empowered Steelswarm Moths also began to prey upon the helpless Cannoneers as they tried all they could to repel the powerful aerial beings but one by one they were destroyed by the fiends. Several of the cannoneers began to retreat to the lower levels of the Mountain pass and the moths now began to have an advantage against their enemies. Flying unchecked through the battlefield, they wrecked havoc at the helpless soldiers below. Hiita watched in horror as her own tribespeople fled to the peaks, those left behind cried in agony awaiting their death. A steelswarm mantis then approached the unsuspecting Hiita and lunged for an attack. But it was met with a gaping slash to it's abdomen by none other than Gagagigo. The lizard then stared at the appalled fire charmer.


"We may be losing this battle but I also need you alive. Come, we need to fall back to the peaks! NOW!" Gagagigo then grabbed her by the hand and raced through the Mountain pass.



"EVERYONE FALL BACK!" Renault shouted as well, as he gathered what men he could back to the peaks. As the soldiers and laval raced for their lives, Steelswarm moths, mantises and other beings jumped, lunged and snatched those who were far behind. Quickly drowing out their cries by giving them a swift but painful death. The steelswarms seemed to have grown beyond the expectations of Renault and his allies, and faster than they could have ever predicted. The inzektor's ultimate weapon had made it's first good impression.



[spoiler=Chapter Twenty]


Chapter Twenty





As the battle raged on at the Molten Peaks, Dark Ruler Ha Des watched from his crystal ball. He was amazed at how the Steelswarms could managed to send an entire invasion force into the Human Kingdoms through the same fissure techniques his own fiends were going to implement. Rather than angry and frustrated, Ha Des was glad the steelswarms were paving the way for his own forces to conquer the world. His plans had now accelerated on good terms. He also paid close attention to the participants of the battle, keeping watch of both Renault and Gagagigo as they fought valiantly against numerous Steelswarms of all shapes and sizes. He also recognized the Charmer girl, yet he found her not as important. What did caught his attention however was the apparent betrayal of Gagagigo who now fought alongside the ranks of his enemies. Such thought gave him so much disgust yet in a strange way intrigue to see the one who would really affect this get angry, Ultrius.


"Sylvanas, Ultrius, are you watching this battle? I can hardly believe the Steelswarms are eons ahead of us?!" Ha Des said as he summoned the Invader of Darkness and the Archfiend Empress around his ball. Ultrius appeared as he teleported inside the Dark Spire. Sylvanas however conjured an ghostly image of herself to stand beside her lover. The triumvirate paid close attention to the happenings on the Human Kingdoms.


"I will not let those Steelswarms ruin our plans which have taken so much time to unfold. We will have a realm to conquer, upon my soul I swear it! But we must take action, and now.... it sounds unusual, but we must aid our enemies against a common cause."


Ultrius faced Ha Des before asking his own question: "The portals are still not ready to bring forth the flux of soldiers we need for the human kingdoms, how are we going to aid our so called allies if we can't even get to them?"


"I'll take care of it." Sylvanas interrupted. "My archfiends are powerful enough for lesser planeswalking. With aid of my magic it will be even easier. Plus.... im having front row seats of this battle as we speak. I will aid the humans as well, then they will truely know how powerful we are." Sylvanas then made a loud chuckle that caught Ha Des attention.


"Anything funny my love?" Ha Des asked.


"Oh Ha Des, it's the Irony of all this.... I can't wait to see their faces when we do what we came for. I"ll prepare the portal for the Archfiends, contact Romulus and tell him to send for Summoned Skull."


"Very well it is done then, Ultrius and I will stay to study the nature of the Steelswarm fissures and find anything that will help us hasten our invasion. Make it quick Sylvanas." Ha Des finished as he dismissed the empress' ghostly image. He then started to contact Romulus, the Terrorking Archfiend, just like Sylvanas requested. Ha Des noticed something on Ultrius however, he couldn't help but ask. "May I know what troubles you Ultrius?"


The Invader of Darkness turned to face the Dark Ruler. "Gagagigo's betrayal, I had seen it a mile away yet I want to delight on the pleasure of punishing him. I will send Grepher with the Archfiend." Ultrius then left Ha Des to study the Steelswarm fissures on his own, as he went on to summon Lucius. Ha Des didn't continue to study the fissures though, content that everyone had left his sight, especially Ultrius, he diverted his crystal ball's vision to a more important target, Freed. The Brave Wanderer from Nerzoth was on his way to the molten peaks atop the now mighty Armed Dragon. Ha Des thought this would be a great moment to have a talk with him.


Going at high speeds like never before experienced in his life, Freed made his journey to the Molten Peaks, eager to help his friends in whatever they needed and rejoin the Captain in their investigation of the Fissures. His mind however slowly got clouded, as if something was trying to penetrate his very soul. His grip weakened but his balance atop Armed Dragon remained the same. Slowly he lost control of his body and went into a trance. As his eyes once again woke up, he could find himself in an dark room, in front of him laid the one and only Dark Ruler Ha Des.


"At last, we have a moment. Pardon my sudden interruption. I don't always have the chance to have a much needed conversation with you child. Let me introduce myself, I am Ha Des, Dark Ruler of the realm of fiends known as Dark World. Surely you know about me, in fact you have defeated one of my agents, the Dark Blade have you not?"


Freed was puzzled, he knew this was some sort of dream, yet this conversation looked so legitimate he could swear he was still in reality. The knight of Nerzoth simply nodded, answering Ha Des question. Ha Des confirming that Freed was on pace with him, continued.


"I have come to speak of powerful things, of great opportunities with you. I know of many things, I am one of the most wisest beings you have ever met. So it wouldn't surprise you that I know of your little investigation. These fissures that you and I know of, belong to no other than the Steelswarms, a race of powerful fiendish beings outside of Dark World. They have recently found a way to enter your realm and are invading your world as we speak. In fact.... your friends are right now under attack by these powerful creatures, and they are not necessarily winning."


"RENAULT?!!! NO! Let me out of this dream fiend, I need to assist them!" Freed cried.


"Hold your horses boy.... you will get your chance, very soon. I wanted to take advantage of the long journey to relay a message though. These steelswarms are only the beggining of many enemies this world will face. My agents are actually on their way to help your allies as we speak. But consider that my one and only voluntary help to your world. However.... I can give YOU the ability to defend your world without me. Through my power, you can lead your denizens to victory time after time. Your world wouldn't have to fear any other threat again. What say you Freed?"


Freed took a moment to reconsider his stance with Ha Des. He wanted to trust him but he knew better. It was a fiend of Dark World, a being of malicious intent. He was very sure that this had some sort of consequence or trick behind all this. Yet the proposal was everything he needed. Ha Des however didn't expect Freed to take his decision right away and interrupted the Prince's thoughts.


"Think about it Freed, you might need it sooner than you think..... Till we meet again." With those words, Freed snaped back to reality, the sky back where it was, the blank room gone and his body still balanced atop Armed Dragon who was clueless of what happened. He could already see the Molten Peaks ahead of him, and just like Ha Des said, he could see the Fissures where the Steelswarms were spawning, it was certiantly not looking good at all.


"It's just like he said Armed Dragon! The steelswarms! Make haste, Renault is in danger!" Freed ordered his dragon, who at first was a bit puzzled of what he was talking about but followed orders nonetheless and boosted it's speed towards the peaks. The situation on the Surface however was not a pleasent sight. Renault, Gagagigo and Hiita fought bravely beside the remaining Lavals and humans, as the Steelswarms pushed them further and further to the innards of the Molten peaks and the charmer's sanctuary.



"They... they are too many...." Hiita tried to say as she unleashed one final wave of fire at a group of Steelswarm callers in front of her. The insects were decimated by the blast but only to be eaten by the other fiends behind them, making them stronger. Hiita, all tired collasped to the floor. Renault saw his friend fall to the ground and leaped to her rescue, slashing in half an incoming hungry Steelswarm Moth. He placed his swords in front of him, guarding Hiita with his body. Gagagigo shortly joined him at his side. The trio was now fully surrounded by all sides, Steelswarms of all sizes and types hungry and eager to jump on them.


"Well.... I ran out of ideas Gagagigo... anything on your part?" Renault asked.


"Nope..." the lizard replied.


Their thoughts on defeat however were interrupted as a wave of Dark Energy crossed right through them, and was unleashed on every single steelswarm around them. The insectile fiends were desintegrated in seconds! Renault and Gagagigo turned around to face whoever was responsable of such a feat. Behind them stood the figure of the one and only Archfiend Empress, beside her laid the powerful archfiend, Summoned Skull.


"It's that demon we saw earlier coming out of the Fissure? But why is she on our side?" Asked Gagagigo, who had never met Sylvanas on his stay in dark world.


"I don't know but we should take this moment to go on the offensive." Renault replied as he saw the Empress approach them. They didn't have much time though, the steelswarms had begun to regroup again.


"Consider this an act of Mercy captain. Send your regards to Dark World." Said the empress as she prepared her staff for another powerful attack and alongside the Summoned Skull, leapt to attack the steelswarms. Renault was impressed with Sylvanas, he stared in awe at the power of such a fiend as she destroyed waves of Steelswarms with the mere swing of her staff. The Summoned Skull was also just as powerful, ripping Steelswarm moths and mantises apart with it's claws and conjuring lightning from it's body which struck waves of scouts and callers.


Hiita started to wake up from her sudden state of unconsiousness. Renault and Gagagigo helped her out. "What happened? I.... I used up all my energy." Asked Hiita.


"It's alright, we got some unexpected... reinforcements. This is our chance to fight them back. Call for any remaining lavals and see to it that they unleash their true powers! And call for aid from the other tribes, this is their problem just as is ours." Renault ordered. Hiita nodded and raced for her shrine. Renault and Gagagigo then joined the Empress at her side, fighting off wave after wave of Steelswarms.


At her shrine, Hiita submerged herself in a pool of lava. Several moments later, the lava where she was hidden in began to bubble and burst, a rejuvenated Hiita came out burning bright as a fresh flame. Her eyes were now replaced with live embers, she then placed both of her hands on her staff before landing on the floor, smashing the staff onto the Surface. A pillar of flame rose to the very sky and a wave of blinding fire came out from it, covering the entire Molten Peaks Surface.


"Let the fires of passion and power never die! Lavals, REKINDLE!!!"


With those words, every fallen laval on the battlefield rose again, each and every one, burning with raging intensity. Cannoneers now started to bombard the steelswarms with upgraded weaponry and footsoldiers became warlords unleashing spells of fiery magma upon their enemies. The steelswarms, as powerful as they had become with the recent attack were caught completely by surprise by the sudden gain in power from their enemies, in both power and units. New laval species suddenly started to appear as Cannoneers and sprites fused to become large vicious dragons that spewed magma and fire at helpless moths and mantises.


Scourge and Raze, two of Hiita's laval bodyguards, also found new power in Hiita's Rekindling spell. Their magma covered bodies fused toguether to form a higher being now with two blades, the new laval now grinned with it's increased power and ability and didn't take much time to leap into battle to test out it's new strength.


The steelswarm commander, now with the shape and traits of a Longhorn Beetle. Witnessed as his strike force was getting decimated by the sudden surge of the lavals and the arrival of the Archfiend Empress. Yet he wasn't worried at all, he laughed as they got closer and closer, basking in his accumulated power. He faced his enemies with a unfrightened expression.


"Impressive, I should have given you weaklings more credit. It seems we have found ourselves a worthy enemy. But let me show you the true power of Steelswarm technology, every death, every kill you have made onto our people is now inside me. Their power is mine and now I will unleash it. Prepare to feel my-- AHHCK?!!! UGGHHHHH???? WH---what?" The commander's speech was interrupted as he looked down to witness a fatal wound on his chest. The figure of the Archfiend Empress then stood behind him, whispering to his ear.


"Could you really take ANY longer?!! Let this be a demonstration of my impatience!" Sylvanas cried as she then unleased a devastating spell that disintegrated the commander from the inside out. Sylvanas looked with dismay at the dust pile that was the Steelswarm Longhorn. She then raised her sight to meet Renault and the others.


"This is not over yet." She said as she pointed towards the fissures. "More will keep coming. I need to go inside and clear this mess once and for all." But as she turned around to go inside the fissure along with the Summoned Skull. Renault interrupted her.


"Let me go with you."


Sylvanas turned to meet the captain with a stern face. "You have done enough child, let Dark World finish it's business."


"It's our business as much as yours fiend. I will go." Renault replied, reassuring his stance.


"I will go as well." Gagagigo spoke behind him.


"We will also go as well." A conjunction of voices said behind them. When Renault turned around, 5 young women stood in front of him. One of them Hiita, the other Eria and three more that he couldn't recognize but was very sure were Wynn the Wind Charmer, Aussa the Earth Charmer and Lyna the Light Charmer. Nevertheless, Renault was glad that Hiita could reunite her sisters into the battle.


"Very well, but if you perish inside, I will not save you." The empress reassured the team. "Just do me a favor and stay close." She added. The group then slowly entered the fissure, closing right behind them. Freed arrived at that very moment and was unable to go inside with his friends. He dismounted the Armed Dragon and looked around the battlefield, studying what just happened. He crossed his arms, unhappy about his inability to help his friends. Armed Dragon however, simply went to sleep, tired of the long journey.



[spoiler=Chapter Twenty One]

Chapter Twenty One




Renault found it fascinating entering another dimension. The group found themselves in what used to be the foundation of Inzektopia. Ruins of the once great civilization were now covered in a putrid, live, sticky substance which housed the embryos of future Steelswarm monsters. Steelswarm monsters already present inside the realm ready for another wave of invasion stood between them and their supreme leader, Hercules. Behind the invasion force, they could see the Colossal being that was the Steelswarm leader, horns and spikes as tall as castle towers sprouted from his gargantuan body and two menacing yellow eyes now looked upon the group with anticipation. The growling of the Steelswarm forces before him slowly became silent as Hercules was about to speak at the group of invaders.


"It's been so long since we have had visitors. I am the Steelswarm overlord known as Hercules, it was from me where the first steelswarms were born. I am the master work of thousands of years of research that culminated in the creation of this multiverse's ultimate weapon, the Inverz Cell. As you can see, my army feeds off the dead to become stronger and stronger as you become weaker and weaker, it is futile to resist but I see you have defeated my first wave of invaders somehow. It seems you are not as weak as I thought humans."


Renault felt the need to speak out, ask questions which he was eager to hear their answers. He stepped forth to address the mighty Hercules. "You speak of such a weapon known as the Inverz cell. What does that actually do?"


"The Inverz cell is the ultimate power in the multiverse, with the ability to corrupt any being in existence regardless of their purity. Anything from beasts to mighty Archlords can fall to the corruption of the Inverz cell. With this weapon, I plan to take over the entire multiverse by corrupting every living being in it! Starting with you...."


"Well that's where you are wrong." Renault replied. "Cause we didn't come here to sip tea and chit chat about becoming steelswarms, we came to fight."


The steelswarm overlord let out a bellowing chuckle. It resounded through the entire landscape. The rest of the steelswarm forces joined him in the laughter. Sylvanas couldn't help but let out a light chuckle, the irony that the Steelswarms wanted very similar goals to her was a bit funny to say the least.


"I think we should get ready to fight." Sylvanas interrupted any other thoughts from Renault. The Archfiend Empress then readied her staff, a dark aura emanating from it. Summoned Skull's muscles began to expand and contract, creating static from the electric energy building inside him. Renault then nodded, realizing it wasn't that bad of an idea, he drew out his swords and took an offensive stance. Hiita looked at her sisters and addressed them.


"Summon your familiars. It's time to battle." Hiita then summoned forth the Fire Fox. The green haired Wynn summoned a green Petit Dragon. The brunette Aussa a brown Marmot, and the blonde Lyna a small fairy. The charmers then looked upon Eria who had not summoned a familiar.


"Where's yours?" Wynn asked. Eria simply smiled and pointed at Gagagigo who looked back to smile at Eria. Wynn wanted to gasp at the powerful reptile but she reserved her feelings and simply returned a smile at her sister. Wynn then returned her sights to the Steelswarms in front of her. Everyone in the group was ready to fight, but nervous as well, they were alone with no other help but each other against the Steelswarms in their very home. This fight could easily last for all eternity or at least till the last of them fell. Nevertheless, a feeling of heroism resounded through each and every person in the group, a feeling of fighting to the very end, to the last man and woman. They were ready.


"So a fight it is." Hercules bellowed. "Very well, you will make great practice for my steelswarms when I send my second invasion wave. You fight the Steelswarms greatest here, Girastags, Caucastags and Longhorns. Let them demonstrate the true power of our race! Steelswarms, crush them in the name of your leader and master!"


Steelswarms from all shapes and sizes now charged the small group with all their might. Renault raised his sword and initiated the charge of his own, behind him the charmers followed suit each with their familiar next to them. Sylvanas and Summoned Skull also charged, the Archfiend Empress casting a powerful spell as she ran towards the enemy. A volley of Dark Energy projectiles now surged towards the initial line of steelswarms, eradicating them instantly. Summoned Skull leaped in the air, drawing lightning to his body and crashed in another group of steelswarms creating an electric shockwave that pushed back any nearby steelswarms, the powerful archfiend then drew out his claws and began to hack and slash anyone near his path!


Renault at first was intimidated by the sight of the large Girastags, Caucastags and Longhorns, but realizing this was his moment, he looked at Gagagigo who was now running beside Eria, he nodded him giving a signal to request his aid. The lizard warrior now raced at full speed towards his position, he grabbed his partner by the arm and with full force, lunged the captain high in the air towards a Girastag steelswarm. Renault then placed both swords in front of him to protect him from any attack the steelswarm might make as he made the deadly dive to strike at the heart of the fiend. Raising his twin swords for a cleave, he dived at the Girastag, making two deep cuts with his swords from top to bottom. As he landed, the gigantic steelswarm fell to it's knees. But was quickly replaced with two larger bretheren. Renault immediately thought of retreat.


A burst of water however gave him safety, from his back, Eria conjured a massive jet burst of water at the incoming steelswarms, the powerful stream of liquid pushed back the Caucastags, giving quarter to Renault to continue the attack, Gagagigo quickly joined the captain at his side, helping him take down a nearby Caucastag by slashing off it's arms. The other charmers were doing similar progress, on one side, Aussa and Wynn worked toguether to take down a group of Moths and Girastags that charged towards them. Using their familiars to draw them in, Wynn proceeded to make a huge turbulence field that sent the moths straight to the ground, once in place Aussa procedded to crack open the earth beneath the fallen moths and the Girastags, the steelswarms bellowed in pain as the earth beneath them swallowed them whole.


On another side, Hiita and Lyna worked toguether to blind several charging Caucastags with a radiant burst of light, Hiita then followed up by leaping into the fray of the blind Caucastags and unleashing a devastating fire wave that burned their bodies to crisps. As impressive as the team was working toguether for a common goal, the Steelswarms just kept feeding off their dead comrades and kept getting stronger, moths turned into Girastags, girastags into Caucastags and Caucastags into Longhorns. It would be soon before the team would have exhausted their energies and sealed their defeat.


Back in the Human kingdoms however, Freed continued to search for a way to join his friends, he could sense his friend Renault in danger. As time passed Freed became more and more frustrated, anger began to overtake his judgment and he just felt like ripping a Dimensional Fissure right here in the very molten peaks. In a fit of anger and rage he slammed his sword to the ground and let out a bestial roar of frustration. This roar woke up the Armed Dragon who was sleeping soundly. Freed noticed what he just did, and apologized to his pet, putting him back to sleep. In that instant however, he felt someone tap his back.


Quickly facing the direction of the small tap, he faced what appeared to be a copy of Hiita the Fire Charmer. The skin however looked more like magma than real skin. He had a puzzled face, still wondering what was the purpose of this creature. Freed couldn't wait any longer and spoke out.


"Can I help you?"


"You must be friends with the Captain." The woman smiled. "I am a Handmaiden to the Fire Charmer. Hiita told me to stay if any of our allies arrived, we are right now preparing a massive strike force to aid our leaders inside the Dimensional Fissure. I was wondering if you could help us."


"Of course! Where, where do I have to go?!" Freed asked desperately.


The handmaiden smiled again. "Meet us at the top of the Molten peaks, we have discovered a still open Fissure that leads to where Hiita and the rest of the Charmers are."


"Then there is no time to waste! Onwards to save my friends!" Freed said as he rushed for the Armed Dragon, he woke him up, with no time to explain. "Come on buddy it's time to work again, let's go to the top of the peaks and aid Renault!" The armed dragon then proceeded to retract it's legs, and with huge impulse, lunged at the peaks at high speed!


Inside the Steelswarm's realm however, things were starting to tilt towards Hercules' favor. As more and more steelswarms reached Longhorn status, the group started to become overpowered by the incredible strength of the steelswarms. Their energy waning, Renault, Gagagigo, Sylvanas, Summoned Skull and the Charmers saw their time in the now called Inverzopia limited. They didn't give up however, to the last man they gave it their all.


"We must stay toguether, do not engage any of these steelswarms on your own! We will kill them one by one if we have to!" Renault said as he reunited the group on a common ground. The heroes formed a circle to protect each other's back. Even Sylvanas realized this was too much for her, for a moment her life depended on what would one day become her enemy. As each Steelswarm Longhorn approached the group, the heroes worked toguether to bring it down. The charmers with their respective elemental spells, Renault, Summoned Skull and Gagagigo making sure to Disarm the mighty beasts and Sylvanas finally finishing them off with her destructive powers. More and more longhorns approached them, and for the time being their teamwork proved to be more than successful. But time was running out, and so was their energy.


"This is starting to get a bit heavier by the second...." Renault said in between his heavy panting.


"We... we can't give up just yet captain." Gagagigo said as he slashed yet another Longhorn down. His face was all bruised with claw marks everywhere, blood oozing from his wounds, yet he continued.


Summoned Skull was also starting to feel the pain of exhaustion. His muscles were no longer creating electricity and were quickly losing energy. Sylvanas, seeing his only ally in all this get weaker and weaker, transfered a decent amount of energy from her into the archfiend all to buy some more time. But the Archfiend Empress realized this was futile, finally kneeling from the exhaustion she muttered to herself in frustration.


"All these years.... planning to overtake dark world from Ha Des. All these years only to fall to stupid.... bugs. No.... not today!" The empress in anger, searched her heart for unbound power and called forth to make it hers. Her eyes gleamed bright red as the new Dark Energy surged through her veins, Sylvanas then raised her staff high in the air, lightning started to convey on top of it. A dark aura covering the staff followed. This all caught the attention from Gagagigo, Renault and the Charmers.


"Ehh... Gagagigo, I think we should make a run for it. This woman just went mad! I'll get the Charmers you get the other fiend!" Renault said as he ran for the Charmers, the group then left Sylvanas' presence except for Summoned Skull who rejected Gagagigo's warning and decided to stay with his Queen. The steelswarms now focused on Sylvanas who kept channeling the powerful spell into her staff. Her cry resounding through the entire plane, a pillar of Dark Energy followed, engulfing her entire body in dark flame. A final cry then let out the Dark Energy amassing in her staff. And a wave of flaming Dark Energy covered the entire landscape of Inverzopia. Every living being caught in the wave was desintegrated. It was here were Renault's worries became reality, whoever that demon was, her power was that of a god.


In the end, Sylvanas remained, she looked around her, not a single Steelswarm was around her, except for one, Hercules. The colossal being let out a bellowing laughter. Renault and the rest of the group came out of their place of hiding and slowly joined Sylvanas side.


"Impressive, so this is the true power of a Fiendish god of Dark World. I am impressed by your abilities, Sylvanas, Archfiend Empress." Hercules addressed the group.


Renault was a bit surprised at the revelation, he was not surprised at the power he just saw though, being a god from the Underworld as his realm knew it was no laughing matter. Sylvanas however fell to her knees, she even let her staff hit the floor, her frustration that Hercules still stood alive was too much to bear, a tear came out from her eyes and fell to the floor. Renault also noticed this and came to her side to comfort her. The empress however let the captain know through her energy emanations that she didn't request his presence. Renault faced the steelswarm overlord and pointed his sword at him.


"It's over Hercules, it's now you against us. It will take millenia to rebuild your army from scratch and while we may be exhausted from the latest battle, our resolve has NEVER been stronger!"


Hercules once again laughed at the brave captain. "He he he.... such a naive fool, captain. Very well, if a fight against the Steelswarms overlord is what you want, a fight against Hercules is what you will get. Behold! For you face the ultimate power in the multiverse, I am the finest Inzektor creation and I will crush any who oppose me, even you!" The colossal being then began to move towards the group, the ground trembling under Renault's feet. The group took battle positions once again, readying their weapons for one final confrontation against the Steelswarm leader. Sylvanas however remained on her knees, staring at the floor, the frustration almost impossible to overcome.


"You know, now would be a good time to have you at our side Sylvanas." Renault commented, but the Archfiend Empress didn't answer. Renault decided to let it go, that's when a familiar voice interrupted him.


"Captain!" A voice behind him said, seconds later a gigantic dragon landed right beside them. Mounted on top of it was none other than Freed. The prince of Nerzoth looked at the Captain with a smile, who he returned back glad to see his friend in the right moment. Behind Freed came the rest of the Laval forces, but not just Laval, the rock bodied Gem Knights, aquatic Gishki aristocrats, the birds of Gusto and the holy Heralds of light all appeared to aid their Charmer leaders in battle. Hercules was impressed at the sudden reinforcements from the Human world. He could now see the true power that laid within this world, eager to test the Inverz cell in all who now opposed him.


"I see we have a newcomer into our battle Captain, care to introduce yourself." Hercules demanded. Freed spared no time to step forth and make sure the gargantuan Steelswarm knew his name.


"Freed, Knight Prince of Nerzoth. I come with aid to finally end this threat that has been unleashed on our world once and for all. This invasion, ends now!" Freed cried as he drew out his sword to meet with Hercules grave stare.


Hercules let out one last laugh. He then position himself in his own battle stance; "You will all find that my body is full of surprises, I am a living battle fortress! COME AND FIGHT DENIZENS OF THE HUMAN KINGDOMS! YOU WILL ALL FALL TO THE CORRUPTION OF THE INVERZ CELL AND BECOME PART OF MY NEW EVILSWARM ARMY!!!"


With these words, both parties clashed into a final battle to decide the fate of the Human Kingdoms!



[spoiler=Chapter Twenty Two]

Chapter Twenty Two




The battle against Hercules quickly ignited in an epic confrontation. Every charmer tribe summoned it's best weapons against the colossal Steelswarm. Eria through her Aquamirror staff, helped the Gishki aristocrats on summoning powerful creatures from the deep like Soul Ogres and Sea dragons, some Gishki aristocrats even sacrificed themselves to attain higher levels of power, their bodies taking shapes of different sea creatures like the powerful Kraken. The massive aquatic creatures then took charge and attacked the lower body parts of Steelswarm Hercules. Through Wynn, the Gusto birds unlocked their powers and fused their bodies to become stronger beings. Large falcons and eagles, even phoenixes rised to take the skies and fight against the Steelswarm overlord. Wynn leaped into the air, landing on a gusto falcon and leaded her gusto army to battle.


Hiita unleashed once again, her Rekindling spell to fuse the powers of the lavals present. Magma dragons, Volcano fire lords and other powerful beings emerged to fight alongside Eria and the Evigishkis, Hiita also mounted one of her dragons and took flight with Wynn against Hercules. On another side, Aussa raised her staff into the air, the earth behind her cracked and swallowed her Gem Knights whole. Moments later the ground began to shake and bursting out of it, came forth the Gem Knights in their ultimate forms, with rock hard weapons in hand, Aussa lead the charge and the Gem Knights started attacking the Steelswarm's arms and abdomen.


Finally, Lyna called forth her three heralds of light. With her magic, she joined the Heralds to form the ultimate being known as the Herald of Perfection. The powerful fairy now unleashed it's protective abilities into the battlefield, shielding it's allies from the attacks and abilities of Steelswarm Hercules. Renault and Gagagigo also mounted beasts of their own, Renault taking the reins of a green feathered, Daigusto Gulldos while Gagagigo took the reins of the magma covered Lavalal Dragon. Both warriors charged into the skies to fight alongside Wynn and Hiita.


The Steelswarm overlord however, didn't lie when he said his body was a battle fortress. From different parts of his body, pore like holes started to be created, and from each of them, hundreds of Steelswarm scouts came forth to man what appeared to be sentry guns created from Hercules' body itself! Flashes of Dark Energy and lightning came forth from every part of Hercules body, aiming for the flying Gusto birds, the Lavals and the Evighishkis and Gem Knights below. The shower of red bolts caught Renault and his allies by surprise, several gustos and lavals were immediately desintegrated by the incoming attack. Renault pulled on his Gulldos and manuevered his bird through the red lightning, dodging and rolling through bolts in blazing speed, Gagagigo behind him ordered his dragon to aim it's magma breath at the steelswarm scouts, the dragon proceeded to burn the little steelswarms to crisps.


Hercules aided his scout allies by swinging his large arms at the incoming attackers, he caught even more gustos and lavals with his massive hands, crushing them inside. The steelswarm overlord laughed in the delight that came from killing his enemies in such fashion. The charmers and their tribes didn't give up though, and through all the attacks that Hercules threw at them, they continued their assault on the Steelswarm, burning and blasting his extremities with fire and wind attacks from Hiita and Wynn. On the Surface, the Evigishkis and the Gem Knights hammered at Hercules feet with their own attacks, high pressure jet streams and solid stabs with rock hard weapons. Some of the Gem knights along with Aussa started to climb the massive steelswarm, in an attempt to reach the higher parts of it's body, but the steelswarm scouts shooting bolts at them as well as Hercules swinging it's massive arms to squash the incoming knights made the journey almost impossible.


Freed, atop the Armed Dragon leaped into battle, his pet clinging to the Steelswarm's feet and then to it's arms. Freed, slowly but surely made his way to the top of the colossal steelswarm also in an attempt to kill him once and for all. On the way, several scouts got whim of him and started shooting bolts at the knight prince. Freed used the Armed Dragon to crush the scouts beneath it's feet. The armed dragon swinging it's tail to send even more scouts flying into the abyss. Freed also swung with his sword at any incoming steelswarms that got too close to the dragon. Flying nearby, Renault caught sight of Freed who was getting slowly surrounded by all sides. The Marauding Captain gave a signal to Gagagigo who was just behind him.


"You take the right side." Renault ordered as he positioned his Gulldos for a deadly dive at Freed's position. Gagagigo ordered his dragon to take the opposing flank and both warriors then dove with their respective mounts to trample the charging scouts with their claws. The puny steelswarms cried in terror as their bodies were flung into the sky, only to drop to their deaths hundreds of feet below.


"Freed, don't fight alone! Stay with us!" Renault ordered as he twirled his mount to once again face the sky above him. The knight prince rolled his eyes as he continued with his mission to get to the top. Fighting more and more steelswarm scouts on the way. Meanwhile, Hercules proceeded to place another obstacle in our heroes' paths. From the same pore like holes in his body, the Steelswarm overlord summoned what appeared to be Steelswarm moths. The aerial units of the Steelswarm army then took flight to meet head to head with Renault, Gagagigo and the rest of the lavals and gusto.


On the ground, from his feet, Steelswarm callers, roaches, sentinels and mantises came forth to battle the Evigishkis and Gem Knights. Everyone was now caught by surprise by this sudden appearance, believing these type of steelswarms to be dead from Sylvanas' attack. Evigishki Soul Ogres and Gustkrakens were quickly over powered by the sheer numbers of Steelswarms spawning from every corner of Hercules' body. The gem knights too were outnumbered, fighting steelswarms from every side. Aussa and Eria now gave their backs to each other, with Lyna and her Herald of Perfection above them, shielding the charmer sisters from the Steelswarm attack.


In the sky, Renault and Gagagigo struggled with Steelswarm Moths that got a hold of them. The warriors slashed at the incoming steelswarms, releasing their grip from their mounts but their numbers were too many. On another side, Hiita and Wynn blasted the incoming steelswarms away with their spells. Burning and spinning the moths out of control. Freed was also underattacked by Steelswarm mantises that now stood between him and the upper parts of Hercules' body.


"As you can see foolish heroes, I am invincible, as long as I live, my Steelswarm army will never die, and the more you kill the stronger I become! Give up now before it's too late...." Hercules bellowed as he crushed more of his enemies under his hands and feet.


Renault knew it was time to take radical action. He started formulating a plan while more moths and mantises attacked him and his mount. Gagagigo covered his back with fire breaths from his lavalal dragon, the lizard also blinded several incoming moths with water blasts from his mouth.


Finally with a rough idea of what to do, Renault looked around for Gagagigo; "Where's Freed? I have a plan." Renault asked. Gagagigo pointed towards one of Hercules' arms, the knight of nerzoth could be seen fighting to the death with several Steelswarm mantises. Renault and Gagagigo then took their mount with blazing speed to Freed's location, dodging incoming red bolts and steelswarms that attempted to grasp at them. After taking down the steelswarms around Freed with a sudden charge, Renault faced his friend.


"Alright, this is what we are going to do. Sounds a bit radical but it's the only way. I am very sure inside this massive thing there is the key to the Steelswarm's spawning. We have to get inside his body and kill the source of all this, the Inverz cell. Now I suggest we enter through this monsters mouth."


Freed opened his eyes for a second, taking it in. There was no way he was going to do that, there was a much better and safer way. He pointed his sword towards one of the openings on Hercules' skin. "Might I suggest another way of entry? Captain?"


Renault quickly noticed what his friend suggested and saw it as a better solution. He dismounted his Gulldos and sent it flying to aid Wynn and Hiita in battle. Gagagigo also dismounted his Lavalal dragon, finally Freed dismounted the Armed Dragon and sent it away. The three warriors then nodded to each other, knowing what to do next and entered the Steelswarm's overlord body.


Inside Hercules, Freed, Renault and Gagagigo could observe the complex structure that was this specific steelswarm species. Hundreds of halls, all covered in the same substance that Inverzopia had. Inside, hundreds of scouts made labor work moving pieces of what appeared to be raw resource material for weapons and other things. Renault quickly studied the rooms, finding a way into the heart of the colossal being. He chose a hallway on the other side of the room that appeared to lead to the creature's core. The group then raced for the entrance, they had little time before Hercules' decimated the Charmers and their forces.


Steelswarm callers however caught sight of them and warned nearby mantises and sentinels about their presence, in moments, the group was underattacked by the guards coming from the different hallways. Freed wanted to fight, but Renault and Gagagigo thought otherwise.


"There will be a time for that soon Freed, come we can't waste any more time we need to get to the center of this thing now!" Renault ordered as he grabbed Freed by his arm and ran to the empty hallway. Hundreds of Steelswarm were now chasing them, hungry like wolves. However, the group had reached the hallway exit just in time, and now they found themselves on a spiral like room that lead to the core of Steelswarm Hercules. The group raced through the stairlike path, Steelswarm moths inside the room catching wind of them and charging the group. Freed slashed several incoming moths with his sword, Renault however did something even more radical, he lunged at one of the steelswarm moths and took control of it through it's antennae, the captain told his allies to do the same, and soon Freed and Gagagigo also controlled their own moth "mounts". Using the moths to escape the Steelswarms stuck in the stairway, the group made a speeding dive to the bottom of the room where the core of Hercules laid waiting.


At the bottom of the room, two steelswarm longhorns awaited the heroes' descent. The massive steelswarms cracked their knuckles in preparation for the battle.


"Freed, just so you know... don't take these guys head on by yourself." Renault said as he readied his twin blades.


"I wasn't captain.... but that's cause these are not the only people that want to join our party." Freed replied, looking at all sides as Steelswarms from every species and size made their way to surround the trio. The group was completely surrounded, every kind of escape route, shut down.


"I think this is it guys..." Gagagigo sighed. "It was an honor fighting with you all."


"Likewise..." Freed and Renault replied. But the steelswarms didn't continue to attack them. They stood there, staring at the three warriors as they too now looked puzzled wondering what was going on.


"What are they waiting for?" Freed asked. A strange voice then interrupted them. Behind them a small young being came forth from the very core. Brown haired, with a staff bearing a bird's skull and a small fiendish bat for a pet by his side. The young child, covered in several parts of his body in the strange substance the Steelswarms used, now addressed the trio.


"Do not fear, they are under my spell. My name is Dharc, I am the sixth Charmer, the Dark Charmer. I have been trapped here inside Hercules for months now. When I heard of your arrival I knew it was time to end this once and for all. I apologize for my absence, had I been available we the charmers could have stopped this threat earlier."


Freed, not knowing what Renault already had been revealed about the fissures, became angry at what Dharc just revealed to him. "You mean... you people knew about this and didn't tell anyone!!!??? How dare you stand before me and still draw breath!"


"FREED! ENOUGH!" Renault interrupted. "The charmers are powerful beings, they could have easily dealt with this threat without our help, but Dharc's apparent abduction didn't help.... they also didn't want the rest of the world to panic. They did the correct thing. However, I thought Hiita told me you left the charmers Dharc, care to explain?" Freed simply looked the other way, trying to calm down his anger. Dharc, knowing everything was okay now, continued.


"What Hiita said was true, when we faced the Steelswarms for the first time we didn't know how to fight them. They became stronger and stronger each time we killed one of their own. We became frustrated, unable to aid our world against this powerful threat, yet.... we didn't believe in the power of our people. We eventually got separated, me in an attempt to learn more about the steelswarm's power, entered their realm through a still open Dimensional Fissure. It was here where I was caught and placed inside Hercules to die and rot...."


"I see..." Renault replied. "However... I can see you apparently know how to tame these Steelswarms. Care to explain how you did it?"


"Of course, of all the Charmers, I don't own a tribe of my own. I had never been successful in harnessing my powers to take control of my own tribe. My capture with the Steelswarms allowed me to focus my powers and master them in my time here. Strangely enough, the Steelswarms around me were the first to fall to my charm spells and I have discovered that I can control the Steelswarm army with my abilities. Hercules however.... is too strong for me to control. I know the Steelswarms are powerful monsters, if I can control them, I can give the Human Kingdoms yet another powerful tribe to defend them from any threat outside of our dimension. But Hercules must die... thankfully you reside right now in his heart." Dharc then procedded to point at several beings trapped in the Steelswarm goo.


"Those are the remnants of the Inzektor Hive Mind lords that created the Inverz cell. They form the heart of Hercules. You kill them, you kill hercules."


Renault was puzzled, it seemed too easy to be true. "And why haven't you done this yourself?"


Dharc let out a small sigh. "I would rather let you witness it yourself."


Renault shrugged, he faced Gagagigo and Freed and gave them the signal to come with him. As the captain approached the Hive mind lords, he could listen to their cries of agony, begging to be released. The cries suddenly were drowned by a heavy laughter that covered the entire room. It was Hercules and he had just caught wind of what was going on in his heart. In front of Freed and his friends, the steelswarm goo started to take a defined shape. A smaller, human sized version of Steelswarm Hercules then appeared before them. This form however, lacked the spikes around his body. A smooth skin took it's place instead, gleaming from the properties of the goo. Two menacing green eyes looked upon the trio as they rose from the ground taking a humanoid shape.


"So you found my heart.... how delightful. I see you also met Dharc the Dark Charmer. You have come far my friends.... im am beyond impressed. But every other tale, there's always an end. Want me to spoil it?"


Renault grunted, he honestly didn't want to hear anymore from Hercules. "Ever heard of a rewrite? Cause im about to do one in your little tale right now!" Renault cried, as he charged alongside Freed and Gagagigo towards Hercules. The steelswarm laughed at the incoming warriors, he then procedded to split his body in three equally shaped forms that also lunged at the trio. In moments, all three warriors were locked in battle with different copies of Hercules.


They swung swords at blazing speed, the Steelswarm overlord parrying each blow, attack after attack after attack. Hercules laughed as the trio struggled to even put a dent on him. The steelswarm simply let his gooish form slide through the attacks, teleporting him through the ground around them. Finally Hercules had enough, it was time he did his own tricks.


"My turn..." He grinned as he submerged his body into the floor. Instantly, three copies of himself jutted out and made three simultanous uppercuts sending Renault, Freed and Gagagigo upwards, the three copies of Hercules then jumped high in the sky and made a powerful dive, jutting their elbows into each of their opponent's bellies, sending them crashing to the floor. The three warriors grunted in pain, with difficulty to breath normally.


Freed grasped the floor trying to get up. He couldn't believe how fast they were... they were totally outmatched. Hercules kept laughing at them, basking in their utter defeat. He glanced at Dharc who stared at him with angry eyes.


"How unsensible of you to not help your allies. Look at them, squirming in pain while you just stand there doing nothing.... but don't worry, as soon as im done with them you are next." Hercules taunted. "So where was I? Oh yes...."


The steelswarm proceeded to sink into the goo once again. He then moved at high speed towards the bodies of our heroes still stuck in the floor. For one last strike that would lead to their deaths. Freed however caught wind of the approaching steelswarm, and as soon as he was near his sword's reach, he twirled his sword and stabbed it unto the floor. A screeching copy of Hercules came out, howling in pain. The two other copies, sharing the same host also stopped right in their tracks, their bodies exposed to the now recovering Renault and Gagagigo. Freed looked at his opponent right in the eye before delivering the final blow.


"Nice knowing you... son of a-" And with those words he slashed the copy in half, destroying it completely, Renault and Gagagigo did the same and Hercules was back to his original singular form. Slashes and cuts on the exact locations where Freed and his allies did their attacks could now be seen etched on his body. The steelswarm now panted, as if suddenly he lost all his energy to that counterattack.


"How??? I... I was about... GHLARG!" The steelswarm tried to reply, vomiting part of the goo substance in the process. "No... impossible, im Hercules! Steelswarm overlord!!! I won't be beaten by some... VERMIN!" It was in this very moment that Freed noticed something happening behind Hercules. One of the gooish pillars holding the Dragonfly Hive Mind Collapsed, a dead corpse of the Dragonfly Hive Mind then laid on the floor. He could immediately feel the loss in Hercules' power.


"Captain... look! The hive lords are collapsing from their nests. His heart.... his heart is dying!" Freed cried out.


"NO NO NO!!!! GRRRRR YOU WILL ALL DIE NOW!!!" Hercules roared as he made second charge towards the trio.


Renault placed his sword in front of him and quickly commanded his allies to him. "Gagagigo, Dharc, Freed, watch my back, in fact watch each other's backs! He's coming from all sides!" The lizard, the Charmer and the knight prince proceeded to face each other backs to one another and draw out their weapons. The waited patiently for Hercules to make his appearance. It wasn't long till Hercules sprouted from the goo and attack each and everyone of them, but yet again, unable to dent their formation. Freed and the rest simply parried each blow from the Steelswarm at the same time successfully counter attacking the monster each time it made it's appearance. With each attack Hercules tried, his heart began to get more and more injured with more members of the Hive Mind falling from their gooish nests.


With each hive mind lost, Hercules lost more and more abilities. His speed and strength began to dwindle until finally on one last stroke, Freed was able to decapitate the Steelswarm and it's dead body sank into the goo, never to be seen again.


"I.... I am the ultimate weapon.... in... the..... multi....." Hercules said it's last words as he sank into the steelswarm goo.


"Glad that's over..." Renault sighed in relief. The rest of the crew was also glad Hercules was done for, but before they could even celebrate, the entire infrastructure of his body began to shake violently. Without his heart, the Steelswarm frame of Hercules began to fall apart. From the ceiling, chunks of Steelswarm meat started to fall off at high speeds. Crushing anything they landed on.


"Okay, we have to get out of here... and fast Captain." Freed cried out. As he saw the ceiling starting to crumble atop of them.


"Do not worry." Dharc said. "Let the steelswarms show you the way out." With a small spell he then commanded the Steelswarms around him to show the group the exit.


Outside, Hiita and the rest of the charmers noticed the sudden change in Hercules' behavior, the red lightning bolt guns suddenly stopped and all the steelswarms fighting outside began to revolt into chaos. Without a hive mind to control them, every steelswarm was now like a chicken without a head, running wildly without any sense or direction. The charmers took this moment to make their counter attack and began picking on each and every steelswarm in massive waves till they were all gone. As Freed, Renault, Gagagigo and Dharc exited the corpse of Hercules, the gigantic Steelswarm body crashed into the floor, creating a shockwave of dust that blinded everyone for a couple of seconds till it finally faded.


In the aftermath, our triumphant heroes watched as the corpse of Hercules was digested by nearby Steelswarms and the very floor of the planet. The steelswarms then started to experience a unique change in their physical structure. They started to deevolve into their mother species, Inzektors. In a matter of moments, Dragonflies, Hornets, Mantises, Weevils, Grasshopper and Cricket like Inzektor humanoids began to appear from the casks of their old Steelswarm bodies. One of the now deevolved Dragonflies approached Renault and his crew. She bowed in respect for her heroes.


"Thank you for everything you have done.... we didn't know just how powerful the Inverz cell really was. We will never do such a mistake ever again. Consider your realm and universe.... safe." She finished with a smile.


"Anytime..." Renault nodded, returning one back. He proceeded to face Freed and the others and signaled them that their job was over, it was time to go home. The charmers were glad to see Dharc back who was now explaining them their absence and how he got abducted. A happy Eria wouldn't let go of Dharc who simply coped with walking with a strapped Eria to his back.


However, someone had decided to stay a little longer. Sylvanas now realizing that Hercules was gone, decided to look around the remnants of the battlefield. Her eyes spotted something particular on the floor, very near where Hercules' heart core once stood. A glowing substance, beaming in several intervals called for her the closer she got to it. Sylvanas grinned at her discovery, for it there was no doubt this was the one and only Inverz cell. She glanced at the group of humans walking away, specifically Freed. With the Inverz cell in hand she muttered to herself.


"It seems we have found our new General...." The Empress then using her dark magic, teleported from the scene almost instantly, one objective was complete, now there was only one left. Make sure a fourth Cyber Dragon is never created


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Read Prelude.


Okay, I love the story. The aspect of Terrorking cowering before Empress, and him commanding the Summoned Skull to capture Dai Grepher and infect him with the Archfiends' curse is quite a nice thought. You've got the right imagination, and a talent of creating an interesting world.


Still, this has a major problem, and it's that the storytelling could be done better - a lot better. Even if you're trying to create an epic scene, it can be easily wrecked by meh wording.


For instance, there's Dai Grepher's line: "You are in dragon's land, I am their protector and you are putting the ones I care for in danger with your presence, I have no choice but to slay you here and now!"


Well, for one, it's "Dragons' Land", not "Dragon's Land". But "Dragons' Land" doesn't sound that cool, so you're usually better off for "Land of the Dragons" for the sake of more epic writing. Yes, that's how Doran called the Deltoran Continent in Deltora Quest, but that's not a matter right now. Also, long sentences and lines have overall tendancies of causing confusion and/or wrecking the tension.


As an example of a better way to describe that line: "You are in the Land of the Dragons," the armored warrior hissed. "As the guardian of the beasts of power, my divine mission is to protect the Dragons from any form of harm. Intruders of the sacred boundry certainly count, young lady - and so, I have no choice but to strike you down."


That sounds much more professional doesn't it? It's basically saying the same thing, but by just cutting the lines it became lots better. No matter what you're writing, wording is a crucial matter. I'm not saying you should go rewrite everything to edit those parts, but that would probably make this a hundred times better, and a complete masterpiece.

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Guest Dragon Sage Ω

All threads must have the actual text of the fic posted directly and not in the form of an external link.


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  On 3/9/2012 at 9:54 AM, Darkplant - VENOM said:

Read Prelude.


Okay, I love the story. The aspect of Terrorking cowering before Empress, and him commanding the Summoned Skull to capture Dai Grepher and infect him with the Archfiends' curse is quite a nice thought. You've got the right imagination, and a talent of creating an interesting world.


Still, this has a major problem, and it's that the storytelling could be done better - a lot better. Even if you're trying to create an epic scene, it can be easily wrecked by meh wording.


For instance, there's Dai Grepher's line: "You are in dragon's land, I am their protector and you are putting the ones I care for in danger with your presence, I have no choice but to slay you here and now!"


Well, for one, it's "Dragons' Land", not "Dragon's Land". But "Dragons' Land" doesn't sound that cool, so you're usually better off for "Land of the Dragons" for the sake of more epic writing. Yes, that's how Doran called the Deltoran Continent in Deltora Quest, but that's not a matter right now. Also, long sentences and lines have overall tendancies of causing confusion and/or wrecking the tension.


As an example of a better way to describe that line: "You are in the Land of the Dragons," the armored warrior hissed. "As the guardian of the beasts of power, my divine mission is to protect the Dragons from any form of harm. Intruders of the sacred boundry certainly count, young lady - and so, I have no choice but to strike you down."


That sounds much more professional doesn't it? It's basically saying the same thing, but by just cutting the lines it became lots better. No matter what you're writing, wording is a crucial matter. I'm not saying you should go rewrite everything to edit those parts, but that would probably make this a hundred times better, and a complete masterpiece.


That is exactly what I wanted to fix when I remade the chapters. Thanks for pointing it out and in a much more clear way :D also thanks for enjoying the story so far. You will notice as more chapters pass, this ceases to exist. This was cause I started roleplaying on some star wars forums in between chapters and made a star wars fan fic as well and this helped me alot with the critique I recieved over there.


Btw im sorry that I didn't post the actual chapters here like the forum rules say, I will admit I didn't read them before posting, I deeply apologize and will now proceed to post them here. Once again I hope you guys enjoy the fic!


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  On 3/9/2012 at 3:21 PM, Darkplant - VENOM said:

You know something called spoilers?


Blah blah blah[/spoiler]



Blah blah blah



Don't you think this is wonderful?


I was actually asking how to do that!! It's it BBcode? * goes to experiment *


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU everytime I put something on Spoiler code it comes all looking like a brick block of text.... ugly. Leaving it without the spoilers till I can figure it out or more advice is given towards this matter. :(

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So I have noticed this has gotten a couple of views, yet im sad and worried to see nobody has commented. Is the story that awful? If so I would like to hear it, it would help me improve alot, and if you guys are enjoying it so much you don't want to comment I would like to know what you enjoy of the story :D


I also would love to learn how you give good rep, cause Im willing to give good rep to those that make quality comments whether they are good or bad news.


Ch. 19 is also being written so expect it soon.

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  On 3/15/2012 at 11:05 AM, Darkplant - VENOM said:

The "Like This" button.


I think people are just not reading it because it has a gajillion chapters. But TBH I think it seems worth the read.


Thanks, and it makes sense I guess, although weird cause I thought people here liked to read, this is the writing section after all. I guess time will tell. ( I gave rep to you btw :) )

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  • 3 months later...
Guest HiveNet

I remember reading this a while ago, but then i kind of faded off of it. But i decided to start reading again. You have a talent for writing, and you have a very intresting story idea, an awful big difference to most of the fics here. which makes it very entertaining to read.


I shall keep reading and commenting occasionally.

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  On 7/21/2012 at 9:41 PM, HiveNet said:

I remember reading this a while ago, but then i kind of faded off of it. But i decided to start reading again. You have a talent for writing, and you have a very intresting story idea, an awful big difference to most of the fics here. which makes it very entertaining to read.


I shall keep reading and commenting occasionally.


Yay! Okay okay compose yourself malicious.... it's just a comment. :D


Thank you, im very glad you are enjoying the story so far. Feel free to critique or comment on anything you find to your liking :3

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Guest HiveNet
  On 7/21/2012 at 9:47 PM, Onewhosetmalicious said:

Yay! Okay okay compose yourself malicious.... it's just a comment. :D


Thank you, im very glad you are enjoying the story so far. Feel free to critique or comment on anything you find to your liking :3


I know that feeling. :D That reminds me i have work to do on that...Anywho, you do have a very intresting way of putting card background and effects across into reality. Archqueen being in control, representing the effect. Ect.. ect. I hoep you carry this on, since following the cards stories is very very rewarding i find as a viewer/reader.

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  On 7/21/2012 at 9:57 PM, HiveNet said:

I know that feeling. :D That reminds me i have work to do on that...Anywho, you do have a very intresting way of putting card background and effects across into reality. Archqueen being in control, representing the effect. Ect.. ect. I hoep you carry this on, since following the cards stories is very very rewarding i find as a viewer/reader.


Yep that's my job with this fan fic, bringing the card effects and all into reality. Some elements are of my own doing but it's simply to fill in the gaps of things that are just not explained so far. Like example the place where the Emperor that appears in the cards The Emperor's Holiday, and the Tyrant series doesn't have a name so I gave it my own. I also placed him as Freed's Father to make more connections with each of the different cards.

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