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Legendary Six Samurai


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[spoiler='Decklist'][u][b]MAIN DECK[/b][/u]
2 Elder of the Six Samurai
2 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3 Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
1 Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
2 Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3 Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
2 Maxx "C"

3 Ascenticism of the Six Samurai
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Gateway of the Six
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of the Army
2 Shien's Smoke Signal
3 Six Samurai United

2 Double-Edged Sword Technique
1 Musakani Magatama
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential Tribute

[u][b]EXTRA DECK[/b][/u]
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Legendary Six Samurai - Shien
2 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Landoise
1 Scrap Dragon
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
2 Blade Armor Ninja
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number C.39: Utopia Ray
1 Steelswarm Roach
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

[u][b]SIDE DECK[/b][/u]
2 D.D. Crow
2 Effect Veiler
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
3 Rivalry of Warlords
2 Royal Decree
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror[/spoiler]

This will be my main deck this format until I can make a competitive Inzektor deck. I may see if I can get to YCS Chicago in April as well, but idk.


Comments and Suggestions always appreciated.

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1331225324' post='5861972']
No money for additional Double-Edged?
[/quote]I have several (I think), should I be running more than one? (understands if this is a stupid question)

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1331225445' post='5861976']
Yes, because it reads "Special Summon 1 Synchro or Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck".
[/quote]Good enough for me. Take out a Musakani or what?

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1331225587' post='5861979']
Yup. Swap 1 out.

Although I'd also recommend a 2nd Torrential in place of Irou.
[/quote]Meh, that makes sense, though with him out maybe rid myself of one Acenticism for something else?

And I guess I'll keep Irou ready in the wings if some damn flip-effect monster starts becoming more prevalent. (I DID just pull an ultra after all ;D )

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[quote name='Greiga te Jalokia' timestamp='1331230247' post='5862019']
[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1331230388' post='5862022']
Real life deck
[/quote]Note: I have an Invoker, I just don't use it.

Honestly speaking, I hadn't found too much use for it... I know you can Special Summon Kizan, but that's just about it.

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[quote name='ɢαlαхy' timestamp='1331254182' post='5862500']
I run a similar build IRL, without Enishi and Irou. I use the Hand of the Six Samurai / Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho engine instead. I don't think you really need more than one Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, though.

Kageki should be @3 and so should Asceticism, though.
[/quote]Kageki no longer needs to be at 3. And Ascenticism IS at 3.

And honestly speaking, this format, you'll want 2 Grandmasters to help go into Landoise better. It's all about the format you're playing in. And I used Irou and Enishi because 1: Enishi is GODLY, and 2: Kageki can use Ascenticism to go into them.

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1331414061' post='5864982']
For Fiendishes, yeah, but not sure what to neg =/
[/quote]That's an extra problem.

The main prob is that Fiendish are $40 and will drop significantly in the coming months.

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[quote name='Super Silver' timestamp='1331502413' post='5866500']
Lance would actually be cool here and stuff to run over higher level monsters and if they try to use 2 Spells/Traps in one turn to get rid of Shi-en you can use it and stuff but yeah.
[/quote]Well that'd be the main use, obviously.

And seeing as I don't currently have Fiendish, then I may as well see if there's room for Lance and swap it out for Chain later.

EDIT: Changes added. Comments and Suggestions please.

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Looks really good, honestly. You could probably cut a Magatama and a Kageki for two Fiendish Chains.

Other thing to consider would be losing a Enishi for a Zanji as an Asceticism target for Kizan; taking out an MST, Enishi, or the Kageki for a third Maxx "C", Elder, or Fiendish Chain; or putting Barkion in the extra over Roach.

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[quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1331529358' post='5867243']
Well that'd be the main use, obviously.

And seeing as I don't currently have Fiendish, then I may as well see if there's room for Lance and swap it out for Chain later.

EDIT: Changes added. Comments and Suggestions please.

Yes and this is the type of deck that would need that.
You can neg a book and test it or something.

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[quote name='Tiger Tracks' timestamp='1331540120' post='5867342']
Looks really good, honestly. You could probably cut a Magatama and a Kageki for two Fiendish Chains.

Other thing to consider would be losing a Enishi for a Zanji as an Asceticism target for Kizan; taking out an MST, Enishi, or the Kageki for a third Maxx "C", Elder, or Fiendish Chain; or putting Barkion in the extra over Roach.
[/quote]I don't think I want to cut Kageki for the exact reason you posted in the second paragraph: It makes Enishi an Ascenticism target.

I probably will put Barkion in over Roach, I hardly find much use for it anyway.

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[quote name='Ace_RKO_' timestamp='1332042266' post='5876164']
I'm new to the archetype. Could you please post a deck list, I can't tell what many, if not most, of those cards are.
[/quote]Sure, no problem. Added.

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Honestly, the deck looks really solid. I kinda like running Dojo myself, but it isn't really needed. Could be a cool tech if you wanted to try though.

I would try to find room in the Main for a Veiler myself, not necessarily needed, but I prefer to always have at least one in the Main.

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