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Fortune Lady deck help and fix

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1 Chaos Sorcerer [/color]
[color=#FFFF00]3 Fortune Lady Light[/color]
[color=#0000FF]2 Fortune Lady Water[/color]
[color=#00FF00]1 Fortune Lady Wind[/color]
[color=#FF0000]1 Fortune Lady Fire[/color]
[color=#8B4513]1 Fortune Lady Earth[/color]
[color=#000000]2 Fortune Lady Dark[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]1 Elemental Hero Stratos[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]2 Destiny Hero Diamond Dude[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]2 Destiny Hero Malicious[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]1 Destiny Hero Dasher
2 Magical Dimension
3 Fortune's Future
2 Time Passage
2 Future Visions
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One
1 Pot of Avarice[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]2 Gold Sarcophagus[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]1 Monster Gate[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]1 Reasoning[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]2 Destiny Draw[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000]1 Foolish Burial
1 Mirror Force
1 Wall of Revealing Light
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Interdimensional Mater Transporter
2 Number 39 Utopia
1 Grenosaurus
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

Since this is the deck I'm known for, I figured I would share this first. now, most people I know think its good as it is, but I would like to see what the pros think about it ;D.[/color][/size][/font]

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[quote name='~Yurakura~' timestamp='1330829315' post='5855166'] I like to use fortune lady light to search my other fortune ladies in a toolbox manner, so I play a lot of cards to make light work. I also play Beast King Barbaros because his effect works nicely with future visions. I hope that helps you help me ^__^ [/quote]

It seems you've missed the point of Fortune Ladies. Fortune Ladies draw fast and draw frequently. You play Fortune Ladies very passively and defensively, but the biggest strength of this archetype is their ability to acces every card in your deck. In addition, 43 cards is a little excessive for the deck.

Bearing that in mind, here are the changes I would make.

-1 Beast King Barbados
-1 Chaos Sorceror
-2 Magicians Valkyrie
-1 Breaker
-1 Light
-1 Fire
-1 Wind
-2 Earth
-2 Magical Dimension
-2 Time Passage
-2 Burden of the Mighty
-1 Different Dimension Gate
-1 Bending Destiny
-1 Inherent Fortune
-1 Slip of Fortune
-1 Mirror Force
-1 Wall of Revealing Light
-2 Interdimensional Matter Transporter

Now to speed up the deck, try focusing on Dark's ability to Special Summon from the graveyard and Water's massive draw ability.

+1 Dark
+1 Water
+2 Call of the Haunted

For extra speed and consistency, you could add Gold Sarc in order to get at cards faster and feul Fortune's Future

+1 Fortune's Future
+2 Gold Sarcophagus

Since a good deal of the Fortune Lady support Spells let you draw two cards for a cost, Destiny Hero Diamond Dude can help give you access to even more cards out of your deck. In addition, Destiny HERO Malicious and Destiny HERO Dasher help get Fortune Lady Dark out faster, both of which can be placed in a graveyard with Destiny Draw and Foolish burial, while they can be added to the hand through Stratos and Reinforcement of the Army. Thus, we have

+1 Elemental HERO Stratos
+3 Diamond Dude
+2 Malicious
+1 Dasher
+1 Foolish Burial
+2 Destiny Draw
+1 Reinforcement of the Army

Since you run an interesting spread of monster levels, especially higher level monsters, cards like Reasoning and Monster Gate could help with consistency. Also, since you run a decent number of Dark monsters and Light monsters, Dark Armed Dragon and Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning could come in handy, thus

+1 Reasoning
+1 Monster Gate
+1 Dark Armed Dragon
+1 BLS-EotB

I think if you try a few of these suggestions, your deck will flow a bit more smoothly.

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[quote name='NumberCruncher' timestamp='1330837989' post='5855375']
It seems you've missed the point of Fortune Ladies. Fortune Ladies draw fast and draw frequently. You play Fortune Ladies very passively and defensively, but the biggest strength of this archetype is their ability to acces every card in your deck. In addition, 43 cards is a little excessive for the deck.

Bearing that in mind, here are the changes I would make.

-1 Beast King Barbados
-1 Chaos Sorceror
-2 Magicians Valkyrie
-1 Breaker
-1 Light
-1 Fire
-1 Wind
-2 Earth
-2 Magical Dimension
-2 Time Passage
-2 Burden of the Mighty
-1 Different Dimension Gate
-1 Bending Destiny
-1 Inherent Fortune
-1 Slip of Fortune
-1 Mirror Force
-1 Wall of Revealing Light
-2 Interdimensional Matter Transporter

Now to speed up the deck, try focusing on Dark's ability to Special Summon from the graveyard and Water's massive draw ability.

+1 Dark
+1 Water
+2 Call of the Haunted

For extra speed and consistency, you could add Gold Sarc in order to get at cards faster and feul Fortune's Future

+1 Fortune's Future
+2 Gold Sarcophagus

Since a good deal of the Fortune Lady support Spells let you draw two cards for a cost, Destiny Hero Diamond Dude can help give you access to even more cards out of your deck. In addition, Destiny HERO Malicious and Destiny HERO Dasher help get Fortune Lady Dark out faster, both of which can be placed in a graveyard with Destiny Draw and Foolish burial, while they can be added to the hand through Stratos and Reinforcement of the Army. Thus, we have

+1 Elemental HERO Stratos
+3 Diamond Dude
+2 Malicious
+1 Dasher
+1 Foolish Burial
+2 Destiny Draw
+1 Reinforcement of the Army

Since you run an interesting spread of monster levels, especially higher level monsters, cards like Reasoning and Monster Gate could help with consistency. Also, since you run a decent number of Dark monsters and Light monsters, Dark Armed Dragon and Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning could come in handy, thus

+1 Reasoning
+1 Monster Gate
+1 Dark Armed Dragon
+1 BLS-EotB

I think if you try a few of these suggestions, your deck will flow a bit more smoothly.
Thanks for helping, but I already know someone who plays Destiny Heroes, it would be awkward if I played them too. but I read reasoning and monster gate, and I really like them, so I will try that out as well as the extra fortune's future and gold sarcophagus.

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You're not going to be playing destiny heroes, you're just going to be using a d-hero engine that will help the deck a lot. Crunchers' advice is very good, I would recommend you take it. Also unless this is irl, I would recommend some had traps like Maxx C, Effect VEiler, and D.D. Crow because of the format, although crow is fairly cheap.

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[quote name='- Zeal -' timestamp='1330902185' post='5856935']
You're not going to be playing destiny heroes, you're just going to be using a d-hero engine that will help the deck a lot. Crunchers' advice is very good, I would recommend you take it. Also unless this is irl, I would recommend some had traps like Maxx C, Effect VEiler, and D.D. Crow because of the format, although crow is fairly cheap.
this is irl, so yeah I can't get those I'm afraid :(. but still, I don't really like the idea of using Destiny Heroes, even if they aren't the "focus" focus of the deck. to me it sounds like it corrupts the deck, but I will give it a try if you really want me to :).

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Effect Veiler will be easy to find in a few days actually with a reprint in the Special Edition.

And Crow has been reprinted time and again (just yesterday I pulled a super from the Ra Yellow Mega Pack.)

Maxx "C" will be impossible.

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I have seen on dgz and other places, Ab0 Ladies, its like you use D-Heroes and banish them with water for ab0 and then use fortunes draw card to return water back get draws and also use dark to revive water and get more draws.
That is the only good way to splash Fortune ladies I think.

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