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Alice Moonflowyr

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I don't know if dragons still exist today, but it's possible something like them might live somewhere on this planet. After all, what is a dragon? There are so many different kinds. Some have wings, some don't. Some breathe fire, some don't. Some breathe underwater, some don't. If dragons do exist, they would probably be the fifth order of reptiles.
I imagine dragons living out on some huge island in the middle of an unexplored part of the ocean somewhere. The might not fly or breathe fire, but they'd still be awesome.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1330811251' post='5854413']

Dragons do exist. :/

These guys are one of my favorite animals. I remember the Crocodile Hunter episode of them. <3

yeah but they can't breathe fire, Legend Zero

I want one that can. It'll save me a LOT of time when it comes to having people over for BBQ parties

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[quote name='ragnarok1945' timestamp='1330817834' post='5854651'] so you would never wish for a mythical one to be your pet? I certainly would, Sage [/quote]
Not exactly, no.

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[quote name='ragnarok1945' timestamp='1330815784' post='5854573']
[b]yeah but they can't breathe fire[/b], Legend Zero

I want one that can. It'll save me a LOT of time when it comes to having people over for BBQ parties
Neither can Frost Dr- *shot*

But yeah, mythical creatures.
As are Wyverns.
End of story.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1330819654' post='5854739']
Technically, if dragons could breathe fire, speak human, and live for hundreds of years, there's also a very good chance of them being able to hide themselves from the five senses.

Sorta like the "Mist" from Percy Jackson.

if that's true, then how would we be able to find them, or do they simply not want to be found?

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[quote name='Dworkin' timestamp='1330808827' post='5854374']
I have a friend who belives in dragons, and belives that she is something called a [i]dwilden[/i] which is a dragon-elf hybrid. O.O

Your friend's nuts.
But she sounds fun to be with.

OT: Reading [i]Inheritance[/i] right now, so dragons have been on the mind. Stories with dragons tend to be at least 10% better than stories without dragons >3>

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I actually believe that dragons did exist, however, not the exact ones we know from myth, but were then hunted into extinction by mankind.

(I sadly don't remember my exact source since it's been ages)
Pretty much all known ancient civilizations around the world has a dragon, simmilar or reminicent of those in other civiliztions, somewhere in their culture and some civilizations lived in pretty hard isolation and barely spoke with anyone outside their own kind, meaning that, atleast to me, it is highly unlikely they got their from another culture and the odds of them making up simmilar are pretty low

Also, the part about them being able to breathe fire and all that isn't impossible, it just requires that it's body was bult for such a purpose

(Kinda stupid but it's just my 2 cents)

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