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Think of a fish deck, but with sharks instead of the generic fish stuff. Piont of deck Xyz-spam(does it pretty well)

Monsters 20
Abyssal kingshark x2
Friller Rabca x3
Hammer Shark x2
Shark Stickers x3
Shocktopus x3
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth x2
Wind-up Magician x2
Wind-up Shark x3

Spells: 10
Dark hole
Heavy storm
moray of greed x2
MST x2
Pot of avarice
Pot of Duality x2

Traps: 10
Dimensional Prison
Fish depth charge x2
Mirror force
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute x2

Extra deck: 15
Daigusto emeral
Lavalval Chain
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant x2
Number 32: Shark Drake x2
Number 39: Utopia x2
Number 50: Black Corn
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity x2
Wind-up Zenmaines x2
Photon Butterfly Assassin

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