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3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
3 Tour Guide from the Underworld
3 Verz Salamandra
3 Destroyersaurus
3 Jurrac Guiba
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3 Jurassic World
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3 Fiendish Chain
2 Volcanic Eruption
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Destroyersaurus is 1800 ATK Dino that is Terraforming for Jurassic World, and Jurassic World increases ATK and DEF of Dinos by 300, in case you can't be bothered to search. Volcanic Eruption is Black Rose nuke that can only be activated in your End Phase.

Fossil Dig's sided.

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[quote name='Welche' timestamp='1330635634' post='5850284']
Fossil Dig or whatever?

Well, I do have it sided for now. It's only practical use is for basically searching out either the Field Spell as a priority, or for Guiba and Salamandra as lesser priorities. It's quite useful for getting out Ophion though, even though Ophion's bad this format.

meh, i'll keep sided. It really has not got enough legitimate targets.

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