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[March 1 Edition] Precious Cards Beyond Creation

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This Deck is based on my Creator Photon Sanctuary build, updated for March format, and trying to iron out a few card choices. I plan to test it more during the early format days.

[u]Monsters: 20[/u]

[1] Tragoedia
[1] The Creator
[3] Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
[2] Light and Darkness Dragon
[1] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
[3] Tour Guide From the Underworld
[1] Sangan
[3] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[1] Honest
[2] Maxx "C"
[1] Effect Veiler
[1] Spirit Reaper

[u]Spells: 15[/u]

[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Heavy Storm
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Photon Sanctuary
[2] Pot of Duality
[1] Pot of Avarice
[2] Precious Cards From Beyond (seriously, amazing card)
[2] Trade-In

[u]Traps: 5[/u]

[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Torrential Tribute

[u]Extra Deck: 15[/u]

[1] Ally of Justice - Catastor
[1] Armory Arm
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] Leviair, the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
[1] Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
[1] Daigusto Emeral
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Number C39: Utopia Ray
[1] Number 50: Black Corn
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[1] Hieroglyphic Divine Dragon - Ennead
[1] Number 15: Gimmick Puppet - Giant Killer
[1] [b]Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon[/b]

Okay, so the Deck is currently running 41 cards, which I honestly don't really like, but I couldn't find anything to take out for the second Torrential. Space in the Main Deck is extremely limited, but if you can find a single card to drop, let me know.

If you have suggestions for things to add, also try to suggest something to remove, as space is, as I said, quite tight, and even if there's an amazing card I want to add in, I dont know what I can easily take out.

As far as overall Deck strategy, the Level 8 monsters are the main force behind the Deck, and using Photon Sanctuary to bring one out is the central combo. Precious Cards from Beyond helps alleive the loss of card advantage for Tribute Summons, and Rai-Oh and Reaper do stuff to try to maintain an advantage over the opponent. Rank 3s are my primary backup/early game plays, due to Tour Guide essentially being the ONLY reliable Xyz generator. The Rank 4s are just-in-case and rarely used.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1330617389' post='5849782']
I always thought Raioh was run at 2, maybe you could take out one of those?

I prefer 3. It's just too good to pass up, especially since it's my main Level 4 beater. Light, 1900 ATK, slows down searching (and only my Duality is affected), and can mess up a Synchro, Xyz, or boss monster. Take note that the Deck does have a higher ratio of "high level monsters" to "Level 4 and lower".

[quote name='ɢαlαхy' timestamp='1330617478' post='5849785']
I get the feeling that Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell would destroy this Deck.

Anyway, could you maybe drop a Tragoedia for a second Torrential?

Good thing no one runs Cursed Seal. And even then, I'd still have Trade-Ins to attend to my Level 8 monsters, BLS as a boss, regular Tribute fodder delivered by Tour Guide, and Reborn for revival.

I might just do that. I originally put in 2 Tragoedia to test whether it was better than 1, but it hasn't really proven itself yet.

So for now, I'll drop 1 Tragoedia to make 40.

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