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Watt do now? [March 12']

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[color=#daa520][b]Monsters:[/b] [b]17[/b][/color]

[color=#daa520][b]3 Wattcobra[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b]3 Watthopper[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b]3 Wattgiraffe[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b]3 Wattdragonfly[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b]1 Wattpheasan[/b][b]t[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b][b]1 Honest[/b][/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b][b]1 Tragoedia[/b][/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b][b]1 D[/b][/b][b].D. Crow[/b][/color]
[color=#daa520][b]1 Effect Veiler[/b][/color]

[color=#006400][b]Spells: 11[/b][/color]

[color=#006400][b]3 Pot of Duality[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]3 Messenger of Peace[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]2 Mystical Space Typhoon[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]1 Heavy Storm[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]1 Dark Hole[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]1 Monster Reborn[/b][/color]
[color=#006400][b]1 Recycling Batteries[/b][/color]

[color=#800080][b]Traps: [/b][/color][b][color=#800080]12[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]3 Reckless Greed[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]2 Solemn Warning[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]2 Torrential Tribute[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]2 Dimensional Prison[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]1 Wattcancel[/color][/b]
[b][color=#800080]1 Solemn Judgment[/color][/b]

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Dog King: Ok so first you should run Book of Moon as effects can get in your way, so this is a good way to stop them,

also if your using watthopper lock shining angel is a good idea, another thing I liked in watts was using more traps/spell blockers, and then I ran starlight road to lock them down.

I would really play more Lumenize and less Messenger of Peace, my Watt can easily become a 3k beatstick for my next turn, also lance is a cool tech imo, aspecially with cobra as you still get effect.

Starlight road is also good here because of 1 dark hole and 2 torrential which can easily kill your watts.

Horus: hey how you guys doing

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Dog King: Well then you could run more traps and starlight is still good here, because you will want to summon out more watts,

Also you really dont need reckless here, also I would probably main Gorz, also can you update build to see if you should change any stuff.

Horus: nice weather we're having

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