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[MTG] Prince of Thralls

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1330312515' post='5843545']
Can It that Betrays be compared to this card?

They...can somehow

It That Betrays will Take out 2 permanents per turn with no cost...But there are only a handful of cards that make global sacrifices

Prince of Thralls has...the Colored cost and the fact that it doesn't have a selfbuild way to trigger...But Full Destructions effect exist and it will be a pain for the opponent falling in something like that while it is out...

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[quote name='-Greiga-' timestamp='1330313551' post='5843590']
Aren't there multicolor decks or something?

Is this worth it? *just got into the game*

Yes there are...There was a time Deck even ran all 5 Colors (Those Decks were named Penta)

Ehrm...in Regular play it isn't a very brillant card...due to the CMC, Color requirement and competition for the slot in the Deck...in Other Formats like EDH...it may see some play...

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