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Trying to upgrade evil's deck [Photon Sanctuary]


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[color=#000066][b]Trying to fit in new Xyzs, they work relatively well, but does anyone have the 2012 list, and what changes should be made?

EDIT: New deck posted[/b][/color]

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[color=#000066][b]Then what do I replace the Threshers and Leads with? D: I'm horrible at DM'ing.[/b][/color]

[color=#000066][b]As of now, I'm using Dustshoot, but what should I replace dustshoot with in 2012? Also, what do I add? This is my deck now: [/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/t09Fk.jpg[/img]

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Perhaps Maxx "C" or Veiler. Thrasher really isn't that good unless you want more options for Rank 4s, because as a beater, it's terrible, and Photon Sanctuary is already the best for Tribute fodder. If you're trying to use Lightrays that require differently-named Lights, you could try it at one or two, but 3 is so much overkill, it's not even funny. They will clog, in the worst way.

Spirit Reaper would be a good defensive option and can protect you a little against Rabbit Decks

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I've never really played this deck that much. I've netdecked and changed evilfusions to try out but I've never been one to pay much attention to it. However, you asked for me to help so I will.
As evilfusion mentioned, Photon Lead isn't needed, nor is Thrasher. You also seem to be missing hand traps.
So perhaps -3 Thrasher (or Photon Lead I guess), +2 Maxx "C" + 1 Spirit Reaper (I heard works quite well).
Your side is kinda messed up. Run a load of hand traps like D.D Crow, Effect Veiler, Electric Virus.
EDIT: DAMN YOU LOADING TIME. *sigh* Side deck advice still stands

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