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[Finished]Dragon Contest (Round 2's requirements have been posted)


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[spoiler=Intro][color=#800080]Well, ummmmm.... I honestly have never done a contest before, but I may as well do one now... And since I can, I am doing one based off of dragons... And i'll be honest here, I am kinda copying and pasting this from another person's contest and editing as I see fit... So, yeah...[/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules][color=#800080]1 - All YCM rules apply
2 - The fee is 50 points
3- No more than 10 contestants[/color]

[spoiler=Newly Added Rules][color=#800080]If you are unhappy with your current posted card, you can edit it to better suit what you think will help you not get eliminated. If you do so, you can't change the name or picture, nor can you change the card's type. (Like changing from Synchro to Fusion).[/color]

[color=#800080]This isn't really a rule, but somewhat of a warning. You may post written cards if that's what you're used to, but you will get marked down by 10 for it.[/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rewards...?][color=#800080]1st - 50% of the pot and 3 reps
2nd - 25% of the pot and 2 reps
3rd - 25% or the pot and 1 rep[/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Current Pot][color=#800080]76[/color][color=#800080]0[/color][/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Round Rules][color=#800080]Round 1: Make a Dragon-type Monster that can attack multiple times in a row[/color]
[color=#800080]Roun[/color][color=#800080]d 2: Make a Dragon-Type Monster that is either a member or a support card of an archetype that doesn't already have a dragon in it[/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Contestants][color=#800080]1:[/color] [color=#800080]ChipFires[/color]
[color=#800080]2: [s]Syns[/s] (Dropped Out)
3: Dr. Cakey Suzumiya
4:[/color][color=#800080] mikel.[/color]
[color=#800080]5: Thermatic
6: [s]FallenAngel0102[/s][/color]
[color=#800080]7: [s]Aggro[/s][/color][color=#800080] (Droppd Out)[/color]
[color=#800080]8: HeadshotMagnet[/color]
[color=#800080]9: HijackAttack[/color]
[color=#800080]10: R3mixKillah[/color][/spoiler]

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[color=#800080]Well, this is good... Okay, since we got a large number, I will start this soon, but seeing as we have 9/10 possible contestants, I will wait until Monday to start just in case [/color][color=#800080]someone decides to sign up at the last minute.[/color]

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