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I really like this topic,and want to learn something of it.Thanks.
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I stopped the set because there are only about 3-4 concepts left to make cards of, and 3 of them (Azure Sky Tower, Silvery White Knight, Black Knight) are things I haven't gotten to or completed in the games yet because of the inherent difficulty in doing so. The fourth card just hasn't been done because I haven't though of a good effect.

Which art could be better, other than the blank cards? I tried to use only gameplay footage and official artwork from Konami because I [i]really[/i] didn't and still do not have time to run around Pixiv looking for art of characters in a language I can't read and Google Translate mangles. I wish there were easier to find 'better' artwork.

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And look at that, as of this post not only has the spam post above not been deleted, but the spambot responsible has not been dealt with.

I know that all of the CC mods are busy with real life and can't actually care, but then [i]why are they still the CC mods?[/i] Other than the fact that YCMaker hasn't done anything about it. We [i]had[/i] a productive mod in Creative Cards, someone who implemented a policy that tried to reduce the amount of spam in RC. He/She quit, and took that policy with them.

Can't other mods handle spam and spambots? Or do the active mods look at a report about spam and, upon seeing that it's from CC, ignore it rather than [i]do their jobs regarding something that is against global rules?[/i]



Comment, rate, OCG fix, etc.

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