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Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2

Phantom Roxas

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Ice is full of weaknesses, because heaven forbid Pokemon [i]NOT[/i] be ruled by Dragon-Types.

[quote name='Black Scar' timestamp='1350607969' post='6047821']
>goes and fights Colress again because i love his theme
>6-12 levels beneath him
>Get a master Ball for winning...
Wat...so thats 2 master balls.
Wait, he [i]gives[/i] you Master Balls for each time you beat him?
Da fuq?

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Welp, I beat Iris. Not too hard, but i did lose to her once because I was not ready for the Hydreigon. In any case, here's my team:

Sigilyph Lvl 58
-Air Slash
-Ice Beam

Lucario Lvl 57
-Force Palm
-Aura Sphere
-Close Combat
-Strength (Can't wait to get rid of this)

Zoroark Lvl 59
-Night Slash
-Faint Attack
-Foul Play

Arcanine Lvl 57
-Heat Wave
-Flare Blitz

Serperior Lvl 55
-Leaf Blade
-Gaga Drain
-Leech Seed

Terrakion Lvl 45(Never fought once)
-Helping Hand
-Rock Slide
-Sacred Sword

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[quote name='Black Scar' timestamp='1350618375' post='6047918']
Jellicent is pretty good to use. Beartic lacks a bit in speed, but should be fine if you need help vs dragons...assuming he can out-speed them and not got slaughtered in a shot. Ice y u have so many weakness.
Well me Dou has Hidden Power Ice so that is always a nice fall back. And Ice has so many weaknesses because so many types are weak to it. I mean only Fighting and Ground outclass it in types they beat, but both have a type immune to their attacks. Ground also has a ton of big weakness.

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350619466' post='6047925']
Ice is full of weaknesses, because heaven forbid Pokemon [i]NOT[/i] be ruled by Dragon-Types.
We could do the time warp to before 3rd gen when dragons hadn't taken of the meta.

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[quote name='Black Scar' timestamp='1350620737' post='6047939']
no no, its only 1 im pretty sure.
Not sure what to use Master Balls on anyway O,o

[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1350621602' post='6047945']
We could do the time warp to before 3rd gen when dragons hadn't taken of the meta.[/quote]
No, I meant~
Ice, for the most part, just serves as Dragon-Kryptonite, and that's about it.
So it having less weaknesses would be nice.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350621978' post='6047948']
No, I meant~
Ice, for the most part, just serves as Dragon-Kryptonite, and that's about it.
So it having less weaknesses would be nice.
Also also hits Ground, Grass, and Flying for 2x damage. Ground is a huge type, and Flying is still a common type to see. Sure, its main use is to be a dragon slayer, but hitting almost 1/4 of all types for double damage is major. Also, Ice Beam is a SUPER common move, so most teams have at least one pokemon with it. Still, it would be nice if they weren't weak to steel.....

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Iris was fun :3
Lucario: Close Combat -> OHKO Hydreigon
Arcanine: Outrage -> OHKO Druddigon
Braviary: Superpower -> OHKO Aggron
Electivire: Thunderbolt -> OHKO Lapras
Haxorus: Dragon Claw -> Triggered Haxorus' Focus Sash, then proceeded to KO it next round
Samurott: Surf -> OHKO Archeops

So, for my team afterwards:

• Lucario Lv.64
Mild Nature
Dragon Pulse, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball

• Arcanine Lv.64
Naughty Nature
Flamethrower, Outrage, Crunch, Flare Blitz

• Braviary Lv.64
Adamant Nature
Strength, Fly, Shadow Claw, Superpower

• Electivire Lv.64
Naughty Nature
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Return

• Haxorus Lv.64
Adamant Nature
Dragon Claw, X-Scissor, Dig, Dragon Dance

• Samurott Lv.66
Mild Nature
Waterfall, Megahorn, Surf, Ice Beam

[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1350622466' post='6047952']
Also also hits Ground, Grass, and Flying for 2x damage. Ground is a huge type, and Flying is still a common type to see. Sure, its main use is to be a dragon slayer, but hitting almost 1/4 of all types for double damage is major. Also, Ice Beam is a SUPER common move, so most teams have at least one pokemon with it. Still, it would be nice if they weren't weak to steel.....
Ice is a great offensive type, but very weak defensively.

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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1350622749' post='6047954']
Iris was fun :3
Lucario: Close Combat -> OHKO Hydreigon
Arcanine: Outrage -> OHKO Druddigon
Braviary: Superpower -> OHKO Aggron
Electivire: Thunderbolt -> OHKO Lapras
Haxorus: Dragon Claw -> Triggered Haxorus' Focus Sash, then proceeded to KO it next round
Samurott: Surf -> OHKO Archeops

So, for my team afterwards:

• Lucario Lv.64
Mild Nature
Dragon Pulse, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball

• Arcanine Lv.64
Naughty Nature
Flamethrower, Outrage, Crunch, Flare Blitz

• Braviary Lv.64
Adamant Nature
Strength, Fly, Shadow Claw, Superpower

• Electivire Lv.64
Naughty Nature
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Return

• Haxorus Lv.64
Adamant Nature
Dragon Claw, X-Scissor, Dig, Dragon Dance

• Samurott Lv.66
Mild Nature
Waterfall, Megahorn, Surf, Ice Beam

Ice is a great offensive type, but very weak defensively.

And I thought I was the only one who Over-trained my Pokemon before facing the Elite Four and Iris.

At least Ice types keep Dragons in touch. They just have several weaknesses which are a pain to get around...

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[quote name='Light Υagami' timestamp='1350660323' post='6048097']
And I thought I was the only one who Over-trained my Pokemon before facing the Elite Four and Iris.[/quote]
I noticed that, at the rate I'm going, I will end up with like 2-3 Pokemon that are 60+ by the time I go to face the E4.

Also, I was bored, so here you go:

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350661389' post='6048104']
I noticed that, at the rate I'm going, I will end up with like 2-3 Pokemon that are 60+ by the time I go to face the E4.

Also, I was bored, so here you go:

Ah thanks a bunch Armz. :3

Iris isn't that hard honestly if you have good pokemon with fair stats in ATK and DEF, as well as a variety of moves from other types.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350663976' post='6048129']
Mostly, it was because your current team reminds me a lot of my Black 1 team.
My Black 1 team was similar as well, sharing Samurott, Chandelure, and Mienshao.
My other three were Excadrill, Sigilyph, and Haxorus.

Oh, and Light, assuming that's N's Zoroark, how did you enjoy spamming Lucky Egg with its natural 1.5x exp boost? :3

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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1350664287' post='6048134']
My Black 1 team was similar as well, sharing Samurott, Chandelure, and Mienshao.
My other three were Excadrill, Sigilyph, and Haxorus.

Oh, and Light, assuming that's N's Zoroark, how did you enjoy spamming Lucky Egg with its natural 1.5x exp boost? :3

Amazing. I had to keep it under control to make sure Samurott was the strongest of my party.

And as for my old Team, I had Chandelure and Mienshao as well.

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I mostly ditched the team I used for the story and started EV training a new team for the PWT. I'll have to use the new team for the post-game, though, since I worked much harder on these than my casual team and I like the Pokemon better.

That's a Chandelure, Weavile, Garchomp and Cresselia, so far....

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1350671034' post='6048214']
Guys, lets face it~ Chandelure is amazing.

True dat. It has a high Sp. ATK and DEF stat, however there's these rest that matters. And it's awesome that it's part fire as well.

Speaking of Chandelure, has anyone foudn the TM for Shadow Ball?

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[quote name='Light Υagami' timestamp='1350673292' post='6048252']
I looked around Reversal Mountain but I couldn't find it. Maybe there are hidden passages I don't know? cause My Chandelure is stuck with Hex. :I

its behind the strange house. go directly east from the Lentimas Town and to the south-east theres a path of grass that leads to the strange house

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[quote name='Light Υagami' timestamp='1350673890' post='6048268']
I got Flamethrower. I just need to upgrade my Chandelure, that's all. Gonna get my Zoroark (given from Rood as N's Zorua) to disguise as Chandelure.
Its funny.... Even if Zoroark's stats were terrible, it would still be good. For the sole reason its like the [i]ONLY[/i] mind-game-oriented Pokemon.

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