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Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2

Phantom Roxas

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1337462129' post='5942751']
What do you mean?

Say I want a Modest Kyogre. Obviously I'd have to save in front of it and keep catching it and resetting until I get one, which might take a while. A Master Ball would speed things up considerably.

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[quote name='♠Decietful King♠' timestamp='1337640599' post='5944363']
It looks like Homika is going to be the eighth gym leader in the anime maybe she's the last gym leader in Black 2 & White 2
CoroCoro says that Homika is the 2nd Gym Leader in BW2. Also i find it stupid why Ash is [b]deciding[/b] to challenge Homika for his 8th badge because the gym is closer instead of going to the Opelucid gym which was suggested he would go next (not to mention the episode in which Homika appears in is a 2-parter, and is the season finale for Rival Destinies - season 15) and imho it'd be stupid if Ash went into Season 16 (Best Wishes 2) having 8 Unova gym badges already.
EDIT: also why would the 8th Gym Leader of a region have an unevolved pokemon in their team, in this case Homika has a Koffing in the series

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Gonna be honest. I kinda agree with some of Shards earlier posts. Black and White wasn't really in my faves, but for different reasons.

Some of the themes they had for Gyms were downright weird, where as others just wouldn't work. This isn't to say pokemon hasn't done this kinda stuff in the past, cuz Psycic(sp?) and Ghost gyms have always been weird. Having said this, they DID finally come up with some new ideas instead of the same old dark room and electric fence garbage they seem to like repeating so much.

The designs of the pokemon never bugged me much, but I couldn't see how some of them arrived in their final evolvement. Like why does Oshawatt become a narwal sea lion half-breed?

The story however, was not as refined as the general populace thinks. When you get right down to the core, it's still a story about a kid who wants to be a better animal abuser than all the rest who gets harassed by a mafia group a lot. They just added a small predictable twist. As far as story goes, I think Colloseum and Gale of Darkness were the best. That and I liked how you looked like and were a badass in Colloseum, instead of being a generic tree hugger. No offense guys.

Yes the battle mechanisms and other stuff was improved, but not that much. At least not compared to the changes that the final fantasy series made in theirs, but that's not the point.

Before I'm called a hater or an elitist though, I'd like to point out, that I still liked this game, and will most likely buy it when it comes out.

Some improvements that I feel they could make and hope to see would be:

-A customizable character/character creator
-A changing story based on decisions made through the game.
-A co-op play (Ash travels with friends, why can't we?)
-Inclusion of all 5 regions and stories following them.

If they can do all of those, then this'll surpass all it's predecessors. If they can do one, it'll be much better than before.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1337716723' post='5945014']
Ash travels with friends because he's a derp and is useless otherwise.

And never explain a story by "getting right down to the core" as you put it. Doing that makes literally everything sound utterly stupid.
Gurren Lagann is about a boy with the power to bend the laws of physics to make drills appear from nowhere that fights furries and aliens in robots.

It REALLY does sound lame like that @_@

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[quote name='Kio-kun' timestamp='1337716284' post='5945009']
The designs of the pokemon never bugged me much, but I couldn't see how some of them arrived in their final evolvement. Like why does Oshawatt become a narwal sea lion half-breed?
Just going to throw it out there that that has been true every generation.

[quote name='Kio-kun' timestamp='1337716284' post='5945009']
Yes the battle mechanisms and other stuff was improved, but not that much. At least not compared to the changes that the final fantasy series made in theirs, but that's not the point.
I still stand by the idea that the 4th gen improved the battle mechanics to the point that they didn't need much changing come this gen.

[quote name='Kio-kun' timestamp='1337716284' post='5945009']
-A customizable character/character creator
-A changing story based on decisions made through the game.
-A co-op play (Ash travels with friends, why can't we?)
-Inclusion of all 5 regions and stories following them.
- Would be nice, but it won't change the game at all. Plus you don't really see your character at when you play side from the over world sprite.
- In all fairness no one plays Nintendo games for the story, but this would be nice.
- Co-op doesn't really work in pokemon, I mean it is a single player game. They could push double battles with friends though.
- Having all 5 regions would be sweet but a few things are holding that back. One is the obvious, thats a LOT of stuff making it hard to do in the normal way. The other big issue is that you get WEIRD scaling for levels. I mean just look at the 2nd gen and how much lower a level they are compaired to the stuff you see in all the other gens. So either things would be a lot worse, or you can't bring your team between regions and that would kind of suck. Don't get me wrong, no pokemon fan wouldn't want this, but it does bring a lot of special challenges.

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@Flame: You've got a point there on the evolution designs. As for the multiple regions, I gave that some thought too.

For starters, a game featuring every region could work data wise if it were A: Online (Elder Scrolls are doing this, so why not Pokemon?) or B: Moved to a console system like Wii or eventually Wii U and Disected into multiple discs like other games have. Leveling would admittedly be hard, but one possible solution would be to make actual leveling more difficult, but also enhance the stat increase when you do level. This way it wouldn't be as weird going to the Elite Four and having them use low level Pokemon. Another possibility, why can't trainers get stronger as you do? It'll keep the Elite Four and gym leaders difficult, but also make levels less weird.

@whoever said getting to the core of stories was lame: Bleach is about a kid who goes and fights demons at night, Gundam is a war between Earth and space colonies in which giant freakin' robots are used and Blue Exorcist is about the son of Satan not wanting to be evil and becoming an exorcist. Do any of those sound all that lame?

That aside, I don't remember saying the story was lame, I said that each games story was overall the same.

Conclusion: Bad argument is bad.

@Flame: You've got a point there on the evolution designs. As for the multiple regions, I gave that some thought too.

For starters, a game featuring every region could work data wise if it were A: Online (Elder Scrolls are doing this, so why not Pokemon?) or B: Moved to a console system like Wii or eventually Wii U and Disected into multiple discs like other games have. Leveling would admittedly be hard, but one possible solution would be to make actual leveling more difficult, but also enhance the stat increase when you do level. This way it wouldn't be as weird going to the Elite Four and having them use low level Pokemon. Another possibility, why can't trainers get stronger as you do? It'll keep the Elite Four and gym leaders difficult, but also make levels less weird.

@whoever said getting to the core of stories was lame: Bleach is about a kid who goes and fights demons at night, Gundam is a war between Earth and space colonies in which giant freakin' robots are used and Blue Exorcist is about the son of Satan not wanting to be evil and becoming an exorcist. Do any of those sound all that lame?

That aside, I don't remember saying the story was lame, I said that each games story was overall the same.

Conclusion: Bad argument is bad.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1337804448' post='5945625']
Those examples aren't in the same vein as "who's the biggest animal abuser". If you're going to have more examples, they need to follow the same formula.

Conclusion: Bad examples are bad.
Pretty much this

and lol@usingbleach when Bleach has become right next to godawful and needlessly repetitive, even to die hard fans.

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[quote name='Kio-kun' timestamp='1337804098' post='5945618']
@whoever said getting to the core of stories was lame: Bleach is about a kid who goes and fights demons at night, Gundam is a war between Earth and space colonies in which giant freakin' robots are used and Blue Exorcist is about the son of Satan not wanting to be evil and becoming an exorcist. Do any of those sound all that lame?[/quote]

No, but I think you just proved the negative. All three of those are [i]terrible [/i]stories. They're fun to watch, yes, because giant robots/swords/what have you, but speaking from a story perspective they're really very weak (especially Bleach. Please ask me what my problems with Bleach are some day, I get a kick off of it). Also, getting to the "Core" of stories is terribad because literary merit is based on execution, not intention- it's the same reason we can't determine how good a book is by the blurb on the back.

I also think you're missing the point. We're not claiming Black/White had a revolutionary story. We're saying it had a revolutionary story [i]for Pokemon.[/i]

The gym leaders had actual [i]character. [/i]They had jobs and [i]personality, [/i]and were occasionally involved in the actual story. Both of the rivals had a [i]character arc, [/i]and both of them faced problems that we might logically expect would arise in this sort of universe. N himself was an exceedingly well done character, to the point where the player isn't sure he's an Anti-Villain or an Anti-Hero or what-have-you, but they [i]do [/i]know that they like him; in fact, N's room was a stroke of genius for the developers, given that it's a pointless chamber that nevertheless tells [i]so much[/i] without uttering a single line of dialogue.

All of this, and more (as I said, Black/White is an exceptional, incredibly polished game from a design standpoint) comes from a series where the last major innovation in its story was a guy who might be a sociopath being a cult leader.

(Also: Colosseum had potential, but the story devolved pretty quickly after the initial parts. It's still up with Black/White as one of the best stories in the series, but it still falls short. XD had an interesting twist, but otherwise was pretty rote.)

One last thing: I see this everywhere but why the heck does everyone want a game where you go to every region? It just sounds silly in my opinion. I'd rather have a single, well-thought out and designed region with a vast number of varied areas that I could explore rather than a bunch of rehashes that, by developer necessity, couldn't be nearly as well-developed or large as a unique property.

More on topic: It's really quite interesting how many old pokemon we're seeing around here. Quite cool how it looks we'll be able to get a Lucario early this gen- I wonder if that's the point? Give us a bunch of pokemon that normally, we can't use because they only appear very late game?

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How about a scenario where you get the chance to team up with Plasma, beat N to a pulp, take over the entire thing, and start those evil random plans of dominating the region using the powers of the Legendaries.

If that comes out, I'm gonna pre-order it the second I hear about it.

OT: Seems pretty nice. I was away from the game for some time, but I think I'd buy this.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1337810715' post='5945704']
How about a scenario where you get the chance to team up with Plasma, beat N to a pulp, take over the entire thing, and start those evil random plans of dominating the region using the powers of the Legendaries.
If that comes out, I'm gonna pre-order it the second I hear about it.

Hey, this actually sounds nice. Almost impossible, but the game would sell like hotcakes if that happened.
Until you find out what happens when you get back home...

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1337810715' post='5945704']
How about a scenario where you get the chance to team up with Plasma, beat N to a pulp, take over the entire thing, and start those evil random plans of dominating the region using the powers of the Legendaries

Although this would be cool for teens, it'd be a horrible idea for a game that's ultimately being aimed for kids 10 and under. Especially with today's gang attractions, which really doesn't make a sh!t of sense.

I admit that upon thought, those were terrible examples, and I can already guess what Hydra's problem with Bleach is, but I feel my point isn't being delivered the way I thought it would.

The main point I was trying to pass was that I'd like the story to be more lenient as far as Gyms go. For example, in Colloseum, you only had to enter one colloseum tournament, where as in the others, you'd be forced to beat a Gym Leader to advance. Rather than being a kid wanting to be pokemon master, why can't I be an average trainer? Seems like everyone else you meet is? I just feel like stopping Team whatever should be the main plot and the Gyms should be secondary if you understand that.

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But they need to be like that to be engaging to the younger players. When you were talking about Colo I nearly forgot what Tournie it was lol (the Deep Colo).

Dark don't beat on N. Bar that an interesting concept, but would never happen.

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[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1337892427' post='5946251']
But they need to be like that to be engaging to the younger players. When you were talking about Colo I nearly forgot what Tournie it was lol (the Deep Colo).

Not necessarily, they just have to keep it moving so that they don't get bored or come out with some gimmick like Colo did with the Shadow pokemon. Besides, and I know I'm gonna be hated even more for this, but the original Digimon World series wasn't about fighting Gym Leaders but was still enjoyable by kids. The Gyms just simplify the plot for them.

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