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how do you sort your yugioh cards you have made


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  • 1 month later...

If you mean how to sort cards into their respective decks, you have to make it so the first part of their ID is the same, then tick the 'Save to Set' checkbox. Then, you can select any specific set of cards you want to look at in a drop-down near the open box, and the open drop down will only contain those cards. The only problem with this is that the only way to save cards to multiple decks is to keep everything the same except for the first part of their ID.

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  • 1 month later...

The 1st thing that you should do is to create a card set name. That will be in the ID section. Here is how it works


the box underneath Circulation: will be Set ID:

Then you type in the 1st box waht name of the deck you want it to be. Then the 2nd box is just random typing.

For a deck or cards that im making, I did AG659 as to be knowned as Ancient Gear Deck 659. The for the 2nd box i just randomly typed in 00CGD. After you do that, you want to chech mark the box saying save to set. Then the card(s) you make will be in you dropdown colum of the deck that you are making.



Hope that this information helps you alot :)

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