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[quote name='ragnarok1945' timestamp='1330667109' post='5851401']
was it a nightcrawler worm?

Do you pull conversations straight out of your 50,000+ posts strong ass? OWAIT. Banned.

OT: Best advice I have ever got from my dad. "A blind guy walked across the road son. Then he got ran'd over. Point is, don't cross the road if you're blind."

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@Dwarven King: 100 & 10+ percent behind ya there, my friend has told me the same thing & Ironically, I did the same to him.....

Brandon: Oh, I should ask her out,
Me: Oh, go ahead, the worse she can say is no(Boy was I wrong)
Brandon: Alright, walks up to her, asks her out
Female: I would lv to, really, but I can't, me & my boyfriend re in a complicated relationship....

Then she had brandon sit down and listen to her & he couldn't leave or she would make him pay a 10 dollar fine for having a beer in his hands earlier.....(even though he was old enough, we weren't suppose to have alocohol in our dorms)

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  • 3 weeks later...

A friend of mine needs help.

I give her the most straight forward answer, with some humor to make her laugh a little. And the answer is legitimately serious and probably the best advice I can give her, especially when she doesn't even give me that much information, I have to pry that sh*t out of her.

She tells me to stop being a smartass and that her situation is serious.


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[quote name='Katniss Everdeen' timestamp='1332976919' post='5893034']
"Dude DO NOT read The Hunger Games! That is the most horrible book series ever! Read Twilight, much better."
Worst. Advice. EVER!!

How is that even advice?
That's like telling you to jump off a cliff without a bungee cable or a parachute.

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