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Mix Deck


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Every weekend my friends and I make new decks for fun and have a mini-tourney to see how they do. This weekend I made a deck with mixed cards from Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba's decks. Rate it.



Blue Eyes White Dragon

Dark Magician

Red Eyes Black Dragon

Big Shield Gardna

Double Coston x2

Gearfried the Iron Knight x2

Giant Soldier of Stone x2

Kuriboh x3

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lampx2

Maha Vailo x2

Mystical Elf

Reflect Bounder

Rocket Warrior



Axe of Despar x2

Black Pendant

Double Summon x2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Pot of Avarice

Premature Burial

Remove Trap

Brain Control

Swords of Revealing Light

The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh x2

Tribute to the Doomed



Call of the Haunted

Magic Cylinder


Negate Attack


Trap Hole


I came in third with this deck.

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In terms of playability and how often it will win against decent decks...absolutely terrible. But since it sounds like it's just for ultra-casual play, it should be fine.


One thing I noticed is that Tribute to the Doomed could be replaced by Fissure, since Fissure is better anyhow, and was actually used by Yugi. Also, Mirror Force please?

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In terms of playability and how often it will win against decent decks...absolutely terrible. But since it sounds like it's just for ultra-casual play' date=' it should be fine.


One thing I noticed is that Tribute to the Doomed could be replaced by Fissure, since Fissure is better anyhow, and was actually used by Yugi. Also, Mirror Force please?



Even at Ultra-casual, it could use work :P


Reinforcements out for Rush Recklessly, because you can. :P

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All of those are great. Thanks. Remember this is just for the mini-weekend tourney. Next week I will post the new deck I made. I'm thinking about a Skill Drain deck because my best friend loves using counters so I'm shure he's making an alien deck next weekend because it's the only counter deck he hasn't made. So, Skill Drain should negate the effects.

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